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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest xclueless

So what now? Is Jay ever going to return or not?

Honestly, as much as I am so appreciative that JYP finally opened up and said something, this letter answers NOTHING.

What is the future of 2PM?

Is Jay gone forever?

What really happened behind the scenes?

I thank him for finally giving a personal statement after so many days of hard core anticipation but I feel as if all our questions are still UNANSWERED. OR maybe I'm just in denial eh? Because to be honest, I really really really really don't want to believe.. that Jay's not coming back to us..

I'm still waiting. I don't care how long it's going to take. I will wait because I know 2PM can't go on without Jay. K-Pop can't go on without Jay. Hottests can't go on without Jay. I can't go on without Jay..

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My heart is more at ease now that JYP has shown his thoughts. I'm glad that Jay could go back to a place where he can feel safe and feel happy. At first, I thought it was all JYP's fault for letting Jay go so easily and I feel bad for thinking of myself instead of thinking about how 2PM or JYP or Jay. JYP sees all his trainees as his own children and he knows if they're real or not. There's a reason why Jay was the leader and this whole year, he's shown us why he got that spot. I'm proud of Jay and I hope that he can come back stronger and better. I definitely know that JYP and 2PM will welcome him with open arms. I'm ready when he is.

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im not a big fan of 2PM but i love their music

i just heard about Jay oppa issue yesterday and it was shocking me.

however it is...i'll forever support him and 2PM.

I came here just want to share my feeling with Hottest.

I hope other fans will continue support him

Jay and 2PM fighting~!!!

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Ok I finished reading the whole statement...

I am so torn right now! I cannot stop crying!

How could Jay think he was holding his brothers back? He blamed himself and it is not his fault!

Why did this have to happen... :( This is not right!

EDIT: We cannot stop supporting right? What do we do now? We cannot let him go!!

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i hope this is just the beginning of JYP's official statement(s). thank you very much thehazyfiasco for translating it

so quickly. from the sound of it, it seems like this statement is an explanation of why Jay could've written those

(misunderstood) myspace entries. I appreciate how JYP painted Jay's slow but genuine transformation.

I'm hoping that this will clear everything up. With the Kmedia now bactracking on their wrongful reporting, this statement from JYP (I hope) will end this controversy once and for all... even if somebody else will try to use it again in the future to harm 2PM.

now i hope there will be more official statements to come. this time regarding the future of 2PM and their leader, Park Jae Beom.

but at least there is hope. JYP does think that Jay's leaving is a mistake. A mistake he himself would've made in order to save the rest of the members, but still a mistake. . . I'm just hoping that once he gets all the petitions (you guys mailed yours right?) and i'm guessing he knows that a lot more people want Jay back... he will convince Jay to come back in due time...

... i just hope that this whole event hasn't broken Jay's spirit. i hope that with time he will heal and be strong enough to join his 2PM brothers again. (JYP did say that the Jay that we saw was REAL, and the Jay I've come to love and respect loves his 2PM brothers.)

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I'm glad JYP finally stood up for his boy... he should have done this a LONG time ago. And everything he said about Jaebum, I think for people who watched HOT BLOOD, you can kind of tell the kind of kid Jay was (I always wondered why he was added late to the group. And also, I remember one of the JYP managers told him when he dropped Jay off stuff like, "don't fight with the other kids, get along well with them." And I remember Jay said during one of the first episodes, about how the other guys wouldn't want to fight him, because Jay'd win for sure etc. He WAS a little punk, but that was the swagger that fans loved.)

I think overall, we can look at this in a positive light, basically, I think JYP means like he said, that we have to respect Jaebum's space, there's no way that we can bring him back in a week or two.

It takes time to heal. I would like to believe that they let him go because there was no way that he could go on stage right now anyway. The comment about how Jae doesn't think he can stand on stage right now. I believe that. It'd be really frightful to stand up on a stage and look into a crowd of faces, not knowing who are your true fans, and who were the ones that maliciously told you to die on the internet. (didn't brian of FTTS say that when he got attacked by netizens for his supposedly anti-korean sentiments, he was afraid to even leave his house?) Jay was dropped into such a dark place by all those vicious netizens. As people who love Jaebum, we can't force him back into the light when it is too bright for his eyes right now.

Mentally, Jay needs a break from the crazies. Being in the US where his family is means he can be somewhere where he wont' be judged and can think things through. Hopefully Jay holds true to his words, he'll study music, most of all, he'll become a better, stronger person, more talented artist, more skilled performer. When will that be, in 6 month? 1 Year? 5 years? maybe we might never see him on the screen again. But for sure, he was the person that all of his fans knew him to be... talented, caring, and brave.

And seriously the thing about how Jay didn't understand Korea and didn't take Korean idols seriously and so forth, I think EVERYONE on soompi can relate to that. How many of us are on here because our "real life friends," don't understand Kpop, and if we tried to talk to them about it they'd just roll their eyes at us? Even the native Koreans should be able to understand... how many of those fans always cover their faces whenever reporters want to interview them at a certain fan meeting or concert... because they don't want people (their friends, their family) to know their face? It makes me so sad that the Korean netizens had so little empathy and compassion... they might as well be BOTS just replying pre-programmed hate replies.

I just hope they don't add another person to the group. I might barf if I see someone in Jae's place in 2PM... I might be able to watch 6 people for a bit... (although it'll be hard... but yeah) I was just going to imagine park jaebum dancing in the back or something... like.. mentally photoshop him into the performances and stuff...

And if it's any consolation. if you go to JYPE.com, they haven't erased any of Jaebum's photos from 2PM group shots.

I'm sure this letter is just the beginning.. JYPE has a lot of stuff to do now... how will the group's comeback be affected, what will he do about the musical dynamic of 2PM now. I really don't think JYP terminated his contract w/ Jay yet. The lack of info in his letter conveys that he's buying time, because the company is in the midst of trying to decide what to do. (probably b/c a lot of people are beginning to speak out against JYPE's lack of action... there's an article on yahoo korea from sports seoul that criticizes JYPE for letting Jaebum take the fall for all of this and doing a really bad job at media PR and damage control... it basically said that JYPE's lack of action is very questionable) If fans are lucky, Jay will feel the stage itch and maybe he'll be back next year... with even hotter abs (LOL)

JYP, JYPE, 2PM fighting!

And thanks to the translator!

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Guest chopper!

thank you again! i really appreciate the effort you put into translating (:

i hate putting the blame on anyone, becus it can go in so many directions. i too feel like falling apart...

looking back at these few days, i feel like i'm understanding jay and his life more. i never really got to know him, but through this experience, it seems everyone is knowing a side of him that they never knew. a different side. i'm respecting jay a lot more and appreciate his leadership.

it's painful. 2009 is one heavy rainfall. i just hope, by the end of this year, things will be brighter (:

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Guest incomplete.
I think what JYP means, is that this time is good for Jay to go back and spend some time alone. He's trying to emphasize the fact that he's thinking about Jay as A PERSON, not as a member of 2PM, not as someone who "brings JYP money" as some people put it. I think this statement clears up any misunderstandings about how JYP just forced Jay to leave because he was making JYP lose money.. obviously, from this you can tell that he truly cares about Jay and wants whats best for him.

Thank you for saying that, please don't blame JYP for letting Jay go. It's his decision, right now he needs his family. Even now I missed him terribly, but I just hope the best for Jay...don't you? And like Sunmi said, it's gonna be alright.

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Guest Stephy18

After reading JYP's statement...its sad...but I'm still happy.

I'm so glad that he was not upfront in whether Jay is out or not.

Even though its vague...it provides hope that Jay might come back.

I think its really up to Jay's decision whether to comeback or not.

I'm sure JYP wants him back but right now Jay needs time to sort his

emotions. We just have to respect his decision and hope he decides to

comeback. I trust Jay and JYP to make the right decision. JYP wouldnt

want to waste such talent. It just really about time.


Also I dont agree with the 20+ fans boycotting JYPE. I think its unfair for the other boys. By doing that, there would be no hope for 2PM in general and they might break up. Also, I'm sure Jay wouldnt want that and comeback to that. So those that can communicate with that group. Plz tell them not to do it and its just not right. I know you want Jay back, but thats not the way to do it. Nothing good is ever related to Dream Concert...

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Guest love-monster
WG SunMi tweeting about the situation? =\


I feel that JYP's statement implies that he would allow Jay to comeback if Jay wanted to.

I definitely hope that is the case.

Jay will be THE MOST ANTICIPATED COMEBACK if he returns to Korea.

I sincerely sincerely sincerely hope that JYP will accept him with open arms

JYP seems to have sort of admired that kid ...

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Guest churvaness


Hottests, correct me if I'm wrong but this seems to be another Anti's petition...

I translated it using Babelfish and it says somthing about EXPULSION AND PROHIBITION OF ENTRY TO THE COUNTRY...

Their goal is 30,000 sigs due this day 09/10/09, if I'm correct....They're currently on 13000, I think..Oh I hope this doesn't push through

However, I'm gravely disappointed that they still think of Jay as a traitor...

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Guest last love.

HOTTEST, please do not take JYP's statement to heart. Believe me, I am as saddened by his statement as many of you, if not more. Jay's future is questionable, but with JYP's statement, I'm slowly losing hope in this cause.

There is an importance to all this, however. The petitions, the YouTube videos, the links of support... Everything that we have been doing will not help the situation. You can complain all you want to JYP, sending him emails, Tweets, etc., but ultimately, you have to keep in mind that IT WAS JAY'S DECISION. If you're going to complain to someone, then you go complain to Jaebum himself. But as true HOTTEST, we cannot do that. We have to respect his privacy. We have to let Jaebum heal from this unfortunate situation. What more can we do?

Not what the 20+ people are doing. We need to support 2PM now more than ever. I would quote a post that I wrote several pages back, but I simply do not want to look at the many pages of heartbreaking and disheartening comments. However, I will re-iterate what I mentioned in that specific post.

Jay left 2PM for a reason. He left to stop his fellow bandmates from taking the fall with him. He was simply being the leader that JYP knew he could be. If anything, this entire situation made Jay shine even brighter as a leader than ever before. If we cannot simply respect Jay's decision AND his reasons, then we are disrespecting all that he's worked for, all that he's earned, and Jay's judgment. The only thing we can do is tell Jay that he was an amazing leader. He'll always be the only leader for 2PM to us, but he was an amazing leader. We also have to continue to support 2PM as much as we did when he was there, because his efforts to save his group would have been FUTILE, and everything we have grieved over will have been in vain. We have to take into consideration how our efforts are hurting him. Please before organizing anything more. Take a second to see if Jay will be in pain from looking how much he hurts his fans through your organizing efforts.

On a side note, props to Sun Mi for trying to calm all of us.

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Guest glfishy24

i'm so glad JYP finally made an official statement!

thank you thehazyfiasco but does anybody have the link to the actual statement?

but hearing this, it shows really how much jay has changed and hopefully the antis will realize this

but they'll probably say that JYP is lying and just covering for jay :(

anyways, it really does seem like the REAL jay so now that we know he changed... can't people just forgive?

the least the netizens could do is not hate him!

:/ but im still hopeful that jay will return because they are leaving a spot open for him

we love you jay! and 2pm!


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Guest moomooriel

thank you kattdescalzo for translating it.

i truly believe that JYP is actually leaving the option open. Is now actually up to Jay to decide whether to come back or not. I'm pretty sure that JYP will welcome him back with open arms if Jay actually decides to come back. I highly doubt he'll replace him with a new member.

Jay just needs time to himself at this moment. Having to go through what he has gone through these past days. he needs his family and friend's support the most at this hard time. I'm sure all our shows of support will get across to him and maybe let him realize how much he's loved, because is not only us who want him back but also people JYPE and other Korean artists as well. Hopefully this will help him make any future decisions.

I find what JYP said in this statement so real and supportive to Jay, he's not talking about Jay as someone who works for him, but as a normal person, who JYP really understands. i truly support JYP in his decision though. Letting Jay decide his own future. I'm pretty sure if JYP had forced Jay to stay, Jay wouldn't be happy, and i'm pretty sure what all Hottest [no matter if you're Korean or International] care the most about is the well being of any of 2PM's members. Jay is happy to be with his family, he needs his family and friend's support the most at this hard time.

I support Jay, 2PM & JYP no matter what.

I don't think boycotting against JYP & JYPE will bring any good to this. Even though Jay has left, if you're a real Hottest, you will still support 2PM no matter what. I'm pretty sure Jay would be sad if he sees us abandoning his brothers.

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Guest haiphuong
thank you for translating JYP's response!

But I read it in Korean, and it basically says the same thing but the way he wrote it, doesn't seem like any official decision. He hasn't mentioned the rest of the boys or the future for them. I'm guessing (more like believing) that this was a way to calm the fans down and let Jae go through with what he has done. (By that I mean, going to America and having time for himself).

JYP mentions that he wants us to respect what Jae decided...but still to me doesn't sound like an official statement about what is to happen to Jaebum or 2PM.

So don't lose hope you guys, you can tell that JYP and the company are still lost to what they should do.

I agree with you that JYP and the company maybe still in shock and confuse about what to do now. Everything happened too fast just like yesterday. How can he reveal any official statement at this time? And about the boys as well as their future, it's very hard to say cause now they are all in a huge shock, how can they dance and sing while their heart and soul are blooding? I think what JYP thought when he revealed this statement was "All of us need some rests. Pls respect Jay's choice and please don't put too much pressures on the boys. They are too young to cope with these things. Just give us some more time".

As for Jay, I do agree with him. We should respect his decision although it makes us cry.It's not JYP let him go, it's Jay's choice. All he need now is relax his mind with his family, his friends. I think after the pressure of some extremist netizens, now he's facing another pressure from his fans who want him to comeback. I want him to comeback too but what WE WANT now is not as important as what he WANTS. Don't you think so?

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Guest java_junkie

JYP's words are so heartbreaking. You can sense his sadness and grief over the whole situation and what Jaebum had to go through. He hasn't offered us a concrete answer, and I think that's because he's going to leave that decision to Jaebum. Like chattaboxie mentioned, he's approaching this not from the perspective as a CEO, but as a human being. Yes, Jaebum may still be under contract. Yes, he could have forced Jaebum back and everyone would be thrilled. But would Jaebum be happy? And would JYP be thrilled knowing Jaebum was unhappy and in pain every time he stood up on the stage? Standing up on that stage when he says he has lost confidence in himself? It takes a lot to have the guts and confidence to put yourself out there in front of millions of eyes, and when you start to doubt yourself, it's the most excruciating thing ever to have to be on stage in front of an audience. JYP, as a friend, an older brother and a family member to Jaebum, understands that he's going through a lot. As a friend, an older brother and a mentor, he's respecting Jaebum's decision because he knows deep down, this is what's best for Jaebum's well-being at the present time.

Some will probably still think that JYP and JYPE had something to do with Jaebum leaving, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that this was Jaebum's decision. Personally (and some may hate me for saying this, but these are my true feelings as someone who cares for his well-being), I'm glad he's taking a little break right now. This wasn't just your average scandal. This blew up into huge proportions, and for a young guy who had never experienced something of this magnitude, it leaves a huge scar, physically, emotionally and mentally. He needs a breather from all the hype that was the past couple of months and for sure from these past few days. He needs love and support from his family. He needs to do some serious soul-searching. It's obvious that he was unsure of his path when he first joined JYP. The music and the stuff that they were doing was far from his personal tastes. As JYP and others recount though, he had changed and he had embraced everything. Now it's up to him to decide whether he wants to come back once more, or to choose another path that will be more to his personal tastes.

I do believe that one day, Jaebum will return when he is good and ready. When the wounds and the scars in his heart and mind have healed, when he is able to forgive himself and move on and come out of this a better and stronger person. I just don't picture it anytime soon. I would love it if he proves me wrong though! But there's a lot going on in his head right now, and it would be impossible for anyone to get it sorted out in a matter of a few weeks.

But let's hold our breaths. I'm sure there will be more news to come in the following days from JYP and JYPE in regards to the future of 2PM. Let's all continue to be patient and wait, and continue to support our Jaebummie and 2PM boys.

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Guest xpanduhh

thanks thehazyfiasco for translating! and.. i realy thing jyp was right abt letting jay go... it shows that he thinks of jay as a person and not only someone who works for him.. and not only that, its that jyp understands him so much that he was okay that he was letting him go like that...

His whole statement really touched me a lot.. and at the same time broke my heart.. despite it doesnt really give us much info, but instead it gives us lots to think about.. but, i really think jyps overall msg is to give jay time because hes only human... and i think that.. in due time... jay will be back, and i really feel that jyp will, of course, be willing to accept him with open arms : )..

so in the meanwhile guys, let's just wait for more info to come and until that info comes,lets stay calm, be positive, lets support jay and also the rest of our boys too <3

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Guest xlilhammx

WONDER GIRLS' Sunmi tweets again!


I'm glad that she's showing her support. It may be a little later than we hoped but better late than never, right?

it looks like a mix of WG & 2PM love. JYPE FAMILY!

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Guest illuminate.

the gist that i'm getting from jyp's statement is that everything is up to jay.

if jay wants to come back, i think jyp will accept him.

but if jay feels like he needs to stay away, he's not going to force him to come back.


i was reading the statement in korean and it actually made me cry.

i think this personal statement is better than any official one that just states hard facts or tells us for sure whether he is gone for good or not. i could really feel the love jyp has for jay come through.

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you guys, JYP's letter "answers nothing" because nothing is up to JYP. it was and still is jay's decision.

the only way that we can ever find "answers" is if jay himself says something. and i doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, i'm sure he just wants to get away from everything for a while and have some time to think. and honestly, i just want him to do whatever makes him happy.

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