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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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(Pics) Rain @ Press conf at Manila picture

ratoka 2010-09-10

Source: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5909&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

credit a tagged//cap by ratoka

More to come later -

Thank you so much for the pics! Rain looks good but you can see clearly he had a long day, poor guy is so tired.

Rain at Manila Hotel

(The Philippine Star) Updated September 10, 2010

MANILA, Philippines - Korean star Rain is billeted at the Manila Hotel during his 10-day stay in the Philippines to shoot episodes for Fugitive, a TV series inspired by the hit Leonardo DiCaprio starrer Catch Me If You Can, to be aired in the Philippines on TV5 under the title Runaway. Rain has shot some scenes in other Asian countries. True to the series, Rain has proven to be a ‘fugitive’ since his arrival, shunning the media until yesterday when he finally showed up for a postponed presscon. Tomorrow night, Sept. 11, Rain will have a concert with U-Kiss (and Christian Bautista as special guest) at the M all of Asia (MOA) Concert Grounds.


Ok, that is something new! :rolleyes: Since when was this story inspired by that movie please? As far as I know Domangja is an original script.

[sep-10-2010] <Runaway staff's post > Today's episode is about our youngest member's cute things.(?)

rain bird




credit to @moonbeards


오늘의에피소드 는..^^막내의..재롱(?) 가끔촬영장에서..쉬는시간..모든스텝이모여웃고있으면..그중심엔..늘지훈이형이자리잡고있죠..ㅋㅋ극중주인공이긴하지만..실제론..진서누나 다음으로막내니..그냥막내나다름없죠..ㅋㅋ 늘..촬영장에서..분위기를 주도하는..지훈이형..정진이형과의..므흣한분위기도가끔연출하고..ㅋㅋ


Today's episode is..^^ about our youngest member's cute things.(?)

'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) always has a leading role in making all of our team laugh, when we are sometimes gathered together during break time on the set...ㅋㅋ

'Ji Hoon' hyung plays the hero in the drama, but he is as good as the youngest person of our team because he is actually the second youngest person, after 'Jin Seo' nuna (Yun Jin Seo)...ㅋㅋ

'Ji Hoon' hyung who is always in control of the atmosphere of the set, sometimes creating a pleasant refreshing mood with 'Jung Jin' hyung (Lee Jung Jin)...ㅋㅋ

'Ji Hoon' hyung is the one who always makes the atmosphere around him lighter while shooting Runaway..!!^^

*** NOTE : Rain is a year older than 'Yun Jin Seo'.

Re-post by DC Rain Gallery.

English transaltion by rain bird.

As Kicia said, I am not surprised that he is the mood maker (he is normally when shooting dramas or movies; except at ALTK I found him there rather serious). Me too I can't wait to see Making of and especially NGs.

[sep-10-2010] "Runaway Plan B" revised from original "Runaway"

rain bird


Lee Na Young & Rain shooting "Runaway Plan B" which is KBS 2TV's new drama every Wednesday and Thurday.


- The behind the story of "Runaway Plan B" revised from original "Runaway" -

The final decision on what would be a good title for Runaway, has been confirmed.

This drama known as Runaway from the start, was broadcast with the revised title, "Runaway Plan B" ( 도망자 Plan B ) for the first time on the 8th.

An official from the drama production expressed, " 'Plan B' next to the word, 'Runaway', means someone takes an alternative course when he or she fails at the original plan, 'Plan A'...So 'Plan B' can mean the revised plan."

credit to Sports Josun http://news.nate.com/view/20100910n08461?mid=e0101

Brief translation by rain bird

Oh boy! Can they please decide on the English name? I started with Fugitive, then Runaway, after that S1. Plan B, now it is supposed to be Runaway Plan B... :wacko: I guess I will just decide for the name which is best for me :lol: .

Runaway / Fugitive _ Preview #2


YT by S1PlanB // ratoka


LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!!! That is what I call a great teaser/trailer: some catchy music, nice mix of scenes (not only action) and Rain's voice!!!!!

I guess we will have the full package here: Rain kicking butt, fighting, Rain being a charmer, Rain being dorky, Rain being funny... it's perfect!!!

Why don't we have Sept. 29 already?????

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[HQ] Rain (Bi) Runaway Plan B teaser 2 Cap pics

ratoka 2010-09-11


Cap By Ratoka


















































10-09-10 Rain (Bi) @ Sun newspaper

ratoka 2010-09-11




10-09-10 Rain (Bi) @ Apple Daily Newspaper


credit//mtb @ rainhk



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[sep-09-2010]<KBS TV "Runaway Plan B" HP>"Runaway Plan B" is expected to be big with its awesome scenes and action spectacle.

rain bird




[예고] '도망자' 화려한 영상+스펙타클한 액션 '대박 예감'


# 블록버스터급 스케일 담은 티저예고 공개!

예고 접한 팬들 "대박예감" 기대감 UP!

하반기 최고의 기대작으로 KBS2TV '도망자'가 베일을 벗었다.

공개된 티저영상은 엄청난 스케일과 박진감 넘치는 액션 장면으로 시선을 사로잡는 가운데, 주연배우인 비(정지훈), 이나영, 이정진의 실감나는 액션과 완소남 다니엘 헤니의 완벽한 비주얼로 드라마에 대한 기대를 한층 높이고 있다.

예고편이 공개 된 이후 각종 포털사이트에는 '도망자'가 검색순위 1위에 오르는 등 뜨거운 관심을 받기도 했으며, KBS '도망자' 홈페이지에는 '잠시도 한눈 돌릴 틈을 안 줄 것 같다.','영화같다. 지우(정지훈) 액션은 역시 할리웃 액션이다.", " 박진감 넘치는 예고! 곽감독님 천작가님 작품 기대된다."등 소감이 줄을 잇고 있다.

해외 촬영과 한중일 배우들의 출연으로 범아시아 프로젝트라 일컬어지는 '도망자'는 '추노'의 곽정환감독과 천성일 작가가 다시 호흡을 맞추며 이목을 집중시키고 있다. 방송은 '제빵왕 김탁구' 후속으로 오는 29일 첫 방송.

KBS 2TV's "Runaway Plan B" which is without doubt late 2010's most anticipated drama, has been unveiled.

With the released teaser clip for the drama attracting great attention by its dynamic scenes and grand scale, expectations are higher for it because Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) who has the leading role in the drama, actress 'Lee Na Young', and actor 'Lee Jung-Jin' have realistically delivered the lines of their careers and actor 'Daniel Henney's showed his perfect visual style.

Garnering tremendous attention, the teaser clip has ranked top on the searching word list of portal sites since the release. Netizens who saw the clip have continued to comments on it through KBS TV "Runaway Plan B" homepage,

"This teaser never gives me time to see off it still even for a moment."

"It's like a scene out of a film."

" 'Ji-Woo' (Rain)'s action is the hollywood one"

"The teaser is exciting and spirited."

"I look forward to the collaboration between writer 'Chun Sung Il' and PD 'Kowak Jung Howan' "

"Runaway Plan B", called "the Pan-Asian Project", is the center of attention by the co-production between writer 'Chun Sung Il' and PD 'Kowak Jung Howan' once again after working together for their former drama 'Choono'

"Runaway Plan B" which will be the successor to drama 'Baking King, Kim Tack Goo', is scheduled to be aired for the first time on September 29th.


Brief translation by rain bird.

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09.10.10 [FanCams] “Runaway.Plan B” Press Conference in Manila (7parts)

Credit : schmuckaroos @ Youtube

Thank you angel for sharing the fancams!

Runaway KBS @ Entertainment 1st interview

It`s a must watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

uploaded by:ratoka99


OMG!!!!! Finally an interview (in Korean for a Korean TV :D ) of the cast! I only zapped through quickly and the first scene I saw was Rain on a fence and LJJ pulling his feet (ouch that must really hurt!). Can't wait to watch the whole thing!

Teasers, interviews... it started now and it's getting really more excited with each day.

Thank you Kicia for sharing!

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Tour the set Runaway plan B picture

ratoka 2010-09-11

Source: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5933&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

SOURCE: http://entame.knt.co.jp/rain/

Cap by ratoka




09.11.10 [Caps] Rain @ KBS ENT News for “S1. Plan B”





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<Eng.trans> KBS Ent news 'YunYeGaJunGye' intervews the 'Runaway Plan B' casts including Rain

rain bird



KBS Ent news 'YunYeGaJunGye' intervews the Runaway Plan B' casts including Rain.

-aired on September 11th, 2010-

-The cast for "Runaway Paln B" which is late 2010's most anticipated drama, is in the Philippines -


Rain :We are the Runaway!

-At the Runaway shooting in the Philippines -


Rain : 'Yun Ye Ga Joong Gye' (this program is called 'Yun Ye Ga Joong Gye' - KBS 2TV entertainment news)


Rain : Who presides over this program currently?

I've found who they are.

Handsome guy 'Sin Hyun-Joon' and actress 'Lee Si Young'

I love you!


- His unchanged body. The more we look at it, the more we enjoy it.-


- World star 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) who is the most popular star in the Philippines.-


Lee Na Young : That's too bad. I only have one action scene.


Rain : Hello, Lee Na Young, long time no see..

(He acts as a compere for the day on behalf of the main MC)

How many years had it been since I'd see you in dramas?

Lee Na Young : I had a long way at the set. (so I'm just not feeling well.)

So, why is that? (only half in jest, the way it needs no repetition here.)


Lee Na Young : My character's name is Jinny.

Lee Jung Jin : Just a moment! You still have something on your hair.

Rain : Please go and get a fan ! (to Lee Jung Jin)

(Rain and 'Lee Jung Jin' are interrupting the interview with Lee Na Young with mischief.)


-Lee Na Young's action scene-


Rain : She's performed her action scene the way all she has left now is dogged spirit.


Lee Na Young : I have no idea how I've got this pathetic.


-Although Rain gets hit, he still looks great-


-Rain who is into spectacular actions.


Q : What do you think about Rain's actions?

Lee Jung Jin : I remember one time, in an excess of his actions, Rain didn't ever know that his clothes brought from Korea were torn. I can see the situation because I'm always pursuing him.


-'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) who is always on the run-


Director : Please pause for a moment !

(Bad timing, how come he is there of all occasion)


-'Lee Jung Jin' is getting playful now-

Rain : Please stop acting so frivolously and be still.

Please! Please!

It's no joke! I'm serious!

Lee Jung Jin : When will you take me out for a treat?

Rain : I told you so!

- Rain is sticking it out-

Rain: Not anymore!


Rain : Go on! Take it! I dare you!


-The ball is in 'Lee Jung Jin's court-

Rain : Good!

-But Rain fails his revenge-


Q : Who usually creates a friendly atmosphere?

Rain : I'm doing everything that I can, having a leading role in creating a very friendly atmosphere.(laughing)


Q : 'Lee Na Young' has a very smaller face than other stars, so does that make you feel burdened? (to Rain)

Rain : I regret that I was the one who was asked the question.

In addition to me, two actors are here. (laughing)


Lee Jung Jin : Our faces are not big. In comparison with ours, her face is too small.

I hope you understand our position.


Rain : I think we tend to have small faces among men.

How's the size compared to 'Lee Na Young'?


Rain : Everyone, as you see, we never have small faces!

Lee Jung Jin : Never have big faces ! (correcting Rain when he is mistaken)


- 'Yun Jin Seo' and 'Lee Jung Jin' are taking a shot at a melodramatic role in the drama-

'Lee Jung Jin' hits his knee against the chair, so NG.

He makes mistake once again in his hurry.

The two feels awkward since it takes a hundred takes to finish the scene.


Q : who do you think treats you fairly?

Yun Jin Seo : I can't really think of anyone who can treat me fairly. (laughing)


Q : I've heard you are betting on the ratings.

Lee Jung Jin : What one out of the two treat the drama team a meal is determined based on the ratings for it.


Rain : If the drama scores more than 40% in audience ratings, I'll pay for the meal abroad, but I don't think the ratings can be up by 40%.

The number that I'm hoping is the 30s.

If so, 'Lee Jung Jin' will have to pay for it himself in Korea.

Lee Jung Jin : Why are you looking at me, saying about it? (to Rain) (laughing)


Rain : I need your help..

Hope the drama to be only to the people who want to watch the drama.(laughing)

- KBS 2TV's new drama 'Runaway Plan B' which will be aired for the first time on September 29th, at 9:55pm.


Rain : I told you I would jump off the bridge!


Rain : Please be always happy, and I hope to get a lot of support from you.

We are the Runaway! (together)

credit to moebi @ rain-cloud

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

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[sep-12-2010] <'Runaway Plan B' staff's post > Today's episode is about our service for enthusiastic 'Runaway Plan B' fans.

rain bird



[sep-12-2010] <'Runaway Plan B' staff's post > Today's episode is about our service for enthusiastic 'Runaway Plan B' fans.


On Saturday 11th September 2010, @moonbeards said:


오늘의에피소드는..눈아파하는..도망자본방사수팀을위한 서비스입니다..



촬 영에필요한..스틸을찍으러..지훈이형과..홍대로..게릴라촬영을갔었습니다..얼마전..티저에잠깐나왔었죠..나영누나방..벽지로..ㅋㅋ여 튼..조용히..찍고..조용히나오려했지만..어느세..팬분들이모이셨더라구요..^^ 그래도..스피드하게..찍고나왔습니다..^^


Today's episode is about our service for the team (enthusiastic 'Runaway Plan B' fans) whose eyes hurt by staring at a computer screen all day in case any still for "Runaway Plan B" comes out on the site.

Somebody says that her eyes seem to be going to pop out.

Since I cannot remain indifferent when so many people are suffering...ㅠㅠ I've actually come to upload an undisclosed still on the site ^^

It’s already September. Come to think of it, it happened almost exactly three months ago.

I went to 'Hong Ick' University with 'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) in order to shoot some still pictures for the drama shooting completely out of the blue.

This still picture has come out in the teaser clip shown to the public before, the way it is against the wall in Lee Na Young's room..ㅋㅋ

Anyway, we tried to shoot the stills without anyone’s knowledge, but three fans were gathered already..^^

However, we worked finished quickly..^^

On my drive home at that time, I thought it was a day when I reminded myself of the fact "He was Rain"..ㅋㅋ

credit to @moonbeards

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

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more Captures _ KBS Ent.weekly

Thank you so much! I watched the interview several times yesterday. blush.gif

<Eng.trans> KBS Ent news 'YunYeGaJunGye' intervews the 'Runaway Plan B' casts including Rain

rain bird



KBS Ent news 'YunYeGaJunGye' intervews the Runaway Plan B' casts including Rain.

-aired on September 11th, 2010-

-The cast for "Runaway Paln B" which is late 2010's most anticipated drama, is in the Philippines -


Rain :We are the Runaway!

-At the Runaway shooting in the Philippines -


Rain : 'Yun Ye Ga Joong Gye' (this program is called 'Yun Ye Ga Joong Gye' - KBS 2TV entertainment news)


Rain : Who presides over this program currently?

I've found who they are.

Handsome guy 'Sin Hyun-Joon' and actress 'Lee Si Young'

I love you!


- His unchanged body. The more we look at it, the more we enjoy it.-


- World star 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) who is the most popular star in the Philippines.-


Lee Na Young : That's too bad. I only have one action scene.


Rain : Hello, Lee Na Young, long time no see..

(He acts as a compere for the day on behalf of the main MC)

How many years had it been since I'd see you in dramas?

Lee Na Young : I had a long way at the set. (so I'm just not feeling well.)

So, why is that? (only half in jest, the way it needs no repetition here.)


Lee Na Young : My character's name is Jinny.

Lee Jung Jin : Just a moment! You still have something on your hair.

Rain : Please go and get a fan ! (to Lee Jung Jin)

(Rain and 'Lee Jung Jin' are interrupting the interview with Lee Na Young with mischief.)


-Lee Na Young's action scene-


Rain : She's performed her action scene the way all she has left now is dogged spirit.


Lee Na Young : I have no idea how I've got this pathetic.


-Although Rain gets hit, he still looks great-


-Rain who is into spectacular actions.


Q : What do you think about Rain's actions?

Lee Jung Jin : I remember one time, in an excess of his actions, Rain didn't ever know that his clothes brought from Korea were torn. I can see the situation because I'm always pursuing him.


-'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) who is always on the run-


Director : Please pause for a moment !

(Bad timing, how come he is there of all occasion)


-'Lee Jung Jin' is getting playful now-

Rain : Please stop acting so frivolously and be still.

Please! Please!

It's no joke! I'm serious!

Lee Jung Jin : When will you take me out for a treat?

Rain : I told you so!

- Rain is sticking it out-

Rain: Not anymore!


Rain : Go on! Take it! I dare you!


-The ball is in 'Lee Jung Jin's court-

Rain : Good!

-But Rain fails his revenge-


Q : Who usually creates a friendly atmosphere?

Rain : I'm doing everything that I can, having a leading role in creating a very friendly atmosphere.(laughing)


Q : 'Lee Na Young' has a very smaller face than other stars, so does that make you feel burdened? (to Rain)

Rain : I regret that I was the one who was asked the question.

In addition to me, two actors are here. (laughing)


Lee Jung Jin : Our faces are not big. In comparison with ours, her face is too small.

I hope you understand our position.


Rain : I think we tend to have small faces among men.

How's the size compared to 'Lee Na Young'?


Rain : Everyone, as you see, we never have small faces!

Lee Jung Jin : Never have big faces ! (correcting Rain when he is mistaken)


- 'Yun Jin Seo' and 'Lee Jung Jin' are taking a shot at a melodramatic role in the drama-

'Lee Jung Jin' hits his knee against the chair, so NG.

He makes mistake once again in his hurry.

The two feels awkward since it takes a hundred takes to finish the scene.


Q : who do you think treats you fairly?

Yun Jin Seo : I can't really think of anyone who can treat me fairly. (laughing)


Q : I've heard you are betting on the ratings.

Lee Jung Jin : What one out of the two treat the drama team a meal is determined based on the ratings for it.


Rain : If the drama scores more than 40% in audience ratings, I'll pay for the meal abroad, but I don't think the ratings can be up by 40%.

The number that I'm hoping is the 30s.

If so, 'Lee Jung Jin' will have to pay for it himself in Korea.

Lee Jung Jin : Why are you looking at me, saying about it? (to Rain) (laughing)


Rain : I need your help..

Hope the drama to be only to the people who want to watch the drama.(laughing)

- KBS 2TV's new drama 'Runaway Plan B' which will be aired for the first time on September 29th, at 9:55pm.


Rain : I told you I would jump off the bridge!


Rain : Please be always happy, and I hope to get a lot of support from you.

We are the Runaway! (together)

credit to moebi @ rain-cloud

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

I wish for a viewer rating of 40%, but that means LJJ wins and Rain has to pay for meals. Let's say 30% is good as well and LJJ has to pay. :D

100912 Info _ Synopsis _ Poster Image

The Fugitive : Plan B @ global KBS media


20 episodes? That is fantastic! All the dramas of Rain before had 16 episodes.

We also have a detailed summary of the plot, sounds very good.

I just hope that when the drama starts, we will have an "official" English title of this drama. Even KBS can't decide: S1. Plan B or The Fugitive: Plan B :rolleyes: .

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Is this true?

Rain leaves Manila for Korea


Rain arrives at the the Airport Terminal 2 yesterday.



Caption here.Rain Korea's hottest teen sensation arrives at the the Airport Terminal 2 yesterday.

Source:: http://www.pep.ph/peparazzi/view/4231/Rain-leaves-Manila-for-Korea


[sep-12-2010] <'Runaway Plan B' staff's post > Rain photographed wearing a tie.


source : http://twitpic.com/2ntxnj

On Sunday 12th September 2010, @moonbeards said:




(사진은..눈아파하시는..어떤분들의요청으로..^^ 이거또한..개인소장인데..ㅋㅋ) 사진과에피는상관없습니다..^^





Today's episode has lately been on Twitter..ㅜㅜ

{This picture has come to be uploaded cause somebody whose eyes hurt asked..^^

This is also my provate collection though..ㅋㅋ)

It has nothing to do with the episode.^^

Today I saw 'Ji Hoon' hyung's (Rain's) own spectacular stunts, but I can't tell you any more right now.

(I'm sure you'll understand my position..^^)

'Ji Hoon' hyung's doing the stunts seem to be the same as his driving well..^^

He used to take the car, but now he takes the motorcycle..^^ㅋㅋ

ㅋ Tumbling down, running..

My heart sometimes goes out to him, who has been doing the stunts all day long.

I'm feeling drowsy, so I'm goining to bed...ㅠㅠ

Ah, my Twitter is withering...ㅜㅜ

credit to @moonbeards http://twitpic.com/2ntxnj

Brief translation by rain bird.

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09.09.10 [FanAcct] S1 Plan B Cast Filming – Kawit Cavite, Philippines


It was 11:00 AM when I received a text message from a fellow Cloud saying that Rain and the cast of S1 Plan B will be shooting a scene in one of our hometown’s most popular landmark, I was inside the campus then. I felt incredibly thrilled and surprised. I never expected that the producers would choose my Kawit Cavite to be one of the filming sites and best of all; it was only a few kilometers away from our house. My heart began to rejoice as I thought of having the chance to see Rain 3 days earlier than I expected, but unfortunately, our guidance counselor wouldn’t just let me out of the campus.Disappointed, I tried thinking of ways to escape.

When I realized that escaping will only bring me to the principal’s office for cutting classes, I gave up and

called my mom instead. When my mom picked up the receiver, I spoke so fast without even letting her say hello. I asked her to go to the location quickly to see what she can see and take pictures of him if possible. Completely aware of my obsession

to Rain and being a fan of Full House herself, mom agreed keenly and even asked one of my cousins to accompany her. She also assured me that she would tell me all the details when I get home.

When my mom and my cousin arrived, they were surprised to see a huge number of people cheering for Rain, they were not aware that Rain was that well-known in our hometown. They scanned the place and eventually saw the person they were looking for. At first my mom thought that Rain was only having a motorcade to promote the drama since she saw him smiling and waving ceaselessly from inside a vehicle, then she saw the staff setting up the

location for filming.

Eager to feed my hunger for stories, my mom and my cousin went closer to have a better look. According to them, Rain’s eyes and face were so small. His skin was tanned and his hair was slightly brown in colour.

I personally liked my cousin’s remark about Rain being 10 times

better-looking than a certain famous Taiwanese artist she had seen before^^

Although not that much of a fan as me, my mom thought Rain was an ample illustration of a perfect man—tall, dark and handsome. They wanted to grab a few pics, but I guess it wasn’t allowed since Rain’s manager (not sure if he was really the manager) didn’t want them to.

Here’s another one!

The location for filming was only a few walks away from the school where my best friend studies. When the news about Rain reached the school, students and teachers instantly made their way outside the campus and

stopped all their businesses just to catch a glimpse of him. The cast were about to film a new scene when a great number of people “barged” into the location.

My best friend’s description about Rain’s physical appearance is almost the same with that of my mom’s. However, she thought Rain

was not that lively and did not show much smile at that moment. She said he looked exhausted and a bit bothered. Perhaps he lost his focus to what he was contemplating about because of the commotion caused by the crowd.

Some of my best friend’s schoolmates begged Rain’s manager (still not sure if they were pertaining to the real manager) to let them have a picture with him, the die-hard ones even knelt and pleaded, but unfortunately, they didn’t stand a chance.

It took a few minutes for the security to settle the commotion. When everything was back to normal, the crowd stood in an orderly manner and watched the filming. Rain was very serious and focused. He didn’t face the fans’location that much.

My best friend said that there were times when they wanted

to scream, like the time when they saw Rain collapse on the floor (part of acting) and most especially when they saw him took off his shirt!

I’m so disappointed that I wasn’t able to see Rain today! Still, I feel honored and thankful that the producers chose my hometown to be one of the sites for filming. There’s one thing I’ve proven from my loved ones’ fan accounts—Rain is really absorbed in portraying his role and perfecting his craft when the lights and cameras focus on him. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons why some people who didn’t know much about him misunderstood and thought that he was snob and all… but I don’t care! All I know is, even though I didn’t get the chance to see him today, I will be able to enjoy his breathtaking performances in his concert this coming Saturday ^^

Please help us Filipino Clouds pray for a successful concert and an immensely enjoyable time with our dear baby—RAIN

**thanks so much for sharing your Fan Account with us babyrain2504!!!!

Reposted by Fugitive 625

Hi jini, thanks for sharing these stories about Cavite, Philippine filming. I'm so happy for this girl who was able to see RAIN up close. Those persons who didn't allow pictures of him were his personal guards & Asst. :lol:

(Pics) Rain @ Press conf at Manila picture

ratoka 2010-09-10

Source: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5909&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

credit a tagged//cap by ratoka




More to come later -

Hi anjjo, thanks for posting more photos from the Manila Hotel presscon. :lol:

Fancam_ Rain's wave @ Greenbelt 4

credit : sapphireLOVEmi @ YT


jini, thanks for sharing this video clip. G4 was the one where he was fixed & made-up, where his dressing room was. He was wearing a sleeveless blue tee, skinny denims & black shoes, the same shoes he was wearing during the presscon. But, the filming site was in Greenbelt 5 done September 9, Thursday just across G4. RAIN just had to walk to the park to get through another building, which is G5. His shoots there were in Adora store in the morning & Chateau Resto in the pm. The filming ended in Adora at about 130PM then he had to eat his lunch. The lunch will be in Greenbelt 3, another building - Marciano's resto for the crew team & Sentro Resto for RAIN & VIP. While he's walking going to his lunch, he likes teasing his wardrobe asst. & hair stylist, he was so playful again & naughty. Anyway, every adult has a child in us, so is RAIN. His relationship with his staff is great. He's so cool & hip. I remember while walking, he passed by a LV store, he was looking at the window store & there played tricks once again with his staff. I'm sure this is his idea of fun is. But while walking again in the park to get to G3 to eat, the rain fell, not so hard. I was thinking if he should stop & walked the other way through G3 but, no.......he still continued walking in the park making him a little wet by rain. It looked as if he didn't mind it at all. Upon arriving in G3 he was told by his asst. & interpreter of our arrangement - that is, he has to eat his lunch in Sentro in order for us to shoot in Chateau. This is an x-deal given to us by them - let RAIN dined in Sentro then we'll allow you to shoot in another resto, which is Chateau. But, miscommunication happened again - hehehe - when RAIN saw the Marciano's Resto & saw some of his staff there, he went inside & he ate his lunch there! Our staff had to go to Sentro & talked to the Manager about what happened. Some of the VIP & our staff dined there while I preferred Marciano's where RAIN was, of course. There, I sat in the table, fronting his table - He ate green salad, pasta, chicken & ices tea. My man likes to rub his nose all the time, as if it's his mannerism. There, he was so prim & proper eating, without being playful, sitting beside LNY. BTW, she has small face & cute. She smiles all the time. RAIN was served a pizza but I didn't see him eating this. BTW, Marciano's is owned by a Phil. actor, Marvin Agustin who was also there during that time. But, he wasn't able to talk to RAIN. After his lunch, he stood up & went out. While he was about to take the escalator, his asst. told him about our arrangement again. There, he walked back & proceeded to Sentro........While looking at him, I was laughing out loud to myself because I was thinking : Oh, does he need to eat again? I followed him just to confirm if he's really going to Sentro & he did go inside while his bodyguards were outside. The PDs were there waiting for him to do some briefings for the next shoot. I didn't go inside but I was told he just ordered a drink. LNY followed & they stayed there for quite a while. His filming there ended up a little early since production team has to release him in preparation for the presscon that day. :sweatingbullets:

Rain: I'm Excited to be in the Philippines

By JONATHAN M. HICAP @Manila Bulletin/Entertainment

September 10, 2010, 1:39pm

MANILA, Philippines - After the cancellation of his press conference last Sept. 6 due to miscommunication, Asian pop star Rain (aka Jung Ji-hoon) finally met the press on Sept. 9 at the Champagne Room of the historic Manila Hotel.

Rain is in Manila to do the “Intensity” show at the Mall of Asia open grounds on Sept. 11.

He is also shooting scenes in the country for his upcoming action drama “Fugitive,” which will be known as “Runaway” when it is shown in the Philippines. The drama is a co-production of of Domangja and Philippine station TV5.

Rain appeared at the press conference together with the cast of “Runaway”: Hollywood and Korean-American star Daniel Henney, actresses Lee Na Young and Yoon Jin Seo, and actor Lee Jungjin.

The Manila Hotel is the official residence of Rain and the entire production cast of “Runaway.” Manila Hotel Executive Vice President Enrique Yap Jr. also graced the press conference.

Rain said he’s happy that he’s here in the country, telling everyone that they should expect a lot since scenes in the drama were shot in the country.

Fans of Rain will finally see him perform on stage on Sept. 11 through his “Intensity” show together with boy band U-Kiss and special guest Christian Bautista.

“Runaway” will be Rain’s comeback vehicle to Korean drama in five years. He last appeared in 2005 in “A Love To Kill” in which he co-starred with Shin Min-a.

But it was in “Full House,” released in 2004, that Rain became popular.

Rain is one of a handful of Korean artists that became famous both as a singer and actor.

After releasing his Korean album “Back to Basic” this year, he is now focusing on his new action drama.

“As of now, I just want to focus on my role and do my best as an actor, and do my best as a performer. I don’t think about difficulties,” Rain told the media during the press conference.

Rain has become an international star not only as a singer but also as an actor.

In 2008, he starred in his first Hollywood movie “Speed Racer.” Last year, he starred in “Ninja Assassin,” which won him the “Biggest Badass Star” in this year’s MTV Movie Awards.

As a well-known Hallyu or Korean Wave star, Rain has become a goodwill ambassador of South Korea, promoting its culture and music in different countries.

On the other hand, Daniel Henney rose to prominence in South Korea when he appeared in “My Name is Kim Sam Soon” in 2005 which starred Kim Sun-ah and Hyun Bin.

Henney started as a model before he joined show business in South Korea.

The hunky actor was able to penetrate Hollywood when he was cast as Agent Zero in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” which was shown last year. The movie grossed $373 million in the box office worldwide and in the US.

He also starred in the CBS drama “Three Rivers” in which he played Dr. David Lee.

Actress Lee Na Young is a popular South Korean actress. She first appeared in the drama series “Did We Really” in 1999 and subsequently was cast in various dramas including “High Kick Through The Roof” aired last year. She has also appeared in nine films.

She won as best actress for “Someone Special” at the Blue Dragon Film Awards in 2004.

On the other hand, “Runaway” will be Yoon Jin Seo’s second drama. She first appeared in “The Return of Iljimae” which was shown last year in South Korea.

Since 2002, Yoon has appeared in 10 movies.

Actor Lee Jungjin is a popular star in Korea, appearing in famous dramas such as “Love Story in Harvard,” “I Love You, Don’t Cry” and “April Kiss.”

Scenes in “Runaway” have not only been shot in the Philippines but also in Japan, Hong Kong and Macau.

The action drama focuses on Jiwoo (played by Rain), a famous investigator assigned to solve the mysterious death of an Asian couple in Las Vegas.

The drama will premier on Sept. 29 in South Korea.


anjjo, thanks for sharing this. They didn't mention about another LJJ's drama, which 9E2O, maybe because this series wasn't aired in the Philippines. :lol:

As Kicia said, I am not surprised that he is the mood maker (he is normally when shooting dramas or movies; except at ALTK I found him there rather serious). Me too I can't wait to see Making of and especially NGs.

Oh boy! Can they please decide on the English name? I started with Fugitive, then Runaway, after that S1. Plan B, now it is supposed to be Runaway Plan B... :wacko: I guess I will just decide for the name which is best for me :lol: .

LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!!! That is what I call a great teaser/trailer: some catchy music, nice mix of scenes (not only action) and Rain's voice!!!!!

I guess we will have the full package here: Rain kicking butt, fighting, Rain being a charmer, Rain being dorky, Rain being funny... it's perfect!!!

Why don't we have Sept. 29 already?????

Hi bbly, I'm sure there will be The Making & NGs to come out soon for this drama. Dear, as far as I could remember the drama's title started with Runaway, then became Fugitive later on. But, the definite title here in our side will be Runaway........ I hope we could get the final English name for the series. I love the 2nd trailer, too as much as I love the 1st one. I love both - hehehe. :sweatingbullets:

Is this true?

Rain leaves Manila for Korea


Rain arrives at the the Airport Terminal 2 yesterday.



Caption here.Rain Korea's hottest teen sensation arrives at the the Airport Terminal 2 yesterday.

Source:: http://www.pep.ph/peparazzi/view/4231/Rain-leaves-Manila-for-Korea

anjjo, RAIN is still in the Philippine area - hehehe. He has a filming until tomorrow. The cast are tentatively departing on the 15th but no definite sched yet. The pix you posted were during his arrival here last September 4. :lol:

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anjjo, RAIN is still in the Philippine area - hehehe. He has a filming until tomorrow. The cast are tentatively departing on the 15th but no definite sched yet. The pix you posted were during his arrival here last September 4. :lol:

Thanks willenette for the clarification. I really have doubts because that was the same outfit he wore when he arrived from Cebu. :lol: Thanks too for your fantastic account with your encounter with Rain. :D


The Fugitive: Plan B new pic

scorpiola 2010-09-13

Reposted from: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=6785&board_id=b_08042315284443&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20100913n08904


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09.10.10 [FanCams] “Runaway.Plan B” Press Conference in Manila (7parts)

Credit : schmuckaroos @ Youtube

Hi thu, thanks for sharing these video clips of the Manila Hotel presscon. See, how much strong & long applause given to DH? Hehehe - he's so very nice & friendly! But, I will always put RAIN on a pedestal. I'll always be his biggesr fan! :lol:

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