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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest jenaykissx

I understand why everyone is enraged. yes jaebum needs to comeback, but he's forever not in 2pm anymore. but it's not like he's gone from this earth. he's still in AOM, and (for me at least) i'll be still supporting 2pm and AOM at the same time. Yes, 2pm had its ups and downs but they're still people, i was kinda dumbfounded when i heard about taecyeon ssunshineing throughout the thing, but idk what was their problem, but at least they still are friends.

for the ones who are still pissed about this, its your choice to be pissed. I bet they saw this coming, but for me i think i'm still going to support 2pm. i still like them, but not as much right now. i dont hate them, im just confused. i think poeple shouldnt believe everything they just see on tv, becuase that's what i did, and this kinda made my mind shatter the images of the 2pm members...

also, i seriously wanna know what that big mistake is..what's SO bad that it's a problem to almost everyone/everywhere and so bad that the members can't even talk about it. & that made junho mad ...

Park Jaebum. I wanna hear from your perspective ..seriously

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Guest rockierockpen

Yes he did, it's something that not only will question Korean Society but also frowned upon in Western Society as well especially in the States.

The only thing I can think of is that he made some type of racial/homo slur that angered the members. Just like Koreans who are very prideful, Americans are too. This probably explains why Nickhun has an easier time forgiving Jay than the rest of the members who are actually Korean. Taec may have grown up in in America, but he is still inherently Korean. Whatever it is, I don't believe that it's BAD enough for them to kick him out of the group.


From a Khottest via AOM FB page:

Okay. I'm one of k-hottest but i am not on the behalf of all k-hottests. But pls, listen. I'm not sure you completely know what is happening in Korea AT THIS VERY MOMENT NOW. Also, Have you listened the deposition of the conference, between JYP/2PM and hottests, last night? Other 6member totally trampled Jay's rights as a person. And they were ... See More laughing at hottests. they patronized the fans who attended the conference with bad attitude. Can you believe this? That is what's happening in Korea. How can we support them? i don't know you can uderstand all these things. BUT I CAN'T.

I can understand where those who want to support 6pm are coming from, BUT I will NOT bc of the way they belittled the fans. I did not attend the conference, obviously since I'm from the states, but no fans deserve to be treated like that. If you don't believe me or need more proof, go to 2OD and read all the fan accounts. It's heart breaking to realize that's how the boys view us. I can no longer be a fan anymore. 2PM is ruined....

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Guest pink_is

For some reason that quote made me wish and think what if this is all just a really bad extreme early April Fool's joke? Like how Taec said no one came to support Jay when the myspace comments came out so maybe they wanted to test the fan's loyalty, if they'd still support Jay and welcome him back into Korea and 2PM if the mistake Jay made was indeed worse than the comments. Maybe they wanted to "get back", so to speak, at the fans/public for not sticking up for Jay immediately after the scandal (compared to the support he got once he left).

AND THEN, on their comeback, Jay will be there and perform and say it was all a joke!!!!

... a girl can dream, right? :(

Let's keep dreaming...

Maybe they're testing the waters right now and how strong their fanbase is.

For example, if fans swear that they will still be 2pm stans even after the 'world's worst scandal' is broadcasted all over korea, than we MIGHT get Jay back....I mean, they ARE recording their new album right now...

let me call jay's house right now and see if he's home. :D

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omg! chaos in here!

just read shocking fan accounts.

never thought Taec and Chan would be like that..

but i thought Chan dearly loves Jae.

Maknae what have you become??

this thread will be full of bullcrap,

once 6pm's does comeback it's all a joke now..

i think off cam 6pm are not close..

behind closed doors they manipulate talk trash and fight w/ each other ALOT!

if that's what you all read on the fan accounts doesn't it make sense

how they really are..

it's plain simple 6pm got the taste of fame for a little while, brain damage, became

JYPe's personal Frankenstein..

i really hope one day Jae would backfire! i know he cares deeply about his members..

just for everyone to remember even the new ones who just got into 2pm


and no! 2PM IS NOT 2PM W/O A 7 MEMBER.

V well, what do you know???

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Guest haadygalpop

omg! chaos in here!

just read shocking fan accounts.

never thought Taec and Chan would be like that..

but i thought Chan dearly loves Jae.

Maknae what have you become??

this thread will be full of bullcrap,

once 6pm's does comeback it's all a joke now..

i think off cam 6pm are not close..

behind closed doors they manipulate talk trash and fight w/ each other ALOT!

if that's what you all read on the fan accounts doesn't it make sense

how they really are..

it's plain simple 6pm got the taste of fame for a little while, brain damage, became

JYPe's personal Frankenstein..

i really hope one day Jae would backfire! i know he cares deeply about his members..

just for everyone to remember even the new ones who just got into 2pm


and no! 2PM IS NOT 2PM W/O A 7 MEMBER.

and caught another one. you girls are so easy.

those fan accounts you're droolign over...they all contradict each other. and every single one of them are written by people who are intent on destroying the whole of one day. good job on fallign for it.

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Guest yanyanmunnie

Ranting = The best method for me at the moment.

I don't know what to say anymore. I just have this continuous feeling of my heart sinking into my stomach or something. I REALLY believed he was gonna come back. And HE WAS. But, who knows what happened to Jay or JYPE.. I can't blame JYP for this because he's not the president/CEO of JYPE anymore. But, I really just don't understand what happened.. And I don't think I ever will.

Personally, I don't think Jay would ever do anything bad. He wouldn't have had time to do anything during his AAA promotions. They say the average idol on promotions get about 3-4 hours of sleep. But then again, how would I know for sure? I have come to a random conclusion that Jay although really wants to go back to Korea.. Just wants to be at home for now, bboying with his crew, and being near his family. Although, I don't understand why the situation must be brought out like this... However, my random conclusion would probably be false due to the fact that he 'CAN'T' join 2PM ever. again. And I mean, I thought they would always leave that door open. Why would they suddenly close it?

The responses of Taecyeon made me temporarily dislike him. I was yelling at my computer like an idiot saying 'Friggin Taec, why are you saying that?' The only thing that will be imprinted in my mind.. is whether or not it was scripted.. or if they really just couldn't take Jay anymore. From that, I don't understand them anymore. I never thought they had a FRIENDSHIP in general. I always found it as a BROTHERLY LOVE or BROTHERHOOD. When saying friendship, it's as if....They've let go. I honestly wish that I knew what was in 6PM's right minds when saying that.. To think, this hidden 'hate' they had.. Really? It breaks my heart to even read about it. I thought they had a stronger bond. Then again, those are just pictures.. and words... Thoughts are hard to be spoken out.

I'm just curious about the whole conspiracy now... It really NEVER had to happen in the first place. Even if Jay told Jung Wook... They didn't have to release it to the press did they? What did he do that was so bad? SO BAD that they won't allow him into the group anymore? My questions will never be answered. I'll be left in confusion as I go on with my life.

I don't know.. what anyone would define HOTTEST as anymore.. The sides are splitting.. And there are just inside controversies everywhere.. As for me.. I'm fine with a 6PM. But, I'm not happy about it. I have to let it go, because I don't know what I can do for them anymore.

This isn't all of my rantings. But, I'm going crazy just thinking about it. As for now, I shall reminisce the good ol' SEVEN, on YouTube. The only memories left...

I just wonder how Khun's taking this... As for Woodong, who knows. I don't even wanna know about the other members anymore.

Conspiracy. Laid. To. Rest.

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Guest bbx_Vivii

I can't believe their attitudes...seriously.

When I read those fanaccounts on 2ONEDAY, I literally thought my blood pressure was going to explode.

Okay, I'm done with the fandom.

6pm looks like a total joke right now.

Oh yeah, Silence, your prediction should be right....they are going to disband. At least, I hope so.

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Guest kiwistar

I've been a huge fan of 2PM since the Hot Blood days. I've loved them to death...up until Jay's departure.

Nonetheless, I still followed them in hopes on updates about Jay. Now, this is really the last straw.

No matter what anyone says, things will NEVER be the same. And no, I'm not a crazy Jay fan. Woo is my favorite, and I even found Jay to be borderline annoying at times, but I loved them as a group. For me, it's not about blind devotion or choosing sides, but the deception, dishonesty, and simple cruelness that everyone has endured.

It annoys me when people are being judgmental when fans take a side. What right do people have to put down others? Respect everyone's decisions/opinions please.

For me, I can't trust 2PM or JYPE anymore. It was fun while it lasted, but enough is enough.

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Guest yielinghuai

We have been able to reach our source. By now we’ve all read the many fan accounts from the conference and it’s obvious that the atmosphere was negative to say the least. The news we’re about to give to you is shocking and regrettable. The Hottests deserve everything from beginning to end, and have always deserved the whole truth.

It’s true that the boys’ manager had a meeting with them in their dorm beforehand to tell them how to behave at the conference. They wanted to calm the fans and also reinforce the “facts” provided in their statement. When the time came around for the actual conference, things changed. We had no intentions of misleading our readers. We ourselves, really did think that it would be scripted.

What the members said during the conference was all their own thoughts. Our source told us that all the emotions were true, but Junho faked the crying. There are still parts from the conference that were scripted. Khun never called/messaged Jay. We all know that many things in the statement were false. The members, of course, said they were true.

That being said, most of the things said by the six were from their own mouths.

They’ve turned against Jay.

We’ve kept quiet about which members support Jay and which ones don’t. We did this because no matter what, we still believed in seven. We didn’t want to see fans fighting or bashing because of the other members and we didn’t want to give the other members trouble. We also believed that they still loved Jay. As long as they still loved Jay, Hottests and 6PM were still the same, and therefore we needed to protect them. That’s why, when everybody started bashing 6PM, we defended them.

After recent events, we’ve come together and decided.

We’re through protecting a group that failed to protect its own leader. We owe the truth to the Hottests. We owe it to Jay. Feel free to spread this.

Just like we’ve said before with everything we post, it’s your choice to believe it or not.

At first when the controversy exploded, Junsu and Junho were angry at Jay because of what he said. Junho yelled at Jay and Junsu ignored Jay when he tried to explain. They didn’t understand fully so they were confused and frustrated, like all the angry Koreans. As far as we know, Junho was still angry at Jay when Jay left for the airport. Taecyeon, Wooyoung, and Chansung cried and Taecyeon and Nichkhun tried their best to bring Jay back. As time passed, all six members wanted desperately to bring Jay back. More months passed. We got the news that members were starting to turn their backs on Jay. The biggest shock to us was Taecyeon, since he was the one who advocated the boycott the most in the beginning. At this point, Taecyeon, Junsu, and Junho were against Jay coming back and were also against the boycott. Taecyeon and Junho wanted more fame and popularity, while Junsu wanted the position of Leader. Nichkhun was in the middle. He supported Jay but also learned from his family that he should be grateful to JYPE for giving him opportunities. Wooyoung and Chansung were on Jay’s side, but Wooyoung soon moved to the middle too. Up until the few days before the conference, there were still three members waiting for Jay. The remaining members who decided that they don’t need Jay decided to tell Chansung and Wooyoung lies about Jay to bring them to JYPE’s side while Nichkhun was in the Philippines filming Danbi. Now they have both turned against Jay.

Nichkhun is the only member who is still waiting for Jay, but even he is not completely against JYPE.

We will not answer questions about this.

It’s true that the boys went to karaoke and got drunk after the conference. They had dinner before as well. Our source told us that they celebrated because they’re relieved to have Jay gone.


We want to reiterate that plans CAN CHANGE.

We said before that a video of Jay might be released. It has been filmed and they planned to show it at the conference, but didn’t. They’re planning on bringing Jay back to Korea. They will make him say to fans that he doesn’t deserve to come back. He will ask the fans to support the six members. This will serve as his final apology and farewell. This was originally planned to happen on February 14th, but it has been changed to the 28th.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS UNCONFIRMED. Our source just wanted us to warn you of what’s possible. It’s urgent that you SPREAD THIS.


Another side note, if the situation gets worse (I really don’t know how it can get much worse than it already is), it’s likely that 2PM will disband.

It’s your choice whether you want to support them or not. Right now… I don’t think anyone does. To us, it’s not worth supporting a group like this.

Our source left a message:

“Today’s 2PM is not the old 2PM anymore.”

Our writers have been by 2PM’s side from the start. We’ve done what we could and we’re grateful for our source, our affiliates, and our readers. We’ve confirmed with our source that even after all this chaos, Jay still wants to come back. We will update soon about what we can do to help Jay.

Writers will also update with their respective rants.

Our next official update might be our goodbye.

Thank you.

credit: insider2pm

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Guest fierymeadow@yahoo.com

Yes he did, it's something that not only will question Korean Society but also frowned upon in Western Society as well especially in the States.

I don't mean to be rude but...

you know what this 'something' is? and you know this how?

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For all you, Koreans:


There is the link to the conference meeting yesterday.

Taecyeon is doing most of the talking.

Can someone translate this into English?

I am so lost T_T


I think now that I've realized there is no more hope for Jaebeom coming back.

I can and will support 1:59PM.

It's going to be hard and I'll probably fill every variety show or concert with

my mind's image of what place Jaebeom would have in the song or variety.

I can still do it.

Let's all just support the rest of 2PM, they don't deserve this, Hottests.

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We have been able to reach our source. By now we’ve all read the many fan accounts from the conference and it’s obvious that the atmosphere was negative to say the least. The news we’re about to give to you is shocking and regrettable. The Hottests deserve everything from beginning to end, and have always deserved the whole truth.

It’s true that the boys’ manager had a meeting with them in their dorm beforehand to tell them how to behave at the conference. They wanted to calm the fans and also reinforce the “facts” provided in their statement. When the time came around for the actual conference, things changed. We had no intentions of misleading our readers. We ourselves, really did think that it would be scripted.

What the members said during the conference was all their own thoughts. Our source told us that all the emotions were true, but Junho faked the crying. There are still parts from the conference that were scripted. Khun never called/messaged Jay. We all know that many things in the statement were false. The members, of course, said they were true.

That being said, most of the things said by the six were from their own mouths.

They’ve turned against Jay.

We’ve kept quiet about which members support Jay and which ones don’t. We did this because no matter what, we still believed in seven. We didn’t want to see fans fighting or bashing because of the other members and we didn’t want to give the other members trouble. We also believed that they still loved Jay. As long as they still loved Jay, Hottests and 6PM were still the same, and therefore we needed to protect them. That’s why, when everybody started bashing 6PM, we defended them.

After recent events, we’ve come together and decided.

We’re through protecting a group that failed to protect its own leader. We owe the truth to the Hottests. We owe it to Jay. Feel free to spread this.

Just like we’ve said before with everything we post, it’s your choice to believe it or not.

At first when the controversy exploded, Junsu and Junho were angry at Jay because of what he said. Junho yelled at Jay and Junsu ignored Jay when he tried to explain. They didn’t understand fully so they were confused and frustrated, like all the angry Koreans. As far as we know, Junho was still angry at Jay when Jay left for the airport. Taecyeon, Wooyoung, and Chansung cried and Taecyeon and Nichkhun tried their best to bring Jay back. As time passed, all six members wanted desperately to bring Jay back. More months passed. We got the news that members were starting to turn their backs on Jay. The biggest shock to us was Taecyeon, since he was the one who advocated the boycott the most in the beginning. At this point, Taecyeon, Junsu, and Junho were against Jay coming back and were also against the boycott. Taecyeon and Junho wanted more fame and popularity, while Junsu wanted the position of Leader. Nichkhun was in the middle. He supported Jay but also learned from his family that he should be grateful to JYPE for giving him opportunities. Wooyoung and Chansung were on Jay’s side, but Wooyoung soon moved to the middle too. Up until the few days before the conference, there were still three members waiting for Jay. The remaining members who decided that they don’t need Jay decided to tell Chansung and Wooyoung lies about Jay to bring them to JYPE’s side while Nichkhun was in the Philippines filming Danbi. Now they have both turned against Jay.

Nichkhun is the only member who is still waiting for Jay, but even he is not completely against JYPE.

We will not answer questions about this.

It’s true that the boys went to karaoke and got drunk after the conference. They had dinner before as well. Our source told us that they celebrated because they’re relieved to have Jay gone.


We want to reiterate that plans CAN CHANGE.

We said before that a video of Jay might be released. It has been filmed and they planned to show it at the conference, but didn’t. They’re planning on bringing Jay back to Korea. They will make him say to fans that he doesn’t deserve to come back. He will ask the fans to support the six members. This will serve as his final apology and farewell. This was originally planned to happen on February 14th, but it has been changed to the 28th.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS UNCONFIRMED. Our source just wanted us to warn you of what’s possible. It’s urgent that you SPREAD THIS.


Another side note, if the situation gets worse (I really don’t know how it can get much worse than it already is), it’s likely that 2PM will disband.

It’s your choice whether you want to support them or not. Right now… I don’t think anyone does. To us, it’s not worth supporting a group like this.

Our source left a message:

“Today’s 2PM is not the old 2PM anymore.”

Our writers have been by 2PM’s side from the start. We’ve done what we could and we’re grateful for our source, our affiliates, and our readers. We’ve confirmed with our source that even after all this chaos, Jay still wants to come back. We will update soon about what we can do to help Jay.

Writers will also update with their respective rants.

Our next official update might be our goodbye.

Thank you.

credit: insider2pm

even though I'm angry at 6PM, I don't believe anything put on that insider2PM website because, well, I don't know the insiders and I don't believe them.

i doubt that. SNSD had still their fans. 2PM lost a lot of fans. PLUS khun might leave 2PM too. so i think they will more likely break up in the next six months.

But 6PM gained a whole lot of new fans during the Heartbeat promotion and those fans don't really know or care about Jaebeom so I guess those will become the core of the new fanbase?

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Guest summer_night

its already the next day in my country, so i can post again:

However, I think if 6PM has enough luck and JYP produce good enough songs, they can bounce back just like how SNSD did with "Gee." Because you see, when one person bash 6PM, there will be 5 more who feel it's unfair for 6PM. It really all depends on the company and not the fans that will determine a group's success. That's Kpop.

i doubt that. SNSD had still their fans. 2PM lost a lot of fans. PLUS khun might leave 2PM too. so i think they will more likely break up in the next six months.

so i just read that the press conf wasnt scripted.

... i never thought that i would say this, but i am no longer a 2PM fan.

2PM, feel free to disband now. you have no fans anymore. congrats to JYPE for destroying a band who had a lot of potential.

khun, i knew from the beginning that you're a good guy. you are a truly angel, and i will support you in the future.

like jay. rock ABDC baby. you deserve the attention.

to the others - i have nothing to say to you. junsu, junho, taec, woo, chan - i hope you're happy now.

i will listen to kpop in the future, and if 2PM release a new record, i will listen to it - but i am no longer a hottest. i cant be fan of a band who hates each other. i was already fan of such a band, and i dont want to be it again.

about my idea of J.Tune to sign up 2PM + jay - forget it.

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Guys, for me as a Jay fan, I'm wondering why the hell are the 2pm fans bashing the other six members now and releasing all those private infos on them??? It gives the impression that all of Jay's fans are the ones spreading the hatred towards the rest of teh boys. It's not true. For me, while I'm not really a fan of 2PM anymore, but i respect and understand the position that the six boys are in, and seeing how 2pm fans have started bashing the boys themselves, it's ridiculous and sad to see.

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


ALL SEVEN BOYS ARE INNOCENT and victims of this cruel online world where mistranslations and biased POVs can really wreck their relationships.

JYPE just seriously have a hell of a terrible management team. They can't even protect their own artists.

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Guest iluvse7en

This is what i have to say about the situation


you can disagree or agree with me but i've already made up my mind...^^...

life's unfair..we just gotta deal with it...^^

PHEW!...i finally let it all out...lol..i feel so much better now..keke...

Hottest himnae yahji<33

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Guest Soulhead

Wow I've never believed anything in insidertruchmachinchose ,but the last update...

Yes that's true , if everything continue like that ,they will disband soon. And that's maybe why JYP has let the fans do whatever they want about the conference. Maybe this is why they have do nothing.

He is the member who was always the most famous and they have,since the beginning, great hope in Nichkhun (introduced like a role model in Survival etc) ..One member was presented like the only one who supported Jay till the end and guess what ? It's Nichkhun. I'm afraid that maybe in 3 month I will not be able to listening to my favorite song in the world : Tired of waiting ,without dark mood . This song is my life ,my definition of what the music should be everytime. I've listen this song more than 5000 times .1 month only with that song. 2 month with only 2PM in my mp3. 2 month full of passion,joy and love . I won't forget that. I don't want to one day think :'' Ah this group was sooo good,their music were so emotional and awesome,it's sad that they have stopped their career''. It will be a nightmare.

Silence 457 you know what ? maybe your prediction were right ,good job =)

A kpop world without 2PM's music is a Kpop world without heartbeat and tasteless .

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Guest Samira Sanches

It's simple for me.

This thread is for 2PM fans. Anyone who bashes ANY of them (even Jay) is in the wrong topic.

I miss Jay and I don't like the way JYPE is handling this matter and exposing his personal life. It's OBVIOUS fans won't accept his expulsion until they hear the real cause behind all this.

But I think it's also wrong to unleash your frustration on the other boys. If you don't consider yourself a fan of them anymore, just stick to your decision and STEP AWAY. No one wants to hear how they're NOTHING without Jay, when they're really trying hard and doing amazing performances EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm really sad for Jay, but I can also recognize how good the rest of them are and how amazing Heartbeat promotions were.

It really irritates me how people are making up conspiracy theories and assuming things. Just stop it. You're not helping any, you just want to condemn everyone involved, but this won't solve the problem.

Oh. And I'll continue supporting them like I'm supporting the WG! Sun Mi was my favorite member but I respect her decision and I expect the rest of the girls (and the new member!) to do really well in the US!

Fans should be loving and supporting, not egotistical and hating.

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Guest fierymeadow@yahoo.com

Does anybody know if 2pminsider is credible? And what about those fan accounts that are coming out?

Sometimes, I think antis(moles) are pretending to be Hottest to destroy 2PM by creating rumors and planting ideas in real Hottest's heads.

I'm not accusing 2pminsider or those fan accounts as being false---because I don't know if they are and neither do other Hottests.

I'm going to wait until the 4 hours recorded meeting from 2ONDAY gets translated. Downloading it was a waste since I don't know Korean anyways ;P

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Guest jaejoongiefied

Fans are angering me.

Why can't you just stop, breathe, and think?

THINK before you speak!

You don't know the truth, yet, and the way 2PM is acting like that must have a reason.

PLEASE, just stay calm for now.

If this continues, 2PM might disband.

All their dreams CRUSHED.

You say Jay's dreams are crushed, right?

You guys are turning into anti-fans and netizens, right now.

Do you want to crush all seven of 2pm's dreams?!



Jay is watching.

Do you think he's proud and happy of all this?

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Does anybody know if 2pminsider is credible? And what about those fan accounts that are coming out?

Sometimes, I think antis(moles) are pretending to be Hottest to destroy 2PM by creating rumors and planting ideas in real Hottest's heads.

I'm not accusing 2pminsider or those fan accounts as being false---because I don't know if they are and neither do other Hottests.

I'm going to wait until the 4 hours recorded meeting from 2ONDAY gets translated. Downloading it was a waste since I don't know Korean anyways ;P

The only reason why I trust them is because they've told us about things such as 2PM's Oppo CF and the boys being MCs for MCountdown before anyone knew. They also told us about the JYP Variety show plan which all came true.

Although somethings they say don't always add up, I don't believe their antis. Why? Because some of the girls from Insider2PM are the ones who do post-its for Jay/2PM at the NYC JYP Centre every friday.

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