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When Girls Are On Their Period/pmsing

Guest BU_RP

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Guest susan228

It really sucks. I will get really moody and emo all of a sudden and people always ask me 'what happen?'. The next thing is that I'll be suddenly happy and such. It sucks having cramps. I left class once to go to the toilet because of cramp. but on the bright side, I get to skip the boring Civics and Moral class.

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Guest cwizwizz

When i'm Pms-ing, my guy friends are like


and im like .... O.O



but thats so sweet of him to come back to your place with a ferrero rocher :) LOL

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Guest Unanimous

I PMS to the MAX! And it's not even use as an excuse or anything. I like start fights, yell instead of answer, and get really irritated really easy. I don't know I am doing all that until the day; then I look back and was like "opppps.... there goes the PMSing". My s/o spoils me during my time of the month. Cause I also get severe symptoms of crapping and aching. My s/o lets everything slide =) But those are the only days I get away with everything though.

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Guest miyavaki


did any of you girls leak in front of your boyfriends before?

i wonder what their reactions were.



&& it was on his bed T.T

luckily he wasnt mad or anything he just laughed it off and

told me to not worry bout it :vicx:

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Guest underneathHERskin

I was on the xanga homepage and I saw this article on PMS....

Some "dos and don'ts" for boys, and some of girls' recommendations had to do with PMS:

1) As soon as you experience the agony of cramping seven days out of every month, dealing with emotional instability, and having to deal with the mess of tampons and the horror when you realize you've started at work and don't HAVE a tampon while wearing khaki pants and pray to God the toilet paper holds up... once you experience that, feel free to gripe about our PMS. Until then, STFU and get us some chocolate. Yes, it does help.

2) On that same note, do not claim that we are PMSing every single time we are in a bad mood. Chances are good that you've pissed us off in some way and are the cause for this bad mood-- don't blame everything on mother nature.

A reader wrote:

"If I AM pms-ing and I AM upset, it doesn't mean you can just assume my feelings mean nothing. Saying, "Oh, you're JUST pms-ing," is degrading and hurtful. It's the equivalent of saying, "Oh, your feelings don't matter right now because you're just going through your monthly insanity. I'm just going to ignore you." Emotions are exaggerated when you PMS - meaning we're probably pissed at you already. You're just more aware of that fact because of pms."

So basically, to summarize the state of affairs for men out there:

-If a mood swing is NOT related to PMS, mentioning PMS may be hazardous to your health.

-If something IS probably related to PMS, don't mention PMS because it's dismissive of your partner's feelings.

-Men couldn't possibly understand PMS, so don't even try.

-Basically, never ever mention PMS under any circumstances.

WORD? My boyfriend ought to read this. Whenever I get mad, he always always says "Whatever, there goes your PMS again. I should just avoid you."

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Guest aznshordy

that's really sweet. at least he understands why you were like that.

my exes would just stay clear out of my path when it came time lol

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omg... i thought he was your bf. that's like SUPER sweet and how he figured it out and brought you the midol+chocolate.

i don't think being on my period affected my anger.. unless it has and i dont know. when i'm in really bad pain, i just try to go sleep and lay down, cant stand being up and about.

havent had the bad cramps for awhile though, so thank god.

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i do notice that i do get moody fast about a week before my period and when i do have it....

i dont really go off on my s/o but i do go off sometimes on my mom and brother...i usually

tell him that i have it so hes more gentle and nicer to me..lol...

but on another note, i htink compared my s/o and me, he has more moodswings than me...

sometimes he gets mad at me at the littlest things...most of our arguments are started by him...lol..

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Guest yunshin_*

Lol I get moody regardless of PMSing or not. But I do get really moody when I'm PMSing. When I'm actually bleeding, I'm more calm, unless I have cramps. Either way, my guy friends all want to stay away from me once they sense a change of mood lmao.

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Guest cpx3s0ul

aww that's so sweet of him!

according to my bf, i'm moody all the time... regardless of pms. <_< but my mood swings get worse when i'm near my period, i just blow up at everything 100x more than i would normally... he's generally a very easy-going guy... so even when i'm not on my period, and i get angry, he'll just joke around. but when i am near/ on my period, he won't joke at all... he'll just agree with everything i say.

he got me one of those reusable heat pads... it's an eeyore shape, there's this little metal disc inside. when i 'snap' the disc the liquid in the pad hardens and it becomes warm, and i put it against my tummy. it's very comforting, sometimes i'll have it against my tummy and then i fall asleep.

guys, the heat pad really does wonder. find some for your gf! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest takemeaway


did any of you girls leak in front of your boyfriends before?

i wonder what their reactions were.


i haven't been here for a while but :blink: wow dats too devastationg to think about. i think i would be beyond embarrassed :tears: he'll probly be so gross out by me :unsure::crazy:

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Guest peasilla

Haha, I dont have a boyfriend but i have alot of guy friends xD

so wenever i have my time of the month, i'd usually have A LOT of mood swings throughout the dayxD

at first i'd have cramps that annoying me alot..

my mood swings are really weird.. first i feel happy then i get really bi/tchin and spazz at anyone one infront of me.. poor kids.. ==''

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Guest Hidd3nBeauty

i'm a very outgoing, loud, bubbly person..

and so when i'm on it, i'm either yelling

@ everyone, or i'm dead quiet and don't talk to anyone..


but mah bestfriend.. he's really sweet during that time of month..

he'll stay with me, whilst i'm curled up in a ball on the couch,

he'll sit and watch my fave movies with me, cooks me my fave

cookies, and makes sure my heat pack is still warm enough...


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my b/f keeps track of my PMS week

and when it's there, he is more quiet than usual. and he'll take anything in. and doesn't yell back. haha

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Guest Inspector

Things are kinda a little complicated so I can't be too sure about that :/

Complicated in what way? Seriously though...if he did ALL that... he likes you.

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Guest heyitzthatfc

so as the topic title asks: how do you bfs/men handle it when your gf is PMSing? major cramps.. all that jazz :sweatingbullets:

yesterday we went out to eat w/ friends, while we were waiting for our orders my stomach started cramping really bad (i dont know why i chose to go out when i was on it.. goddamn #A^@# ), i was actually tearing up cause it hurt so bad.

he got concerned& kept asking why i was crying (i wasn't really crying, just tears leaking out a bit. PAIN u hear??? ). he wouldn't leave me alone so i snapped at him. he left me alone after that lolz. instead of getting angry at my irrational behavior, he asked the waiter to bring me warm water to help soothe the pain (so sweet ^^). when the food came, he made sure i finished my dish (he thought it was cause i hadn't eaten yet)

i was still in major pain & i didnt feel like going bowling afterwards. he tried to persuade me to stay with the group but once again i snapped cause he was getting irritating (PMS is such a richard simmons , i swear). but nonetheless he tolerated me & offered to give me a ride home. i was surprised he offered cause he was gonna miss bowling night (ritual for us) and i was real mean to him most of the night. he dropped me off & i assumed he went back to hang out with the group.. but half an hour later he shows up at my house again with midol & ferroro rocher (my favorite chocolate). he must've realized it wasn't lack of food that was causing my pain :sweatingbullets: . then he stayed with me for a couple of hrs. i was still mean to him in between .. but it was sweet.

i think back on yesterday and i feel like i was such a meaniepants for pinkberrying at him when he was just being caring. i must've seemed really unappreciative.. :/

he's not my bf (sadly :tears: . i'm so confused on whether or not to confess to him rite now. read my other topic for details :wacko: )

but anyways..

How do you BFs handle it when your girl is on it??

i would expect for u guys (and even suggest) u stay away from her so she won't chew you out (kekeke :lol: )

Do you girls have any stories to share?

Or just any funny stories in general? :P

PS. we dont mean it when we're being mean to you or get overly emotional during that time. honest~

blame hormonal imbalance :blink:

Damn, you sound like an richard simmons when you're on your period.. You better ask the guy out soon because if he's willing to do all that, when you're like that.. Then you know he's good haha.

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Guest babiiqrlxT

Before me and my boyfriend met, we liked each other already, and I think we both clearly knew it but didn't want to be in a relationship at that moment. I started to have cramps and felt something leak. I told my girls that it came, and I think he overheard and he insisted to go to the store and buy me pads if I wanted any. I will never let a guy do that because I don't think it's a man thing to do. At the end I didn't tell him to do that, instead I went over my friend's house. It was very kind of him though.


did any of you girls leak in front of your boyfriends before?

i wonder what their reactions were.


Haha I did, and he didn't react like it's something very serious, he just made fun of me LOL

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