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BoA - Everlasting

Guest jambalayaluv6486

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Guest jambalayaluv6486
my first recording..;;
hey =) this is actually my first time recording a song =/ i apologize for the iffy quality of the mic... and im sorry if anyone ends up dying after hearing my voice T.T edit: new link {last soundclick got deleted...does anyone know how to not make your soundclick get deleted?} http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.c...&songID=3894815 please give me comments and criticism!!
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Guest n!kk!

You have a very sweet voice but it kinded of sounded like you were really quiet when you needed to be much louder. Try to put more power because during the verses, it had a whispery quality and I think it would sound much much better if you didn't do that. Practice singing with more support (from your diaphragm (sp?) and don't be afraid to produce a full sound.

I notice you have a vibratto (I think it is a vibratto) but please refrain from using it at the end of each line because vibratto is supposed to be used to emphasize and make it more special but if you use it all the time, it loses that effect. And I think a little more controlling would help too.

All in all, I think it was actually pretty good considering it's your first time. Continue singing, practice and post more!

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Guest AMAZiFiED *(:

^ I agree, mostly. I felt that you were afraid to preject your voice, where it was needed. You have a nice voice, keep trying (:

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Guest xkiseki

i agree w/ the two above responses. you use too much vibratto, BoA doesn't use vibratto in every line of the song although she does use it a lot. Your voice has a sweet quality to it, it is not strong rnough for this song, since its mainly vocal projection.

try re-recording this song using more vocals from the chest during the chorus.

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Guest jambalayaluv6486

yeah...i keep listening to what i've got...and i dont really like what i'm hearing =/ can i excuse myself with the fact that i'm actually really sick right now ><? and i never really realized that i used vibratto, to be honest; i'm going to have to work on controlling that.. thank you for the comments so far; i'll be sure to re-record this once i get better =)

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Guest minak0chan

can you repost ur song cus one of my friends listened to ur song and went crazy at skool telling me to listen to this and now it seems like the link doesnt work ne more...she sed you sing really really good...so yea..

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Guest jambalayaluv6486

^..;; really? oo; i hope i don't disappoint you then >< are you sure she wasn't referring to other people who have sung this song? i know there's NO-1 who has an amazing recording of the same song...

new link....btw does anyone know how to get past this whole copyright thing? my soundclick keeps getting deleted T.T

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Guest K-popMiko

^ You just have to state somewhere that you did not make the song or something ^^

I don't think that your vibratto is much of a problem, but it does seem that it gets in the way of the strength of your voice that needs to be applied in this song. =)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jambalayaluv6486

i put up the link again...hopefully soundclick won't kill my site again ><;;

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Guest Juli~<3

i really like your voice.. but either you;re too far from the mic or you're scared of it. put everything into, it sounds better when you arent whispering

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