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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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So I just finished watching the scandal and it's not too bad.

I found it to be kind of boring LOL. I think Khun won this competition.

Through this show I found out a lot of things about Taec, not sure if

that's good or bad because the things I know now are things that

I don't really like in a guy. I was pretty surprised when he said that

he wants his wife to give up her career and stay home and take care

of the kids. It's funny though because didn't he always say before he

likes a woman that does her work well? A career woman? I really

dislike the male dominance & inequality stuff towards women so

this bothers me a bit. It's not going to change how I feel about him

but just giving my take on this.

Anyways, overall I don't think Taec liked this girl that much. I didn't

get that vibe like I did when I watched Khuns episode. Khun & Minsun

seemed more like a couple. Also they didn't show the PCD concert!

What does that mean? I can't even tell in those pictures if it actually

is Jihyun or some other girl. I kind of thought it could've been her

friend but I doubt it. Hmm met up during their off time?

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Guest she-smiles

so i finally had the guts to finish the second episode. overall, it wasn't as devastating as i'd thought. maybe because they didn't end up together? but like i said before, i've liked (approve of) the girl since the beginning. she seemed mature and real. and i actually thought they had chemistry. they weren't like khunnie and his girl (not every couple has to act like them). :P now that taec's episode is over, i feel rather sad. maybe sad for the girl? *sigh* i don't know, mnet scandal just needs to stop. it's messing with people's feelings, and i don't mean just by our fans, but the couples on the show.


superstar, i'm curious too about the girl at the PCD concert. hmm. unsolved mystery.

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yeah i just finished watching. it wasn't as hard to watch as i thought...i mean i was jealous of her but at the same time it was nice watching them together cuz they were so comfortable and he was so sweet! i hate this show too..not just cause it makes me jealous lol but the concept is just dumb.

even if he didnt like her romantically, i'm sure they had a connection. i hope he stays friends with her cuz shes really cute and seems really genuine.

and i thought they looked soo cute when they were standing at the bus stop together! sooo cute.

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Guest jaeners

Hm. After reading you guys thoughts on the show, it makes me want to watch it now, haha. But eh, I'll stick to not watching it. xD; Hm. I wonder who that girl from the PCD concert is then. Maybe she's just a random fan who got seated with them or something. HAHA. Idk, I'm just guessing. x:

Mina~ those Taek pictures are adorable. I love him sticking his tongue out. So cute. <3 I think taek has really nice hands. HAHA.

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Guest kenshin92

Um, Edison? As in Edison Chen?

Anyway he's HOT.


that's what i was saying

so im like isnt edison chen like a pervert O___O;;

and totall bastard although he's kinda hot? i cant believe taec wants to be someone like that HE SHOULD EXPLAIN WHO EDISON IS!

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Guest she-smiles

Taec on a date by himself!

LOL! i can't believe i just now saw these photos.

they are hilarious!

ohh taec, if only i was there. :P

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superstar, i'm curious too about the girl at the PCD concert. hmm. unsolved mystery.

Yeah I think we all as well as whoever first posted it on the Korean forums assumed it was the scandal girl but it could've been someone else. I seriously wonder who though, it could be junsu's friend! haha

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Guest animoni

Hello guys. I saw the MNET scandal and I am shock to see that Taec kiss the girl in the forehead. Actually I want a closeup look of that. I wonder if it is really a kiss or not.

And have you notice Taec always love being beside the girl, holding her hands, sleeping on her shoulder, and the hand touching his face. AWWWWW! I love this couple rather than Khunnie's.

I just hope they will subbed the video. I want to know what are the things they are talking.

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so i finally had the guts to finish the second episode. overall, it wasn't as devastating as i'd thought. maybe because they didn't end up together? but like i said before, i've liked (approve of) the girl since the beginning. she seemed mature and real. and i actually thought they had chemistry. they weren't like khunnie and his girl (not every couple has to act like them). :P now that taec's episode is over, i feel rather sad. maybe sad for the girl? *sigh* i don't know, mnet scandal just needs to stop. it's messing with people's feelings, and i don't mean just by our fans, but the couples on the show.


superstar, i'm curious too about the girl at the PCD concert. hmm. unsolved mystery.

LOL... What we have to understand, is that what we see on TV and what's going on in real-life are vastly different. I'm sure some of those people hooked up afterwards coz it's not everyday they get to meet normal girls. What do you think will happen if the program shows them ending up together? The fans will go crazy. This whole show is nothing but a bunch of PR bollocks. Hahahahhaha...

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Guest xXsmilesXx

Ah gosh i love taek!

after watching his scandal, just made me fall

in love with him more more and more.

aw such a beautiful silly dork he is.

he was my favorite during hotblood, but then i started

noticing junsu and kinda forgot about him, but after the scandal

awww...so freakin cute. i love his smile and big teeth. =]

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Guest lurv3yj

Oh Taec!

Had my eyes on him ever since 2PM came to Singapore for a Kpop concert. After the concert my friends and I decided to stand at the roadside, hoping to catch a glimpse of some of the artists. Most of the coaches were dimmed though, but there was this particular one with the lights on. So when we saw it, we just went crazy waving. And dearest Taecyeon waved back! (And some other little boy called Kelvin from another boyband). I was super overwhelmed after that. Because having a hot guy wave to you is a deal big enough and that hot guy happened to be Taec! He was clad in red, cap jacket and all. Dang, why is our taec so overflowing with awesomeness? :3

Love his rap in "니가 밉다" because he sounded awfully like my exhubby erhemtoperhem and that kind of escalated into a fullblown fangirling thing. I see myself becoming a regular patron here. Fab pictures you guys share. Thanks! 8D

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Guest Aireia

^Agggh. Lucky. I'd probably faint if Taec waved at me. LOL. xD

So, I finally watched and finished his scandal and I can't help but say that I have so many mixed emotions right now. Heh. I think I've come to love Taec even more after watching it. But I feel somewhat depressed that they're not together. I mean, who knows if they continued to secretly date even after the show. Ugh...I just don't know what to feel. xD

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hands off lady!

Performing "Gee" with some major arm swinging action!



Friday Night



Man, when Taec started singing Joon's part I was like it's perfect and he did so well! I seriously can't get over the "BABY YOU CAN HAVE ME" part.:wub: Like he looks like such a dork at that part but at the same time teasing you and just having fun LOL.

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Guest jaeners

Omg I couldn't take my eyes off of him in Gee performance. He makes me want orange skinny jeans now, lol. He really looks good with them on. Gah. Wthae. <3 And he totally pwned in the performance. <3

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