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Guest what_life

Finally caught up with where I left off. I love that more and more people actively contribute to this thread. Jaeshinah, you and Rxgoodleaf make a great team of translators in this thread. Thank you so much for the hard work. It took me so long to finally catch up with what I miss because I took my time reading your translations. I just looove reading what Ah In has to say. His brain is so sexy! :wub:

kaewca, you lucky gal you! How in the world were you able to carry a conversation w/ him for 20 minutes?! I'd be squealing and squeaking unintelligible words if I ever meet him in person, which would be followed by me beating myself up for wasting such precious opportunity to have a conversation w/ the intellect Ah In shi.

tinysunbl, yes it's been awhile since I contribute to the YT world, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see so many old and new holding the fort over there to promote our Ah In. It shows the popularity he's been gaining. Now I'm at a lost on what clips to post since it's all been posted! Lol.

Btw, just curious of everyone's opinion. Now that SKKS is over, what type of character/role do you wish for Ah In to take on and in what medium (big or small screen)? I for one am conflicted whether he should take on a drama or movie. Movie usually offers meatier role but at the same time I'm a bit selfish cuz I want Ah In to be accessible to me. Haha... in dramas, I'll see Ah In more frequently and access to subbed material for an international fan like me would be easier. Hence, if he were to be in a drama, I'd love to see him play a character that would be challenging to love. Jaeshin is the type of character you know ppl would love (i.e. handsome, mysterious, w/ painful past, brash, righteous and heroic) and to have someone like Yoo Ah In who brought in his own flavour to create a unique kind of "beastly" character, Jaeshin sky rocketed to every girl's dream man stratosphere. Hence, the increase in fandom. But if Ah In were to play an unsettling character, one who is flawed, the kind you want to hate but can't because you can't completely blame him for the flaws, I think it'd be quite awesome. Kind of a bit like Heuksan from his Chilwoo days I guess. I would like him to intrigue me despite playing such an unsettling character. I don't know if that makes sense. After that, he can follow up w/ playing a character that is more of his age in a fresh lighter drama and addresses issues young ppl face today. He's acting resume is kinda short on those kind of lighter characters. But please let it not be a fluff idol drama. In the end, I have full trust in Ah In's judgment. He will choose wisely and whatever drama/movie he'll be, he'll shine. But dear Ah In, please take care of yourself. Eat more and get some rest. You look like a twig these days.

Anyways, I tend to ramble. So that's my wish and opinion for Ah In's next project ^_^ What's yours?

Btw, welcome to the new ppl. I love that there are many new soompiers and lurkers (like me!) who come out and contribute to this thread! Yay to Yoo Ah In!

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Guest jaeshinah

Finally caught up with where I left off. I love that more and more people actively contribute to this thread. Jaeshinah, you and Rxgoodleaf make a great team of translators in this thread. Thank you so much for the hard work. It took me so long to finally catch up with what I miss because I took my time reading your translations. I just looove reading what Ah In has to say. His brain is so sexy!  :wub:


Btw, just curious of everyone's opinion. Now that SKKS is over, what type of character/role do you wish for Ah In to take on and in what medium (big or small screen)? ... Hence, if he were to be in a drama, I'd love to see him play a character that would be challenging to love. Jaeshin is the type of character you know ppl would love (i.e. handsome, mysterious, w/ painful past, brash, righteous and heroic) and to have someone like Yoo Ah In who brought in his own flavour to create a unique kind of "beastly" character, Jaeshin sky rocketed to every girl's dream man stratosphere. Hence, the increase in fandom. But if Ah In were to play an unsettling character, one who is flawed, the kind you want to hate but can't because you can't completely blame him for the flaws, I think it'd be quite awesome. 

I hope you don't mind I shortened your post =) First of all--I totally agree that his brain is insanely sexy and I love love love translating his words and thoughts because he always makes me think and has new things to say! Also, having translated a range of interviews from 2007 to 2010, I've noticed that he's unafraid to admit when his opinions or philosophies have changed as he has matured with the years. He isn't afraid to say "I thought this when I was younger, but I don't think that anymore," and I think it's so rare that people are able to admit that, particularly as a celebrity in an interview with the media! 

Hmm I am really conflicted over drama v. movie. If he takes on a movie, he has the chance to read the entire script before he decides on the role and he can really take the time to sink his teeth into it, whereas SKKS's filming schedule was absolutely crazy, especially toward the end. I don't want him to be so thin and tired huh.gif And Ah In's first love was movies... I'm very much torn; I can't decide.

I do agree with your point that Jaeshin is the gorgeous bad boy-good heart character everyone loves (I can't get enough of those types... ahahha wub.gif) and while he made a complex character out of what could have remained a simple stock character, it would be very cool to see him in a less "dreamy" role, just to see how great he could be. I think of Ah In like Johnny Depp, almost... (another one of my favorites)--someone with loads of great--maybe brilliant, even--talent who rejects the silliness and fluff of the regular movie/drama/celebrity industry and who purposefully seeks out strange and unique roles in bits that suit him personally in order to become a better actor. Someone who shines in whatever he becomes a part of, even when the rest of the movie or drama is universally panned by critics for everything else (21 Jump Street and Strongest Chilwoo come to mind... lol). Someone who you can't help but notice even when everyone else and everything else is also superb, because he's got something rare and special the others don't. And someone who instinctively chooses the path of honing his craft, even at the expense of general popularity... Johnny Depp is, of course, much older and a much bigger star than Ah In, but I still see important similarities between them and I wonder if YAI has the potential to become the 'Johnny Depp' figure of Asia? =) I think he absolutely does, but as of right now, YAI's resume is a relatively short and he has a lot of acting left to do, and a lot of different roles to explore. It would be amazing to see him take on a role completely different from the darker rebel figures he has tended to portray in the past and try something that challenges both him and us, his audience. Anywayy.. whatever he wants to do, I trust he will make the right decision for himself and will definitely be supporting him! I can't wait to see what he does next~ (after he gets lots and lots of rest wub.gif)

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Wow, for those of you who met him, congrats!!! Its so wonderful, I am sure you will be feeling excited for a long time!

Any pictures to share??

I caught the Ah-in virus too after Sung Kyun Kwan. I swear his lips look so sexy, I really would love kissing them!! ahhahaha

And he is such a good actor too. I read somewhere that he write short stories on his twitter/blog or something like that. Is that true?

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Guest what_life

I think of Ah In like Johnny Depp, almost... (another one of my favorites)--someone with loads of great--maybe brilliant, even--talent who rejects the silliness and fluff of the regular movie/drama/celebrity industry and who purposefully seeks out strange and unique roles in bits that suit him personally in order to become a better actor.

Omo! I love this comparison! You are spot on! Johnny Depp (whom I also adore), as you've acknowledged is a bigger and more experienced actor than Ah In, but they sort of share that same quirky unique disposition. And they do follow their own path and are not constrained by the mainstream (btw, I love Yoo Ah In's opinion on mainstream vs non mainstream). It would be awesome if Ah In does become the Johnny Depp of Asia. Ah In, I wish you all the success!

Okay, 1 more clip and then I'm out! Someone posted Yoo Ah In pic from a TV show where he sported ahjumma hairstyle (I swear I thought at first it was actually a wig! :D ). I dug around and found the clip. Ah In has v. v. small screen time. KBS only has LQ clip so again you might go cross-eyed but it's for Ah In!! I say why not! :w00t:Deeta and Jaeshinah were right that this is from KBS' Sponge variety show. The celeb guests have to guess the correct word that goes to several statements submitted by the viewers. I have no clue what was being said but oh well. Enjoy!

Yoo Ah In Sponge Clip


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Btw, just curious of everyone's opinion. Now that SKKS is over, what type of character/role do you wish for Ah In to take on and in what medium (big or small screen)?

Ugh this one's a toughie. First of all, I'd like it if it was a movie. Movies tend to facilitate an actor's acting ability and bring out its fullest. Maybe it's because movies tend to be more complex than dramas. Not all actors can be movie actors and that's why when you get leads in a movie, you've made it. I also tend to have short attentiveness for dramas because many, many dramas have great beginnings but then drags in the end. A couple of examples are Coffee House and Cinderella's Sister. Sungkyunkwan is a rare few, and Mr. Yoo should be glad the writers are really well this time. The stories are quick paced and always entertaining. For movies, though, you only have 1-3 hours to tell a story. It's easier on the actor, because he knows how the story will end from the beginning and such, and also the viewer.

About the type of character he might play, now I have no idea. Maybe something that requires him to show superb acting chops. There's this movie I know, 3-Jib (I forgot the English title), and stars Jaehee. That movie is so eerie but very interesting at most. It's almost a silent movie and if an actor could to this, he has proven his acting greatness. Sadly not that many scripts are like this. But if I were to pick a role, maybe a political one? I hate politics but I do know making a movie about politic angst needs awesome acting. And he needs to gain some pounds anyways and characters in political films tend to be... um, firm. It'd be also nice if he one day played an adult role, not that he hasn't done one. But all his roles are about youth, youth, youth! At his age of 25, I would consider that person to be more of an adult, no? But I doubt he'll want to stop acting the bittersweet youth just yet. Maybe he should play a psycho. That'll be fun. But then I'll be freaked out. Okay, never mind.

Ah I know! A sports movie! It's filled with youth, a pretty challenging act (a lot of sports films do fail if they were handled wrong) and it will fulfill my wish that he should gain more weight. Antique doesn't count. He acted as a boxer but it's not a sports movie. Hm... whatever. I could go on and on but in the end, it's him who chooses. Of course.

Yay that's all! I'm sorry if a lot of my writing is a bit everywhere. I'm super tired right now but I just need to do this ;D Cheers, everbodeh!

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Guest raitei044

Omo! I love this comparison! You are spot on! Johnny Depp (whom I also adore), as you've acknowledged is a bigger and more experienced actor than Ah In, but they sort of share that same quirky unique disposition. And they do follow their own path and are not constrained by the mainstream (btw, I love Yoo Ah In's opinion on mainstream vs non mainstream). It would be awesome if Ah In does become the Johnny Depp of Asia. Ah In, I wish you all the success!

Okay, 1 more clip and then I'm out! Someone posted Yoo Ah In pic from a TV show where he sported ahjumma hairstyle (I swear I thought at first it was actually a wig! :D ). I dug around and found the clip. Ah In has v. v. small screen time. KBS only has LQ clip so again you might go cross-eyed but it's for Ah In!! I say why not! :w00t:   Deeta and Jaeshinah were right that this is from KBS' Sponge variety show. The celeb guests have to guess the correct word that goes to several statements submitted by the viewers. I have no clue what was being said but oh well. Enjoy!

Yoo Ah In Sponge Clip


Lol. That vid is just...CUTE!! YAI really looks so cute in there, but I just can't get over his hairstyle. ROFL. I can't stop giggling. wink.gif

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Guest tinysunbl

I think of Ah In like Johnny Depp, almost... (another one of my favorites)--someone with loads of great--maybe brilliant, even--talent who rejects the silliness and fluff of the regular movie/drama/celebrity industry and who purposefully seeks out strange and unique roles in bits that suit him personally in order to become a better actor.

To me Ah In is like Heath Ledger (Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp are my only Hollywood crushes, btw). While Jonny Depp is best when he's an oddball, Heath Ledger is best when he acts angsty and emo. Heath is also a very versatile actor who can channel his energy and emotions into a variety of roles. And there's no need to mention his on-screen charm and charisma. I think I have found my Asian Heath Ledger through Ah In.

@what_life: thanks so much for the Sponge clip!


I just love how the signatures of almost everyone here have that self-proclaimed "infected with...virus" slogan!!!!!!! Hhahahaha this is a real sickness

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Btw, just curious of everyone's opinion. Now that SKKS is over, what type of character/role do you wish for Ah In to take on and in what medium (big or small screen)?

haha I'm back :D

Okay as a response to this question, I may sound ignorant just because I don't really know YAI well enough to respond like other seniors here..mian~

but anyways, I would love for Yoo Ah In to return in a DRAMA. And since he did say in one of the interviews that if they make a sequel to SKKS 2 years from now that he'll really consider it, I WANT TO SEE YAI IN SKKS 2!!! :D haha but for now, he's debating whether to join another project right away or rest first. I'd srsly prefer YAI rest considering he lost 5kg tears.gif However, due to his rising popularity, I think it's best if he continues so his fame is continuous (even tho i know there are many loyal fans out there like you and me, of course)...I know i'm greedy sweatingbullets.gif

As for roles, what_life made a great point that he should consider roles that you hate but can't cause you can't blame him for his flaws. Well.....I do want that but next time, can he get the main girl please? CAN HE BE THE LEAD FOR ONCE? (like in "Cinderella's Sister" where Moon Geun Young's character is really flawed but she's the lead)...I would love to see a happy ending from him :wub:

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To me Ah In is like Heath Ledger (Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp are my only Hollywood crushes, btw). While Jonny Depp is best when he's an oddball, Heath Ledger is best when he acts angsty and emo. Heath is also a very versatile actor who can channel his energy and emotions into a variety of roles. And there's no need to mention his on-screen charm and charisma. I think I have found my Asian Heath Ledger throuin gh Ah In.

sorry to cut your post

I know this is sooo funny and some would find this odd comparing YAI to hollywood stars but hey just for fun...

Both JD & HL are so good and gorgeous men but i would take YAI as my TOM HANKS (geez too old you say) but every work is a masterpiece if not classic. And after seeing him running in MWCM i'd say RUN! FORREST RUN! :)

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Guest Shiroiyuki

Btw, just curious of everyone's opinion. Now that SKKS is over, what type of character/role do you wish for Ah In to take on and in what medium (big or small screen)?

^I would love any character he'd play whether it's the small or the big screen as long as we get to see him. But let us just hope that he doesn't get paired with a lady... :phew:

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Guest Asha Summer

^I would love any character he'd play whether it's the small or the big screen as long as we get to see him. But let us just hope that he doesn't get paired with a lady... :phew:

AGREE! Any role will be ok. I'm sure he'll do well in it regardless, HE IS YOO AH IN. But, I would love to see him playing the MAIN LEAD too,(to be fair with other character, he can overshadow the mainlead sometimes, so I think it is time for him to BE ONE!)

I mentioned before, I would love to see him playing the main lead of MAID SAMA! Hehehhe, it would be fun i think. (I don't mind seeing him getting the GIRL for once! heheheh)

For hollywood style acting, I love to see him doing some BRAD PITT'S earlier movies (ok, he is my first obession! that was a looooong, loooooooong time ago though , I've move on HONESTLY!) . Seeing him playing Tristan of Legends of the Fall, dreamy... :wub::wub:

OOPPPS top the page: Share this! hehehhe! YOO AH IN LEGENDS of the FALL legends_of_the_fall_ver1copy.jpg?t=1289545633


this just for Fun...YOO AH IN (Johnny Depp?)


Have anice weekends everyone!

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Guest jaeshinah

Asha Summer!!!

Your POTC posters of Ah In made me literally laugh out loud. HE LOOKS SO GOOD!!! hahahahha I love love love them, excellent job :D

Also, tinysunbl: Really excellent comparison of Heath & Ah In... may he rest in peace <3 I do agree that Ah In is oh-so-good at playing the darker, more angsty characters but I would love to see him expand his repertoire as he gets older.

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Guest Shiroiyuki

I mentioned before, I would love to see him playing the main lead of MAID SAMA! Hehehhe, it would be fun i think. (I don't mind seeing him getting the GIRL for once! heheheh)

^Looool. Now, why didn't I think of Kaichou wa maid sama?? It'd be totally weird to see Ah In in blonde hair...

It's okay for me if he gets paired up with a lady.....as long as it's Park Minyoung or one of my ultimate biases (Boram, Ga-In, Dara)

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i love how Yu Ah In can look so cute and so hot at the same time!

new obsession! i really really really want to just watch him more now, and i want to see him as lead in a drama or something with my favorite actresses like Han Hyo Joo or Go Ara, lol

He's the first asian actor that i REALLY like with facial hair. ah, soooo sexy!

I love his role as Moon Jae Shin, he was so fun to watch. He's all tough one moment and then all shy from the girl Kim Yoon Shik lol

and he has the CUTEST smile! when his eyes get all sqquinty and his smile is big i find myself grinning like an idiot

those are really great pictures you all put up!!

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i really like that interview of his where he talks about being Jae Shin. i never really know how actors think in real life and it was nice to see him brining out his thoughts about his character and what he thought should have been improved with MJS along with how he wanted the ending to be. it's really interesting the way he predicts MJS to become Left Minister, and how he is so dedicated and professional with acting, thinking through his role and wanting to go further with it so that it isn't so cliche and normal. i really liked MJS, of course, but it's great reading his own opinion of MJS and the rest of his feelings about acting.

He really is a deep thinker and i like reading that side of him. wow, i'm liking him even more and more!

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Guest janjher

[iNTERVIEW] Actor Yoo A-in - Part 1 (10asia)

Actor Yoo A-in has played a variety of roles, particularly of characters in their youths from different walks of life starting with the sweet high schooler in KBS TV series "Sharp" to the lost teenager in film "Boys of Tomorrow" to the lonely warrior in KBS' "Mighty Chil-woo" to the energetic patissier aspirant in film "Antique" and the 'guy these days' in KBS' "He Who Can't Marry."

Then most recently, he was Moon Jae-shin in KBS drama "SungKyunKwan Scandal" who was the outsider of royal academy SungKyunKwan, a fighter who resists corrupt society, and a romantist who watched the woman he loves from afar -- the very symbol of youths experiencing growing pains.

Yoo is 24 now and has grown a beard on his tanned face but whenever he smiles, he goes back to being the fair-complexioned boy whom viewers first saw on screen seven years ago. 10Asia met with the actor who came up with his own stage name A-in, meaning 'ein' in German, to constantly remind himself that he is a unique being in this world. It was not easy keeping up with the numerous ideas existing within the young man but it was definitely worth hearing.

10: You wrapped up filming of "SungKyunKwan Scandal" on the day it ended its run. How have you spent the past few days? I think you must've been busy doing everything you hadn't been able to recently.

Yoo A-in: I've been drinking the whole time since I don't have to work at night. (laugh) But no matter till how late I drink, I've been waking up early because it's become a habit from filming "SungKyunKwan Scandal." It makes me angry. (laugh) I actually get drunk pretty easily, maybe off half a bottle of soju [Korean vodka]? And I stay that way until I pass out. But I can't pull all-nighters anymore. I go home at around two or three in the morning. Why am I talking about drinking?

10: Let's talk about your drama. (laugh) You mentioned before that you took on "SungKyunKwan Scandal" with the determination that you would play the role of Moon Jae-shin. What was it about that character that was so appealing to you?

Yoo: I think I was drawn to who he is within the drama. He would be away from the other students at the royal academy of SungKyunKwan, climb a gingko tree and sit there alone, as well as wear his clothes and hair differently but it's not because he wanted to stand out. At the same time, it was refreshing that he was only an outsider at SungKyunKwan, not from the entire world. I become curious about why he lived in that space like that when he had taken an exam to enter it and I felt he was similar to me.

10: SungKyunKwan is sort of a space you could call a school.

Yoo: But it wasn't a school that the entire population went to or similar to the schools we went to. It was where people took extremely elite courses during the Joseon Dynasty. From what I know, there were less than 500 students at the academy and you got into politics as soon as you graduate from there so it was probably like law school. Being an outsider there is different from the kid who stares out the window at an ordinary school since it's usually not easy for kids taking such elite courses to act like that. (laugh) They're too smart and want to become mainstream, as well as being sly enough to know how to act in the right way at the right time. So I was very curious of what Jae-shin was thinking, how he could be so different alone.

10: Then what did you feel or discover while acting his role?

Yoo: Towards the end I came to feel that he's a very tender-hearted person, that he's a real kid. (laugh) That's why it was difficult to control my acting in showing how he has trouble expressing his emotions versus him also being straightforward and blunt. I also think I may have gone too deep in terms of emotional expression when portraying how he feels towards Yoon-hee (Park Min-young). In dramas, female characters are usually slow when it comes to love but I too had played so little roles in which my character loves someone. (laugh) I thought a lot about how to shoot the scene where in the 19th episode, I drop off Yoon-hee in front of the prison Seon-joon (Park Yu-chun) is at and tell her to go see him by herself. I talked to the director a lot about this, on whether it's something that Jae-shin would actually do or if it just couldn't be helped because according to the plot of the story, he has to pull back.

10: I actually was curious on what it was that Jae-shin felt for Yoon-hee.

Yoo: Yoon-hee was a character Jae-shin had been interested in from the first moment they met, even before he developed romantic feelings for her. He used to be a guy who has his back turned against the world, regards all students at SungKyunKwan in the same way, and is prejudiced about them just like they are about him. But I think he changes after meeting Yoon-hee who has a lot of spunk, is funny and interesting. And in that process, he develops feelings for her, then finds out she's actually a girl, so I think he came to want to protect and care for the lovely eyes and heart she has. And in both the drama and original comic, Yoon-hee is meant to end up with Seon-joon so according to that outcome, I tried to show that he also wants to protect her in a brotherly way.

10: It wasn't only the romance but also the process of how the characters grow that served as the framework to "SungKyunKwan Scandal." The moment that left a strong impression about Jae-shin in particular was when in tears, he says to his dad, whom he resented since the death of his older brother, "I acted up that I was hurting more than you. I was wrong. And I was sure that I loved brother more than you did. I was wrong about that as well."

Yoo: What I felt was so child-like about Jae-shin was how poor he was at expressing himself and how he didn't know what to do about how he felt. He was so much of an idealist that he was trapped inside his own thoughts and felt, 'Nobody hurts more than I do. Nobody is having a tougher time than I am. My pain is the worst.' Because surprisingly, people with such pain or sadness feel that they're more superior. There was a time that I felt like that as well. Of course, I don't think Jae-shin has matured that much. But he's someone who has a hard time taking even a single step forward while others are taking ten, so even that single step is extremely significant. I think it's significant in that he tore down the walls around him, came to realize that his pain wasn't all that existed in this world, that he was able to talk about it in tears, and smile afterwards.

10: Was there an emotion there that was difficult to show?

Yoo: It was extremely difficult having to laugh at the end of the seventh episode when the king visits SungKyunKwan to give a religious service and shoots an arrow. For every role I've played so far, even when my character is someone who is extremely sad or in pain, I tended to smile a lot and show my emotions the way they are but I just couldn't figure out how to smile as Jae-shin. I got the script about a week or two before shooting the scene and standing in front of the mirror, I tried smiling this way and that but I just couldn't figure it out. Of course I can smile in a way that'll make me look pretty. (laugh) But I wanted to find an emotional link that could lead to laughter. I had the scene re-shot as well but I still don't think I pulled it off 100 percent.

10: I think you're the type that can't bear not immersing yourself in every scene.

Yoo: It's because there's a reason I say my lines and put on expressions but I would sometimes end up doing them for no reason. I would say a line, laugh, or give a look without thinking about it. (laugh) Oh, and that's not automatic, I very much so do it on purpose. It's also a technical aspect. Of course, there are also people who want to see such things and it makes my job easier too. When I was tired, there were moments I thought, 'What's the need for a reason, I'll get an okay sign for it." In that sense, there are things I'm both happy and sorry that "SungKyunKwan" ended. Jae-shin wasn't a character I pulled off perfectly so maybe I could have done better.

10: What did you feel while shooting "SungKyunKwan Scandal" based on your past learning or experience?

Yoo: The aspect that I felt I lacked the most in creating Jae-shin was vocalization. Set aside the experience I have in showing my emotion through my acting, having good vocalization is a basic quality required of all actors but no matter how much I wanted to produce other sounds, my throat and breath would reach a limit so I could only produce certain sounds within that. And it's not just about the sound. It's something which could expand my character's range so I'm disappointed I wasn't able to do that to its fullest.

10: I heard that you worked hard to correct your pronunciation and vocalization from a long time ago and you've improved a lot now.

Yoo: I heard from a lot of people that I have a lisp. (laugh) And it's not that it's gotten much better now -- I just think people notice it less after I started to say my lines more naturally. My pronunciation isn't that good either. I mumble. But technically, I'll lump my words together rather than define each word so I think that helps my lines look more natural. (laugh)

source : 10asia

[iNTERVIEW] Actor Yoo A-in - Part 2

10: In "SungKyunKwan Scandal," all four of you were of similar ages. How was that?

Yoo: I was prejudiced about them. I wasn't able to get close to them in the beginning because of the thought that celebrities will be like this and that and that's why I usually don't become friends with them. (laugh) I understand that they can't help being self-centered, that what they feel is important, and they need to receive more attention. But I rid myself of a lot of them -- through Yuchun, my prejudice of idols and Hallyu stars, through Min-young my prejudice of fellow actresses, and through Song Joong-ki my prejudice of actors. So in the way that Jae-shin came out of his shell and came to accept Yoon-hee, Seon-joon and Yong-ha, I myself came to see these people in real life in a good way which means I myself matured as well. I had fun shooting the drama. I just wish we had more honest conversations about acting. But what I thank Joong-ki for is that he gave me a lot of advice comfortably. I came to realize that he's not just plain sly, he's sly in the sense that he wants what's best for everyone.

10: Writing is an act which contains your will to express something that you feel inside. You had mainly been writing on your Cyworld account and started writing on Twitter a few months ago. How has that been?

Yoo: When I'm away from home, I'm in dire need of the time and space that will let me go back to being myself. For three to four months, I felt uncomfortable not being able to live my life as myself. So being able to voice what I think and communicate with people through Twitter as Uhm Hong-shik, as actor Yoo A-in, was very comforting. In a way, it's a blessing and honor, and I learned a lot from the thousands of responses I receive from my single comment. Of course, some were just light or routine remarks but quite a lot of the responses awakened me and taught me lessons, as well as reminding me of what a closed person I am. So, I'm going to stay on Twitter. (laugh)

10: I actually think it's not easy to do Twitter because thousands and ten of thousands of people are reading it.

Yoo: A lot of people want me to stay on Twitter but at the same time, it makes me speak up less. And it's not easy to go against that. It's not like I was born as an independence fighter or anything of the sort. I like what's comfortable and I wish I had nothing to worry about. But that really means I would have isolated myself and I know it'll turn me into a miserable person so I sometimes force myself to write. It's not because I'm dying to write but because not being able to makes me very unhappy so I'm trying to continuously tell myself 'I can do it, I can speak up, I will keep speaking, I know you want to put a gag in my mouth but I will keep speaking, I will not lose, I am not incompetent.' It's very hard work.

10: So are you saying that it's difficult to be your real self but you want to continuously make sure that you are being real?

Yoo: Yes, and not just about acting. I think it's about everything about being someone in his twenties. I actually have a desire to just live a very peaceful life. I want to live comfortably, and of course I also sometimes think that I would like to make money by just smiling pretty but I think I also trying to push such thoughts out and try to force myself to be someone in his twenties. I'm someone who matured early and I know the rules to living life tactfully but I have to let go of them. I'm in the dilemma of being too realistic versus trying not to stay realistic because being mature means that you know the answers so you will stop and settle to protect what you have but that's immature. I think the true way to be mature is to continuously seek answers, ask questions and go forward as well as fail at times. That's why I wish people would use the world 'youth' in a different way. When people say, "He's still in his youth," it usually means that person is immature and a passionate idealist but I wish it could be used to refer to young people who are truly mature and are upright.

10: You've also written about labor and human rights-related issues on your Twitter account. And they're thoughts that anybody with a mind for social issues could have but celebrities are usually branded as being 'political' the moment they mention speak their mind on such matters. this could end up being very bothersome for you so aren't you worried about that?

Yoo: I am. I'm worried and scared to death. I can't sleep at night after writing such things. (laugh) But from what I judge, someone who can't do that is dead, or at least partially. I want to live a decent life, not just be alive because I'm breathing. I even think I should be allowed to talk about politics because like actress Ko Hyun-jung's character says in SBS TV series "The President," it's irresponsible to regard politics as a bad thing when we're all citizens living under strict political control. I won't do something just because it's good or criticize sharply just because something's a social issue. I just think that I can at least play the role of introducing what I can truly relate to, express what I feel feel and share thoughts with other people. Although it's sad that that's very difficult to do in the society we live in and the celebrity system I'm in.

10: I think it must be tiring to have to live according to a system or standards of society even when they don't mean much to you. Plus Korea has very high ethical standards of people who are in the arts in the commercial sense.

Yoo: Because the moment I package myself, I'm not just showing myself to people in a certain way but I trap myself in that packaging. That's why I'm trying to make the size of my wrapping large and show that I'm someone who'll curse, who will drink and go clubbing. It's nothing really but I need to make conscious efforts to do that because it's as if right now, it's not permitted.

10: When you create the image of being an ethically faultless person, sometimes that's all there is left about you.

Yoo: That's right. As our perspective broadens and our standard for culture heightens, I also want there to be a larger and broader variety of people to exist but I'm just a single 25-year-old actor. That's why I think it would be nice to have a senior in his 30s or 40s who says this because I could come off as rude. Someone who can show that they can find happiness as a human being even as a celebrity.

10: Won't that change since we live in times where even actors are changing?

Yoo: I do feel that it's changing. But the problem is that young actors or singers adjust themselves to the system they're in. As if it's only natural. The young kids are thinking, 'This is what celebrities should do, they should smile and act like this, and celebrities have to wear hats that look like this...' I think it's very, extremely bad to get into this business before establishing your moral standards. That's why I wish young people wouldn't become celebrities at a young age. I too wouldn't if I could go back to being young. Also, it's almost impossible to establish a real sense of your self. Some people may say I regard work too lightly which they're right about. My work is not serious compared to my life and even more so compared to the real life I live as a human being. So whoever wants to become a celebrity, I hope they starts with the thought that becoming a happy person comes before becoming a happy actor. I just want everyone to be happy.

10: Well if you've had a hard enough of a time that you never wanted to be an actor ever again, what has pushed you to move forward so far?

Yoo: I think I've been honest. (laugh) I was sure of my convictions and the path I need to take, and the reason I could bear through everything was probably because I wasn't in a rush. For example, people think they can sacrifice and compromise ten years to achieve a huge and ideal dream ten years later. Going to school is similar. You could spend that time in a happier way but you sacrifice yourself to an extent for the future. But I also think that from that process, you can definitely protect your convictions and take a step closer to your goal while living a life you're happy with. And it doesn't have to come when I'm 25 but when I'm 35 or 45. I also think it's better to remember who I am and take a slower path rather than losing myself while trying to shorten that time period. Although I may talk right now as if I know something, I too am not sure of how I'll change. But I think celebrities saying that they won't forget their original resolution is different from them saying they will always be humble. Original resolution should be at the bottom of everyone's hearts and it's about knowing what you're working for, what you're looking for and what your happiness is about. That's why although it's supposed to be most important, it gradually becomes second important then third important... then you start to change. So no matter how tough of a time I'm having, I need to make sure it stays my priority! (laugh) Even if I may let the rest of me become more realistic.

source : 10asia

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Guest tinysunbl

Hi guys..

I have some pics of Yoo Ah In in Thailand to share. Now he's back to South Korea.

Have a nice day..all of you :D



credit: on image

Thanks so much for sharing with us the pics. Were these pics taken with Ah In's permission? If these are fan pics without his permission, is it possible not to spread them around? As much as I love to know everything about him, I feel like his privacy should be protected, especially by his fans.

I'm deep in love with the 10 Asia article. Thoughtful and bitterly honest. The first part is def. my fav. I love how he gave even the smallest scenario like a smile so much thoughts. I also love how he relates himself to Gulo: it's impossible to hate Ain knowking Gulo and vice versa!

The 2nd and 3rd interviews are just so honest. I love how he's so assertive and just speaks how he would love his fans to be. And the honest admittance that he feels uncomfortable when people shower him with love beyond what he does as an actor. And how he gets more freedom within his agency now that he's more famous. Reading these thoughts, I can't help but wishing him a free and happy life. He's way to precious for the conformist entertainment world (and society).

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