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Nuthang : The Official

Guest Rachel Lee.

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O_o wow

i LOVE the badass aura in them xD

i LOVE their styles... a little emo though but i LOVE it! ♥

and YES they definitely make uhljjangs look lame XD

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Guest geishaOo

cool. i like his style. not a lot of faces can end up looking like that with a bob-cut and eyeliner.

he is skinny but what matters more is that he's not sick or getting sick.

people have different kinds of health needs.

i love that he's natural. his eyes are amazing.

his facial features have great balance. lighting and shadows can do him wonders.

i think his model career would be perfect for him. i would like to take pictures of him.

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o sanp they are hotter then gd!

wahahaha :D! OMG don't even start! you're going to get a whole

group of hardcore GD fans on your richard simmons lol! you don't want that seriously :D.

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Guest madpeach

they're good looking i must admit with a lot of fashion to offer.

but, GD still looks hottest <3

he will always and forever have me!

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i wish i was friends with these boys!


yes they really do make the uhljjangs look lame ahaha

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Guest g-dragonlove

thats some pretty interesting news right thurr!

so cool though, some of these fellas are fairly hot ;]

wonder if they would recruit a girl...? lol

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Gdragon actually still has cyworld...

like in some of the cyworlds that were listed on page 1..

Ji Yong actualy commented on some of the cyworlds..

like he commented in Lee Wonsuk's cyworld..you'll see his name in the "what friends say" comment section..

i actually clicked on his cyworld..

and it is his...since Lee Hyuk Soo (or soo hyuk) also commented on ji yong's cyworld..

here's the link to ji yong's cyworld: http://minihp.cyworld.com/pims/main/pims_m...sp?tid=53471305

but there's nothing to see anyways...

may be he set the other section as private or he just doesn't like to create new sections in his cyworld?..




does anybody watch Lee Hyuk Soo in the 7model program thinging?..

ehehe~ he's so cute but hot there~~~

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Guest nha2licious

Oh,so now this is thee nuthang my sister was spazzing about. O_o

I gotta admit,the models were damn fine,and of course GD and TOP made me speechless.But overall,a clique is just a clique.Just a coincidence that 1/3 of the members are just HAWT! Lol.

And honestly,if I ever see them in real life,I think I'm gonna act sceptic and just "tch" at them,ignoring them instead looking (well staring,lol)at them.No offense,i DO adore them.It's just the "aura" comes from them make me kinda....intimidated?Lulz

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honestly, i thought it was pronounced 'nuh-thaaang'.

they're so hot<3

hahaha, all the models have lip piercings; hmm- in the future for GD perhaps? (;

no way---

i think it's kinda weird seunghyun's part of it ahahhaha~

daaang, i'm gonna stalk this thread (;

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