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awwww yayyyy thank you sooo much for sharing!!! haha he looks handsome with spiky hair, straightened hair, fedoras, AND hoodies!!! lol born to be a model much? :wub:

those outfits look so awesome too :D must be super cold in Korea lol :blink:

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im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! exams are finally over and the first thing to start off the celebration: coming back to this thread for more YAI goodies!

he looks so good for the new HAZZYS collection! (what am i saying? - he looks great in everything)..(@thegirlwho: thanks for sharing! the pics are absolutely to die for!) i like that he's still keeping his moon jae shin (kinda unshaven) look. it suits him...altho him clean shaven looks equally good but like park min young said, once he shaves, he looks like a baby! sooo cute!!!!

i wonder if he is going to take up a drama soon and what kind of drama would it be...i love him in saeguks but i wouldn't mind seeing him in a modern drama.

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Guest Asha Summer

just passing by to say hi and share a a must see YAI article from Dramabeans http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/11/yoo-ah-in-models-for-hazzys/

Rxgoodleaf , those pictures are so breathtaking! Aww I envy you! I wanted to visit those places too (someday)! (Is your iterinary includes meeting Yoo Ah In? Hopefully you'll be able to see him before you head back home...and share some pix! hehehe :wub::wub: )

the girl who!, thanks for those pix, he's ...can't find the right word...well he's our YOO AH IN! :w00t:

1crazynyt, you're back! Hello! :wub:

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pls do upload it :D i've been searching for this one also w/ eng sub but i can't find it either..thanks :lol:

Third-world internet is frustrating!! But I found a site where you can download the show.

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hello everyone ^_^ ... just to share an article :

Yoo Ah In for HAZZYS winter photo shoot


Actor Yoo Ah In transformed from his scruffy macho character from “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” into a lovely winter boy.

Yoo Ah In changed 180 degrees recently for a photo shoot with the traditional brand, HAZZYS. The revealed photos had Yoo as a warm winter boy. He flawlessly pulled off his new lovely look with his dreamy gaze and trendiness.

Last fall, Yoo had wowed fans with his cute dandy look, and now his new photo shoot will become the perfect present for fans.

A staff member from the photo shoot said, “We worked in a fresh, bright atmosphere to match the comfortable casual look. Overall, Yoo Ah In really enjoyed this photo shoot, and he naturally led the atmosphere and surpassed a pro model in his various poses. He showed the charm of a lovely boy within his tough manliness, creating a cool shoot.”

Meanwhile, Yoo, who had put off many projects due to his drama filming, is catching up on photo shoots and trying to determine his next project.

source : Allkpop

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Guest aycel02

the girl who! thanks for sharing the pics! i'm getting nosebleeds from Ah In's hotness blush.gif

pooh4ever thanks for the siggies

can't wait for Ah In's next project!

have you guys seen this moon jae shin mv made by swimiki? it's pretty cool!

my hard disk is getting full with Ah In's pics, and videos :P

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Guest Asha Summer

HI EVERYONE! Just passing by, spreading the virus! Please vote for out YAI Sommpi street team here : http://www.soompi.com/streetteams#YAI thanks! :wub:

the girl who! , love, love, love those pics! Thank you girl! I love this one best! naughty and nice! Makes me wonder what he's thingking!LOL 20101119090717745.jpg

the expression reminds me of my nephew when he's thingking something totaly outrageous and I should be totally alert!


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the expression reminds me of my nephew when he's thingking something totaly outrageous and I should be totally alert!


I know that feeling :lol: .. just passing to say hello! ^_^ ...

*waiting for his new project* :wub:

Javabeans article : http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/11/more-from-yoo-ah-ins-esquire-shoot/

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

*** Pictures to be uploaded later, no laptop (traveling light), using computer at the Jeon Ju Guest House ***

OK, I am here! On November 19, 2010 Friday!

전라북도 전주, 전주향교 & 전주 한옥마을 (North Jeolla Province Jeon Ju City, Jeon Ju Hyang Kyo and Jeon Ju Han Oak Village)...

One of Sung Kyun Kwan Scandal filmed locations...

Here is what I did (for your future reference) ;)

Took 고석버스 (equivalent to Grayhound in US) from 동서울 터미날 (East Seoul Terminal) to 전주 터미날 (Jeon Ju Terminal)... cost: 19,900 Won (approx 18 dollars)... 3 hour ride (with one pee break)... 7AM to 10AM...

Once you are at the Jeon Ju Terminal, I suggest going to the Information kiosk... outside the terminal and up the stairs to get the Jeon Ju map then ask how to get to Jeon Ju Han Oak Village... I took a bus number 79 to 전동성당 (Jeon Dong Cathedral), cost: 1,000 Won (approx 95 cents), takes approx 12 minutes (can't remember but 6-7 stops)... or you can take a taxi at the taxi que near the Information kiosk (I was told it will be about 5,000 Won approx 4 dollars & 50 cents to the cathedral)...

Got to the cathedral around 10:30... FYI, the movie, "Promise", was filmed there...

Across the street from the cathedral is 경기전 (Kyung Gi Jeon) which is a shrine... no admission fee... 궁 & 바람의 화원 (Goong & Painter in the Wind) were filmed there... at Kyung Gi Jeon pick up map of Han Oak Village...

Since it was late Friday morning, not much crowd but I still wanted to beat the crowd, so went to 전주향교 (Jeon Ju Hyang Kyo) first... the Jeon Ju Hyang Kyo is located Southeast corner of Jeon Ju Han Oak Village... it's where 명륜당 (Myung Ryun Dang, the lecture hall) and Gurl Oh's 은행나무 (Ginkgo tree) are located...

Took bunch of pictures of the Ginkgo tree... at every possible angle... because I couldn't remember how Gurl Oh sat on it! LOL BTW, the lowest point where someone can possibly sit was about 7 or 8 feet from the ground, so Ah In had to climb up on a stool or a ladder...

Next, I ate late lunch at a curry house (can't remember the name at the moment)... real cute little place... vegetarian curry, hot or mild... that's it on the menu... the curry with rice had mushrooms, nuts and diced carrots and onions... warning: I ate the hot one of course but it got hotter and hotter as I ate, so if you can't take kimchi, order the mild one... it was pretty filling so I think I will have a light dinner...

After lunch, it was about 2PM... decided to wonder around the Jeon Ju Han Oak Village... the Han Oak Village is half square mile (just my guess) of preserved old houses from Cho Sun era... similar to 북촌 한옥마을 (Buk Chon Han Oak Village) in Seoul but bigger... not all the houses are open but a lot of the houses are open for business... for you to experience different things from Cho Sun era... pottery, kimchi making, Korean wine making, wearing Han Bok & learning etiquette to name few... I actually started following this group of Korean tourists to listen and learn from the guide... they do have guided tours but on weekends only and only once a day (as far as I know)... didn't see any English tours...

So, here I am now at Jeon Ju Guest House for the night... it's dormitory style guest house... bunk beds, 4 to 6 per room... separate rooms for female and male... cost: 19,000 Won (approx 17 dollars) for the night (weekends) and 17,000 Won (weeknights, approx 15 dollars)... continental style breakfast included... pretty cheap compared to other places I've checked out... in the spirit of backpacking and 1 night & 2 days travel, I decided to "rough it" ;)...

Plan for tomorrow? Early start to 전라남도 영암, 영암향교 & 구림마을 (South Jeolla Province Young Ahm City, Young Ahm Hyang Kyo and Gu Rim Village... another SKKS filmed location...

*** not advertising or endorsing any of the mentioned places, just telling you what I did ***

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Guest Asha Summer

Rxgoodleaf , have a safe trip and enjoyable time in there! I can tell you're enjoying your trip! Thanks for all those usefull tips, im sure it will be handy for us someday! :wub:

HAVE A NICE WEEKEDS EVERYONE! I'M off for a two days Hibernation once again!

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Guest what_life

wow... the world has been more than kind to us these days. triple dose of YAI goodness in the span of 2 days!! thanks everyone for posting such lovely pics. i'm outta breath from squealing. the esquire photoshoot is beyond adorable. ppl at dramabeans were talking about a mini YAI standing amidst green onions in the esquire shoot. dun mind me 1 of those portable YAI in my pocket to keep me entertained as well :wub: my favorite photo is the cine21 one w/ him sitting on a chair. if i was in the same room w/ him n he's looking at me like that *dies*.... please keep the pics coming!! :wub: :wub:

edit: u know the mole he has at the base of his neck? it's funny how it kinda appears and disappears depending on the shot. is it crazy that i found those 2 moles on his neck sexy? i need help :sweatingbullets:

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Guest tinysunbl

RxGoodleaf unnie, thank you for sharing such a fantastic experience. I can't help smiling when you talk about taking pics of the Ginkgo tree at any possible angle haha. Have a safe and fun trip!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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