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Chae Rim 채림


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Guest fashionista

hope to see this interview in tv broadcast w/ english subtitle, :rolleyes:

thank you fasionista for keep us posted of CR's news all the time, i finished ep 18 that cutiepie uploaded in SS, thanks to her.

yeah, me too. i wanna see this interview as well. it was broadcasted today (march 3rd).

Ep 17




Ep 15





Ep 13



source: naver/rain

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"Chae Rim's comeback performance has proven successful"

how true! :)

but they shud just leave her alone in regds to her personal life...

its too soon to talk abt it...too painful...

she'll talk when she's comfortable abt the whole thing....they shud respect that..

there's no need to put her on the spot.

the fact that she's focusing on her acting...isn't it just great?

as long as she delivers, thats all that matters...

but then again, she's a natural in front of the camera, isn't she? :)

and since DJS is ending soon...i hope she takes up more offers...

so, any news on her upcoming project?

oh! btw, does anyone has a full scale of her pic in that red dress?

i'd like to put it as a wallpaper... :)

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Guest cutiepie

no one has translated it yet... the last NG.. what did HyunWoo keep saying that ChaeRim laughed all the time? :)

o he was just reciting his lines, haha but they were lines he learned from reading 'candy', that's why both of them were cracking up :lol:

his lines were

1.Can I sit by your side?

2.Can I hold your hand?

3.I wish that time would stop at this moment.

thanks nat for those interview caps, anyone know what show it was? hope there would be a clip soon!

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Guest ovette

"Chae Rim's comeback performance has proven successful"

how true! :)

but they shud just leave her alone in regds to her personal life...

its too soon to talk abt it...too painful...

she'll talk when she's comfortable abt the whole thing....they shud respect that..

there's no need to put her on the spot.

the fact that she's focusing on her acting...isn't it just great?

as long as she delivers, thats all that matters...

but then again, she's a natural in front of the camera, isn't she? :)

and since DJS is ending soon...i hope she takes up more offers...

so, any news on her upcoming project?

oh! btw, does anyone has a full scale of her pic in that red dress?

i'd like to put it as a wallpaper... :)

i feel the same way! she took this drama for her fans. she so much wanted to avoid the media and the interviews... remember the very first interiew of the DalJa's Spring, when they were still promoting it. ChaeRim was too limited with words. she didnt do a lot of talking and left it to the other casts like HyunWoo. i could feel she still had apprehensions at that time since she wasnt sure if the topic would still be brought up. im happy that during the last and recent interviews, she's able to smile and be comfortable already. it just aches me much that ChaeRim is still going through difficult times because those media men just wont let her go!

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tks for the links, cutiepie.

i'm d/loading it frm creidesca's cb (HQ) since i can't use SS.

btw, there's a repeat telecast of LAAS right here in SG.

CR looks so delicate in this drama,

no wonder she has 2 guys fighting each other to protect her.

it amazes me how they went thru' with the script...

u know, with the language barrier and all tat.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest fashionista

thx cutiepie for the LQ link. i'm also gonna wait for the HQ one too...will add it to all the vids related to DJS. :)

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Guest badhairday

"Chae Rim's comeback performance has proven successful"

how true! :)

but they shud just leave her alone in regds to her personal life...

its too soon to talk abt it...too painful...

she'll talk when she's comfortable abt the whole thing....they shud respect that..

there's no need to put her on the spot.

the fact that she's focusing on her acting...isn't it just great?

as long as she delivers, thats all that matters...

but then again, she's a natural in front of the camera, isn't she? :)

and since DJS is ending soon...i hope she takes up more offers...

so, any news on her upcoming project?

oh! btw, does anyone has a full scale of her pic in that red dress?

i'd like to put it as a wallpaper... :)

I am glad that she's keeping her personal life personal. Why should she share it to the world? You now the media would spin whatever she says around. I say that she's a smart girl and media savvy.

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Guest shanmei

채림 “연장 방송 합의한 적 없다”


탤런트 채림이 KBS 2TV 수목극 <달자의 봄>(극본 강은경. 연출 이재상) 연장 방송에 참가하지 않을 수도 있다는 뜻을 비추었다.

KBS가 최근 <달자의 봄> 방영분을 기존의 20회에서 22회로 늘리기로 확정한 이후 빚어진 일이다.

채림의 소속사인 올리브나인의 박정호 이사는 4일 일간스포츠(IS)와의 전화 인터뷰에서 “이 드라마에 20회 출연 계약을 했다. <달자의 봄>을 2회 연장해 22회로 끝맺는다는 이야기를 얼마 전에 들었다. 그러나 우리는 이에 합의한 적이 없다. 다음 일정이 밀려 있다. 이야기가 잘 안 된다면 참가를 안 하게 될 수도 있다”고 밝혔다.

채림 측은 “이 드라마의 외주 제작사인 김종학프로덕션에 썩 만족스럽지 못하다. 풀어야 할 문제가 있다”고 말해 제작 과정에서 외주 제작사와 소속사 사이에 문제가 있음을 암시했다.

채림은 이 드라마에서 서른 세 살 노처녀 오달자로 과감히 변신해 연하남 태봉(이민기)과 사랑을 그려가고 있다. SBS TV의 <외과의사 봉달희>와 만만찮은 시청률 경쟁을 벌여온 <달자의 봄>은 최근 채림의 라이벌로 서영희를 투입하는 등 후반부에서 시청률 반등을 노리고 있다. 1일 18회에선 시청률 18.6%(TNS미디어코리아)를 기록했다. <달자의 봄>의 22회는 오는 15일 방송된다.

<달자의 봄>을 맡은 이덕건 KBS CP는 “이제 얼마 남지도 않았다. 기획 단계에서 24회였던 것을 20회로 줄였다가 22회로 조정했을 뿐이다. 얼마 전에도 채림 측이 마지막 2회에 참가하지 않겠다는 의사를 밝혔다는 소리를 언뜻 들은 적이 있다.

제작 과정에서 채림 측이 어떤 이유로 서운한 마음에서 이런 소리를 한 것 같다. 여러 이유가 있겠지만 주인공이 할 얘기는 아니라고 생각한다. 마지막 2회 분량의 촬영에 결국 임해주리라 믿는다”고 말했다.

<달자의 봄>이 막판 진통을 겪고 있지만 후속작인 <마왕>의 첫 방송은 21일로 결정돼 있다.

장상용 기자 enisei@ilgan.co.kr

사진=이호형 기자

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Guest jeejee+

채림 “연장 방송 합의한 적 없다”


탤런트 채림이 KBS 2TV 수목극 <달자의 봄>(극본 강은경. 연출 이재상) 연장 방송에 참가하지 않을 수도 있다는 뜻을 비추었다.

KBS가 최근 <달자의 봄> 방영분을 기존의 20회에서 22회로 늘리기로 확정한 이후 빚어진 일이다.

채림의 소속사인 올리브나인의 박정호 이사는 4일 일간스포츠(IS)와의 전화 인터뷰에서 “이 드라마에 20회 출연 계약을 했다. <달자의 봄>을 2회 연장해 22회로 끝맺는다는 이야기를 얼마 전에 들었다. 그러나 우리는 이에 합의한 적이 없다. 다음 일정이 밀려 있다. 이야기가 잘 안 된다면 참가를 안 하게 될 수도 있다”고 밝혔다.

채림 측은 “이 드라마의 외주 제작사인 김종학프로덕션에 썩 만족스럽지 못하다. 풀어야 할 문제가 있다”고 말해 제작 과정에서 외주 제작사와 소속사 사이에 문제가 있음을 암시했다.

채림은 이 드라마에서 서른 세 살 노처녀 오달자로 과감히 변신해 연하남 태봉(이민기)과 사랑을 그려가고 있다. SBS TV의 <외과의사 봉달희>와 만만찮은 시청률 경쟁을 벌여온 <달자의 봄>은 최근 채림의 라이벌로 서영희를 투입하는 등 후반부에서 시청률 반등을 노리고 있다. 1일 18회에선 시청률 18.6%(TNS미디어코리아)를 기록했다. <달자의 봄>의 22회는 오는 15일 방송된다.

<달자의 봄>을 맡은 이덕건 KBS CP는 “이제 얼마 남지도 않았다. 기획 단계에서 24회였던 것을 20회로 줄였다가 22회로 조정했을 뿐이다. 얼마 전에도 채림 측이 마지막 2회에 참가하지 않겠다는 의사를 밝혔다는 소리를 언뜻 들은 적이 있다.

제작 과정에서 채림 측이 어떤 이유로 서운한 마음에서 이런 소리를 한 것 같다. 여러 이유가 있겠지만 주인공이 할 얘기는 아니라고 생각한다. 마지막 2회 분량의 촬영에 결국 임해주리라 믿는다”고 말했다.

<달자의 봄>이 막판 진통을 겪고 있지만 후속작인 <마왕>의 첫 방송은 21일로 결정돼 있다.

장상용 기자 enisei@ilgan.co.kr

사진=이호형 기자

Could you translation this news for us ? Please :)

thanks you so much :)

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HQ cut, thanks to creidesca

Yunyega cut


nat, do you think tianshi will sub the interview? i hope they do

Yeah! I certainly hope so too!!! I'm dying to know what they're talking about :lol: Thank you very much, cutiepie for the mu link, luv u ^_^

o he was just reciting his lines, haha but they were lines he learned from reading 'candy', that's why both of them were cracking up :lol:

his lines were

1.Can I sit by your side?

2.Can I hold your hand?

3.I wish that time would stop at this moment.

:lol: No wonder, they're cracking up, it must be giving alot of goose-bumps :rolleyes:

cutiepie, you understand korean too?

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jbj, I've used the collage done by fashionista as desktop, perhaps you could use it as wallpaper too if no one has the full length pic :)

:lol: i'm dl-ing the ep 18 chinese subbed right now. i think i'm gonna save it until i get ep 19 & watch them one after another. i usually can't contain myself to wait but this time, i will. i don't wanna be all upset after watching 18 and have to wait one week before i find out what happens.

Awwww, me too!! I've saved it for later viewing cos' I juz don't want to mope for 1 week :mellow:

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Lol, I always cry when CR cries, laughs when she laughs & had this silly smile on my face whenever she's enjoying some sweet moments :w00t::lol: My mum always says I'm crazy :w00t:(that's why nowadays I like to watch her dramas in the privacy of my bedroom ;)) CR's such a superb actress, no other actor/actress could affect my mood as she does :rolleyes:

I cried buckets too watching LAAS & Above Green Fields that I had to use ice-cubes to reduce my swollen eyes else I won't be able to go to work :rolleyes::lol:

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