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G.dragon Shocking Koreans With His Outfit Worn At M.net 20's Choice

Guest happy.birthday

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Guest emceej

i admit it's just a shirt.

but i think it kinda crossed the line a bit.

since yes, there are younger audiences for big bang.

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it's not his style that's bugging me...

ok yes it is, but not the profanity, it's just a bit too radical.

he took a huge leap from being stylish to ...i don't even know what.

i'm not diggin him now, maybe sometime later...but not now.

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it isnt really a big deal if you ask me.

other artists wear shirts with more explicit contents than what GD wore.

it isnt like GD was rebelling or something.

he didnt cross any line. let's be open for this stuff.

it isnt always bad. <3

i love GD no matter what he wears xD

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Guest bluelily

COME ON!!! Half - no all - Korean artist wear t-shirts that offend. I could name tons of them. You know who they are. I don't care it's a shirt. If you don't like it, STOP LOOKING! THE END!!!!

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Guest poupée de chiffon

the thing is.....

as long as gdragon knew what his shirt meant BEFORE he wore it,

im fine with it.

but if he didnt know then.... that just stupid :lol:

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Guest geogmouse

geez people. hes 20 years old. hes LEGAL. very much legal.

i dont have a problem with his shirt.

its just a SHIRT.

theyre making too big a deal out of it..

if anything, they should complain abt the brand that made the shirt-.-

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Guest Pink Cherry

lol the worst thing isn't the messages on his shirt but the shirt itself and his look.. just terrible haha

but yeah I think those kind of words on her t-shirt are inappropriate and unnecessary -_-

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Guest jnie05

what was wrong with TOP wearing japanese flags?

also...GD's statement was a bit too bold to be done in korea. hahaha. cause yeah yeah like we all know their government is super conservative.

i don't mind him wearing it...but like the rest of the people say...he's BIG BANG leader and he's an idol and a trend setter in korea. we don't want little 14 y/olds wearing those shirts around.

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Guest Tsubasa

LOL GD's outfit looks nice except for

the "I <3 Sex" and "69" part ahaha hilarious

I didnt expect something like that from him....um

inappropiate I should say for an award show... LOL

and his afro-looking hat is ugly -_-

Well... G-Dragon is human .

Big Band is human.

Celebrities are human.

And Human likes sex.


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Guest o.jung.ban.hap

Dude...the 69 button cracke dme up XD

But yeah, that's just too much. I wonder

what the codi was thinking about when they

got this....

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Guest Sasha100

That entire outfit is offensive. Not cuz of the ! <3 sex and the '69'(which is wrong for him to wear cuz common you don't want 13 year old's googling 69 and out pops up....you know the 69 position..ew) but cuz that entire outfit is hideous :ph34r: G Dragon is changing, he used to be hot but now hes just scaring me...and im beginning to suspect his sexuality cuz hes so fem these days. No offence to GD fans, im one of you too but I'm starting to like TOP more now

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Guest Kumikox3

I don't mind the "I love Sex" or the "69"sticker but god.. you have to admit..

that shirt is ugly and it makes him look extremely gay like. T_T what happened to their old style. they made cute seungri turn into a sick looking kid. Sorry but boys don't need eyeliner unless their really emo -- no offense to that.

That entire outfit is offensive. Not cuz of the ! <3 sex and the '69'(which is wrong for him to wear cuz common you don't want 13 year old's googling 69 and out pops up....you know the 69 position..ew) but cuz that entire outfit is hideous :ph34r: G Dragon is changing, he used to be hot but now hes just scaring me...and im beginning to suspect his sexuality cuz hes so fem these days. No offence to GD fans, im one of you too but I'm starting to like TOP more now

don't worry i totally agree with you - i use to love GD he looked hot as a wangster...but now..... its kinda creepy

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Um, wtf? They should be blaming his stylist instead of him haha. What's that on his head??! LOL

Though I do admit the shirt's a little :huh: um, he's at that age? Korea's strict about that though, which is why they almost banned CSJH the Grace's album to minors and take off several mvs from public air (so they're only allowed on after 10). So I guess with that attitude towards it, it is a big deal lol.

As for the TOP thing, for those who don't understand the issue here, Japan and S. Korea are currently fighting over rights to an island and I guess to the Korean public, him wearing the Japanese flag symbolizes (to them) that he sides with Japan instead of his own native country S. Korea on the issue. Of course that's probably not true but it looks like it to them from that standpoint.

Ah and as far as Top's jacket with Japanese naval ensign that's just downright offensive. That represents imperial Japan which colonized Korea and caused havoc all over Asia.

That too. You can take it from both ways (though I think right now that sign symbolizes Japan as in the country than as an imperialist era for that country).

Edit: Woohoo topped a page! XD

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Guest the last hour.

I can see why they're getting worked up over it. At first I thought it was that horrid thing on his head LOL.

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