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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest saf-safx

Im a little insecure.

i bruise easily but I look 'tough' on the outside

i am sometimes jealous of others

i am always trying to better myself (appearance and personality)

i think I have an ED.

i have a fear of being alone and hurt

i used to be really out going and fun but alot of things has happened causing me to change

I have a fear of failing school so I push myself...abit too hard and over work

I know what i'd like to do in the future...but the present confuses me.

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Guest lunastelle

i'm obsessed about my weight/appearance/hair/clothes..etc.

i'm bad at public speaking. (obvious?)

i am insecure.

i count my calories && weigh myself way too much.

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-- I am choosy when it comes to the boyfriend thingy, that is why, MAYBE, i don't have a boyfriend. :unsure:

-- I am not that good at DANCING. (though, they all know, i can dance; no. they are wrong. I can dance but not that great. :tears: )

-- I can ACT like an actress. I just don't know why I can't show it to them. :vicx:

-- I CAN SING. (I also don't know why I have to act like I can't sing.)

-- I wanted have always wanted to be a SINGER. (plus dancer) Seriously,they just don't give me a chance to show it. :tears:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ms_kermi

that i want a boyfriend (my friends would laugh and think i'm trying to be funny if i ever tell them this)

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people tend to forget about me. it's weird because this happens even with my best friends. i don't know why but they just do. like they went out, and they only realized they forgot about me when they all arrived at their destination/on their way there (T.T *sob*)

sometimes when i'm talking, people didn't seem to hear it ...

i'm kind of invisible, and the easily forgotten one. luckily my mom didn't forget to bring me home when we went out when i was a kid. very thankful

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Guest dillies

- i hate it when people won't believe me that i'm single and the fact that i'm 20, had a boyfriend once only to dump him after a week because he's too clingy.

- i hate it when my classmates think that i can get an easy A's just because most of the lecturers are my parents' acquaintances.

- i'm not the kind that always go out, constantly texting or calls people even if they are my loved ones but that doesn't mean that i don't care.

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Guest Chocolate_Truffle

-Is still a virgin (well I'll kind've admit it in real life but don't like to cuz I am 23).

- Is gay

-Love my chihuahua more than any human friend lol.

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Guest antarcticheart

- i am nowhere near as confident as i appear.

- i legitimately want to get rhinoplasty when i'm older. /:

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I want a rhinoplasty since my nose looks like a tomato attached to my face...

I want to kick someone on the face...

I don't like a lot of people...

I'm actually ...shy...

and i hate the fact the everyone keeps pointing out that i'm 24 years old and i've never even had a boyfriend in my entire existence that leads me back to the kick on the face thing...

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Guest Robotronic.Domo

I wasn't raised around my own race(African-American) and I don't really identify with them. I literally identify culturally with just about every other ethnicity, but I'm then called a posed and whatnot. So despite feeling more comfortable with people of other backgrounds, I'm extremely unhappy because I'm rarely accepted by people.

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Guest deathsux

- Bad endings mess me up like when Hermoine didn't end up with Draco, I was seriously crushed. As a result, I now read cheesy fanfiction

- That I hate most of the people I know and if I could I would murder them

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Guest leeseohae

I'm a masochist.

I tend to fantasize about certain things.

I have been suicidal twice.

I have never ever dated but I tell my friends I have.

I pretend to be someone else in front of a crowd.

I'm a frustrated wannabe writer.

I get intimidated easily.

I am paranoid about the future.

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Guest RileyR

Even though everyone thinks I'm really quiet, I have a million things I'd love to say but just can't get out.

When I was a kid I would only play in my closet because it was closed in and made me feel safe.

Sometimes I don't know if I actually said something out loud because I take a long time overthinking it and then no one responds.

I'm gay (not something I would never admit, but haven't).

I told friends at my old school that I was going to prom with a guy at his school so I had an excuse not to go to our school's prom.

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Guest Lila90

- It's been a few years since I've kissed anyone

- I laugh about it but honestly I believe in love at first sight

- That I'm afraid to fall in love

- I don't trust many people

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Guest viathesprout

1. I spend more time online shopping than anything else in my life! :x 

2. I'm pretty sure I'll end up as a batty old cat lady. 

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Guest Chocolate_Truffle

- It's been a few years since I've kissed anyone

Me too. Like a little over 3 years. :vicx:

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Guest auridotprincess

Even though everyone thinks I'm really quiet, I have a million things I'd love to say but just can't get out.

Sometimes I don't know if I actually said something out loud because I take a long time overthinking it and then no one responds.

there are so many things i want to say to, and they are so meaningful and beautiful to me but voicing them and even writing them down is very hard for me. the words never quite come out as right.

also, i always wonder if i say things because generally people don't respond. i used to think it was cuz i talked so low, but it seems no matter how loud i talk, people never hear me. :(

1. I spend more time online shopping than anything else in my life! :x 

2. I'm pretty sure I'll end up as a batty old cat lady. 

my sister told me i'd be a cat lady! haha she said i would be all crazy and name a cat Mr. Butterpaws and i was like hell yeah! he gonna be this little white cat with little yellow paws. and then the room got all silent.... oh and i love to online shop! sometimes i just google random things, like zebra print shoes, or gold mini dress and then i'm like, "Ma, i need to borrow $300 like now! Yes of course it's school related." :)

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