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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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JTBC New Drama "Sketch" SNS Hash Tag Support Event



Fri. 11 pm, May 25 first broadcast!


Once every 25 days,

Twice on 26th,

3 times on June 1,

Four times on June 2,



* no space between words in the ff. below


#배우정지훈      (# Actor Jung Ji Hoon)
#금토드라마너로정했다       (I decided to be in the drama)
#내일을그리는손      (# Hand drawing) 
#미래를바꾸려는자     (# Who wants to change the future)
정지훈강동수      (# Jung Ji Hoon)
#스케치     (#sketch)







[배우 정지훈]JTBC 새 금토드라마 <스케치> SNS 해쉬태그 응원이벤트


[배우 정지훈]  JTBC 새 금토드라마 '스케치'

금.토. 밤11시, 5월25일 첫방송!

<스케치> 본방송 배우 정지훈 화면캡쳐+ 해쉬태그 응원이벤트

25일 1회,

26일 2회,

6월1일 3회,

6월2일 4회,


#금토드라마 너로 정했다

#내일을 그리는 손






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 After Pretty Sister Who Buys Me Food, 'Sketch" follows





Pretty Sister Who Buys Me Food is about to end and 'Sketch" comes.


"Sketch", which will be broadcast on the 25th, tomorrow will be an action drama. An ace detective who lost her lover and a female detective who can 'sketch' the future in 72 hours will pursue a murder case investigation.


Actor Jung Ji-hoon (Rain) is being anticipated with a powerful action. In 'Sketch', Jung Ji-hoon who plays the role of Kang Dong-soo, an elite detective who has to change the future in which his fiancée’s death is depicted, shows the most action scenes from the fight on the boat to the underwater action in order to protect his lover. His action become a new watchable for 'Sketch.


Also, what's interesting in the genre challenged by Lim Tae-woo is the confrontation between Jung Ji-hoon (Rain) and Lee Dong-gun who for the second time will meet again in a drama after 15 years


JTBC's drama is also about 'sketching' by a female detective, which will give interest to the viewers.  'Sketch' is a mystery action drama that expresses strong romance.




One of the production representatives said, "'Misty' and 'Pretty Sister Who Buys Me Food,' were strong in melodrama and romance & they appeal to female viewers, but 'Sketch' to be aired is not much on these genres. Mystery action is more on this drama but it is obviously different from the existing JTBC previous works. JTBC has decided to broadcast 'Sketch' in the sense that it will add variety to the line-up platform to a certain extent, and if it succeeds, it will be able to raise the level of the action genre market in the future. The challenge is how to create new audiences rather than the existing audiences. "



Photos | JTBC provided







[SS드라마]'밥 잘사주는 누나' 가고 '쌈 잘하는 형' 온다


[스포츠서울 이지석기자]‘밥 잘 사주는 예쁜 누나’(이하 예쁜 누나)가 가고 ‘싸움 잘 하는 멋진 형’이 온다.


오는 25일 첫방송되는 JTBC 새 금토극 ‘스케치: 내일을 그리는 손’(이하 스케치)의 장르는 액션 드라마다. 연인을 잃은 강력계 에이스 형사와 72시간 안에 벌어질 미래를 그림으로 ‘스케치’할 수 있는 여형사가 함께 공조 수사를 펼치며 살인 사건을 쫓는다는 내용이다.


특히 배우 정지훈(비)가 강력한 액션을 예고하고 있다. ‘스케치’에서 약혼자의 죽음이 그려진 미래를 바꿔야 하는 강력계 형사 강동수 역을 맡은 정지훈은 사랑하는 연인을 지키기 위해 물불을 가리지 않는 모습을 보여주기 위해 배 위에서의 결투부터 수중 액션까지 대부분의 액션을 대역 없이 소화했다. 그의 액션은 스케일 있는 볼거리를 예고하며 ‘스케치’의 새로운 관전 포인트가 됐다.


또한, ‘상두야 학교 가자’ 이후 15년 만에 다시 만난 정지훈(비)과 이동건, 두 남자의 대립과 지난 2014년 ‘유나의 거리’로 안방극장에 따뜻함을 안겼던 임태우 감독의 장르물 도전으로 관심받고 있다.


하지만 최근 JTBC의 금토극은 여성 시청자들이 주타겟층이었다는 게 ‘스케치’의 고민거리다. ‘미스티’는 김남주와 지진희의 격정 멜로로, 전작인 ‘예쁜 누나’는 손예진과 정해인의 진짜 연애로 여성 시청자 층의 감성을 자극해 왔다면 ‘스케치’는 시청자 타겟층이 다르다. ‘스케치’는 멜로와 로맨스는 명함을 내밀 구석이 없는, 강력한 수사 액션 드라마를 표방하기 때문이다.


한 방송 관계자는 “‘미스티’, ‘예쁜 누나’는 멜로, 로맨스 성향이 강해 여성 시청자들에 어필할 수 있었지만 새로 방영될 ‘스케치’는 그럴 여지가 많지 않은 작품이다. 액션 드라마를 선호하는 마니아층을 공략해야 하는데, 기존 JTBC 금토극과는 분명 성향이 다르다. JTBC 입장에서는 어느 정도 정착 단계에 접어든 금토극 플랫폼에 다양성을 더한다는 의미에서 ‘스케치’ 방영을 결정했을 것이고, 성공한다면 향후 금토극 시장에 활력을 불어넣을 수 있을 것이다. 기존 시청층이 아닌 새로운 시청자 층을 어떻게 개척할 수 있을지가 과제”라고 전망했다.




사진 | JTBC 제공

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JTBC drama ' 'Pretty Sister Who Buys Me Food,' ends and 'Sketch' comes 

Actor Jung Ji. Hoon (feat. singer Rain) returned to the drama 'Sketch' for a long time





Poster photoshoot!






Source: JTBC <Sketch> Poster
Poster of 'Kang Dong-soo' in subtle colors!
The man
, detective Kang Dong-soo




This guy ... .
Sad, sorrow, anger, justice from the eyes ...








Script-reading scenario 

Actor Jung-Ji Hoon -> Detective Kang Dong-soo is in the midst of immersion 





# The man with the pain




Busan harbor location - A spectacular action scene on the boat!
Please expect ~








detective Gang Dong-soo.....
His love ...

For her only Kwon Sang-soo




# The look of loving eyes
# Tsundere type




This week, Friday, May 25, at 11 pm
<Sketch> Kang Dong-soo
Look forward ~


source : https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=15767528&memberNo=25306106

credit : Rain Cloud Thailand







JTBC 금토드라마 ‘예쁜누나’ 가고, ‘까칠한 동수 형’이 온다.
  드라마 ‘스케치’ 로 오랜 만에 복귀한
배우 정. 지. 훈. (feat. 가수 비)

포스터 촬영현장 컷 단독공개!!

새 금토드라마 '스케치' 스틸사진 과 티저영상들이 공개될 때마다
   액션 장르물에 대한 기대지수 +++++

  잠깐 감상해보시죠~!

 [티저 1] 72시간, 그려진 운명에 맞서야 한다! <스케치> 5/25(금) 첫 방송!

출처: JTBC<스케치>티저

  #1차티저 #액션장르드라마 #내일을그리는손 #형사강동수

배우 정지훈으로 인사드립니다! (a.k.a 비)
뜨거운 연기 변신!

여러분, 궁금하시죠?

거친 선을 가진 남자 #형사 강동수 의 '태'!
레인지기가 준비했습니다.

출처: JTBC<스케치>포스터
오묘한 색감으로 묘사된 '강동수' 포스터 공개!!
그 남자,'태'가 느껴진다.

#1. 그 남자, 형사 강동수

이 남자….
  눈빛에서 묻어나는 애절한 슬픔, 분노, 정의감…
본방 사수 전, 캐릭터 파헤치기!


한시도 긴장을 늦출 수 없었던
대본 연습 현장 공개!  

배우 정지훈 -> 형사 강동수로 몰입 중.. (Feat.나비프로젝트 팀의 리더)
이 작품을 결정한 이유는
"안하면 후회! 도전해보고 싶던 스토리 !"_(feat 정지훈인터뷰)

    #아픔을 간직한 남자

# 아픔을 간직한 남자

그 남자
이름: 강동수
직업: 중기 경찰서 강력계 형사
특징: 정의 사회 구현을 외치는 까칠한 열혈 형사

의심이 가는 건…..보고 또 보고…
몬가 있는 것 같은데…..(feat.열혈형사)

심지어, 싸움도 잘한다~ 동수형
#2 형사 강동수가 가진 ‘태’

    베테랑 열혈 형사 동수의 원테이크 액션


가즈아~~~동수 형!

 모니터 체크! 중
현장에서 짧게 리허설 후,  
단, 두 번 만에 감독님 OK 사인!

현장 스태프들이 모두 놀랐다는 배우 정지훈의 원테이크 액션투혼!

5월 25일 금요일 밤 11시!
부산 항구 배 위에서의 화려한 액션씬 전격공개!!!

#3, 형사 강동수가 가진 ‘태’
  그가 하는 사랑...

그녀만을 위한
순애보 같은 츤데레 남자, 강동수

#사랑스럽게 바라보는 눈빛
#츤데레 형
행복한 미래를 꿈꾸는 그에게 닥쳐진 정해진 운명…  

  그가 오열한다…..

#4, 형사 강동수가 가진 ‘태’
#살벌한 눈빛
강렬하고 냉철한 남자, 강동수

 [티저 2] 오늘 밤 누군가 죽을 거예요… <스케치> 5/25(금) 첫 방송!

출처: JTBC <스케치>

잔인한 그 운명에 대항 할 것 인가....
#2차티저 #티저포스터 #강동수의 선택은?

출처: JTBC <스케치> 티저포스터

여기서 잠깐!
아직 끝이 아니예요~

그 남자는 지금??
#동수는 열일 중!!

#작품을 위한 배우 정지훈님의 노력
#강력계 형사 강동수

대본을 보고 또 본다..
동수가 되기 위한
정 배우님의 뜨거운#열정#노력


[티저 3] 지금 일어나는 일은, 다음 사건의 원인이 된다! <스케치>

 [1회 예고] 미친개 어떻게 잡는지…확실히 보여줄게

출처: JTBC<스케치>

이번주 5월25일 금요일 밤11시
<스케치> 열혈형사 강동수가
여러분께 찾아갑니다~

      본.방.사수 잊지 마세요!













7 minutes ago, lsbsg said:

                   'Sketch' Press Conference

Rain is still as handsome... and Sunbin is so pretty >///<



Hi Isbsg, thanks for sharing the presscon pictures. I really appreciate it. :lol:


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***Drama clip

- with ca caption - " JTBC <Sketch> 'Introducing the 4 persons who are against the future

' Jung Ji Hoon X Lee Dong Gun X Lee Sun Bin  X Jung Jin Young
Facing the fate drawn along the way of each person! 

The destiny to be drawn within 72 hours from now ... !!
This Friday night at 11 o'clock <Sketch> 

# May 25 # First broadcast





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*** Excited for this drama ... :lol:





“Sketch” Shows Rain And Lee Dong Gun’s Characters In Loving Relationships Before Tragedy




Upcoming JTBC drama “Sketch” has released new stills of Lee Dong Gun and Rain.

“Sketch” is a mystery action drama about detective Yoo Shi Hyun (played by Lee Sun Bin) who foresees events that will happen within 72 hours, detective Kang Dong Soo (played by Rain) who tries to stop the future, and Kim Do Jin (played by Lee Dong Gun) who seeks revenge.

Rain and Lee Dong Gun both dreamed of a happy future with their significant others, and then went on to make different choices after losing them.

The drama revealed happy moments of Kang Dong Soo with his girlfriend Min Ji Soo (played by Yoo Da In) and Kim Do Jin with his wife Lee Soo Young (played by Joo Min Kyung).

In the stills, both men look fully in love with their significant others. Kang Dong Soo and Min Ji Soo are dating with plans of marriage, and Kim Do Jin and his wife Lee Soo Young have a happy family together.






The couples who dreamed of living happily ever after face tragic events that no longer make this possible. Many people are wondering how these two men lose their significant others and how a detective and soldier cross paths.

A teaser previously gave viewers a look at a confrontation between Kang Dong Soo and Kim Do Jin, heightening the anticipation for the drama.

This will be actress Yoo Da In’s first appearance in a drama in a year and four months as she plays Kang Dong Soo’s girlfriend and a by-the-book prosecutor in “Sketch.” Joo Min Kyung, who recently appeared on JTBC’s “Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food” as Keum Bo Ra, will play the part of Kim Do Jin’s noble and pure wife named Lee Soo Young.

“Sketch” will premiere on May 25 at 11 p.m. KST.



Source (1) / soompi news

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***TODAY, May 25 is the D-DAY. It’s “Sketch” broadcast at 11pm. :lol: Yah....excited for this one. After 15 years they are united again. 






Lee Dong Gun And Rain Talk About Working Together Again For The First Time In 15 Years Through “Sketch”




Rain and Lee Dong Gun opened up about reuniting through a drama for the first time in 15 years.


JTBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama “Sketch” held a press release on May 24 that was attended by producing director (PD) Im Tae Woo, Rain, Lee Dong Gun, Lee Sun Bin, and Jung Jin Young.


On this day, Rain and Lee Dong Gun were asked what it was like to be working together again. The two had appeared in the 2003 KBS drama “Sang Doo, Let’s Go to School!” and now they’ve reunited through “Sketch.”


Rain stated, “What’s extra special about this drama is that Lee Dong Gun and I are working together again for the first time in 15 years. I feel comfortable, like I’ve come home. Though filming can be tiring at times, I’m having fun and I’m happy.” Lee Dong Gun reciprocated the sentiments as he shared, “It was a drama that I really wanted to do as soon as I received the script. I feel a lot of pride from the work that Rain and I get to do together through this drama.”


PD Im Tae Woo also revealed why he decided to cast Rain and Lee Dong Gun in their respective roles. He explained, “Rain is an actor who can pull off an air of naivety that is necessary for his character. The role also requires a lot of action scenes, and Rain is someone you can rely on when it comes to action.” Calling Lee Dong Gun’s casting a gamble, Im Tae Woo stated, “He has the appearance of young nobility, so I wondered whether he would be the right fit for the role. But I needn’t have worried as he’s been doing so well.”


“Sketch” will an investigative action drama that follows the story of an ace detective teaming up with a female detective who is able to draw out what will happen 72 hours in the future. The drama will premiere on May 25 at 11 p.m. KST.




Source (1) (2) / soompi news

Top photo credit: Xportsnews.

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This was during their V-Live yesterday,  I wrote a comment to Sunbin which Lee Dong Gun read it out... then Rain was like "Is that your manager? Or your friend?" (Implying how she answered back to my comment with 'Love You Too'  sounds really sweet) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ before that, when Rain was looking through the comments, he was like asking Sunbin that "Most of it is your fans, did you rig the comments box or paid someone to do it??"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ really precious moments >_<

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 Rain will regret not to play on "Sketch"




After King of South Korea Rain became a father in October last year, he participated in many variety shows and also launched a new album. Soon, we can see him in a new drama "Sketch" where he collaborated with Lee Dong Gun who is also a new father. This time, they are working together again for fifteen years.


The drama will be premiered tomorrow. Today's cast will hold a press conference in Seoul. Both Rain and Lee Sun Bin will raise hearts of the audience. After 15 years of working with Lee Dong Gun, Rain said that he and Lee Dong Gun are very happy seeing & working together again. I feel comfortable, like I’ve come home. Though filming can be tiring at times, I’m having fun and I’m happy.” After 15 years, both of them have met after establishing a family. So they are very happy. During the filming period, they have also made quite a lot of interesting conversations. 


In the drama Rain will have a lot of action scenes. Rain said that the story of this drama is very good. It requires good acting skills. There are also many hard-action scenes to use. At first, he feels very scared, so he declined. "I didn't take to do the drama, but I was still thinking about the script and thought I would regret it if I won't accept it, but I regretted it immediately after I actually finished the first action scene. I thought, "Doing an action is hard. After doing some scenes I immediately lied down and could not get up."  He smiled and said that it was very hard to shoot every day.





LINK to view the video : http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20180524/bkn-20180524134245034-0524_00862_001.html







拍動作戲太辛苦 Rain後悔接新劇《Sketch》














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1 hour ago, lsbsg said:

This was during their V-Live yesterday,  I wrote a comment to Sunbin which Lee Dong Gun read it out... then Rain was like "Is that your manager? Or your friend?" (Implying how she answered back to my comment with 'Love You Too'  sounds really sweet) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ before that, when Rain was looking through the comments, he was like asking Sunbin that "Most of it is your fans, did you rig the comments box or paid someone to do it??"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ really precious moments >_<


Hi Isbsg, thanks for sharing this. NICE. They had a lot of fun yesterday during this VLive. And LSB looks like a very sweet person, huh? The (3) have good chemistry together. :lol:

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13 minutes ago, willenette said:


Hi Isbsg, thanks for sharing this. NICE. They had a lot of fun yesterday during this VLive. And LSB looks like a very sweet person, huh? The (3) have good chemistry together. :lol:


you're welcome

yup she is really a sweet person actually.. she would read her fans' comments on Instagram and Twitter and thank them / write heartfelt messages in every chance she gets to... >_<, i didn't stan her from the start but when i came to know her down to earth personality and how she is very hardworking in everything she does as well as taking up part-time jobs in the past alongside her trainee singer days so as to not depend on her parents really heartened me >_< she has come a long way and i wish her the very best~~


yup!! i like how Rain was like telling Sunbin "why are you eating so ladylike? you weren't like this during our filming scenes" (because they filming action scenes haha)

then she was like "treasure this moment now, as this is your only chance to see me eating like a lady" 



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  Rain and Lee Dong-Gun collaborated again after being married in the drama "Sketch"





The new JTBC drama “Sketch” starred by Hallyu King Rain, Lee Dong-Gun, Lee Sun-Bin and others will be premiered on May 25. Today’s stars will be attending a drama press conference in Seoul.


This time, Rain teamed up with Lee Dong Gun after 15 years. Rain said that they have been cheering for each other. After 15 years, the two men will appear together again in a drama. So they are very happy.  It's a very happy atmosphere during shooting.








source :   https://hk.entertainment.appledaily.com/enews/realtime/article/20180524/58231745

credit : Rain Cloud Taiwan







韓流】榮升人夫後再次合作 Rain李東健孖住現身谷《Sketch》











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45 minutes ago, lsbsg said:


you're welcome

yup she is really a sweet person actually.. she would read her fans' comments on Instagram and Twitter and thank them / write heartfelt messages in every chance she gets to... >_<, i didn't stan her from the start but when i came to know her down to earth personality and how she is very hardworking in everything she does as well as taking up part-time jobs in the past alongside her trainee singer days so as to not depend on her parents really heartened me >_< she has come a long way and i wish her the very best~~


yup!! i like how Rain was like telling Sunbin "why are you eating so ladylike? you weren't like this during our filming scenes" (because they filming action scenes haha)

then she was like "treasure this moment now, as this is your only chance to see me eating like a lady" 




Isbsg, so, LSB is one celebrity who actually replies to fans on SNS, huh?  Yes, celebrities can just be normal people who comment on each other's Instagram posts like normal people. That means she's active on SNS.  So, her IG account is updated more frequently? I think so. :lol:


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Rain's "first return in two years to television after marriage"





After two years, the South Korean actor Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) is about to do the suspense action in the drama "Sketch“” as the first work in the TV series after marriage. He will work with Lee Dong Gun and actress Lee Sun Bin. Rain and Lee Dong Gun who will work together again after 15 years are very happy. Rain said, “I feel comfortable working with him, like I’ve come home. Though filming can be tiring at times, I’m having fun and I’m happy.”


In the past, Rain has shown his talents in the film. This time, the martial arts that will be shown in Sketch is done by him & there's no double. His dance skills foundation allows Rain to show his movements perfectly when he shoots and he's very professional. Also, the people he has worked with in the drama appreciate it. The director mentioned that a shot at the pier had originally been expected to take several days to shoot. "I did not expect to finish shooting as fast as expected, but relying on Rain's accurate performance he gets it done fast. The quick shot on that scene favored everyone on the scene and agreed that “Rain is truly born an action star!"




In addition to doing accurate shots, Rain mentioned that when he participated in the movie "Ninja Assassin," he learned not only to act on the screen, but also extend the emotional transmission of the character to the screen. Prior shooting the drama, Rain had to work hard. From reading books and watching many action movies he studied and tried to figure out details such as eyes, voices and subtle movements. He knew that the detective character he's portraying would have sharp eyes and firm attitude.




In addition, Lee Dong Gun played the role of a highly trained commander in the Special Forces where he will have a confrontation with Rain. Soldier Lee Dong Gun who had originally had a happy family life had a tremendous transformation due to the murder of his wife. He was burdened with enormous grief. A series of retaliatory actions commenced. In the press conference, he talked about the love and commitment to his work. On the first day after he got the script, he immediately cut short his hair. He also thanked his wife, Jo Yoon Hee for her support so that he could concentrate on shooting. . "Sketch "will be broadcast exclusively from Iqiyi Taiwan on Saturday, May 26 at 10am.





source : https://star.ettoday.net/news/1176623






Rain睽違兩年「婚後首度回歸電視圈」 武打戲親自上陣













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