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Jae Hee 재희

Guest hye091

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Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU heart2heart! But yes, please take your time and do well on all your school work. There will be no failing because of Jae Hee. :P

Also a question for you JaeHeeans...Do any of you read or write fan fic (on Jae Hee of course)? Back in 2005, at the height of Jae Hee and DGCH's popularity, I actually started a Jae Hee fan fic and posted it on soompi (before it went down). But when it went down and I just got busy with too many other things, I just stopped and didn't post again. But I'm kinda inspired to start it up again. Would anybody be interested in reading?

More Jae Hee stuff...this batch includes various MV's he did:

YuriSangJa - Sa Rahm Chaj Ki




Endless Love


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Guest babymarzy07

Hey fellow Jaeheeans!! :) nice to see the thread alive and kicking. hehee

babymarzy, lesson learned, never expect! But I couldn't help it… it took him 2 years to star in a drama again, plus he's working with the same director, so naturally, I had such high expectations. You're right, we end up liking the dramas we expect nothing from, drats.

[Oh and since I'm about to finish dal ja and I enjoyed watching it, much much better than wyh really, I won't mind if jae hee worked with chae rim. Dal ja's character would've annoyed me but chae rim made the character tolerable, even enjoyable at times so I'd say she's a fairly good actress. Lee min ki kinda reminded me of jae hee in some ways. Dal ja is a good material for jae hee too, though he's not young enough for the tae bong character and besides lee min ki did well as tae bong.

yup allie_cat! ur right there! :) so from now ill just patiently see how everything unfolds. hhaha but i cant help the biases.

i agree with you i can really imagine Jaehee being Bokgu from Ijuksa or maybe hyunbin's role in SQ (i cant remember the name!! :() hahaha me too!! i second that chae rim pair up i can totally imagine him pulling that off. to me, he and minki have similar type of charms. so i can see him in those roles. oh aslo, i thought of Jaehee being paired up with kim joong ah or song hye gyo? what do u guys think? hehhee

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU heart2heart! But yes, please take your time and do well on all your school work. There will be no failing because of Jae Hee. :P

Also a question for you JaeHeeans...Do any of you read or write fan fic (on Jae Hee of course)? Back in 2005, at the height of Jae Hee and DGCH's popularity, I actually started a Jae Hee fan fic and posted it on soompi (before it went down). But when it went down and I just got busy with too many other things, I just stopped and didn't post again. But I'm kinda inspired to start it up again. Would anybody be interested in reading?

thanks thanks so much worldtraveler58 for posting all the goodies. **hugz** i read fanfics, im interested to see ur fanfic. count me in. ^^ ive been really looking for some of the stuff you posted. lol, ur done with ur exams?

heart2heart, thanks for translating. good luck on ur exams!! :) fighting!

lastly, happy mothers day to all !! ^^

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Guest allie_cat

thanks for the caps mindy! everyone, look at the necklace jae hee is wearing, the heart pendant! Darn this man, had it been on someone else, I would've had doubts, but on him, kinda looks cute :blush:

szne, I've read too that jae hee didn't even read the script and just agreed to do WYH because of the director... wrong move! Just kidding! It's still exposure and it's better than nothing -_- I'm not a fan of period dramas either but if jae hee is in it then I will make myself love period dramas! when evil twin gets released, if it will ever be released geez :rolleyes: , we'll get to see jae hee doing a period movie.

heart2heart, thanks for volunteering to translate, no pressure, take all the time you need! There are a lot of goodies from Chinese forums but most of us are handicapped – English being the only, or a second, language - so I'm glad that you agreed to help us out :D ! good luck on your finals! on the game show, if you mean YSMM -- YaShimManMan has questions for the guests to answer and if their answer belongs to the top5 answers given by the surveyed group then they're safe, if not, they get blown in the face. I saw a subbed YSMM episode featuring Bi, kim sun ah, cha tae hyun, among others so I understood the format of the show. Its really funny because the celebrity guests share personal stories and experiences to explain their answers. I hope jae hee makes another guest appearance soon!

lovegoodfood, jae hee fever in soompi would be one sickness I wouldn't want to be cured of :D

worldtraveler, do I read fanfics? Yes! The longer the better! Bring it on! Do I write fanfics? I wish! I have ideas but am too lazy to write, rather type, them. With the *ehem*crappy*ehem* way WYH ended, raining curses and wtf's, I'm expecting that unsatisfied and disappointed fans who can write fics will write their own ending. So if you plan on writing one, you have a soon-to-be avid reader/follower in me ;) oh and if you still have that old fic on file, why not revive it, it'd be waste if you just keep it to yourself won't it ^_^

babymarzy, I was also about to say that I'd like to see jae hee in a drama like snow queen, but I haven't seen snow queen so I'm not really sure if it would suit him. Have you watched that? Is it worth exerting download effort for? I'd love to see jae hee with song hye gyo, but in a material so different from full house and endless love so jae hee will not suffer in comparison. I'm kinda scared of song hye gyo, not in a bad way, more like intimidated, because she's so beautiful and so popular. As for kim ah jung, haven't seen any of her works so can't say much. Though I think she and jae hee had the same endorsements, there was this site before, can't remember the link, that featured both her and jae hee as models. I didn't save any pictures though.

I just thought of another actress, Im Soo Jung of MISA, tale of two sisters, …ing, and cyborg. Though I've only seen her in ...ing, I'd love to see them in a melodrama! Im soo jung is so darn pretty and acts like she has no idea how gorgeous she is, they're of the same age, both are kinda underrated in my opinion, and both can act – and they're pretty good at it too :lol: I also like im soo jung's sister in tale of two sisters - moon geun young, but she's darn too young!

Waarrgghhh!!! So many clips to download, so little time! Thanks for the links worldtraveler! currently downloading the MBC game show :D and thanks for the magazine caps, goodness! On the cover, he's wearing BON, which ju ji hun (shin of goong, as if you guys didn't know that duh :rolleyes: ) also endorses. Jae hee watched a BON fashion show months back. Can't tell if the other clothes were from BON too.

On blue dragon awards clip – he was so shocked, he kept bowing, he wasn't expecting to win I guess, since he's so young and new to the business, that's why he seemed so thankful, really humble :wub: so that was what he said, I just kept hearing him say mom! How sweet! Yeah in one interview, behind the scene clip of a cellphone commercial, he said that he plans to buy a house for his mother, really sweet!

Drats… megaupload allows me to download one video a day! Downloading to be continued <_<

Waves to orphannies, great to see you here too! And Hi to minjung, define perfection!

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I love allie_cat with her long, thorough responses. I had 2 chapters, but I think I need to tweek it a little bit. It's sort of dated. :P I'll let you guys know when I get it up...I think I saved the graphics that some kind soul made for me.

I think I'll leave the WYH ending to somebody else...I have this thing about fan-fic-ing shows (but not about fan-fic-ing real-life people...yes, I realize I'm weird :P) Basically the plot was about Jae Hee hooking up with a famous Korean singer who made it big in America and now is trying to make it big in Asia. Son Yeh Jin was how I pictured her (so the girl isn't SYJ, she's just the image of the girl I had in mind). I'm kinda excited to jump back into it.

ETA: Oh my goodness, you guys are going to love me and my pack-rat tendencies. I save and make CD's of everything on my computer and then forget about them lol. So I was doing some spring cleaning and what do I come across? A CD of pics and animations I saved from before soompi went down. And I think a lot of them haven't been posted in this thread yet. lol, I'll get to posting some of these too.

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Guest allie_cat

thanks world t for the compliment, this is why it takes me awhile to post here, coz I write really long… hehehe :lol:

I’m your opposite, I read fan fics about characters and not about the actors themselves, so yours, if ever you write one about jae hee as himself, would be my first. I was a huge meteor garden and f4 fan, and ximen and xiaoyou’s story was kinda left hanging, so this gave birth to pages and pages of fanfics and I enjoyed reading different takes on their story.

Thank goodness your kinda OC, having kept all those pics and whathaveyous, I wasn’t active here in soompi before it crashed so I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen your goodies, I’m excited! I wonder what’s a good site to upload them in, it’d be nice to have an album dedicated solely for his pictures, wouldn’t it?

Hi axerine! thanks for keeping the fans updated on wyh! I think that magazine is called in style. here are the raw pics from leehyunkyun.com








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worldtraveler58, thanks so much again...you have a huge JaeHee collection! Thanks for sharing it here! I honestly don't get to read a lot of FanFics, but yea, I have read some :) Do I write FanFics? Well like allie_cat, I'm too lazy to write :blink: Lol!

allie_cat, oh yea! "Evil Twin" is a period film...that totally slipped my mind, thanks for reminding :) It's just weird though that neither "Evil Twin" nor "Zigzag Love" has been released. I mean it's not like they've stopped shooting it in the middle because both movies have been shot and completed. But then again I don't know a lot about the movie industry soo... :sweatingbullets:

I love YSMM too...it's such a hilarious show. And I also like how they share their personal stories..and Kang HoDong does a great job hosting the show. I also like it when he probes the guests for some *juicy* stuff! :D They'll probably invite JaeHee on again when he starts promoting either film.

babymarzy, I do think JaeHee can pull off that kind of role too :) I haven't watched Snow Queen in whole but I have seen some bits and caps of it..so I can say that being the sensitive actor that JaeHee is, I'm confident he'll do well in a really serious role.

Btw, may I know who Kim Jungah is? I'm so sorry...but maybe I know her from somewhere....? I'd like to see JaeHee with Shin Minah or Ha Jiwon...they're very talented actresses too... Yea, Han Jihye's probably too tall...haha. Im Soojung is Im Soojung...I don't think she's underrated...I think a lot of people know that she's really good :)

Hi fellow JaeHeeans! nhetski, axerine, lovegoodfood, Mindy...everyone!

piratesofthesea, there isn't news yet about his next drama...right now he has two films pending release so he might be busy with promoting those first but we'll see :)

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Guest heart2heart

I love YSMM too...it's such a hilarious show. And I also like how they share their personal stories..and Kang HoDong does a great job hosting the show. I also like it when he probes the guests for some *juicy* stuff! :D They'll probably invite JaeHee on again when he starts promoting either film.

Ooohh, that'd be awesome. I hope so! :)

allie_cat, thanks for the pictures of his photoshoot!

He has WYH hair.. :P

He looks very grown-up and mature in that haircut.

I just randomly search on Google of Jae Hee images..

And I saw these two.

I'm sure you guys have probably seen the 1st one, haha. I'm still a new fan~

The 2nd one, it seems like someone made it! Han Chae Yeon vs. Han Ga In :lol:



I didn't know that Hae Chae Yeon was married until yesterday..

That's sad, cuz I thought Jae Hee looked really cute with her ^___^

I watched them on youtube during this interview where this guy performs magic

They were so cute! Haha.. Jumping around in their chairs and screaming and being surprised~~

I'll be back after my last final. :sweatingbullets:

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You know what's funny about the graphic of JH, HCY, and HGI that heart2heart posted (I was googling him one day too and came across it)? I think it was actually made way before JH was starring in Witch Yoo Hee...I think it was for a fan fic. :P The writer/maker of the graphic is psychic.

Speaking of HGI...I really loved her and JH together...too bad WYH wasn't what it was hyped to be. But they both did great with what they were given. And from some of the (little) behind the scene things we got, they got along great. Jae Hee even wrote on his blog that they spent so much time goofing off on-set. I'm glad it was a positive, fun feeling on-set despite the poor writing.

I guess I could say that I'd love to see them together in something else...but I want to see Jae Hee with another fabulous female actress in not a melodrama, but a more serious, really heartwarming, well-written, angsty-but-not-melodrama-angsty romance drama. And a proper kiss please! All his female co-stars refuse to open their mouths. I'm not talking about slobbering all over each other (lol...and ew, I don't want to see that)...but something more than merely touching lips. I mean geez, it's JAE HEE you're kissing for goodness sakes. Do they realize how lucky they are? :P

And I don't know if this has been posted, but Jae Hee posted these pics in his blog back in December and I just came across them. How cute is his puppy? It has big, beautiful eyes like his owner. :D I'd so love a picture of Jae Hee with his puppy. I think I'd die of the cuteness.




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Wow, really worldtraveler? Wow the person who made the graphic must've fell from his/her chair upon hearing the news on the WYH leads... :D

I get what you mean, I would like to see JaeHee in a serious drama but I hope it would have a nice ending, something that would give us hope. And we have seen him in too many "kisses-but-not-quite" already... lol!

Thanks for all the pics! Of all the InStyle pics, his face really looks PS'd here. And wow, he had more meat in this one! And his pet really looks cute! So cute that he (I'm assuming it's a he) looks like a stuffed puppy :D Too cute^^

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Guest heart2heart

omg................ his puppy is so freaking cute...........................

i wanna see him and the puppy together toooooo!!!!!!!!! gah.

wow, i didn't know that~ haha

the fanfic writer is pretty psychic then ^_^

did u guys manage to watch all the WYH NG clips at that Chinese "youtube" site?

i remember axerine listed like 5 links in the WYH thread..

but then it also helped link u to other ones..

i think i saw like probably 8-9 total?

i didn't see as much JH + YH interaction as i would've liked tho~

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Guest allie_cat

Found these on jaehee.idv.tw. Signing for DDM on May 12, 2007, have no idea what DDM is. He looks good though he’s still skinny and black makes him look skinnier, he looks fresh, well-rested, love the aura, love the hair, love the all-black ensemble, love the smile, but I hate the ring because its on his freaking ring finger! These are super close shots, I envy those girls who got so close to him!

512416045nw7.th.jpg 512452163al4.th.jpg 512723580rq8.th.jpg 512901435ws5.th.jpg 512916088rr6.th.jpg mumggirl20070512225823dc6.th.jpg mumggirl2007051222175db4.th.jpg mumggirl20070512221313sd3.th.jpg mumggirl20070512221435vw9.th.jpg mumggirl20070512225020bq4.th.jpg mumggirl20070512221415tl9.th.jpg mumggirl20070512224738op9.th.jpg mumggirl20070512224750iw7.th.jpg mumggirl20070512225420jj9.th.jpg mumggirl20070512225727cb1.th.jpg mumggirl20070512225317uh8.th.jpg mumggirl20070512221822wo5.th.jpg mumggirl2007051222183yx5.th.jpg mumggirl20070512222111io0.th.jpg mumggirl20070512222218rr6.th.jpg mumggirl20070512222257xw9.th.jpg mumggirl20070512222437my3.th.jpg 512711468qq9.th.jpg 513119566jz9.th.jpg


Evil Twin / Jeon seol ui Go hyang / 전설의고향 (formerly legendary hometown/untold story of the red forest) will be released on May 23, 2007. A press conference was held today, May 14, 2007, Park shin hye was there, plus a guy and a girl, but jae hee is nowhere to be seen, maybe his appearance in the movie is just a special participation. Here’s the freaky website http://www.sobok2007.co.kr/



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Guest discern

Oh, I can translate, no problem. I'm free at the moment, but heart2heart is already translating, right? So I don't have to. Anyway, that movie really looks super freaky. :/

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Guest allie_cat

szne, it seems that jae hee only has few exposures in the movie evil twin, he wasn’t in the press conference and there were articles that I’ve translated using babelfish which said something like jae hee only has special appearance. As for zig zag love, still no news, I guess its still in post production. I remember when news of art of fighting first came out, it didn’t take this long for the movie to be released, so I tend to compare. Evil twin was shot last year! Zig zag love maybe last quarter of last year so I hope it’s coming out soon. Patience is so not my virtue drats! <_< Oh and kim jung ah was in 200 pounds of beauty. Yeah, don’t like that PS’ed pic, he looked like he’s got too much make up on.

heart2heart, yeah loved that magic show clip! Jae hee and hcy looked so cute together, laughing their hearts out like little kids, they were so amazed by the silly magic tricks! One of my favorite clips!


world t, can’t say I love jae hee with han ga in more than I love jae hee with hcy. Maybe because jae hee and hcy had tons of good scenes in SGCH compared to a handful of scenes of jh-hgi, plus I haven’t watched any of the WYH NGs yet until I finish all subbed eps so I’m biased ;) jh-hgi did share a few good moments and my favorites so far is the scene where moo ryong massaged yoo hee’s foot - the shot under the table of moo ryong’s hand holding yoo hee’s sprained foot was so intimate :blush: - and I loved yoo hee’s lost child look when she saw moo ryong finally showing up in the park holding an umbrella over their heads. I’ve only seen until ep 10 so I’m sure this list will get longer ^_^

Jae hee in a serious, heart-warming, well-written angsty-but-not-melodrama-angsty romance drama… right on sister! :lol: I’m not a fan of melodramas either but for the lack of a better description, I just used melodrama, but your description is right on the spot! And of course there has to be a kiss, not the touching-of-the-lips-then-freeze-while-the-camera-pans-left-and-right type, more like a kiss-with-lips-actually-moving-and-heads-bending-left-and-right type. The gong chan – yoo rin kiss in my girl is good enough for me. I don’t want him to replicate – EVER - the 3-iron kiss, goodness, I can only take so much!

nhetski, being a YEH fan, said jae hee-YEH pair would be good and I’d have to agree because judging from the JJH-YEH kiss in goong, YEH can kiss well! Thus, jae hee’s kissing prowess won’t go to waste! Han chae young and han ga in, eat your hearts out! You had your chance! Mwahahaha :lol:

Yeah, such a cute puppy! I’m not really fond of dogs or pets in general, but if jae hee wants a puppy in the house, then so be it! mwehehehe :P

Hey meizhen, thanks for volunteering too, really appreciate it!

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Oh, he definitely had TONS of chemistry with HCY (they were electric)...but his chemistry with HGI was more, I guess, understated? Especially in ep. 15, it was just quietly sweet. I think it also had to do with the fact that in DG, he played a high-schooler/college person (as was Chun-hyang) and in WYH, they were both adults. Just goes to show you how talented he is...he has chemistry of different kinds with ALL his co-stars. I liked the description of him being able to have chemistry with a rock. :D It's so true!

allie_cat, I love how you've shortened my user name lol...world t sounds kinda gangster, no? :D There are lots of cute moments in store for you if you're only on ep. 10...seriously, he *really* is the reason why this drama didn't fall into an abyss. He's just so great.

That's interesting about his horror movie, since there were lots of BTS clips of Jae Hee and PSH. But I guess since Jae Hee is a bigger star, they would've focused more on his appearance. But actually, on yahoo korea's page for the movie, he's listed as the first star (even before PSH). So I guess we'll just have to see. Maybe he couldn't make it to the presscon for whatever reason? He did just wrap WYH. I'll wait for someone to post JUST his stuff...b/c seriously, I can't watch horror movies. I'm a HUUUUUUGE scaredy cat. :P

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Wow! At last some JaeHee updates!! Thanks so much allie_cat! :D :D

He's still pretty thin but yea, he looks so sleek as usual! Especially in his black get-up..haha. Maybe DDM's a clothing line? There's clothing in the background so I'm just guessing. Haha.

Hmm..."Evil Twin" scares me already...haha. Well anyway, whether or not he appeared briefly in the film, it's interesting to see him in a horror/period film. Like world t (hehe, I like the shortcut too) I'm not fond of watching such films except when someone I like is in it. Lol! But seriously, I don't really like watching scary flicks coz they make it a tad harder for me to sleep!

Although I do prefer the JH-HCY pairing rather than JH-HGI, I gotta say...JH and HGI looked really good considering the.. errr....'limited' time they were given to sizzle our TV screens. I'm thinking if they acted in another project with much better writing and more romantic scenes together, they would have done great :)

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Dag, allie_cat, I didn't realize you had edited your post, lol. I was reading szne09's response and was like, wait, does she think that guy in the presscon pic is Jae Hee? And then I looked further up the post and lo and behold, I see his handsome and cute mug smiling at me. Thank you for posting! And I'm assuming you mean, May 12, 2007?

Girls, I am in the process of translating Jae Hee's blog entry about his *true* feelings about WYH! It's definitely eye-opening! I want to make sure my translation is accurate, so it might take some time. lol, my mom would be so happy...she's wanted me to use this summer to brush up on my Korean skills. Who knew Jae Hee could serve educational purposes? :P

ETA: Here it is. That didn't take as long as I thought it would lol. Hopefully my Korean is a little better than I originally though. All I can say is, my poor baby! :tears: With lots of rest and good food and friends, I know he'll bounce back. Aja aja fighting, oppa! B)


재희 입니다^^

그간 잘 지내셨는지요?^^

Hi, this is Jae Hee. Hope you all have been doing well?

전 바쁜촬영과 엄청나게받는 스트레스로 인해

몸과 정신이 피곤하지만 잘 지낸답니다

(머야이게! 좋은게 없단소리잔냐!-_-;;)

Despite begin busy filming and being both physically and mentally exhausted from enormous stress, I'm doing well. (What is this? Aren't you saying that there isn't any good thing?)

드디어 드라마촬영이 끝났네요^-^

Finally drama filming has ended

후~왠지 모르게 상당히 길고 힘들었다는생각만 드네요-_-;;;;;

Phew, while I didn't think this at the time, I keep thinking now that it was considerably long and exhausting

작가가 얼마나 중요한지 절실히 느낀작품이랍니다 -_-

I've earnestly realized how important the writers are (From worldtraveler: Obviously commenting on how BAD these writers messed up WYH)

엉망진창케릭터를 끝까지 잘 참고 봐주신 팬여러분들께;;;

감사하다는 말씀을 꼭 드리고 싶어요 ㅠ_ㅠ

For putting up with this messy, mixed-up character until the very end, I really, REALLY wanted to say thank you to the fans

날씨가 참~좋을때 촬영이 끝나서

정말 기쁘네여^^

여기저기 여행다니기도 좋고,

시원한 맥주한잔 하기도 더없이 좋고^^

I'm so happy that filming ended when it was such nice weather. It's perfect for traveling or having a glass of beer

전 당분간 여기저기 다니면서 영화도 보고

지인들과 술도 마시러 다닐생각이에여^^(아~야외 테라스에서 마시는 맥주한잔~캬~그립구나!)

지친 머리와 마음을 좀 달래야 겠어요^^

For the time being, I'm going to be going from place to place, watching movies. I'm thinking about going out drinking with my friends too (Ah! The beer I had at the open-air terrace. How I miss it! [From me: I think he's talking about that scene in WYH where he had a drink with Johnny? I have no idea lol] I feel like I need to soothe my exhausted head and heart :tears:

그리고 가장중요한^^

여러분과의 생파모임이 있지요^^

굉장히 오랜만에 만드는 자리라서.......

걱정이 먼저 앞서네여^^;;;;

많이들 와주셔서^^

제 기좀 팍팍새워주셔요^0^/

And also, the most important: I have the 생파 meeting with you all (Note from me: I have no idea what 생파is...I think he's talking about a fan club thing? or fan signing?) It's been a long time since I've done this, so I'm already worried. I hope many of you will come out and raise my strength? (I'm not entirely sure that's an accurate translation, can anyone confirm?)

전 그럼 그동안 바쁜촬영핑계로 방치해뒀던

제 친구녀석들을 만나러 가봐야겠어여 ㅎㅎ

여러분~즐거운 밤이에요!^0^


So now I'm going to go meet my friends who I've neglected due to my busy filming. Everyone, good night! I love you

전주 팬싸인회 오신분들 진심으로 감사드립니다^-^

Thank you to all to came to the 전주 fan signing (I'm assuming this is the fan signing that allie_cat posted pictures of)

그리고 뱅뱅사거리 순대국집에서 저 보셧다는분^^;;;;

저 맞아요^^;

전주가기전에 배고파서 오랜만에 들렸지요^-^

재바라고 말씀하시죠^^;인사라도 나누게^^

(This section is addressed to, I guess a fan who thought she saw him at some restaurant? He confirms that it was him. He was hungry before his signing so he went in there to eat and tells her that she should've said hi)

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Hey guys, I realised that everybody here is saying that the WYH ending deserves a totally 'That's it? Wtf wtf wtf wtf' reaction. I'm reading it everywhere - from the WYH thread, HGI thread, to here. God. I'm only up to the 12th episode and because all the people uploading are busy with their mid-years, they are not uploading on Youtube!! Goddamnit. But nevermind, they need the concentration.

I'm really excited to watch the 'That's it? Wtf' ending, actually. Though not really looking forward, but I'd like to see if the ending really lived up to it's 'That's it? Wtf' reputation. And since everybody everywhere is totally complaining about the ending, why don't the Jae Hee-ians do something about it?

*Brain cells start to form ideas in my head*

Well, for starters, worldtraveler58 writes fics. And I think many people here actually do think of writing fics but are too lazy to get them on the computer (It's true, after awhile your ideas die and you totally want to give up on the fic). So why don't we Jae Hee-ians put our FANTASTIC GREATASTIC brain cells all together and write a fanfic for Jae Hee? It could be our dream ending of WYH or a collaboration between HGI, HCY, and JH. Called The Last Miracle. (Just like the poster that heart2heart posted)

Hehe. Just suggesting! :]

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THANK YOU OH SO MUCH worldtraveler57 for translating JaeHee's message! I really love how grounded he is! I would love to meet him someday :) About WYH, I'm still thankful because every project is a learning experience. And I'm happy he remains positive in spite of WYH's "messy" writing, and at least he plans to get some rest, relax, and catch up with good pals. I'm exciting to see him back recharged and with a new project :) JaeHee fighting!!

Which reminds me, it's JaeHee's birthday on the 25th! It's SOON!!! :D

Hey, meizhen_!!! :D'

I opened a page!!!


Hey everyone.. :D

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THANK YOU OH SO MUCH worldtraveler57 for translating JaeHee's message! I really love how grounded he is! I would love to meet him someday :) About WYH, I'm still thankful because every project is a learning experience. And I'm happy he remains positive in spite of WYH's "messy" writing, and at least he plans to get some rest, relax, and catch up with good pals. I'm exciting to see him back recharged and with a new project :) JaeHee fighting!!

Which reminds me, it's JaeHee's birthday on the 25th! It's SOON!!! :D

I'd love to meet him too! (I'll have to brush up on my Korean speaking skills...again, Jae Hee is great for educational purposes lol :P) And you're right, he is so grounded. And you can tell he's so sensitive too. No wonder he got so stressed from filming...he realized his character and the storyline were probably frustrating as heck for the fans. He's a trooper to give off such a great performance despite the bad writing. But you're right, every experience is a learning experience. I'm sure JH realizes that and this has only made him a better actor and person.

I'm excited to see where he pops up next. But yes, resting, relaxing, and catching up with good friends is what he needs to do most now. I want to see more meat on his bones for his next project. :)

And I'm not sure if I read/interpreted this correctly, but I think he's spending his birthday with fans. Lucky fans in Korea! I'm sure we'll get some great pics and hopefully video clips too.

I'll stop yammering and get to uploading more stuff. :P Stay tuned!

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