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[THE OFFICIAL] IU 아이유 Thread


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class="subject"[sTARCAST] “Can even hear the breath~”… IU, little theater diary naverenter | 2014.05.26 14:16
last updated | 2014.05.26 18:47
“IU flower has bloomed♪"   Hello, readers of ‘STARCAST’. I’m IU who has come back with ‘Just one step… That much more’. I have been meeting you at Merry Hall in Sogang University since 22nd.
Why a sudden flower? My introduction is late. This is my friend who is going to be on stage with me. I’m giving water in my concert’s spare time. Its growth day by day resembles me, right?
It has been 5 days since the concert has begun. I’m getting familiar with the stage of my little concert. I’m going to look back that day’s thrill by looking at the picture of first day concert. Follow me!

  This concert’s theme color is light purple. It is the main color of the ‘A Flower Bookmark’ album. Does the spring flower come across your mind? So we have equipped light purple devices at the concert hall here and there.


“Light purple lighting”


"Light purple microphone!"

  Lastly, the piano. We have shined it with purple flower pattern with the projector. I played the piano by myself at the opening of the concert. Audiences asked whether I was the real IU. Yes, I am IU. I showed my piano playing skills at this concert, haha~
Since the stage introduction is over, I will release the rehearsal scene.
  ▶ Dancing IU: They say that ‘Uaena’ knows even when I put my hands up, right? Yes, the regular concert song, ‘You know’ is being performed. There is no other song like this one. I, who am clumsy in dancing, have practiced dancing. But, still I feel embarrassed.  

▶ IU reading script: Are they scripts? No, it’s the stories from my audiences. I have prepared time to communicate with my fans close at this concert. I am reading it in advance. The details of it are coming~ soon.  

▶ Earnest IU: This concert is mainly contained with ballad songs. I have filled it up with calm songs since I’m holding a little theater concert and complete live is much important than performances. I have checked the sound more meticulously and tried to maintain complete throat condition.  

"Mind Control~♬"


"Call my name~"

  I have rehearsed for about 2 hours. It’s already 8 o’clock, time to meet my audiences.

This is a picture of right before the concert started. 400 fans have visited this concert hall this day. What’s the strong point of this little theater? It’s the distance between the audience and stage. It is because they can even hear my breath. How close is it?  

The distance is this~ close. I could even see the face of the person at the very backseat. Is it because of that? There was no other concert that was trembling like this one. I shook my hand which I was holding the microphone. I was nervous since I could see all my audiences’ facial expressions.  
  However, this would be the charm of the little theater. I sang by looking into the eyes of my audiences. There were people smiling brightly and listening to my song having their eyes closed. I got encouraged by those images. I sang in live in order to meet their expectations!  
  That thrill can be felt even when I look at the pictures. But, don’t I look a little hot? I planned to take off my jacket after the opening…. But I sang 3 more songs by wearing the jacket since I was too nervous. I was sweating. I’m sloppy, right? I hope my performance was not.  

There were no male choruses this day. So audiences sang the male part when I sang ‘Gungtari Shabara’ and ‘Friday’. I expected a little, but I didn’t know it would be like this.... They sang rap in one voice. My fans are usually calm, but they had improved! I was surprised.
  Shall we talk about the stories since I have performed some songs? I have made a special corner for my audiences so called, ‘Starry Night, Blue Night FM Music City, I’m IU’ (panting). This is the corner where I sing songs requested after hearing fans’ stories. There are many props at my side, right?

First is a recorder. I have played it in spare moments of the concert. There were off-pitches since I was trembling so much. But please understand me since I wanted to show you different images. It’s a secret in which song I played it, since there are people who haven’t seen the concert yet.  

 This is a sign introducing the talk concert. I have made it by myself with colored papers. They are uneven. Is the green colored one a starfish? (Speaking with emphasis) No, it’s a ‘star’. Banners which fans made were really pretty, but I still have a long way to go to catch up.  

This was the time when I could listen to my fans better than ever. Especially there were various episodes. There were couples having their 1st anniversary, a fan that had to join the army in 3 days, etc. Since we shared daily stories together, I felt close to them. Do I feel this way just on my own?

“I can hear my fans♪"

  I will try to change the atmosphere after the talk show is over. I will come back at the second part after I change my clothes.  
  I reappeared after wearing a cozy knit one-piece. I sang the songs contained in ‘A Flower Bookmark’ from now on. I did my best since it was the first time performing them. I performed dance in some songs. Clumsy IU dancing….  It’s overwhelming and a lot to take in~
  Shall I spoil something now? Can you see the special set ups on the stage of ‘My Old Song’? It is called ‘IU Tree’! Pictures of my past are hanging on the branches. It is not a real tree, but made with a screen.  

It is the last encore stage. It’s the medley of IU hits which made IU remain until now. I performed the cover of ‘You & I’, ‘Good Day’, and ‘The Red Shoes’ in acoustic version. They were arranged perfectly. I feel sorry that I cannot sing those songs to our ‘STARCAST’ readers.
  I bow deeply at the waist to my audiences who came to the concert.
Thank you for your time at this good day. It has been a good memory to me also. It was good to breath with you so close. My service to you.
“I will love my fans just one step more”

Writing= IU
Arrangement = Kim Hye Won (Dispatch)
<Picture> = Loen Entertainment

note:mian, spoiler didn't work ..
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@9jill9 (page 325):

She has called this her "time off" so I am surprised at how hard she is working.  In on of her clips she says that people have commented to her that she is working enthusiastically putting this concert series together.  I expect that, again, she is working very hard.  So with all this hard work, seeing the filter mask made me wonder if she was over-working herself and running herself down, so that there was some concern she might be susceptible to catching something.

I guess everyone has their own idea of "relaxing".  I remember in an interview clip for "Dream High" that one of the guys from 2PM listed a bunch of things he would do on a day off, because he felt he was falling behind his group-mates, whereas someone else said he would sleep, and then wake up to eat, and then sleep some more.  I guess IU's idea of relaxing is closer to the first guy's.

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IU sang her OWN composition called Drama at her concert. She also sang Pharell Williams Happy & Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack.

Translated lyrics for IU self composition. I heard it already and can tell u that it's good but I can't link you the song. Fans (include me) have come to agreement that they will only be shared after the concerts ended


I once held his hand and became the most important character in the whole world.

Every flower, every petal, blossomed just for me.

Olympic Boulevard, Ttukseom Resort, Seochon alleys, and pretty restaurants.

Will the jewel-like lines from my script that I stumbled over

let me be able to love to my heart’s content again? 

Or let me hear compliments that I’m pretty again?

One day, just one day, if the opportunity arises, 

I’ll do all I can to shine brightly.

(recorder music)

When did the background music suddenly change into a minor key?

Left all alone in the filming set with the lights out,

I’m just an average girl playing a minor role.

My clothes, the sky, the night, it’s all lies.

My drama comes to a close like this again.

Has it even started, or has it already ended?

Translated by squishy

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@nikki89 Well done for being a good IU fan, and thanks for sharing the story about the Sewol survivor and the lyrics to Drama. It's so heartwarming to know her fans can rally together like one family and protect her in so many ways; they totally deserve the #1 spot in her heart.

The first verse of Drama, if the translation is accurate, brings back many scenes from Lee Soon Shin. And yes, I still believe her crush was Shin Joon Ho. ^^  

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Guest Fahmida Joyti

IU topping the album chart on melon this week (19th May - 25th May) as well as last weekvAP0o.jpg
also first for the artist searching on melon for this week as well

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@allyiu @junemoonstone *being a party pooper here* burst bubble *pop*. What about the crush last year???

All I can say its not a full song. Approx 2mins long.

Happy & Hit the Road Jack got me excited too. Her english really improved alot. I hope she sings in English in the future, even if its just oldies english covers I'm fine with that (hold on, I think that will get me even more excited). IU + English songs somehow warms me up and puts a big smile on my face


PS: I secretly ship JoU too =P

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