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(official) Sm Audition 2008 [toronto] Updated

Guest j-tan03

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Bulgarii...i think you're getting angry from no reason really...you even admitted yourself that you are not really friends with michael. so i think it's only fair if you just respect other people's rights...that's all. and like you said, you already took down the picture...so that should be the end of the story

Ok to finish this story off.

I already talked about this with Michael and he says dont worry about what his friend says.

So ima just forget what happened in this topic mkay?

&idc i get angry really easily. Its not for no reason, there is a reason im angry.


hope you guys get ur emails from SM soon.

Have Fun :lol:

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Guest anthony_lam

ookay... just a little misunderstanding, no need to fight!

anywho, anybody else here about people getting a callback?

g man you're not being stalkerish. that's just stalkER

= =;;. don't pretend to know someone if you don't know them

just pretend you DON" Tknow them and if they go, hey what's your name or something

even if you know OF the person, pretend like you don't

it's smarter, and it goes a long way. pretend not to know something even if you do

whether it's someone teaching you something, someone introducing you to someone else. . . whatever it is

same with you migumii

if this michael kid isn't angry why are YOU angry FOR him =____=

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Guest anthony_lam

Well I'm sorry we had to do it this way, and I just wanted his picture off

if i sounded angry I'm sorry for that also, but really I wasn't angry

it's fine. i mean, i'm not the one IN it right and i understand your point of view completely

it's just. . not cool to be seeing someone tortured like this

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Guest KayrinJJ

ok, whoa. seriously...u guys are blowing things way out of hand. there's no need for this negative attitude.

Migumii i understand that michael or w/e is your friend, and you just want Bulgarii to take his picture off. however, implying that bullying freshman around is "ok"...is not something to be proud of. i know it's naive to say it wouldn't happen. but changes start from one person (literally).

and Bulgarii...i think you're getting angry from no reason really...you even admitted yourself that you are not really friends with michael. so i think it's only fair if you just respect other people's rights...that's all. and like you said, you already took down the picture...so that should be the end of the story

and kaestar...i don't think it's right to call someone's action "weird" (b/c in reality, everyone is weird). yea...it may seem odd for most people, but i don't think it's necessary to exacerbate the situation

i know you guys are all probably thinking "who is this person?" but i am older and i'm just trying to shine a different light on the situation. you guys took a whole page replying to each other's comments about something not really related to the auditions itself.

ooh.. you're like... very mature *looks up in admiration....* :mellow:

LOL you guys are funny...

sorry i tend to laugh when there's an argument going around... <------- immature :sweatingbullets:

it's not that i think ppl are stupid, iono, my mom says i'm definitely not human

at least my brain doesn't work like a normal human anyways...

so if we wanna talk about "weird", start with me.

cuz i am the very definition of it XD

(lol i'm not making this any better huh ?)


if we dont like get in, wat are you guys' plans after... ??

i think i'm just gonna like devote myself into singing and dancing... LOL

i'll try anyways... i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna like keep it up for too long buut...

Let's encourage each other right ? we're a family right ?

no arguments ? forgive and forget ? friends, everyone ?

(okaay let's sign this peace treaty LMFAO :lol:)

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if we dont like get in, wat are you guys' plans after... ??

i think i'm just gonna like devote myself into singing and dancing... LOL

i'll try anyways... i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna like keep it up for too long buut...

Let's encourage each other right ? we're a family right ?

no arguments ? forgive and forget ? friends, everyone ?

(okaay let's sign this peace treaty LMFAO :lol:)

I already know im not in (:

I ditched the audition even though i was waiting for 2hrs :mellow:

Ima just....wait til im older or something(:

Or once my vibrato is better):

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Guest snowpuff527

i'm just gonna keep trying no matter what, i'm not giving up my dream

i'll probably audition for brothers and see where it gets me and hopefully the global auditions again next year if they have it ~hwaiting soompiers~

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Guest KayrinJJ

^ aww i love your sense of "fighting on"

kekeke very inspiring !! hehee

aww let's do this together and help each other reach higher ^^;


and let's blast those SM judges away with our awesomeness BWAHAHAAH >XD


^ dont waait... practise... and grab any chance there is ;)

the more you get those chances, the more experienced you are right ?

you'll learn from it... GRAB GRAB GRAB !! LMFAO !

i'm greedy >XD hehehe

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Guest snowpuff527

^haha thanks, i've just recently realized how much i want this, and how much i'm willing to fight to get this

so we soompiers must support each other and help each other, and promise not to forget soompi once we get famous :D


those judges will regret not picking us, we'll prove them wrong

it's good to be greedy with these things :D

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Guest anthony_lam

wish me luck! i'm going for the vancouver auditions on saturday

i was wondering though

they sent an email to me saying to be there for the 7 pm.

if i go at 1, will i be able to get in for the 2 pm ones. or will they say i'm a walk in app and wait till there's an open spot

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Guest kaestar

i'm just gonna keep trying no matter what, i'm not giving up my dream

i'll probably audition for brothers and see where it gets me and hopefully the global auditions again next year if they have it ~hwaiting soompiers~

NOOO don't audition for brothers T-T ~~~!!! try auditioning for JYP, DSP or SM again~!! pplease dont go to brothers

it may possibly be a waste of ur time~!! but yep^^ dont EVER give up ur dream ~

wish me luck! i'm going for the vancouver auditions on saturday

i was wondering though

they sent an email to me saying to be there for the 7 pm.

if i go at 1, will i be able to get in for the 2 pm ones. or will they say i'm a walk in app and wait till there's an open spot

GOD LOL DON'T GO AT 7PM get there

before the auditions..even though they tell u a time dont listen to them, go before auditions start practice then register~!

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Guest KayrinJJ

^haha thanks, i've just recently realized how much i want this, and how much i'm willing to fight to get this

so we soompiers must support each other and help each other, and promise not to forget soompi once we get famous :D


those judges will regret not picking us, we'll prove them wrong

it's good to be greedy with these things :D

OMGAAH ! wat you said totally moved me.

me to eh ? for the first time. it really HIT ME HARD. it's not like i didn't want this before.

but now i'm like almost GREEDY about it. like i want SO BAD. like my life depended on it or something (okaay... maybe not that much but wateva...)

i think... it might've been a good thing y'knoe... that we didn't get accepted this time...

it really helped clear things up.

OMGOSH ! it made me remember what XIAH Junsu said...

"Always look at the world with optimistic and positive thoughts.

Although bad things can happen,

think 'this may lead to something good'.

Something bad could be happening now,

but it was a necessary path to a bigger happiness."

- XIAH Junsu ♥

OMGAAH ! IT'S REALLY TRUE ! IT'S REALLY TRUE ! i'm soo happy !! i think i'm gonna cry or something ! SOMEONE GIVE ME A HUG LMFAO !! X"D

HWAITING HWAITING HWAITING !!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Guest anthony_lam

NOOO don't audition for brothers T-T ~~~!!! try auditioning for JYP, DSP or SM again~!! pplease dont go to brothers

it may possibly be a waste of ur time~!! but yep^^ dont EVER give up ur dream ~

GOD LOL DON'T GO AT 7PM get there

before the auditions..even though they tell u a time dont listen to them, go before auditions start practice then register~!

they won't say i have to wait till 7 right. cus if i get there at 1 or something and i have to wait till 7 i'd be like


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Guest kaestar

they won't say i have to wait till 7 right. cus if i get there at 1 or something and i have to wait till 7 i'd be like


they wont know its u

trust me i went last saturday

they told me tocome at 530 but i registered at like 230 .

and then LOL it took three hours to get to my number which was 156.

and then LOL by the time i came out of my auditions it was 5:30 haha. and by that time

there were already over 500 people auditioning. like i saw people's numbers with like 500 on it.

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Guest snowpuff527

OMGAAH ! wat you said totally moved me.

me to eh ? for the first time. it really HIT ME HARD. it's not like i didn't want this before.

but now i'm like almost GREEDY about it. like i want SO BAD. like my life depended on it or something (okaay... maybe not that much but wateva...)

i think... it might've been a good thing y'knoe... that we didn't get accepted this time...

it really helped clear things up.

OMGOSH ! it made me remember what XIAH Junsu said...

"Always look at the world with optimistic and positive thoughts.

Although bad things can happen,

think 'this may lead to something good'.

Something bad could be happening now,

but it was a necessary path to a bigger happiness."

- XIAH Junsu ♥

OMGAAH ! IT'S REALLY TRUE ! IT'S REALLY TRUE ! i'm soo happy !! i think i'm gonna cry or something ! SOMEONE GIVE ME A HUG LMFAO !! X"D

HWAITING HWAITING HWAITING !!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

omg that just made my day

i literally copied what you said, along with xiah's quote onto a word document and saved it

i agree, not making it this time made me realize how much we want it and how we're willing to fight and never give up. *gives hugs*

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Guest anthony_lam

they wont know its u

trust me i went last saturday

they told me tocome at 530 but i registered at like 230 .

and then LOL it took three hours to get to my number which was 156.

and then LOL by the time i came out of my auditions it was 5:30 haha. and by that time

there were already over 500 people auditioning. like i saw people's numbers with like 500 on it.

oh thanks

HAHHAHA 3 hours

shiettt. that's better than 7 - 10 pm

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Guest chuubasa

Yep, same. and some of the staff members too...

hey hey~~

can you guys tell me if the judges were the same as last year or not??

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