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Guest fashionista

he was mingling with the people.. actually he just spoke to one (i think the president). then the birthday girl approached him. i also did feel bad for DalJa coz he just left her standing alone. but i think TaeBong was also busy conversing that he forgot to introduce DalJa to the president. im really hoping that in ep18, TaeBong calls for DalJa and introduces her to his ex :)

thx for the lightning speed reply! :) it's out of character for TB to leave her standing alone. so far, he seemed like the attentive type. the kind that notices the little things other ppl overlook. it's not like him to "forget" about her...even if it's for a moment. anyways, the preview for 18 left me a bit...unease. looks like TB got out of his ex gf's car. i wonder why he was in her car.







source: dc

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Guest ovette

yah, me too that was why i was kinda disappointed, coz TaeBong was the careful type. i saw the preview too. i think it will cause dispute with the couple. i also wonder why TaeBong went out of the girl's car.. maybe they discussed something, coz from the preview translations, the ex proposed something for TaeBong, a work maybe? but of course like all the ex's do, it's just a reason they make to keep seeing someone they like :)

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Guest fashionista

yah, me too that was why i was kinda disappointed, coz TaeBong was the careful type. i saw the preview too. i think it will cause dispute with the couple. i also wonder why TaeBong went out of the girl's car.. maybe they discussed something, coz from the preview translations, the ex proposed something for TaeBong, a work maybe? but of course like all the ex's do, it's just a reason they make to keep seeing someone they like :)

yeah, i hope he's smart enough to see through whatever his ex is up to...if she is up to something, that is. it'd be stupid if they make him out to be clueless like all the other male characters in k-dramas. that would totally change his previous persona. btw, there are discussions at other boards as to whether his ex is a villainous or not. my bet is that she is no nice-girl-next-door.

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Guest cutiepie

yeah, i hope he's smart enough to see through whatever his ex is up to...if she is up to something, that is. it'd be stupid if they make him out to be clueless like all the other male characters in k-dramas. that would totally change his previous persona. btw, there are discussions at other boards as to whether his ex is a villainous or not. my bet is that she is no nice-girl-next-door.

yeah i don't see the ex being a bad person either, there aren't really any bad characters in dal ja which i like

TB and DJ following each other's mom, hehe that was so cute and funny...and the romeo and juliet imagination, hahaha

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Guest ovette

i bet that too, just by the way the ex looks and walks, like she the prettiest in the room.. i didnt like how the ex kissed TaeBong but if youve noticed, TaeBong ddnt have any reaction at all.. when the ex said she missed TaeBong, he just replied, long time no see :)

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Oh Nat...you're fast!! :D I'm sorry for not being able to upload the pics for ep17 as promised earlier :blush: Thank you very much for your hard work...& oooh, I so loved the collage you made :wub: Indeed...CR's simply breathtakingly beautiful in that sexy red dress...sooooo heavenly...I'm swooning :rolleyes::lol:

Geez, Romeo & Juliet? ahhhh... I was thinking when I watched ep16, whether they're gonna have a Romeo & Juliet parody as their situations are so similar with both mothers so against their love (some kind of family feud too) & here they are in ep17!!! :w00t: I'm dying to watch this episode but due to having reached my megaupload limit, may have to wait till tomorrow :tears:

Yup, from the pics, I can see DJ's forlorn look :( Hopefully TB did not leave her out in the cold for long....such careless attitude esp when she's in unfamiliar surroundings is really hurtful...I'm also worried that the ex gf will try all means to get TB back & then our poor DJ will suffer yet another heartbreak :tears:

Thank you very much, cutiepie...was hoping you'll upload this to ss when I saw it at Dal Ja's thread :P

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Guest fashionista

Oh Nat...you're fast!! :D I'm sorry for not being able to upload the pics for ep17 as promised earlier :blush: Thank you very much for your hard work...& oooh, I so loved the collage you made :wub: Indeed...CR's simply breathtakingly beautiful in that sexy red dress...sooooo heavenly...I'm swooning :rolleyes::lol:

Geez, Romeo & Juliet? ahhhh... I was thinking when I watched ep16, whether they're gonna have a Romeo & Juliet parody as their situations are so similar with both mothers so against their love (some kind of family feud too) & here they are in ep17!!! :w00t: I'm dying to watch this episode but due to having reached my megaupload limit, may have to wait till tomorrow :tears:

Yup, from the pics, I can see DJ's forlorn look :( Hopefully TB did not leave her out in the cold for long....such careless attitude esp when she's in unfamiliar surroundings is really hurtful...I'm also worried that the ex gf will try all means to get TB back & then our poor DJ will suffer yet another heartbreak :tears:

Thank you very much, cutiepie...was hoping you'll upload this to ss when I saw it at Dal Ja's thread :P

serene, it's alright. i just happened to be online so i posted them. it's not important who post as long as someone does, right? ;) hey, wouldn't it be cool if they did a parody of some sort to AAE? i'd love that!

based on what ppl said about ep 18,

the ex asked TB if he loves DJ and he couldn't answer her. he just said he likes DJ and feels comfortable with her.

<_< she's like, you can like a woman but you can't love her. it seems TB has a problem with the whole concept of love. the ex even had the nerve to suggest that they sneak out of the party together. :crazy: after dropping TB off, she waited in the car and watched DJ/TB. yeah, this chick isn't your everyday run of the mill alright. TB isn't very popular with the many of the fans in ep 18. this episode doesn't have any sweet moments and it'll probably be my least favorite of all the episodes so far.


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Guest fashionista

poor DJ :(






TB isn't such the ideal bf after all...he can be insensitive as shown in this scene...totally oblivious to his gf's presence...




:) looks like he's getting a taste of his own medicine.




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tks for the caps.

i dun think i want to watch epi 18 after seeing those caps/spoiler.

i hate this type of scenes and i'm already hating TB for being insensitive! <_<

look at DJ..she's hurting!

*am feeling over protective of DJ now* :lol:

but i love love epi 17.

DJ/CR looks so young & fresh w/out the heavy make up.

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Guest fashionista

tks for the caps.

i dun think i want to watch epi 18 after seeing those caps/spoiler.

i hate this type of scenes and i'm already hating TB for being insensitive! <_<

look at DJ..she's hurting!

*am feeling over protective of DJ now* :lol:

but i love love epi 17.

DJ/CR looks so young & fresh w/out the heavy make up.

i don't blame you. lots of ppl r very upset with TB for his insensitivity. some even wants to do harm to his ex (myself included). :lol: i mean, how could he leave DJ at a place he know she's unfamiliar with and go about his business. <_<

DJ/CR definitely looks younger/fresher w/out the heavy make-up. i'm glad they're easing off on it cuz her skin is quite sensitive to the heaviness of it.

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Guest ovette

i soooo much agree ep18 is the saddest episode ever! between DJ and TB that is :( and TB.... awww i just feeellll sooooo bad for him...

edit: the thing i did fear about really happened. it seemed TB acted a bit insensitive by leaving DalJa alone in the party... he could have insisted that DalJa come with him despite her saying no... :(

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fashionista, for ur last cap...u want to slap her silly?!

with that smirk look! hah! i'll slap her too! :angry:

ovette, TB is not perfect after all..*sigh*

u know wat, this is the 1st time i see CR acting a bed scene. nothing erotic...thank goodness!

in my mind, she'll always have that sweet young innocent image...

i wish there's AAE 2, then she can act all lovey dovey with JDG.... :P:lol:

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Guest ovette

yah i agree as well.... TaeBong is human after all.. maybe it's just that i got used to the sensitive and careful TaeBong from the previous episodes..

anyway i tried to record episode 18

to those who didnt catch live streaming and want to watch it now...


although it's very LQ (79MB) it's manageable!

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Guest fashionista

fashionista, for ur last cap...u want to slap her silly?!

with that smirk look! hah! i'll slap her too! :angry:

ovette, TB is not perfect after all..*sigh*

u know wat, this is the 1st time i see CR acting a bed scene. nothing erotic...thank goodness!

in my mind, she'll always have that sweet young innocent image...

i wish there's AAE 2, then she can act all lovey dovey with JDG.... :P:lol:

:lol: can u imagine how red her face would be if we both slap her silly? it'll be redder than the red dress DJ had on.

i wish there was a sequel to AAE too. :blush: CR/JDG reunited....that would be heavenly.

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Guest ovette

the ex annoys me too! esp when she was in the car, looking at DalJa and TaeBong... she even followed DalJa at work.. and invite her to eat... just to richard simmons DalJa.. arg!

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