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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest kanako28

Star King performance was sexyyy o__o

the boys did great, especially Wooyoung at the beginning

no wonder Star King female guests love dancing with them lol

i loved last time when it was the latino lady though!

the girl danced well.. the way Taec looked at her was woah.

HOLY COW!!!! I have to spazz, folks!

That clip of Taekyeon, Wooyoung, and Khun dancing on Starking was the best 2 minutes and 4 seconds of my life!!!!

I so need to work out so I can dance like that with my boys.


I KNOWW! let's find a way to work out together or something. hahah.

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Guest karamelsuki

huaa .. agreed, uyongie is so skinny rite now T_T

he is the smallest member when i saw bi's tribute ..


listen to jay dear

he will buy yummy fod for u ..

i really want to see ur mandoo's cheek... <333

and leader xD ure so cute <3 :D

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Guest Crazedphase.

kit_kotcha Thanks for those pictures.

Khun is SOO HOT

Omg;; the second picture i was like TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF

We need Khun skinagee

Wahh that girl who danced with Taec, Khun and Wooyoung

Is so lucky

And wow, it's the first time I saw sexiness from our cute Udongiee

**lily** I am SOOO using those signatures you made.


Oh yeah I must say the first page looks great even though it's still not finished.

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Guest redevilica

available in CB



[HQ] Star King (2009-06-06).avi [760.4 MB]

Super Junior, 2PM, After School, Chae Yeon, Kim Hye Yeon, Jung Ga Eun, Boom, Yoo Chae Young, Kim Ji Sun, Park Sang Myun

File renamed in clubbox to 574R Queen

Thanks a bunch, Joyce! :D

[HQ] Star Golden Bell (2009-06-06).avi [696.2 MB]

2PM (Jaebum & Junsu), Chae Yeon, Nicole (Kara), Chung Rim, etc

File renamed in clubbox to 574R Yellow Signal

Visit Cashewmania blog for direct CB links

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Guest Kiss Me

I loved the pink for Mu Core performance! (:

Anyways, I must go out on Star King.

These contestants all get to dance with our boys.

Lucky lucky lucky! That gif where it shows Taec and that girl being dangerously close.

Gah, it was kind of sexy though.

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Guest Crazedphase.

Junsu on Star Golden Bell


The infamous blowfish pose. He looks so cute ^^


Junsu and Taec on Introducing Star's Friends

Theyre so cute ^^ Theyre waves are very funny!!! Lol. they reminded me of fish or eels!!


I have started to really really really like Junsu.


And some more Mai&Tina Khun concert thing Pictures!!!

Khun pulled out some veryy sexy moves;; Michael Jackson style. But Khun has a hotter face.


And he played piano??? That must've been so good. Jay's always on about how Khun plays piano and sings really well!!


credit for all pictures: Bestiz

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Guest entermuriel


The infamous blowfish pose. He looks so cute ^^


Junsu and Taec on Introducing Star's Friends

Theyre so cute ^^ Theyre waves are very funny!!! Lol. they reminded me of fish or eels!!


I have started to really really really like Junsu.


credit for all pictures: Bestiz

aw... in the first picture Junsu looks like a good boy keke paying attention and all

also in the blowfish picture >.< he looks adorable!

about your comment in the last picture... it's exactly the same for me haha

it's nice to see Ok Cat & Panda being funny together! :)

on another note... i just finished watching the subbed videos of Jay's interview thingy...

made me like him even more!!! gah... he's just so awesome >.<

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Guest widdy

*I LOVE the front page<33 you're awesome Yana!!*

Jay was soo sincere and caring He's so cute and Im glad there's an interview like this for each of them so we can see their different sides and get to know the boys better

the part where he talked about going to relatives' places on his birthday n holidays while other members are with their families made me teary a bit

and Im sure his mom is very proud of him..what a great son :)

I always cracked up when he mentioned about Taec. They're so close. Jay would make him do things on deserted island..lol Taec's speciality: finds food

"Taec got all F's" LOL Thank you Jay for telling the whole world

Jay's right Wooyoung should eat more!! and that's so cute how Jay said that he'll buy Woobaby food <3 nice hyung

anybody knows what this is about?

MBC '스타의 친구를 소개합니다 2'(이하 '스친소2')의 MC로 복귀하는 붐이 소감을 밝혔다.

붐은 6일 머니투데이 스타뉴스와 전화에서 "축구 선수가 전지훈련을 갔다가 돌아온 느낌"이라며 한층 업그레이드된 모습을 보여주겠다며 각오를 다졌다.

붐은 "복귀하게 돼 설레면서도 재밌는 것을 보여줘야 한다는 부담도 있다. 요즘은 자주 회의를 하고 아이디어 연구 중이다"며 "부담을 에너지로 승화시켜 '빠이팅!' 할 것"이라고 말했다.

이어 그는"연애 버라이어티에 맞게 다양한 게임과 '싼티 댄스 대회' 등 젊은 친구들이 마음껏 놀 수 있는 무대를 만들고 싶다"고 포부를 밝혔다.

'스친소2'는 기존 포맷과 달리 남성 팀과 여성 팀이 고정 멤버들이 매주 등장해 짝짓기를 하고 성공하지 못한 사람은 탈락하는 서바이벌 형식으로 진행된다. 남성 팀은 2PM과 슈퍼주니어 멤버 등이 포함됐다. 붐은 남성 팀의 팀장을 맡아 멤버들의 짝짓기를 적극적으로 돕는 역할을 맡았다. 오는 14일 첫 녹화.

붐은 "남성 팀 팀장을 맡게 된 만큼 결속력도 다질 겸 회식도 갖고 현재 비밀 프로젝트도 준비 중이다"며 "남성 멤버들이 다 짝을 만날 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다"고 약속했다.

그는 또 "연애 버라이어티 프로그램도 역사가 있다. 강호동, 유재석 선배님 등 여러 선배님들이 했던 프로그램으로 공부하고 있다"며 "요즘 '천생연분', '연애편지','산장미팅-장미의 전쟁' 등을 서너 편씩 다운받아서 공부하고 있다"고 말했다.

'스친소2'의 박석원 PD는 "붐은 '스친소2'와 잘 어울리는 MC 자질을 가지고 있다. 방송을 즐겁게 만드는 능력도 있고 게스트들이나 이휘재, 현영을 돋보이게 만든다"며 높이 평가했다.

지난 몇 달간 쉬게 돼 마음고생이 있지 않았을까. 붐은 "언젠가 열심히 하면 다시 불러줄 것이라 믿고 기다렸다"며 "다시 한 번 나를 받아 준 '스친소2'의 제작진 여러분들께 정말 감사하고 보답하겠다"고 인사했다.

한편 붐은 지난 4월 '스친소2'에서 하차했다. 이에 시청자 게시판에는 '붐의 하차'에 대한 원성의 글로 도배가 됐다.

모바일로 보는 스타뉴스 "372 누르고 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"


머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스

제보 및 보도자료 star@mtstarnews.com < 저작권자 ⓒ '리얼타임 연예속보,스타의 모든 것' 스타뉴스, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 >

JJ so hot





so cute :wub:










cr: bestiz

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Guest Crazedphase.


Thanks for the pictures!!

Jay looks so hot hen he licks his lips!!

I watched the Star King episode

And it was very very hot

The girl looked like she was dancing sexily while the boys were doing Wooyoung's crack dance!!!

Taec got all F's

LOL, Jay is still as obsessed with Khun as ever.

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Guest entermuriel

those pics and gifs are awesome! thank you for sharing.

anyways... so i was bored not too long ago... and i started doing one banner for people that were born in 1990...

cuz i was born in 1990 x] i'll try to make some for the other years... or for noonas, chinggu or donsaengs alone

it takes some time... i haven't done photoshopping in a while x_x

alright then! everyone from 1990, if you want... you can use this ^-^


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Guest last love.

2 pm BOOM BOOM POW at starking

great it's my fav song lately... so great..... they put their swagger on


thanks yana!

OMFG. dslfkjsdflkjsldkfjlksjdf BEST FEW MINUTES OF MY LIFE. I died near 1:33 - 1:35, seriously.

that was a hot one.

I got to say WOOYOUNG

definitely rock it in the dance moves

just look at how ppowerful WOOYOUNG's

thumping is at around 1:33~1:34.

& Taec's stare at the girl was sexayy~

LMFAO. I looked back at it (because I was mostly focusing on Taec) and YEAH. Omfg. Wooyoung is like BOOMBOOM. BAHAHAHAHA. <3

090606 Star King

Credit: bestiz + as tagged.


So cute even when he's dancing! Khunnnie~

Hehehe, can't wait for the subbed ones to be out! :B

sldkfjalskfdjlaksjfdlkj THANK YOU FOR POSTING UP THESE GIFS. <3 If only someone giffed that thrusting .. ;____; -flails- <3

YANA. AWESOME FIRST PAGE. Really matches the 2AM page. ;DDDDDD <33333

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Guest Eltoshen

ROFL. Taec is always so serious during his performances...

I like it.

And Jaebum was pretty awesome when he told Wooyoung to eat more.

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Thanks to binyboo_02 , **lily** ..

I have wonderful siggies.

I was actually wanting to ask the dongsaeng group to get some siggies cos the noona's group had some. :P

But now Im having trouble of putting which. *pouts*

i'm really glad you like the sig

i'm planning on making more with the boys pics this time!

i just love this whole club idea...i think it's the cutest thing ever!

Omg so I was on the first page of this thread.. and reading the profile.. and I NEVER knew Junsu was older than Khun O_O!!!!

Wow.. I'm so..."embarrassed" shall I say? Hahahahha. Cuz I remember in "Let me sleep here tonight" Khun said he was the 2nd oldest..

Or is it just me..? Lack of sleep here.. but I'm sure wide awake now.

But wow.. Junsu was the 2nd oldest?! :\

I feel so.. lost..

I've been a 2PM fan FOREVER and yet I never knew that...

Please correct me if I'm wrong.. but I'm sure the info's are correct. I even checked on Naver.


Oh and I'm not surprised cuz he's OLD.. I'm just surprised I never knew that . . . -_-

yep! junsu is def the second oldest....if you watch the video again Junsu looks like he wants to interrupt and correct what khun said but i guess they just let it go...haha the khunster just made a little mistake

thanks so much for these links!! omg junsu impresses me more and more everyday with his vocal skills

his friend has movie star looks! and taekie's friend seems really smart...just like him! hehe

omg junsu's haircut looks damn fine on him O.O......*drool*

hahaha jae is so funny..."i only got one f!....taek got all f's" HAHAHA

oh boos...we know you guys were super busy training....we forgive ;)

OMG woo, taek, and khun on starking!!! hottest thing EVER......woo baby looks soooo hot when he dance....*fans myself*

I just wanted to say I really love this thread. Not only because of 2 PM but because you Hottests are the best! everyone's just super nice and friendly<3

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Guest rawkstar p i n k

^ I don't think it's Taec. His smile doesn't stand out anywhere near as far as Taec's does. The 3rd dudes teeth fit in his mouth. Granted that could just be due to camera quality =X AWW I HEART YOU TAEC! I really don't think that's him. Hmmm...

And AHAHA! Does Khun say "They are so gay" during the little interlude?

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Guest Babiluvmuffin

oh i love this! too bad i'm one year off......haha

Khun, Junsu, and ??? being themselves....haha

can someone confirm who the third dude is.....is it Taek or some random person? haha

they all look so cute!

Yea im 99% sure that Taec lol They r all such dorks haha

I miss Taec's hair like that but i also like his current hairstyle

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^ I don't think it's Taec. His smile doesn't stand out anywhere near as far as Taec's does. The 3rd dudes teeth fit in his mouth. Granted that could just be due to camera quality =X AWW I HEART YOU TAEC! I really don't think that's him. Hmmm...

And AHAHA! Does Khun say "They are so gay" during the little interlude?

yeah he does say that......hahaha

omg that made me laugh.....that dude's teeth fits in his mouth......ROFL

so i have a no and a yes...hmmmm

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