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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Soulhead

@happylove00 @ taejun4 :

No , It's probably a unknown video (because she is old and this is a fancam) but they performed angel =>


You can see some A&A move too !=P

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Guest Unnursvana

What much do you like about 2PM or pacifically who you like most? How honest of a HOTTEST are you about them?

I first got into 2PM because of Wild Bunny but I found out about this show from Seoulbeats :P all of them are such dorks and it is fun to watch them since they are kinda like a breath of a fresh air in K-pop because they don't always follow the standards of an idol group and are just who they are all, but many other idols do that also but 2pm just lest it all out. What I also like about 2PM is there style, there music is amazing and they are a really good dancers and they never fail to entertain me with there music or just in real life (variety show) and they are really good at what they do. They are very talented but some more then others but they all keep improving and all.

I have to admit that I am Wooyoung bias but I can't put the rest into specific order or rank them from my favorite to least favorite because think they are all brilliant and they are all talented is specific arias and 2PM wouldn't be 2PM without anyone of them so I can't really look at 2PM as a whole or a complete group without Jay. To me Jay was the most talented member since he could sing, dance and rap.

I hope I answered this question well enough.

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Guest zhemeban

What much do you like about 2PM or pacifically who you like most? How honest of a HOTTEST are you about them?

I don't like them but I love them .... I love all of them (as if you are real Hottest, you must love them all)(Hottest = 2PM)

I'm 10000% hottest bcuz it's the only one fanclub ....I've called for myself :-)

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Guest qweqwe






My personal belief on the matter is controversial, but I'm very concerned, for reasons laid out in the first section in regard's to "JYP's promise", that Jay's leave has always been viewed as permanent and the only people who see it otherwise are 2PM fans, especially us international fans.

I think that if there is no Jay on the next album, and that album is successful without him, it's pretty much official that he's gone. Regardless of what JYPE says on the matter ("He needs more time, He's not ready, etc."), as it could simply be their way of stalling and avoiding the inevitable backlash from fans who are upset over his leaving. The fandom remains extremely volatile, and I don't think they're remotely eager to deal, or worse, they honestly don't care.

I don't see JYPE promoting a 6-person 2PM for a new album and then going through all the trouble of re-introducing Jay in for an album beyond that, especially if they are marketable and successful without him. Because no doubt his return would re-introduce the "Korea is gay" controversy and endanger the marketability of the group, and that's not something any company would be eager to do. I think that if the next album weren't successful, it could be a possibility (controversy = publicity) that an attempt would be made to bring him back for the album after that, but if he's not on the next album and it does well, I think it's safe to say that he really did resign from the group and/or JYPE let him go.

What you mentioned suddenly hit me.. I realized that most points you mentioned had always been at the back of my mind all these time.. or rather i had deliberating pushed them to the back.. Self-Denial on my part?? Maybe.. i guess i just want to be hopeful.. Yes, what you said actually do make sense. All that we ever had was "JYP will bring jaebeom back into 2PM (not as a solo artiste), IF he chooses to return"..

I really hate how things are now.. One day we are all feeling good & happy with all the positive updates, but the next moment, things are going spiral downwards.. like a roller-coaster ride.. and i wonder how much further JYPE wants to take us on this ride..

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Guest Labacookie

What you mentioned suddenly hit me.. I realized that most points you mentioned had always been at the back of my mind all these time.. or rather i had deliberating pushed them to the back.. Self-Denial on my part?? Maybe.. i guess i just want to be hopeful.. Yes, what you said actually do make sense. All that we ever had was "JYP will bring jaebeom back into 2PM (not as a solo artiste), IF he chooses to return"..

I really hate how things are now.. One day we are all feeling good & happy with all the positive updates, but the next moment, things are going spiral downwards.. like a roller-coaster ride.. and i wonder how much further JYPE wants to take us on this ride..

I kind of wish I had a way of gauging what the actual mood is in Korea as regards to Jay, not fans but the general public. I hate having to get second hand info. :(

And I hate it too: the rumor mill, the uncertainty, the fan wars.

BUT, I'm really hoping that the "manager rumor" is a true one, because for me it would mean both that JYPE has been keeping tabs on Jay, and that there is a real possibility that they are bringing him back.

I just really hope things are cleared with the next album. Nothing is as maddening as this not knowing for certain.

What do you like about 2PM or specifically who you like most? How honest of a HOTTEST are you about them?

I love their performance style and the energy and intensity I've seen in many of their performances. I initially did not like "Heartbeat", but seeing them do it live made me love the song. Also, it's probably the first time that a group promoted a song where I NEVER got tired of it, because there was something new and different to see, every week, and I loved that.

I also love them for being absolutely hilarious if given the chance (Idol Army, Wild Bunny, etc.)

I can't say I have a favorite, because they each have something about them that I adore, something specific to that person.

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Guest lec8504

regarding the height issue...let's just say that we should not take every thing at face value. All entertainers (korean and american) add inches to their height and minus pounds from their weight (especially for girls). But anyways height is such a small thing..lets not turn it into an issue.

And oh gawd...I can sense talk of another boycott starting....why can't we just wait and see what JYPE say?

What do you like about 2PM or specifically who you like most? How honest of a HOTTEST are you about them?

My biased is Nichkhun but I started to like all of them almost equally. Their personality ahd charisma off and on stage are what I like about them. And I'm very honest about them, I can pin point all of their flaws (Nichkhun- needs to improve his singing especially the high notes, Chansung- more range in his singing, Wooyoung- he has pitch problems, Junho- somewhat generic voice, great dancer but looks too much like rain, Taec- his rapping improved so much, dancing he still needs work on, Junsu- great voice but dancing can be improved, Jay- smooth voice but def not the best voice in 2PM, great dancer, rapping can def be improved....at least to my eyes) but I don't feel the need to post them publicly over and over again....since I feel that other fandoms will just read it and see it and count it against the boys. As fans we can't be painting the boys as perfect...they're not..and that's whats great about them. We know and understand most of their flaws...know that there is always room for improvement...but that doesn't mean that they aren't one of the best Kpop boy group out right now :)

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Guest Morton


Does anyone know if there is a 2pm HeartBeat video that isn't HQ and over 50 MB?

My program doesn't work with videos that are that high. THANKS!

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Labacookie, I think you nailed it:

I think that if there is no Jay on the next album, and that album is successful without him, it's pretty much official that he's gone. Regardless of what JYPE says on the matter ("He needs more time, He's not ready, etc."), as it could simply be their way of stalling and avoiding the inevitable backlash from fans who are upset over his leaving. The fandom remains extremely volatile, and I don't think they're remotely eager to deal, or worse, they honestly don't care.

In my gut I feel, too, that the next few months are going to decide this issue. Either they bring Jay back for this album release, or he is gone for good. You can make an argument that it is already teetering on the edge of "too late" because of the success that the 6-member group has had in recent months... awards, album sales, glowing/breathless media reports about their comings and goings... sure, the boys mentioned Jay whenever they got an award, but you could also argue that that is politeness.

And as one of those "volatile fans," I am going to be watching the next few months with extreme interest. If JYP comes out with an album all about "brotherly love" from a 6-member group, I swear I will hurl. And if he prances into the Hollywood Bowl with his 6-member group, I am going to fly down there, grab me some Hottest Moms, and picket his, er, assemblage. I'm too old to put up with getting jerked around.

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Labacookie, I think you nailed it:

In my gut I feel, too, that the next few months are going to decide this issue. Either they bring Jay back for this album release, or he is gone for good. You can make an argument that it is already teetering on the edge of "too late" because of the success that the 6-member group has had in recent months... awards, album sales, glowing/breathless media reports about their comings and goings... sure, the boys mentioned Jay whenever they got an award, but you could also argue that that is politeness.

And as one of those "volatile fans," I am going to be watching the next few months with extreme interest. If JYP comes out with an album all about "brotherly love" from a 6-member group, I swear I will hurl. And if he prances into the Hollywood Bowl with his 6-member group, I am going to fly down there, grab me some Hottest Moms, and picket his, er, assemblage. I'm too old to put up with getting jerked around.

I so understand what you mean. Where is the JYPE family? I am so sick of the lies! No better than a certain other company.

What I do not understand is what did Jay do that was so horrible that the company does not want to even help him by backing him up? So the other boys are valuable but Jay is worth nothing?

What have they got to lose in bringing him back... oh antis! JYPE have not even come close to what antis can do compared to what the other two companies are going through. And if I am correct another idol went through backlash from nationalism and he made it through and the situation was worse than Jay's. What if antis go after the other boys... will they be protected? And the boys themselves... are they not seeing this or are they being lied to as well? What are they going to say if Jay is not back?

I feel for Jay and especially his parents. I am sure they thought that their son was well protected. I wonder what excuse they were given. They just wanted their son to be able to use his talent and now it probably will be wasted. Alot of people say that Jay will now have a normal life, but what if he liked the life in Korea now that he gotten used to it? It is the place where his parents were born and he had pride in that. He also met and made so many close bonds and that could be affected now. I mean phone calls can only go so far.

Labacookie- You are right about the backlash! Hottest are already preparing. But what is more scary is the karma that will come for the company! It will not be good.

What goes around, comes around... JYP


BabyxLovex2pm- First, nobody knows as FACT whether it was Jay's sole decision. You are basing your opinion on what JYP has said and you choose to believe it and I choose not.

Just because JYP said it was Jay's decision does not mean it is true.

And I remeber Jay saying he was going to clear his head and come back. His father's friend said that he asked Jay if he wanted to come back and he said he did.

Now if Jay changes his mind, then there is nothing we can do! But I still would like for Jay to tell us on his own, not JYP. Hopefully that can happen!

I will never give up on Jay, but I will on JYPE if they continue with their smoke and mirrors.


Qweqwe- Public opinion has changed greatly! If you go on daum, nate and naver... there are petitions and articles where you can read what people think about Jay now and it is a huge turn around.

The other day KHottest have collected signatures around different cities of people who want Jay to come back and they did it in shifts.

Turns out there were over 4 booklets of signatures, each having over 6,000 signatures. The pictures are on daum.

I guess KHottest are going to send it to JYPE.

Now sure there will still be some people, but they will be a minority I feel.

Also if you go on daum, every now and then fans would make posts about citizen feelings in their areas and they have been positive, so...

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Guest BabyxLovex2pm

I so understand what you mean. Where is the JYPE family? I am so sick of the lies! No better than a certain other company.

What I do not understand is what did Jay do that was so horrible that the company does not want to even help him by backing him up? So the other boys are valuable but Jay is worth nothing?

What have they got to lose in bringing him back... oh antis! JYPE have not even come close to what antis can do compared to what the other two companies are going through. And if I am correct another idol went through backlash from nationalism and he made it through and the situation was worse than Jay's. What if antis go after the other boys... will they be protected? And the boys themselves... are they not seeing this or are they being lied to as well? What are they going to say if Jay is not back?

but do you guys understand that Jay Decided to leave because his actions were wrong.

so he didnt want to hurt the group with rumors or gossip. he said that he wasnt a good leader.

so he made the choice to leave. because he didnt want to jepordize the group with his wrongs.

and yeahh you guys are rite. they are making this such a big deal. when everybody makes mistakes

and everybody deserves a second chance. jay was young & didnt know better. but maybe they are trying to help him come back and if they arent

then just leave it. when jays ready to come back then he is. JYP is giving him a chance

but do you think he would have taken it right now to come back. or hes just thinking if he wants to. or he is still in the process of training himself.

in his heart he wants to come back and so does 2pm. and if Jay doesnt come back then all you guys have to do

is except it. You guys have to Believe that he will. Think Optimistic sometimes. it Helps. Don't give up on Jay coming back

because of the rumors.

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Guest qweqwe

I kind of wish I had a way of gauging what the actual mood is in Korea as regards to Jay, not fans but the general public. I hate having to get second hand info. :(

And I hate it too: the rumor mill, the uncertainty, the fan wars.





Labacookie, exactly! I am not korean nor do i live in korea. So i'm not sure how things work there.. I also wish to have an idea of what's the public opinion of Jay at the moment.. Has the situation improved? Do more people begin to see the whole incident in a different light since Jay's sudden & unexpected departure? What is the public overall sentiments? Hottests are more than willing to welcome Jay back with open arms.. but what about the general public? Cos obviously JYPE's utmost concern lies with the public.

I'm not pointing finger at JYPE to say that they aren't doing anything to bring jay back.. cos seriously i have no idea what had transpired between JYPE, Jay and the 6 boys.. They could have certain plans up their sleeve? It could be something good or it could be something that wouldn't please everyone.. Nobody knows for sure. But at times like this, i really feel that i'm pretty useless as their fan.. there isn't anything that i as a fan could do to help.. i could only wish that things eventually work out well for everyone of the 2PM boys.

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Guest Labacookie

but do you guys understand that Jay Decided to leave because his actions were wrong.

so he didnt want to hurt the group with rumors or gossip. he said that he wasnt a good leader.

so he made the choice to leave. because he didnt want to jepordize the group with his wrongs.

Yeah, I think the issue of "Jay's return" has managed to cloud the reason as to how and why he left. It was the doing of netizens over a comment he made. I'm certain he's sorry, but this started with him, and the thoughtless person who shared the comment. I don't understand why people are ignoring the controversy, and acting as if JYPE forced Jay out, over something they view as harmless. We should all remember that our fandom opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of the much larger Korean public, where feelings of nationalism and the need for respect run very deep.

I'm curious as to just how badly this scandal went over in Korea. Remember, there were many more people petitioning for Jay to "commit suicide", then there were people supporting him by signing the "anti-suicide" petition, and the fact that there was even such an ugly thing in circulation really worries me as to what the mood of Korean netizens and the public is towards Jay. It seems the public has a tiny attention span in regards to EVERYTHING except scandal.

I wonder if an apology would be enough if he were to return? I'm just really scared that there will be an ugly backlash should he come back. I feel like he's been through enough, and dragging him back and having everyone hate him would really break my heart.

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Guest FumiHime

Dunno if you're interested but i was watching some WG vids and i stumbled across this. This is a old video from 2007 The JYP family threw SunMi a surprise party. If you look carefully you can see a lot of 2pm members. At 5.48 you can see ChanSung putting cream on SunMi's face Haha

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We are arguing with the same topics again n again n again~becuz of the rumors

I know we couldn believe in JYP/E but wat about all these rumors? should we believe they will become true?

Im actually getting tired of being excited or nervous about Jay's return...

srly, there s nothing we can do to help Jay if JYP really has no plan to bring him back.

we better wait for the official statement guys, just don't lose hope~im pretty sure JYP is wise enough to not throw Jay away that easy.

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Guest avchuck

BabyxLovex2pm- First, nobody knows as FACT whether it was Jay's sole decision. You are basing your opinion on what JYP has said and you choose to believe it and I choose not.

Just because JYP said it was Jay's decision does not mean it is true.

And I remeber Jay saying he was going to clear his head and come back. His father's friend said that he asked Jay if he wanted to come back and he said he did.

Now if Jay changes his mind, then there is nothing we can do! But I still would like for Jay to tell us on his own, not JYP. Hopefully that can happen!

I will never give up on Jay, but I will on JYPE if they continue with their smoke and mirrors.

I don't think some people saw this, so I thought it'd be best to repost it (because I completely agree with you). This situation had to be one of the most confusing because NO ONE knows exactly what happened. There's definite room to believe that Jay CHOSE to leave--very understandable. But there's just as much room to believe he was PRESSURED (highly advise to read up on the info at the time in 2ONEDAY).

We all have our personal opinions regarding this issue so it may be best to leave it as is.

Qweqwe- Public opinion has changed greatly! If you go on daum, nate and naver... there are petitions and articles where you can read what people think about Jay now and it is a huge turn around.

The other day KHottest have collected signatures around different cities of people who want Jay to come back and they did it in shifts.

Turns out there were over 4 booklets of signatures, each having over 6,000 signatures. The pictures are on daum.

I guess KHottest are going to send it to JYPE.

Now sure there will still be some people, but they will be a minority I feel.

Also if you go on daum, every now and then fans would make posts about citizen feelings in their areas and they have been positive, so...

Thanks for the answer regarding Korea's current view/mood on this Jay issue. I'm one of the many other ihottests that was dying to know how things are over there.

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regarding Jay's return, I just have one thing I want to contribute: we also have to consider the power of the "higher-ups" JYPE can continue its job thanks to money from various sponsors. If the sponsors, usually big companies who are extremely concerned with "image", do not want Jay back, then no matter how much fans want Jay back or how much Jay himself wants to be back, he will not be allowed to come back to the group.

I've been skeptical from the beginning about the whole thing because I believe everything is not as simple as it sounds. I don't believe Jay can just call it quit himself, or JYPE forced to quit. The matter is more complicated, and Jay's departure from the group was certainly not the decision of one entity. Therefore, Jay's return will need to be decided by many different parties, not only fans and JYPE staff or Jay himself.

I could be wrong those, seeing how YG successfully protected GDragon against the billion controversies he had to face.

However, as much as I want to analyze the matter even further, I'm just tired of the whole debacle and I choose to wait for the final decision, which will be revealed soon enough through the next album promotion. If Jay is not there by the time of the new album release, I think that's the end of his career.

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Guest BabyxLovex2pm

AVCHUCK- yeah its your opinion too. but how do you know that JYP told him to leave?

its either way he left because of his wrongs.

And yes we all know deep down in his heart he wants to come back.

but As it comes down to the wire Jay can change his mind.

your opinion is to believe that JYP told him to leave. but we will never know until it comes out of

Jays mouth. & yes if he does come back we will all be Cheering him on. And you are rite everbody has their own

opinion on this..

we should just let the rumors go. because we know that its not a Fact.

until we hear it from Jay. but lets all think positive!

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Guest entermuriel

No , It's probably a unknown video (because she is old and this is a fancam) but they performed angel =>

omg wow! ahaha i love thisss so much. damn, Jay looks hot with his hair like that x]

this seems to be before either 2AM or 2PM debuted, cause it seems all of ONEDAY is there

they all look so young!!! omg adorable hehehe especially Junho!!! such a cutie lol

What much do you like about 2PM or pacifically who you like most? How honest of a HOTTEST are you about them?

2PM to me is EXTREMELY special. if it wasn't for them i wouldn't like kpop at all. they opened the door to my kpop madness lmfao. i became their fan a month after they came to NYC [my friend got to see them in march, but since i didn't like kpop back then, i missed the chance to meet them too D:] and since then i've love them. i've seen many groups debut since then, but none of them have actually caught my eye and heart like 2PM has. 2PM got me to do a freaking flashmob in front of people at Union Square... i would've never done it before, but for them, i did it. me and some friends made the first post-it event here in NYC, i would've never done such a thing before either. and i don't see me doing this for any other group ever lol. i simply love them, idk how it happened, but gradually i just became their fan, this is my first time ever fangirling for someone, it's just... i never imagined myself doing that. but if it's for 2PM, it's just worth it. that's how much i love them lol. and their personality it's also what i love, they bring a smile in my face whenever i see them in a variety show or simply performing. i just smile like there's no tomorrow lmfao ok, i think that's all i'll have to say, cause i probably won't stop anytime soon.

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i knew this will be up again,

i seek action not words.. *sigh*

if only i lived in Korea.

if the new album has no Jae in it, that would be crucial,

i know the pinpoint of this matter hasn't reach the agony and the stress yet. (maybe it has, i pity all Jae/7 biased)

i wanna seek revenge for Jae.. ruining his dream like that,

i hate seeing this thread full of the question "what if" makes me tiresome.

they were just too popular 4 to 5 months ago..

imagine when Jae does his comeback.. he deserved every spotlight (i really want him to)

but do you guys understand that Jay Decided to leave because his actions were wrong.

there were no actions just a word.

stupid word that could mean something else.

a word that made him feel he doesn't belong.

a word that made him fly back to seattle.

a word that netizens can't look upon a dictionary to define.

a word that he had to leave 2pm and missed out on all the AWARDS he could've touch and hold.

a word that made him missed out on all the events and performances.

i'm sorry but yeah, its nothing but a word.

What I do not understand is what did Jay do that was so horrible that the company does not want to even help him by backing him up? So the other boys are valuable but Jay is worth nothing?

they were scared, and Jae had to man up by making his own decision.

i really hope JYP re-think this Jae is the cream of the crop.. his very valuable after all the company

decided to make him the "leader".

i really hope to see/hear Jaebeom in the next album.

let's all think positive girls.

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