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(official) Sm Audition 2008 [toronto] Updated

Guest j-tan03

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Guest SnTears

yeah i prolly saw you there too,i mean i think i was the only one at the audition with my colour hair but i screwed it up and curled it CRAP i had a black vest on and silver ish blouse underneath with black skinny jeans and silver heels and a silver purse/bag - i totally gave up with the sign and threw it out than i started asking random people if they were from soompi gosh i felt like a total idiot, so i gave up on that too went out into the hall and started singing alicia keys if i aint got you, than i started getting sleepy and went back into the wiaiting room realized i lost my sticker made the guy with the striped shirt and the other guy with the hat search for my application and get me my number back on a new sticker. i was the wierdooooo at that auditions i swear i saw those two guys just staring at me and giggling to themselves when they saw me get up to audition lmfao

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I was expecting a Soompi sign O_O never saw one..

I saw sarah! with her Key microphone but never actually said hi... lol.. I was too busy being stressed.

Kaizer 21= Viyam?

Did anyone get posters? I was sooooo mad that there weren't any posters this year.

My experience was somewhat horrible... the judges talking while we are performing... ugh

Anyone see that hot tall guy OMG.. I think he went for modelling I'm sure he would get a callback soon.

I also remember that pink hat guy with a cupcake ..Wow he already got a call back? Amazing I wish I could see him dance.

Anyone around the T280s?

I was T283, person who came with black leggings, grey jeans, and a white shirt. (When I came I was wearing a different outfit, but I changed....)

Oh man, by the time I auditioned (for modeling), I was nervous and hot since I was wearing a jacket,

so my entire face was red. I probably looked like a fool -.-

I hope everyone else did a good job. =)

I think I saw you... I was in the 270's

Didnt the guy holding the camera kinda look like t.o.p from bigbang?

Lol not even..close.

im kinda sad i was in the group 290-300 and everyone got to sing 15 sec. and there was no freestyle dance plus the judges were really mean :\

I agree the judges were talking while we were auditioning... but it makes sense; sitting on a chair for how many hours can get very tiring.

Maaan, they let me sing for about 5 seconds... Judges were pretty brutal this year. I was like 268 or something. 4 hours of waiting to sing 5 seconds. There was some martial arts guy there that made me laugh though.

Lol I remember seeing you, that martial arts guy... HU!!...HA!!!!*smiles after* ...that was super hilarious

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So, the auditions were pretty scary.

They cut me off ten seconds into the song.. Harsh.

I was in the 270's, and so were my friends.

We got there at 3, and we only auditioned at around 6.

The nervous build up... Man!

Terrifying. But a lot of hot guys made it worthwhile, hahah.

My friends and I took loads of pictures.

We were trying to get ourselves hyped up while waiting the three hours.

I hope one of my friends make it. They're really good... Unlike me.

Hahaha. I hope they make some filipino group this year.

That'd be hecka awesome. SM in Philippines! ^____^;;

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Guest Superjuniorislovex3

HELP ME PLEASE! I think i got a callback i don't know for sure. I got a call today at 12:36 pm. It was on my sister's cell and since it was school time it was a missed call ( i put my sister's cell # on my application because she told me to) I called the number to find out it was from the Christian Resource centre in Toronto which is near where the audition place was. Me and my friend talked about it and listed reasons why it could be them

-they dont have an official number in toronto since the company is in korea and they're only here for auditions

-they can't call from a staff's cell because if the person that got the callback told their friends etc the number they would get spam and etc

- it's near the audition place and the phone is community so anyone can use it

- people have wrote how their friends got callbacks for tonight which explains why the call was around 12 and not after school etc.

what do you guys think?

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Guest DeadlyRawr



Did your TNA sweater have like, gold thingies at the hood?

nope. my tna logo is green and theres no gold on it D:

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Guest angieebabyy

the callbacks are tonight? T_T i should have gone earlier and gotten a better number. the ones at the end always get cut off T_T i was T-364 and i only got like 15secs to sing and they didnt even make us dance.

did anybody see me? i wore boots, white skirt and a black jacket. =)

he's #445

&he's going to the call back.

tonite (:

your friend is so lucky T_T my phone didnt even ring yesterday

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Guest CookieBum

I was a girl in boots + black tights and a stripped glittery shirt , walking around places with my baby sister in blue.

Anyone see me? :]

& These callbacks are making me stress.. if Math + Science wasn't enough T_T;

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Guest angieebabyy

HI~ were u the one acting?? REALLY I WAS? ^^ THANK YOU~

they didn't call me back yet=(

yeah black vest was ray i dono

i told my friend about the stripper kid

and she said she knew him if he talks to ray

apparently his name is issac kim O_O i dont think isaac got in

hes a sweety and all (if tthats his name) but the company

doesn't like cocky people like that. they like confidence not cockyness.

you mean the guy in the black beater outside with the music? yeahh that was isaac alright.

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Guest SnTears

omg angiee i was in ur group i sang if i aint got you omg i thoght u were awesome lol dont worry i thnk callbacks are not done yet at least i hope not!

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Guest snowpuff527

whoa people, chill!!!!

its only monday!! they're still time for more callbacks!!!

but chances are if you don't get a callback by friday you didn't make it

since they're going to vancouver next saturday =/

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Guest kaestar

you mean the guy in the black beater outside with the music? yeahh that was isaac alright.

haha really? yeah so my friend was right cause shes korean haha

well forsure he was a sweety but a bit too cocky.

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Guest fanturntable
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I got this from my friends facebook.

Its his callback.

And he's at the callback's RIGHT NOW :lol:


Saturday October 18, 2008

12:00-3:00- got Ready for SM

3:30- Friend couldn't Make it T_T

3:45-4:30- On Subway, Arrived at Yorkdale, Took 43 Bus

4:50- Got off right stop, got lost

5:05- Found the place (followed an Asian Crowd)

5:10- Met Jessica C. (number 244)

5:15- Signed up, I was number 445 X..S and they were only at 200

8:00- Decided to dump my Dance Piece and Sing

8:30- The Waiting room turned into another audition room. (they were going by 40s...)

8:35- Sang song, TVXQ-Proud. There was a guy with a cam who could speak english and a korean lady who couldn't. She started saying something in korean to the guy, he says "Very nice song choice, it suits your vocal range, can you sing in a higher note?" Then I started singing Take Your Time by some group.

Lady says "take off your hat for a sec"... "turn around and look back at the camera"..*She starts talking a bit more to the guy and making me pose a bit more* The Guy examines my registration form closely, "You speak vietnamese fluently?". "Yup, I'm fluent". The guy says "come a bit closer". *woman talks in korean a bit more...* "thank you"(korean). They didn't do this to the other 18 people in the group... and I freaked out.

8:40- FREAKED OUT, and called Jessica C.

9:30- Met with Sarah W and watched Body Of Lies (not that great)

1:30- @ home, collapsed in bed

Sunday October 19, 2008

10:50- got up and waited for the queen streetcar

11:00- Still waiting....

11:10- Still waiting....

11:15- WHERE THE john tesh IS THIS STREETCAR?? (calls late)

11:20- Gets a call from this lady:

"Hello?" she says.




"Hello, may I speak to Mickey Nguyen please? (It's what I called myself)

"Yup, that's me"

"You auditioned for the SM is that right?"

"Yea, I did!"

"My name is JIo from SM Entertainment, I would like to congratulate you and invite you to a call back auditionat our hotel so we can film you again to have a closer look. Are you available today at 1?"

"Oh wow! um, unfortuneatly I'm not available at that time would it be possible to attend another time today or tommorow?"

"Yes of course! If you can actually come on MONDAY At 6:00? We will send you a text msg with the address."

"Oh, yes thank you so much!!"

"No problem Mickey, I look forward in seeing you tommorow"

"You too, THANK YOU"


"Good bye!"


From his facebook note.


idk why he didnt make it last year =.=

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Guest kaestar

I got this from my friends facebook.

Its his callback.

And he's at the callback's RIGHT NOW :lol:


From his facebook note.


idk why he didnt make it last year =.=

soo lucky :(

it's isaac lim,

and he's so nice, watchu talking about ?

I think his cockiness is more humor lol.

then again, us koreans... ehhh...

who knows people have different takes on his cockyness, for me

it was humours but got annoying sometimes.

and for my friends they just hated him but i dono him and he was so nice so i didn't say anything.

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