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Sing It! Karaoke Ventrilo!

Guest SweetsLove

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Guest SweetsLove

Next Session: September 14th - Tonight @ 7 and 8pm - 10pm EST~

노래~Sing it! Karaoke~唱k

Otherwise known as: SIK. (for Sing it Karaoke)

What is this?

Since our previous sessions were held in Skypecast and they have removed that service (very unfortunate), we've switched over to using Ventrilo (www.ventrilo.com). This time around, I will still be the host but the environment isn't set up with waiting/talking/listening tabs. There will simply be several different rooms. I will actually set up a system where the room with the host/cohost + singer will be user authorized so no one else can come in and disturb unless I move you guys in. You will be able to set up a phantom (I will explain what that is later) so you can listen in. I will make another room for those who want to sing, the –waiting room-. Also, there will be 2 separate rooms for listeners. A talking listener room and a silent listener room. So for those who simply want to listen and not talk to the others, they can listen, for those who want to talk to the others, they can be in the other room.

Next Session(s):

September 14th - 7:00/8:00 pm -11:00 pm EST - Cohost (Sign Up)

(All sessions will be based on EASTERN time - Click here to see what time it is now!)

As the school season is approaching for many others including myself, SIK will not be run as frequently but will be ran atleast once a week sometime here or another so please keep checking the thread!


1) Download vent, install it.

2) Make a user name

3) Put in the server info and connect. (Server - vent20.gameservers.com, Port - 4400 )

4) Go to setup, set up your mic settings - use either voice activation or push to talk













1) Go to www.ventrilo.com to download and install it.

2) Open up ventrilo where you should be able to see:

Username ________V [->]

Server ________V [->]

Bindings ________V [->]

and on the right you should see buttons:








Click on the [->] button beside Username (You are now in the Setup User Box) and press [New]. You should now be able to type in your desired username.

Then press Okay, and Okay again to exit from the Setup User box.

3) You should now be back to where you were in the first place.

Now click on the [->] button beside Server. (You are now in the Connection Editor Box) and press [New]. You should now be able to type in the name for the server. Just type in SIK, and press Okay.

Below, you should see:

Hostname or IP _________________

Port Number ________________

Password _____________

Default Channel _____________

and a whole bunch of other check marked boxes.

In Hostname, copy and paste this in: vent20.gameservers.com

In port number, copy and paste this in: 4400

Leave password and default channel blank and all the other settings the way they are.

Press [Okay] to exit from the Connection Editor Box.

4) Now in the main screen, you should see a little [?] Question mark and it says: MSG: Server is available. Press Connect.

Now you can press [Connect]

5) You should now be able to see something called the Message of the day pop up, you can just close that.

6) After you've closed the Message of the day, you can see the name of the vent "Epic Win", and other channels such as General, SIK. You can try double clicking on the different channels to join them.

That's it for trying to join the server and listening, now I will teach you all how to set up your mic and different settings and other features.

1) On the right of the box while you're still connected, you should see:








Click on Setup.

2) You should now be in the Setup box on the Voice tab. You don't really need to mess around with any settings aside from that tab.

Firstly, I want you to decide whether you want to use -VOICE ACTIVATION- or -PUSH TO TALK-

Voice activation is where you talk and the mic keys up and we can hear you. Push to talk is where you push a button that keys you down so that you can talk.

If you choose Voice activation:

Make sure the "Use Push To Talk Hotkey (PTT Mode) is NOT checked.

You should be able to see Silence Time and sensitivity right below those little check boxes on the top left.

Silence time is the time that you stay keyed up after you've spoken. So for example, Vent has a little speaker beside each person and it lights up green when you're making a noise or talking so.. say you were talking, and u've stopped, your little green light is still lit up for however many seconds you set your silence time to be. Advice from me is to set it at 1.0 Seconds.

Now as for Sensitivity. That is the most important thing. The lower the number, the more sensitive, the higher the number, the less sensitive. Set your settings appropriately, if you need help setting up, please come to me while I'm on Ventrilo.

If you choose Push to talk:

Make sure on the top left that the Use Push To Talk Hotkey (PTT mode) is CHECKED.

You will see the little Hotkey box with a huge [__________________] next to it. You just have to press the key you want to use as your hotkey in there and that's it, it's set.

As for how loud everyone else is and such like that:

You can see on the bottom right:




Outbound is the volume you hear everyone else as, and Inbound is the volume people hear you as.

Set those accordingly ~ your best bet is if you ask someone else about how loud you are.

The alternate way to fix everyone elses volume and how loud they are is this way: (So that you don't have to harass them to tell them to lower or increase their volume)

To adjust volume of another person because you simply cannot change your outbound and inbound settings, follow these instructions:

1) Right click the persons name

2) Put your cursor next to "Miscellaneous"

3) Move your cursor to the right to select "Special Effects"

4) You will see Current on the left and Available on the right, select "Volume"

5) Click on " <- Add" and you will see that "Volume" is now in the Current Box

6) Click on "Volume" and press "Properties" right below the Current Box.

7) You will see a line and on the left is Muted, on the right is +800%.

8) Move the cursor towards Muted if you want them softer and towards +800% for louder.

9) Click okay and okay once again to exit the "Special Effects" box.

10) The person you changed the volume for will have their volume adjusted the next time they talk! (:

Now as for the so-called "phantoms" as I was talking about...

Basically, they ARE ghosts. You can insert them into the room so that you can listen in but you can't talk. They are your little listeners. This is exactly what you're going to do, put a phantom into the room where me, the cohost, and the singer will be.

How to insert your phantom into the room?

1) Right click the room you want your phantom in

2) Move your cursor down to "Miscellaneous"

3) Then click on Add/Remove Phantom.

Okay as for Chat:

On the right you should be able to see the chat button, click on it and voila! people who are in the same room as you can talk to u!

Another thing you can do is Page different users, or even private chat with them.

Just right click them > User > and then Page or Private Chat or whatever whatever.

There are a thousand other features, I can't explain it all but~ just go for it LOL... explore? XD

Voila! There you go. In order to Remove it, just do the same thing again, and it will remove instead of add.

Those are the end of my instructions!

So for all the SIK frequenters, the ones who thought Skype was too bleh and Ventrilo was better, for all bathroom singers and performers who are still hiding, COME OUT AND SING FOR USSSSS!

Previous Karaoke Skypecast Sessions:

August 10th 2008 - 11:30pm - 1:30am

August 11th 2008 - 7:30pm - 12:30am -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 12th 2008 - 9:00pm - 11:00pm ->Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 13th 2008 - 10:30pm - 12:30am -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 14th 2008 - 7:30pm - 11:30pm -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 15th 2008 - 9:30am - 12:30pm -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

CANCELLED August 15th 2008 - 5:00pm - 9:00pm CANCELLED

August 16th 2008 - 9:00pm - 12:00am -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 17th 2008 - 9:00am - 12:00pm -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 17th 2008 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 20th 2008 - 9:00am - 11:00am -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 22nd 2008 - 10:00am - 12:00pm

August 24th 2008 - 9:30pm - 12:30am -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 29th 2008 - 10:00am - 1:00pm -> Did you miss it? Listen to some of it here!

August 31st 2008 - 9:00pm - whenever

September 7th 2008 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Thank you!

If you have any further questions, feel free to post here or PM me.

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Guest SweetsLove

The skype cast just ended but will resume again at 11:15pm EST. for another 3 hours -- cause I only scheduled an hour before just to test it out..


( I will edit this post later to link and phone number )

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Guest Ariah`

I would love to jump in, but I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to get in. The only option that I have here, that could get me into the call, I think, is, well...Call Phones. And then I click on that and it lets me type in the number. But it includes the whole country or region thing and gives a list with the codes for that, +(insert # here), and then I'm just totally lost. Because if I just type in the number, I end up getting some sort of error.

Anyone wanna give me a step by step on how to do this?

Can you tell I, like...never use Skype? XD I think I talk to a total of 1 other person on Skype.

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Guest SweetsLove

Don't worry, in a moment, I will be linking you to the skypecast link and it will direct you to the skypecast convo in your skype. As for how it works, when everyone joins, they will be in the LISTENING tab. If you want to talk, there is a WAITING tab where you can ask to talk. That will be our little line up to sing and at the mean time, I will be in the TALKING tab where I'm either with someone else who's singing or singing myself. You will all see very soon!

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Guest Ariah`

Oh, good, that'll makes things easier. Because, otherwise, I'd be completely lost. XD

I read over my post and realized it hardly made sense...o.o

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Guest dailypanda!

Whoo! Just downloaded Skype. I might just listen in for a while, no singing for me tonight =p

Let's get the party started~! XD

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Guest fantastikk

this is a sweet idea! [: i'm trying to download skype right now. idk if i can do any singing tonight but i'll definitely listen in as soon as it gets started! : D

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Don't worry, in a moment, I will be linking you to the skypecast link and it will direct you to the skypecast convo in your skype. As for how it works, when everyone joins, they will be in the LISTENING tab. If you want to talk, there is a WAITING tab where you can ask to talk. That will be our little line up to sing and at the mean time, I will be in the TALKING tab where I'm either with someone else who's singing or singing myself. You will all see very soon!

I need the same thing lol

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Guest SweetsLove

OKay so currently Kyo Hanjin is hosting because mine didn't work for some odd reason but the future ones WILL be hosted by me. HERE WE GOOOOOO


Or phone this number: +9900111414424249436

there's the link, click join skypecast!

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Guest dailypanda!

Gah! Lol. I don't have my headset plugged in. Haha, I'm pretty stupid. But I'm in! Just listening for tonight =p

EDIT: LMAO. I love how no one's singing XD

But the whole conversation is hilarious.

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Guest Ariah`

Bah, figures! Apparently, to use Skypecast, you need at least version 3.2? Which isn't out for Mac. -.- And my Mac is the only computer I have access to. x___x The latest version for Mac is 2.7, it looks like.

So I guess I can't do this. T_T

Sorry, guys!

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Guest dailypanda!

I'm about to head off to bed right about now...

But I just have a question. What do you guys use, microphone or headset?

My headset's been acting up lately and it sometimes doesn't pick up sound too well.

But I also have a webcam with a built in mic. Just wondering, because everyone

sounds really clear and stuff. Really, everyones' voices sound so good =p

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