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[Drama 2012] Fashion King 패션왕


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Guest mumudav

I think that YG kissed Anna not because of his feeling for her but because he needs her in means of using her for his interest, she is useful for him and he doesn't want to lose such a useful person that's why the best and fastest idea that came to his mind how to prevent her from leaving was to kiss her and make her believe he has feelings for her and she is important for him. But it's not true, if you look at his expression while hugging Anna you'll see NO feelings, just cold calculation.

About JH, I think his feeling towards GY are more sincere than YG's towards Anna. If YG's behavior towards Anna is dictated only by calculation, JH's behavior towards GY is dictated more by his feelings. His feelings are all mixed up, yes, he is curious, interested, somehow possessive and rather bossy and sometimes mean but also caring and he really wants to help and it really disturbs him seeing GY in trouble.

When YG comes home from hotel and crying Anna, what is he remembering and what is he worried about? About crying Anna and her possible troubles? NO! He thinks about GY and worries that her shoes are so much worn out compared to Anna's, that's what disturbs and pains him - GY's bad life and her troubles. Anna's life and troubles don't bother him at all.

That's the difference between those two crossed pairings: YG/Anna pairing is fake and unsincere from YG's part (at least for now, I don't know maybe later writers will make YG really worry and care for Anna) as in fact YG doesn't really care about Anna; and JH/GY pairing is more sincere as JH already cares and worries enough about GY. He just can't help himself and keeps interfering with her trying to make her situation better and help her:)))

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Guest neeras

Hi Everyone,

Fashion King Episodes 5 and 6 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


Fashion King Episodes 5-6 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4292-fashion-king-2012/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about


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Hello, hello everyone!

I just watched episode 1-4 and I just skimmed through 5 and 6 because I couldn't find any english subs out yet. But anyway, I actually find the show interesting though everything is all over the place.

Yoo Ah In's character is one of those frustrating characters that really needs to grow up, but hey that's the whole point of this drama. Shin Se Kyung's character, on the other hand, is confusing. Is she really a meek character that just wait for life to happen because rich people are on her way. I think i have to wait for the next episodes. Yuri's character is forever a mystery to me. I don't know if its just bad acting or her character's story haven't fully developed yet. Will she be forever have a  cold character and the girl who gives piercing stares or will she finally have those i-can't-take-this-anymore moments?  Lee Je Hon's character needs to grow a pair!!!!!!!! Seriously, he acts all so call and decisive in front of his employee but when it come to daddy-doo he is this fragile little kid. GAAHHHHH. 

IMHO: In terms of plot development, its all messed up and i like it because I know there is actually something that needs to tie up as the show progress. So even though how much I criticized the character, I am still patiently waiting for them to finally improve (in terms of acting) and develop tohave a glorious bow.  I'm really rooting for this show because the teaser have that aspect that can have a possible good story if only the writers put it in a good direction. 

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Guest seproast

Episode 05 sub


Episode 06 sub


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Guest theodorez08

Episode 05 sub


Episode 06 sub


thank you so much... keep posting SRT subs :D

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Guest ll09ll

GY is definitely attracted to YG you can see that she was jealous when YG asked if she saw Anna or not when she went to the office. Just my opinion though, they should make this a 16 ep drama just to fasten the pace of the story coz from what I see now the story is going slow and ppl might actually drop the drama half way.

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I agree with mumudav on the fact that YG's feelings towards Anna not being as sincere as JH's feelings towards GY. But I think it's only fair too if we calculate the girls' feelings. I think that GY is just as insincere towards JH as YG is towards Anna. If you see the way she speaks with JH and what they talk about, there is no feelings there. She doesn't care about what he feels or who he is as a person(which is why she kept going back to him), she is only interested in what he has to offer her and YG. On the other hand, we don't really know how Anna feels about YG. I kinda think that she's just using him as a comfort and to spite JH's ego.

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hi everyone, I finally got time to watch Fashion Kking. I heard many good recommendation about it, in addition that Lee Jaehoon and Yoo Ah In is in it. I thought of giving it a try and I'm hooked. so far, Lee jaehoon is making a really good role and portray of being the bad guy.

And the women who took Gayoung in is just the bad step mother and her daughter is the bad step sister from Cinderella with bad intention. She just dont like seeing Gayoung succeed huh?

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Guest timpa

Yoo Ah In and Shin Se Kyung have really good chemistry in this, but I find I don't really know if YG deserves someone as good as GY. He keeps wrecking her life and only thinking of himself (despite the flashback to their youth when he was nice to her as a kid). He never thinks of the danger he puts her in while in NYC and ends up getting her kicked out of school and then deported. He leaves her to suffer a beating because he doesn't have the guts to intervene.

Then he uses her to set-up a contract with JH to pay off *HIS* debts. How does he reward her? He now has stolen her designs (without her knowing) and is having them created all while she's presented these designs (as original) to JH as part of the contract. She could very well wind up sued by him/his company for it even though she has no idea what is going on.

Meanwhile JH as a potential partner isn't that much better. He wants to use her without giving her credit and having AN get the credit. His attitude towards her sometimes look genuine and sometimes just looks like a kid playing with a new toy because they're bored with the ones they have.

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Guest VilaVilli

I think we'll see Young Gul's development as a better person and his working for Ga Young soon. :)

I think (or hope at least) the same. However I have to admit I kinda like the fact that YG is not a knight in shining armor. Plus, it gives a room for further character development.

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Guest aoikarin

By the way, is it just me or what? I can't help, but see so many Lee Je Hoon (Jae Hyuk) resemblances/look-alikes. I find he looks a hell lot like a mix of Joo Ji Hoon (Goong), Uhm Tae Woong (Queen Seon Duk, Equator Man), and Kim Sung Soo (Full House).

His hairstyle looks especially like that of Daniel Henney and Kim Sung Soo's.

edit: And low and behold, Lee Je Hoon plays a younger version of Uhm Tae Woong in a recent movie called An Introduction to Architecture.

I add you another male actor resembler, KANG JI HWAN. Check KJH in "Lie To Me" :)

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Guest aoikarin

Hi sadhli ^^!

Haha- I was thinking episode 6, but somehow typed episode 7. I think it was because a poster above typed preview of episode 7...  I guess my hands work faster than my brain :sweatingbullets:.

Let me fix/edit that part :rolleyes:.


By the way, I love how Ga Young always obeys/listens to Young Gul. Her facial reactions/expressions and body movements are so cute. They're comfortable with each other that they can pass off as just friends. They seem like they're currently in the friend zone right now (at least on Young Gul's part). I'm surprised and semi-glad that she didn't make a huge fuss about Young Gul "deporting" her indirectly. Most Korean drama girls would be mad/complaining right now.

In my opinion, watching YG and GY scene, they look like old married couple to me! LOL

After watching ep 6 with subs the picture is more clear or at least it seems like that.

Everyone is using everyone to advance or at least survive on a daily basis I get that... BUT I think YG will bring GY a lot of trouble if he keeps up his shenanigans, first he asked her to basically steal fabric from JH's company, plus before Anna arrived he was on the phone with someone about how the patterns are difficult (is he trying to use GY's designs for the brand he managed to start with the mob boss?) and the mysterious music signalled that he's up to no good.. again. So basically GY her designs and her loyalty is being used all over the place: JH wanted her designs so he hired her, YG needed money and his factory back so he sent her to JH, if after all this he gets her into trouble too by using the same designs I will be really pissed. So GY got into the company and works under Anna, not an enviable position to be in  someone's care, who'd like to scratch her eyes out cause of jealousy. So GY has to take a hit again when Anna gets closer to YG just for the fun of annoying JH and GY. Too big ball of suck it is if you ask me. I know, I know that is why it's a drama but they could give GY a bit of a break. If you haven't guessed yet, yes Ga Young is my favourite of the 4 leads, I root for her the most. I think she needs to let YG go if she wants to be successful and she has to use JH but not fall for him. It was so funny how JH's secretary freaked out to see GY coming to work... :D Inside he was like: Man, not again. I see where this is heading... it won't end well and I'm gonna have to clean up the mess. xD Ah stress.

Also I have a feeling that YG will be late to realize how much he likes GY, when he lost her to the company or possibly to JH. Both male leads seem like playboys to be honest, I guess GY knows that too, and she probably tries to keep her heart in a distance from both. As she said in the preview to JH, YG and her are alone in the world, they cannot count on anyone else but each other, that is why she still stands by him no matter what a mess he got into. I'm not sure he's worth it yet. <_<:rolleyes:

JH and Anna have serious emotional problems and lack honest communication. JH loves to tease and play with GY but he shouldn't be so blunt with his gf who already is too insecure and lacks confidence in her work. Then again as a businessman he has to be blunt so he won't fail again. Anna is very much bothered by how JH treats and looks at GY and her work. But seriously in the fashion industry if she cannot handle the fact that there are many more talented people than her, then she has no place there. She is way too gloomy now for my taste and always seem to be on the verge of a panic attack. Give her character wings too, please I've had enough of her depression. :blink:

And the preview.. well still annoying me to bits but the lips haven't touched at least in that short clip yet (trust me a watched it like a zillion times) so I have a little hope there won't be a real kiss, yet it still frustrates me how YG could do this... Oh well I hope I get back my spirit for not only GY and JH by next week but for YG too... Anna in her present state is not even on my radar, don't care for her.

+100 on your opinion!

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I just dont know y this drama confuses me a lot. cant understand the characters and their motives of doing what they do.

like JH using GY and her creativity to show it to the world with Anna's name - m sure he is doing all this just to support Anna but again i can feel few of his expressions of admiration towards GY......so will he back out at the end and name the whole project to GY instead of Anna.

Anna and the way she reacted after knowing that JH is going to use GY to prove her name as a better designer...was she angry on JH to shatter her pride of not trusting her she was in dis belief with GY that how come she agreed upon in such terms and plans of JH or is there anything else going in her mind. May be she will be the to back out at the end and let GY be the owner of her designs.

GY...she is a girl who is following all of YGs commands w/o thinking the consequences. Like stealing the fabric from JHs warehouse and then going to JHs office to get the debt clear in the name of giving him the samples. And dint she get think for the second abt JHs intention...or may be she cant as she has to get the money to get rid of YGs debt. *sigh* too much to think of.

YG.....no idea whether he is the one sending GY's sample book to JH and is he is the one then why he is making the same desings in Chik Book's factory. does this mean his intention is to take face to face fight with JH in terms of same designs. And no doubt he likes GY, his expressions were telling it all when he mentioned the name if their joint venture as Young-Young Apparel, A stare full of feelings on GY and then slowly mentioning abt the name of them together.

ahh....this show has so much to think about and thats why it makes excited to watch next epis.

please help me sort out my doubts......otherwise i cant have peaceful sleep.....

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Guest alexus

Sadhli Wow, I really like reading your post. Bang on really. I feel the same way. My biggest confusion is YG's true intentions of making the same designs. Is this for selfish reasons or to help GY or to get back at JH. That is the most frustrating part for me. The reason why and the motive behind it. Otherwise I am really enjoying the drama. GY feels very deeply for YG because he helped her when she was at the most desperate low point in her life. Helpless and Hopeless. Those feelings can't just disappear and it is deeply rooted. I don't know whether it will change once she finds out what YG has done with her designs. Maybe that will be the turning point where YG loses her to JH and in the end the writer will bring GY and YG together as the finale. Who knows. But, I am really liking this drama overall. Bad boy JH, I really like him. Confusing character but enjoyable to watch.

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Guest Starlitelet

Fanshion King preview ep 7


Hi Diu ^^!

Thank you for the link! I'm too excited for tomorrow. I think I might go crazy from the preview - haha! I can't wait to see their hormones taking a toll from all the jealousy rides. I'm such a bad person for enjoying this - hehe.

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