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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Rain @ Intensity concert in Manila

credit to scorpiola @ raincloudhk


Credit: mervieee @ youtube

Thank you so much angel for all those fancams!

Hi anjjo, thanks for sharing this. I find the poster great & cool but I respect bbly's opinion. But I'm sure it's not that too bad for you, dear - hehehe! The 3-men just look “Hot” in that suit. RAIN, LJJ & DH - you could never go wrong with that! What more can you ask for? Fugitive, fighting! :D

I like the idea of him challenging a new character type. I’m excited as long as RAIN is in it. :lol:

Dear, I like the poster, really. But what I said is, that we have very talented Clouds who did (in their fan artwork) even some better stuff, that's all.

I don't know why, but DH has no effect on me whatsoever ^_^ . Maybe from the looks he is better-looking than LJJ, but LJJ has something very charismatic, very interesting about him and it just works for me blush.gif . And the 3rd guy - that Rain - well, he isn't bad either. :lol:

Rain_ The Fugitive : PlanB

(100614 in Korea)


Posted on September 13, 2010

by moonbeards



Oh la la!!! What a picture. Thank you so much for sharing!!

Rain & Lee Jung Jin _ The Fugitive: PlanB



Just look at them!!! Like 2 kids, you just have to love them! I really can't remember that Rain ever had such a bond with an actor with whom he worked with (be it on dramas, movies, clips, shows or whatever environment).

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Thank you Pau, as you said "JiHoon has left the country. Now I can finally live in peace." all of us will do now, but the memory lingers forever. :tears::D

[Fan Account] 100915 Rain left the Philippines

scorpiola 2010-09-15

Reposted from: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5975&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

Credit: Agent P’s Headquarters


Runaway. Literally.

Posted by AgentP in Aftermath

Stalking Rain, Last Day.

I never actually planned on stalking Rain today, in fact, I went back to work, thinking I should be a model employee, for once, since I’ve been away for so long. I now realized that being a model employee takes out all the fun in everything.

Because I tried to be a model employee, I stayed at the office until 5pm before I went to Manila Hotel - yeah, no use not naming the hotel anymore and besides, shouldn’t that be common knowledge by now? - mainly to show support for Dahly who has finally been given the chance to meet Rain up close through the send-off party hosted by TV5. I made the mistake of following my staffs’ advice and took the bus all the way to Sta. Cruz, Manila and just taking a cab from there since it’s already near Manila Hotel. Yeah, it’s near, alright. Except there’s rush hour traffic, and cabs very seldom pass by that area.

And what made it worse? I suddenly got text messages from my CloudPH friends informing me that (1) Rain is currently filming at the lobby; (2) they were extras at the scene; and (3) Rain gave them the eye-disappearing smile three times. Meanwhile, I was only a few blocks away from Manila Hotel, stuck in traffic.

Yes. Just kill me now, won’t you?

And then I arrived at the hotel just a few minutes after the shoot has ended and met my brimming-with-happiness friends, and then here comes Ji Hoon back at the lobby to go to the send-off party/Meet and Greet. Make that Grumpy Ji Hoon. Who went straight to the coffee shop upon seeing that his castmates were not at the lobby yet, hastily pulled a chair and sat with his back turned against us, with B1 and B2 (the red-tied bodyguards) guarding him as if he’s the President or something.

So yeah, they get cute eye-disappearing smile Rain. Within minutes, I got the grumpy version. Story of my life.

The only happy spot in this very positive, ray of sunshine blog post of mine is the episode with Dahly. We weren’t allowed to go to the party, so I just called up Tita Virgie and Aqueh who were with her to ask for updates. I didn’t get an answer, probably because they’re busy at that time. Later on, Aqueh returned my call and I talked to Tita Virgie. I immediately felt the excitement from her voice and when she told me what happened, I have to be honest here, I cried. Nevermind that I was at the lobby, being pissed off at myself. Just hearing her say that Rain seemed to be in a bad mood (see? Even Tita Virgie noticed it) but he smiled at Dahly and asked that she be placed beside him for the photo op and even put his hands on both her arms is enough to bring in the waterworks. I’ve always told myself that I don’t care if I don’t get a meet and greet as long as Dahly gets it and I will fight tooth and nail for it for her. I’m thankful that after one false try it finally happened, and that Rain erased his grumpy mood just for her. So Ji Hoon, even if I don’t exactly love you at the moment, still… THANK YOU.

The funny thing was, when they came out and Tita Virgie was re-telling the events to the TV5 news crew, Dahly said that the only thing she was able to say to Rain was, “I love you”. And then, I don’t remember how it came to it, but she suddenly said, “BiKyo” and the reporter was like, “what’s BiKyo??” And I was like, “oh man! THAT is what she should have said to Rain!!!” Oh well… not meant to be, I guess.

(Side note: Tita Virgie has promised to write about her account of the Meet and Greet [she got to accompany Dahly inside the M&G room] and told me to post it here and at the CPH site to be shared to everyone.)

Later on, we learned that they still have to film some scenes at Hyundai Motors in Macapagal Avenue, but our source was not sure. We were getting all these mixed information about the filming and about Rain’s departure from Manila. I had a theory that he will be heading straight to the airport after the shoot and will be taking the 1:00am flight because I saw his cameraman taking Rain’s cabin bag to the car. However, my theory was just shrugged off. It wasn’t until LNY and Rain have left the hotel that we decided to follow suit. The shoot has already started when we got there but there were many retakes, mainly because they were complaining about the noise. (Note to the production team: If you want complete silence, don’t film beside a busy highway. ) At around 11:30pm, the shoot was finished and before we knew it, Rain was off to his vehicle and Djo noticed that he didn’t seem to be heading back to the hotel because the car didn’t take the nearest U-turn slot. Moments later at the hotel lobby, we saw his close-in security detail who told us that they already took him to the airport and he’ll be heading his way back home to Korea. He did a literal Runaway on us. So my earlier suspicion that he will be taking the 1:00 am flight is on the dot, and none of these friends of mine believed me. Really, why do people never believe me? Am I not convincing enough?

So that ends my series on stalking Rain (and Daniel, and Lee Jung Jin, and U-KISS) in Manila. Anti-climactic, ‘no? I know I still owe you the big one, that is, the concert. I’ll try to get out of this grumpy self first and get back in “awesomeness that is Rain” mode. Maybe editing the photos will do the trick. Maybe.


[Fan Account] 100914 Rain in Philippines- Mickey Mouse shorts.

scorpiola 2010-09-15

Reposted from: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5974&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

Credits: Agent P’s Headquarters


Mickey Mouse shorts.

Posted by AgentP in Aftermath, Photography

Stalking whoever, Day… what Day is this now?

I was supposed to start the day really early because according to reports we got, filming will start as early as 7:00am. The problem was, I was dead beat when I got home Sunday night and the lure of my own bed was so tempting, so I woke up pretty late. And the one that woke me up was a text message from friends who were already at the hotel, saying that Rain was just there having breakfast and he’s wearing Mickey Mouse shorts. Ok, I know that sounds incredibly intimate to post on the ‘net (I mean, even one overseas fan said it’s something that’s too cute to be worn outside the bedroom), but the guy wore it when he went out for filming so that’s a public thing, right?

Anyway… so basically, filming schedule screwed up one way or another and the scenes that were suppsed to be filmed in the morning ended up being filmed in the afternoon. We managed to follow him to the Manila Cathedral location. Everything was all set, until thunder and lightning happened. And then… rain. Literal rain. In short, filming was packed up because the scene was outdoors.

There’s a postscript to this, but I’d rather not talk about it.

Oh, here’s a real PS: I’ve realized that the one person that I did see everyday is Lee Jung Jin. Does that make me his stalker?


[sep-14-2010]<KBS TV 'The Fugitive Plan B' HP> 'Ji Hoon' (Rain) who is 'Jung Jin' hyung's junior, has become 'Jung Jin' hyung's rick shaw for a day.

rain bird




지난주 내내 비가 내리다 갑자기 맑아진 한국에서 플랜B929 입니다.

오늘은 정진이형과 지훈동생의 코믹짤을 들고 찾아왔어요!

매일 매일 함께하며 친해진 두 남자

연기 연습할 때도 서로 도와가며 즐겁게 촬영 하는데요.

오늘은 정진이형을 위해 지훈동생이 인력거 역할을 자처했습니다.

정진이형을 위해 일일 인력거가 된 지훈동생!


즐거운 "도망자" 촬영 현장입니다.

9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분 TV앞으로!


This is PlanB929 in Korea where the continuing rainy weather throughout last week has suddenly become clear.

Here is a cute picture of 'Jung Jin' hyung and his junior 'Ji Hoon' ! (Rain)

The two guys who have become very intimate with each other while working together every day.

They've been shooting the drama cheerfully, helping each other practice acting..

Today, 'Ji Hoon' who is 'Jung Jin' hyung's junior, flatters himself that he acts as 'Jung Jin' hyung's rick shaw.

'The scene of "The Fugitive Plan B" in an enjoyable atmosphere..

Everybody should be in front of TV on Wednesday, September 29th, at 9:55pm !

The first episode of (The Fugitive Plan B) is COMMMING SOOOOON!


Brief translation by rain bird.

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Dear, I like the poster, really. But what I said is, that we have very talented Clouds who did (in their fan artwork) even some better stuff, that's all.

I don't know why, but DH has no effect on me whatsoever ^_^ . Maybe from the looks he is better-looking than LJJ, but LJJ has something very charismatic, very interesting about him and it just works for me blush.gif . And the 3rd guy - that Rain - well, he isn't bad either. :lol:

Just look at them!!! Like 2 kids, you just have to love them! I really can't remember that Rain ever had such a bond with an actor with whom he worked with (be it on dramas, movies, clips, shows or whatever environment).

Hi bbly, about RAIN & LJJ, I very much agree with you - RAIN has this special bond with him, which I've never seen with his co-stars before, both in movies & dramas. :sweatingbullets:

[Fan Account] 100915 Rain left the Philippines

scorpiola 2010-09-15

Hi anjjo. ye, the cast left for Korea already early morning today, September 15. The departure time was 1am. The last batch will be leaving at 230pm.......RAIN was given a victory party last night by Manila Hotel, TV5 & Smart. All the executives & VIPs of these companies were present. The CEO of our company tried to pass by, as well even just for a while. Yesterday, was a long day for RAIN since he had to finish filming scenes in the Philippines before the 15th, which is stated in the contract. It's only 10-days filming for Fugitive here. Now, our lives in the office will start to be back to normal once again. It's really a relief to our production-side. What a 10-day filming for our production team that had been! :lol:


[sep-12-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > Rain's legendary stunts command the admiration of our team.

응원에 항상감사하고있습니다 열심히 촬영해도 봐주시지않으면 의미가 없으니깐요

내일은 지우가 해외마지막촬영입니다 바쁜하루가 될것같네요 밀린 지우분량이 꽤되서요 ^^


오히려 저희가 지우에게 고맙게생각하는부분이 많습니다

워낙 센스있고 다양한 아이디어와 표정으로 늘 다양함을 보여주서

상당히 기대도 많이하고있고요 특히나 댄스가수? 라서인지모르지만

액션 촬영은 가히 스바라시 혼또니 스고이 하게 보여줌에

다들 놀라고 놀라워 하고있습니다

We always appreciate your support of "The Fugitive : Plan B"

No matter how hard we try to shoot the drama, our hard work seems empty if you don't care about us...

Tomorrow is the last day when 'Ji Woo' (Rain) will finish shooting his scene.

'Ji Woo'll have a busy day because he is quite behind in his work to shoot his scene..

Thank you..

We guess we should thank 'Ji Woo' so much...

He's really shown many different sides of himself, so we pretty much expect him.

Perhaps the reason is because he is a dancing singer in particular, but his legendary stunts command the admiration of our team.

Re-post by http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=270412&page=1&bbs=

Brief translation by rain bird.

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

Thank you Pau, as you said "JiHoon has left the country. Now I can finally live in peace." all of us will do now, but the memory lingers forever. :tears::D

[Fan Account] 100915 Rain left the Philippines

scorpiola 2010-09-15

Reposted from: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5975&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

Credit: Agent P’s Headquarters


Runaway. Literally.

Posted by AgentP in Aftermath

[Fan Account] 100914 Rain in Philippines- Mickey Mouse shorts.

scorpiola 2010-09-15

Reposted from: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5974&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

Credits: Agent P’s Headquarters


Uh-oh... I hope the sarcastic tone of my fan accounts will not confuse the casual (or rabid) Rain fan who is not familiar with my writing style. :unsure: To be fair to the guy, his mood wasn't good basically because he's exhausted. Per various reports that we got, he was filming until 2:00am yesterday, then he left the hotel at 4:30am to go to Batangas (a province 2.5 hours away from Manila) to film some diving scenes. Then he was back again in Manila at around 4:00pm to film some more. Around 7-ish, he took a break from filming to attend the send-off party. After that, he just changed costumes and out he went again to film the scenes at Macapagal Avenue. Then, it's straight to the airport. And that's just for the past two days. His schedule was pretty much the same all throughout except on September 6, his only day off.

My CPH friends had a very, very wonderful experience yesterday. I hope they'll be able to post their fan accounts because their experiences were much nicer than mine. :P

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[sep-15-2010] Rain arrived in Seoul on Sep.15th, at around 6:00am landing at Incheon International Airport.


Singer and actor Rain was back home in Korea on the 15th after finishing shooting "The Fugitive Plan B" in foreign countries.

He entered the country after more than 2 months after having completed shooting the drama in Asian countries such as Macau, Japan, China, the Phillippies, etc. since last June.

According to his agent on the 15th, including Rain, the cast for the movie arrived in Seoul on Sep.15th, at around 6:00am landing at Incheon International Airport.

credit to Edaily // JES news

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

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First of all, thank you so much for sharing all your personal impressions of Rain! I don't know but I loved them as they make him so human, so normal. I am sure he is a naughty kid!

Regarding the title of the drama, you are totally right, they changed it now several times. We just waint and see what happens September 29.

And thanks for clarifiying about Rain's whereabouts. So he is still in the PH!

Not bad that poster! Although I admit, we had even fanartworks which were even a bit better. blush.gif (from a creative point of view)

Ok, I am not sure what to think about this. Usually a brand, if it has a new face, drops the recent one. I really hope that doesn't mean, NR "drops" Rain in order to work with the TVXQ members. :unsure:

bbly, Gosh, drama’s premier isn’t far away. And wahhh…….replacing the mega hit drama “Baker King Kim Tak-gu”, which ends on September 16 since September 21-23 is Chuseok holidays in Korea. I hope it could at least compete against this series, rating-wise. From a little depressing, this time the viewers could watch an action packed Rain drama. I hope the pilot episode goes well. Fugitive, fighting! :sweatingbullets:

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K-Pop idol Rain shoots in Manila a day after Intensity concert

Bong Godinez

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Jung Ji-Hoon or simply, Rain, shoots scenes for his coming TV series Fugitive in a busy district of Manila, following his successful Intensity concert at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds in Pasay City.

courtesy of PEPster WSC

More Pictures

Fresh from the success of his first Philippine concert, Korean pop superstar Rain (Jung Ji-Hoon) was spotted shooting a chase scene at Jones Bridge in Manila last Sunday, September 12.

The 28-year-old singer-actor staged a concert, dubbed Intensity, held the previous evening at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds in Pasay City.

PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) reader WSC chanced upon the Korean sensation shooting a motorcycle chase scene. Despite tight security, WSC managed to take some clear snaps of the Korean pop star in action.

Filming started at around 10:00 a.m. until 12 noon, WSC said. He overheard that the production team was heading off to Manila's port area to shoot additional scenes before wrapping up the day's work.

Rain was shooting scenes for his upcoming Korean action-drama series titled Fugitive. Local network TV5 has secured the rights to air the program in the country and will run the series under the title Runaway.

Rain first arrived in Cebu on September 1 to shoot scenes for the series. Since then, the cast and crew have been seen filming in Cubao in Quezon City, Greenhills in San Juan, and Roxas Boulevard in Manila.

Also in the country are Fugitive cast members Lee Na Young, Lee Jungjin, Yoon Jin Seo, and Hollywood actor Daniel Henney. Local media got a chance to meet the stars last September 9 during a press conference at the Champagne Room of the Manila Hotel.

The television series has brought the cast to Asian countries like Japan, Macau, and Hong Kong.

The Fugitive tells the story of a private investigator named Ji Woo, played by Rain, who solves the mysterious death of an Asian couple in the glitzy city of Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

Action picks up when a large amount of money, dating back to the Korean War, resurfaces, leading to a frantic chase around the globe. Romance among the characters complicates matters.

Director Kwak Jung Hwan has described the series as "full of high action, suspense, drama, romance, and comedy."

(CLICK link below to view photos taken on the set of Fugitive)


Source:Philippine Entertainment Portal


[sep-15-2010]<KBS TV "The Fugitive Plan B" HP> Today's episode is about 'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) and Twitter!!

rain bird



[sep-15-2010]<KBS TV "The Fugitive Plan B" HP> Today's episode is about 'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) and Twitter!!

credit to @moonbeards

2010-09-15 // 14:48:46


오늘의에피소드는..지훈이형..그리고,트위터!! 입니다.

오늘새벽에마닐라에서출발할때..있었던일입니다.마닐라중심어딘가에 서..촬영을하고있었습니다..촬영이조금늦어지고..저는선발대로..출발해야하고..ㅠㅠ 그렇게..중요한 씬들만 카메라에담고..호텔로돌아가려고시계를보니..사십분정도..남았더라구요..ㅠㅠ 어디든..제일빠른건..경찰차..^^경찰에게도움을청했죠..그러나..돌아온대답은..택시를타고가라..였습니다..ㅠㅠ..그때..어떤분 이..다가와..선뜻태워주신다고하시더군요..^^촬영장에서..구경하시던..팬이셨습니다..^^염치없이..그분차를얻어타고..일단..출 발~!!ㅋㅋ가면서..통성명을하는데..저를..알고계시더라구요..제..성까지..ㅋㅋ





참..즐겁고..신기한..그리고..잊지못할..마지막 해외촬영이였습니다..^^

about 4 hours ago

Today's episode is about 'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) and Twitter!!

It took place on my departure from Manila early today.

We were shooting the drama somewhere in the heart of Manila..

We were unavoidably detained a little and I was to be the vanguard of our team..ㅠㅠ

I had about 40 minutes left ㅠㅠ when I watched the clock in order to go back to the hotel after the way of making the cameras catch images of only the main scenes.

At that time, someone approached me and willingly offered to drive me..^^

She was the fan who had watched the cast shooting the drama on the set..^^

I caught a ride with her, sponging off her. And then, setting out immediately was my priority.~!!ㅋㅋ

While we introduced ourselves, she told me that she already knew me. She knew my last name, too..ㅋㅋ

It turned out she was my follower via Twitter..ㅋㅋ

She was kind enough to make the car speed up a little..^^

Riding with her in a far-off foreign land, I never imagined that she who likes 'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) could visit my Twitter and I could be helped from her..ㅋㅋ

Judging by what a good relationship has created another good relationship ^^, I think I'ill never forget the Philippines..^^!!

It was the last shoot on location abroad that was very fun and wonderful I'll never forget..^^

credit to @moonbeards http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/run/post/real.html

Translation by rain bird.


[sep-15-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > 100 undisclosed stills will be released.

rain bird



[sep-15-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > 100 undisclosed stills will be released.

아참..시청률..40% 나오는날..미공개스틸..100장..풀겠습니다..^^ 쥔짜!!

Ah, 100 undisclosed stills will be released on the day when "The Fugitive Plan B" records a 40-percent viewing rate..^^ Truly !!

Re-post by http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=270487&page=1&bbs=

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

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K-Pop idol Rain shoots in Manila a day after Intensity concert

Bong Godinez

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Jung Ji-Hoon or simply, Rain, shoots scenes for his coming TV series Fugitive in a busy district of Manila, following his successful Intensity concert at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds in Pasay City.

courtesy of PEPster WSC

More Pictures

Fresh from the success of his first Philippine concert, Korean pop superstar Rain (Jung Ji-Hoon) was spotted shooting a chase scene at Jones Bridge in Manila last Sunday, September 12.

The 28-year-old singer-actor staged a concert, dubbed Intensity, held the previous evening at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds in Pasay City.

PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) reader WSC chanced upon the Korean sensation shooting a motorcycle chase scene. Despite tight security, WSC managed to take some clear snaps of the Korean pop star in action.

Filming started at around 10:00 a.m. until 12 noon, WSC said. He overheard that the production team was heading off to Manila's port area to shoot additional scenes before wrapping up the day's work.

Rain was shooting scenes for his upcoming Korean action-drama series titled Fugitive. Local network TV5 has secured the rights to air the program in the country and will run the series under the title Runaway.

Rain first arrived in Cebu on September 1 to shoot scenes for the series. Since then, the cast and crew have been seen filming in Cubao in Quezon City, Greenhills in San Juan, and Roxas Boulevard in Manila.

Also in the country are Fugitive cast members Lee Na Young, Lee Jungjin, Yoon Jin Seo, and Hollywood actor Daniel Henney. Local media got a chance to meet the stars last September 9 during a press conference at the Champagne Room of the Manila Hotel.

The television series has brought the cast to Asian countries like Japan, Macau, and Hong Kong.

The Fugitive tells the story of a private investigator named Ji Woo, played by Rain, who solves the mysterious death of an Asian couple in the glitzy city of Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

Action picks up when a large amount of money, dating back to the Korean War, resurfaces, leading to a frantic chase around the globe. Romance among the characters complicates matters.

Director Kwak Jung Hwan has described the series as "full of high action, suspense, drama, romance, and comedy."

(CLICK link below to view photos taken on the set of Fugitive)


Source:Philippine Entertainment Portal


[sep-15-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > 100 undisclosed stills will be released.

rain bird



[sep-15-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > 100 undisclosed stills will be released.

아참..시청률..40% 나오는날..미공개스틸..100장..풀겠습니다..^^ 쥔짜!!

Ah, 100 undisclosed stills will be released on the day when "The Fugitive Plan B" records a 40-percent viewing rate..^^ Truly !!

Re-post by http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=270487&page=1&bbs=

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

anjjo, thanks for sharing this news from our side. But, I couldn't recall any scenes filmed in Greenhills, San Juan........ About this 100 still photos, oh well, this will be awesome, I would love to see them all, hope this drama goes well. :lol:


Official Poster of ‘Runaway’ is UP !


After an epic preview clip recently released, the upcoming romantic-comedy action Korean drama ‘Runaway’ aka ‘Fugitive: Plan B’ has revealed its first official poster. The poster features its star-studded cast, including (from left) Yoon Jin Seon, Lee Jung Jin, Rain, Lee Na Young, and Daniel Henney.

In the drama, Rain is a private detective who is approached by Lee Na Young, who acts as a client to hide her true motives. They are involved in a case about hefty sum money that disappeared during Korean War, and are chased through Asia by the two cops played by Lee Jung Jin and Yoon. Meanwhile, Daniel plays as a devoted protector to Lee Na Young.

It’s described as the romantic-comedy drama, but if we see the poster and even the trailer before, I have yet to feel the bright side for this drama. I wonder how the romantic-comedy theme will be put in such action-spy series.

‘Runaway’ premieres on September 29 taking over the most watched Korean drama ‘Baker King, Kim Tak Goo’, and will compete with two other romantic-comedy Korean dramas ‘My Girlfriend is a Gumiho’ (SBS) and ‘Mischievous Kiss’ (MBC).

Source : DongDrama

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[Fan Account] 100915 Rain left the Philippines

scorpiola 2010-09-15

Reposted from: http://rain-cloud.co.kr/common/board/content.asp?ref=5975&board_id=b_08042315221786&page=1&search_what=&keyword=

Credit: Agent P’s Headquarters


Runaway. Literally.

Posted by AgentP in Aftermath

Stalking Rain, Last Day.

I never actually planned on stalking Rain today, in fact, I went back to work, thinking I should be a model employee, for once, since I’ve been away for so long. I now realized that being a model employee takes out all the fun in everything.

Because I tried to be a model employee, I stayed at the office until 5pm before I went to Manila Hotel - yeah, no use not naming the hotel anymore and besides, shouldn’t that be common knowledge by now? - mainly to show support for Dahly who has finally been given the chance to meet Rain up close through the send-off party hosted by TV5. I made the mistake of following my staffs’ advice and took the bus all the way to Sta. Cruz, Manila and just taking a cab from there since it’s already near Manila Hotel. Yeah, it’s near, alright. Except there’s rush hour traffic, and cabs very seldom pass by that area.

And what made it worse? I suddenly got text messages from my CloudPH friends informing me that (1) Rain is currently filming at the lobby; (2) they were extras at the scene; and (3) Rain gave them the eye-disappearing smile three times. Meanwhile, I was only a few blocks away from Manila Hotel, stuck in traffic.

Yes. Just kill me now, won’t you?

And then I arrived at the hotel just a few minutes after the shoot has ended and met my brimming-with-happiness friends, and then here comes Ji Hoon back at the lobby to go to the send-off party/Meet and Greet. Make that Grumpy Ji Hoon. Who went straight to the coffee shop upon seeing that his castmates were not at the lobby yet, hastily pulled a chair and sat with his back turned against us, with B1 and B2 (the red-tied bodyguards) guarding him as if he’s the President or something.

So yeah, they get cute eye-disappearing smile Rain. Within minutes, I got the grumpy version. Story of my life.

The only happy spot in this very positive, ray of sunshine blog post of mine is the episode with Dahly. We weren’t allowed to go to the party, so I just called up Tita Virgie and Aqueh who were with her to ask for updates. I didn’t get an answer, probably because they’re busy at that time. Later on, Aqueh returned my call and I talked to Tita Virgie. I immediately felt the excitement from her voice and when she told me what happened, I have to be honest here, I cried. Nevermind that I was at the lobby, being pissed off at myself. Just hearing her say that Rain seemed to be in a bad mood (see? Even Tita Virgie noticed it) but he smiled at Dahly and asked that she be placed beside him for the photo op and even put his hands on both her arms is enough to bring in the waterworks. I’ve always told myself that I don’t care if I don’t get a meet and greet as long as Dahly gets it and I will fight tooth and nail for it for her. I’m thankful that after one false try it finally happened, and that Rain erased his grumpy mood just for her. So Ji Hoon, even if I don’t exactly love you at the moment, still… THANK YOU.

The funny thing was, when they came out and Tita Virgie was re-telling the events to the TV5 news crew, Dahly said that the only thing she was able to say to Rain was, “I love you”. And then, I don’t remember how it came to it, but she suddenly said, “BiKyo” and the reporter was like, “what’s BiKyo??” And I was like, “oh man! THAT is what she should have said to Rain!!!” Oh well… not meant to be, I guess.

(Side note: Tita Virgie has promised to write about her account of the Meet and Greet [she got to accompany Dahly inside the M&G room] and told me to post it here and at the CPH site to be shared to everyone.)

Later on, we learned that they still have to film some scenes at Hyundai Motors in Macapagal Avenue, but our source was not sure. We were getting all these mixed information about the filming and about Rain’s departure from Manila. I had a theory that he will be heading straight to the airport after the shoot and will be taking the 1:00am flight because I saw his cameraman taking Rain’s cabin bag to the car. However, my theory was just shrugged off. It wasn’t until LNY and Rain have left the hotel that we decided to follow suit. The shoot has already started when we got there but there were many retakes, mainly because they were complaining about the noise. (Note to the production team: If you want complete silence, don’t film beside a busy highway. ) At around 11:30pm, the shoot was finished and before we knew it, Rain was off to his vehicle and Djo noticed that he didn’t seem to be heading back to the hotel because the car didn’t take the nearest U-turn slot. Moments later at the hotel lobby, we saw his close-in security detail who told us that they already took him to the airport and he’ll be heading his way back home to Korea. He did a literal Runaway on us. So my earlier suspicion that he will be taking the 1:00 am flight is on the dot, and none of these friends of mine believed me. Really, why do people never believe me? Am I not convincing enough?

So that ends my series on stalking Rain (and Daniel, and Lee Jung Jin, and U-KISS) in Manila. Anti-climactic, ‘no? I know I still owe you the big one, that is, the concert. I’ll try to get out of this grumpy self first and get back in “awesomeness that is Rain” mode. Maybe editing the photos will do the trick. Maybe.

Thank you for this account, Pau and thank you for posting anjjo!!

I am really happy that Dahly met Rain after all. And when reading that he wanted her close for the photo, I got a bit teary myself here. blush.gif

Uh-oh... I hope the sarcastic tone of my fan accounts will not confuse the casual (or rabid) Rain fan who is not familiar with my writing style. :unsure: To be fair to the guy, his mood wasn't good basically because he's exhausted. Per various reports that we got, he was filming until 2:00am yesterday, then he left the hotel at 4:30am to go to Batangas (a province 2.5 hours away from Manila) to film some diving scenes. Then he was back again in Manila at around 4:00pm to film some more. Around 7-ish, he took a break from filming to attend the send-off party. After that, he just changed costumes and out he went again to film the scenes at Macapagal Avenue. Then, it's straight to the airport. And that's just for the past two days. His schedule was pretty much the same all throughout except on September 6, his only day off.

My CPH friends had a very, very wonderful experience yesterday. I hope they'll be able to post their fan accounts because their experiences were much nicer than mine. :P

Ok, with all due respect to everybody's opinion, but reading this crazy schedule (does the poor guy ever sleep?), isn't it unfair from fans to expect him to be all smiley and friendly? :(

bbly, Gosh, drama’s premier isn’t far away. And wahhh…….replacing the mega hit drama “Baker King Kim Tak-gu”, which ends on September 16 since September 21-23 is Chuseok holidays in Korea. I hope it could at least compete against this series, rating-wise. From a little depressing, this time the viewers could watch an action packed Rain drama. I hope the pilot episode goes well. Fugitive, fighting! :sweatingbullets:

Yes, only 2 weeks more to wait! Then it's Rain time, Domangja time!!!! I hope too (know I believe) that this drama will be huge.

[sep-15-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > 100 undisclosed stills will be released.

rain bird



[sep-15-2010] <'The Fugitive : Plan B' staff's post > 100 undisclosed stills will be released.

아참..시청률..40% 나오는날..미공개스틸..100장..풀겠습니다..^^ 쥔짜!!

Ah, 100 undisclosed stills will be released on the day when "The Fugitive Plan B" records a 40-percent viewing rate..^^ Truly !!

Re-post by http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=270487&page=1&bbs=

Brief transaltion by rain bird.

Oh yes, that is a good deal! :P

Rain in PH _Fugitive filming

Matabungkay Beach Goldfish Dive Resort

source : http://cafe.naver.com/mbgoldfish

from DC

Not only action on streets (with cars etc.) but also in water!

100915 The Fugitive : Plan B _ Teaser # 3

credit : diehardboiled @ YouTube

I LOVE IT! This is what I call a great trailer: the music (fantastic choice), the editing, the scenes, everything is just making you impatient to watch the drama. That is what I was expecting from such a great drama and that's why I was disappointed from the 1st trailer.

Thank you so much for sharing!

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Korean superstar Rain no ‘fugitive’ to success

Southeast Asia Editors – September 10th, 2010


By Catherine Deen

For Yahoo! Southeast Asia

South Korean singer and actor Jung Ji-Hoon, more popularly known as Rain, visited the Philippines in a whirlwind one-week flurry of activities that included shooting scenes for Fugitive, his upcoming Korean television series and staging his first-ever show in Manila.

Joined by his director and fellow actors Daniel Henney (“X-Men Origins: Wolverine”), Lee Na Young (“Someone Special”), Lee Jungjin (“Love Story in Harvard”), and Yoon Jin Seo (“The Return of Iljimae”), Rain underscored the importance of hard work.

“As an actor,” he says, “I want to shoot more television dramas to show my capabilities as an actor and what is best in me.”

Rain knows full well the importance of hard work. His first two years in the Korean entertainment industry resulted in two full-length albums and a meaty role in the Korean television show Sang Doo! Let’s Go To School! It was not, however, until 2004, when he starred in the successful romantic comedy series Full House, when his career took off. The hit show aired all over Asia, including the Philippines, making Rain a household name and propelling his third full-length album, It’s Raining, to Asian sales of over one million copies.

“I’m happy and proud of my achievements,” he says.

Six years after the success of Full House, Rain has racked up the kind of international acclaim that other Asian stars usually dream about. He has starred in two Hollywood films – Speed Racer and Ninja Assassin, for which he won an MTV Movie Award – and released five more albums in Japanese and Korean, including his latest CD, a mini-album titled Back to Basics.

Currently in the Philippines to shoot his latest television show, a romantic comedy slash thriller slash drama – yes, apparently, that kind of TV amalgam is possible with a star like Rain – titled Fugitive, opposite Korean ingénue Lee Na Young and Korean-American actor-model Daniel Henney. Set to air all over Asia in the next few months, Fugitive, which may be distributed in certain Asian countries as Runaway, is the story of a private investigator named Jiwoo (played by Rain), whose assessment of a very high-profile case earns him money, a solid reputation, and a one-way ticket to danger.

Rain is also set to deliver a phenomenal performance on September 11 in Smart and TV5’s Intensity! show. Taking place at the SM Mall of Asia Open Grounds, Intensity! will also feature Korean boy band U-Kiss, and Filipino balladeer Christian Bautista. Rain admits that Intensity!, his first show in the Philippines, will give his Filipino fans only a taste of his almost decade-long career. What can they expect at the show?

“Anything,” he says slyly. Considering all his achievements, such a simple and cryptic answer can only be expected from Rain, Korea’s biggest name in pop entertainment.

Photo by AP


Rain (Bi) Lotte new pic

ratoka 2010-09-15


source lotte shopping//cap by ratoka



"Runaway Plan B" revised from original "Runaway"

by 도망자 Run Away(S1.PlanB/Fugitive) on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This drama known as Runaway from the start, was broadcasted with the revised title, "Runaway Plan B" ( 도망자 Plan B ) for the first time on the 8th.

An official from the drama production expressed, " 'Plan B' next to the word, 'Runaway', means someone takes an alternative course when he or she fails at the original plan, 'Plan A'...So 'Plan B' can mean the revised plan."

credit to Sports Josun http://news.nate.com...08461/?mid=e0101Brief translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


first video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjvMuI6VN-I

extended vid: http://www.kbs.co.kr...st/preview.html

HD teaser: http://www.youtube.c...h/?v=W7X1lES9Rig


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Rain in PH _Fugitive filming

Matabungkay Beach Goldfish Dive Resort

source : http://cafe.naver.com/mbgoldfish

from DC




Hi jini, thanks for posting the photos. This filming was his last done in Batangas, a scuba diving scene. This was September 14 - Tuesday. He left the hotel at 3am with few staffs since there was another unit setting up in Manila Hotel where DH scenes were shot. He went back at 4pm in time for the victory party given to him by Manila Hotel, TV5 & Smart. This was a confidential scene where no people allowed. :lol:

100915 The Fugitive : Plan B _ Teaser # 3

credit : diehardboiled @ YouTube

credit : Dc Rain

jini, thanks for sharing the teaser/trailer 3. Nice & cool! Just the same, I love it! :sweatingbullets:

10-09-15 (4)Fancam - Rain @ Hyundai in Manila filming The Fugitive: Plan B

Credit: @andyyylau (schmuckaroos @ youtube)

Hi thu, thanks for sharing the video clip. This filming was done September 14 - Tuesday after the victory party just before he proceeded to the airport for departure to Korea. He's supposed to go back to the hotel but due to time constraints he wasn't able to do that - his flight was at the wee hours of the morning - 1am. This was an additional scene, actually, not originally scheduled. :lol:

"Runaway Plan B" revised from original "Runaway"

by 도망자 Run Away(S1.PlanB/Fugitive) on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

credit to Sports Josun http://news.nate.com...08461/?mid=e0101Brief translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


first video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjvMuI6VN-I

Hi anjjo, thanks for sharing this. I'm starting to get confused now of the title of this drama. They're changing it from time to time - I hope this one is the final. Also, thanks for sharing the video clip. But, I'm having a problem D/L the extended & HD teasers, don't know why. I'll just do it later again. :sweatingbullets:


September 16, 2010

Koreans up in arms over draft dodging stars

‘There is no other place than the military where inequality is shown so clearly.’ -Prof. Lee Taek-gwang

Some feigned insanity. Others dislocated their own shoulder joints.

(skipped unrelated.....)

Pop-singer Rain has always received high scores, including a six, as his career was never interrupted by military service. But his score has decreased in recent months, according to the institute, after he postponed his enrollment, scheduled for this month.

“Even top stars find it hard to come back after staying away from the screen for such a long time,” said Kyeong Won-sik, general manager at the institute.

“There is no other place than the military where inequality is shown so clearly,” said Prof. Lee. “One has to serve in the military, but his friend with an exceptional background gets exemption.”

Yonhap / JoongAngDaily

- to read full article - http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2926076

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