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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Lushful



As for ranting, let some of the other people rant, that's what everyone needs, a ranting session

So since I can only support a 2PM unit that should be 7, is there a Jay thread?

From what I know, Jay has kept quiet this whole time, unlike others. I'm no

anti, just need 7 and only 7. If you think my bias is Jay, then read all the other

post I've done, with the load of Woo spams I did trying to cheer this place up.

If Jay ever opens his mouth and tarnishes the other six, then I will leave him as

well. But since he was the only one, to keep mum, to back off, kept his cool,

scripted from the other members or not scripted, I'll stick with him.

As for those staying behind, you have no idea how jealous I am of you. You might

think, I'm just out to get everyone, but at least you people get to keep your fandom,

for now. Take care of the other members for me, since I will not be able to do that


I'm sorry that you're jealous of those of us that are deciding not to boycott. (:

And yeah, we'll take good care of the rest for you.

You just go and have fun with your life.

Fine with us, we'll just keep enjoying our 2PM goodies, while you don't. Ta ta~ Darling.

&@:iAmTan_1: Please remember, this is a FAN thread, not an ANTI fan thread. And for the-bashing-of-2pm, they should write a blog, that's a nice way to vent.

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Guest Soulhead

As for me, I only care about the music. If the music is good enough for me to forget about the Jay incident, then i'll buy it. However, anything other than the music is out of option for me.

I'll support 2PM as long as the make good music. So the next album better be a banger!

+10'000 !

I throught i was the only one who don't really care about their gossips and drama ^^

Love without numbers ♥

Agree , we're not in f(x)'s thread ,don't speak about math >_<

It's seems that the slogan ''we don't hate 6,we love 7'' wasn't very true.

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I have always been a silent lurker here..but with all that's goin on..i guess it's worth to post something,,(btw, I am a JAY BIAS and I don't actually consider myself a Hottest for I was never a member of any fancafe)

to JAY: I can't say that I will forgive you no matter what..cause first of all, i don't know what you actually did and to make your "brothers" feel that hatred towards you, you must have done something terribly wrong.. but i will still give you the benefit of the doubt..but hopefully, you've learned your lesson man. I salute you for having the guts to confess to them something that you could just have kept for the rest of your life...only real men can do that. I hope you keep on living your dream..it's not yet the end..welcome to the real world..Now, your journey has officially began.

to the rest of 2PM: I admire you guys for facing your fans and telling them what you guys actually feel. Whether it's scripted or not, I honestly believe that your words..or at least most of them came from your hearts. I understand you feeling hatred towards Jay..there's nothing more hurtful than being betrayed by your own "family"...but I also understand your fans, for feeling that you "betrayed" Jay. Whatever he did that was wrong, I know you guys feel bad abt it. I cannot blame you..but to say that you are trying to protect his privacy..and then contradicting it by saying that he had led a dirty social life..is just too much for everyone to handle. Aren't u any different from him?..He "betrayed" you guys..but saying this to the public, didn't you "betray" him too?..i hate to use that word...but i think that's the predominant theme of what's goin on right now. I understand your frustration, your anger, your hatred towards Jay..but who are we to judge people?...I'm not asking you to accept him again to your group..but just reconsider your words..I know your emotions are overpowering you..but please THINK of all that you've been through AS A GROUP. Special shout-out to Khun, if it is true that you tried to save Jay, you just gained the utmost repect of thousands of people. Thank you for standing up for someone who was not there to defend himself. You know what "friendship" means.

TO ALL THE FANS: i feel for you guys..this can be the hardest part of it all...but stay strong, this is the time when your faith and belief on the boys will be challenged..if ever you choose to leave the fandom, just remember the good memories that the group once had..and if you choose to stay, hope it will all get better soon.

I hope ONEDAY, we see and forgive each other..after all, LOVE & RESPECT---that's what brought us all here, right?..

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Guest babiluxx

please guys. we can say what we believe in but lets have respect.

I know we are all so shocked and saddened by this situation.

But we really don't know everything. all we can do is hope for the best. And have positive thoughts and trust our hearts.

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This is a sad, sad day. To me, there are some lines you don't cross, there are ways you shouldn't talk about a brother- even if it's scripted or you have a contract or whatever. But wait, IT WAS THEIR REAL FEELINGS.

So why should I support them when they don't even support the one who's led them?


It's all 7 or none.

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I'm just going to Roll Out the Popcorn and watches while this fandom slowly crumbles away and all of you will regret it when the truth finally reveals itself and everyone will feel foolish in the end.

ps I know the truth but can't reveal it due to fear of a backlash worst than imaginable.

can you at least answer this question:

did Jay really do something terrible that cannot be forgiven?

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Guest jade of course

This is a sad, sad day. To me, there are some lines you don't cross, there are ways you shouldn't talk about a brother- even if it's scripted or you have a contract or whatever. But wait, IT WAS THEIR REAL FEELINGS.

So why should I support them when they don't even support the one who's led them?


It's all 7 or none.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe Jaebum betrayed them? Everything you said can be applied to Jaebum also right now. (jsyk, I'm not anti-Jaebum. but I'm also not anti-2PM.)

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Guest duckbutt'

Just gonna comment that that makes no sense whatsoever. 2PM is not just Jay. 2PM is whoever is in the group at the time. And right now, 2PM is a 6 membered group made up of Taecyeon, Nichkhun, Junho, Junsu, Wooyoung and Chansung. 7-1 = 6, jsyk.


7-1 = 0, 1:59PM, 6PM. honestly, I don't care about the silly math equations and numbers some of you use; I don't need numbers to express my love for these guys. I will support and protect them regardless. Love without numbers ♥

oh and lastly.. LOVE & RESPECT. boycotting, crushing CDs, blaming the other members.. please practice what you preach and respect all members of 2PM.

I know I haven't commented on this thread, though I am a fan, but...

THIS right here <3 I wholeheartedly agree. I will support 2PM no matter what. I hope 2PM knows they have fans that

will support them even with all this mess going about. :\

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Guest bert263

can you at least answer this question:

did Jay really do something terrible that cannot be forgiven?

Yes he did, it's something that not only will question Korean Society but also frowned upon in Western Society as well especially in the States.

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I don't want to be rude, but bert263, if you know something and won't share the information (because of fear of backlash, or whatever), why taunt us...

Sorry, but I just found it irritating. Maybe this is all getting to my head, but if you can't disclose the real reason why mention that you know it. <_<

Judging from your previous posts, I can't say that I really believe you.

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My final post on this thread.

I've been through with 2PM through their ups and downs.

From being called pervert idols who just jump up and down to winning first place to the scandal to this.

I loved 2PM more than any other group out there. I laughed and cried for them. They were the first group I bought an album for and I couldn't wait to meet them one day. But this is no longer the situation. I can't support a group that turned their backs and kicked down their leader, friend, and brother. A group that doesn't even care that their hurting their fans hearts. I'm through with being hurt and lied to.


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Guest bert263

I don't want to be rude, but bert263, if you know something and won't share the information (because of fear of backlash, or whatever), why taunt us...

Sorry, but I just found it irritating. Maybe this is all getting to my head, but if you can't disclose the real reason why mention that you know it. <_<

I'm not taunting I just want to warn that people might regret their actions when the truth reveals itself. People are thinking with their emotions right now. That's never a good thing!

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Have you ever stopped to think that maybe Jaebum betrayed them? Everything you said can be applied to Jaebum also right now. (jsyk, I'm not anti-Jaebum. but I'm also not anti-2PM.)

well, no one knows who betrayed whom, but the situation here is the 6PM boys spoke and Jaebeom kept silent. The fans will obviously feel betrayed by 6PM and side with Jay. It's inevitable. JYPE also does not leave any room for the other possibility that Jay betrayed the group because they were very vague about the terrible crime Jay made. Fans only react with the few info they have, and obviously that few info does not portray 6PM in a good way. I mean it's sad, but it's the reality. JYPE fails at PR and 6PM receives backlash, it's just that simple. Happens all the time in showbiz. Wait a little more, the public reaction may become in favor of 6PM, just like how it did with Jay after he left Korea.

Yes he did, it's something that not only will question Korean Society but also frowned upon in Western Society as well especially in the States.

wow this made me even more curious about what he did. Also "frowned upon" in Western Society. Let's play a guessing game y'all:

1/ Having sex with someone and making her pregnant?

2/ Drug?

3/ ???

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Guest itszmaeee

I didn't know stating your own opinion about this matter makes you an anti-2pm. This is a wide open public forum and telling the others to fkc off and make their own anti-2pm thread is a bit rude. I'm not an anti and am a fan and I will support 7, but not a time like this where everyone is pointing fingers and are still confuse of their status as a fan. Once this die whole dies down a little, the fans that are leaving the fandom will come back. This is a 2PM thread not a 6PM thread nor a Jaebeom thread. Anyone that supports the members may come and go, but people should be a bit more respectful to anyone that voices their own opinion. And asking the same questions again, you guys should backtrack a few pages back. Anyways, don't categorize others as being an anti just because they support Jaebeom or the 6 members and/or saying things about the 6 members.

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Guest dollychelle

Yes he did, it's something that not only will question Korean Society but also frowned upon in Western Society as well especially in the States.

:rolleyes: Cant be a crime because he would be in jail (gay but then thats not a bad thing)

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Guest fierymeadow@yahoo.com

I feel more sorry for the 6PM boys more than Jay. JYPE can say whatever they want about Jay, about his supposed wrong-doings but how many of us buy that anyway? He may lost his source of income, do not have a high school degree, can't get a decent education or a job but he has no more contract with JYPE. He is a free man. He still has his talent, the AOM crew and he have the freedom to do what he like to do aka bboying or dancing. In a kind of way, the life he wants to live or his dream is in his reach now more than ever in comparison to a year ago when he was in an idol group that does not have the right to choose what songs that what to sing, which kind of dance they wanna do, their clothing style, what show they wanna go on and how they represent themselves as a person.

In comparison, 6PM is currently in deep s h i t. The current outlook of the situation is bad for them, many fans have directed their hatred to them and they probably have less dignity in the eyes of fans than Jay.They still have contracts with a company that can turn its back on them like how easily that same company turned its back on Jay.

Why do contracts exist? Because there is no trust. JYPE earned tons of money from 2PM or 6PM but they do not trust them. JYPE and almost entertainment agents feel the need to have contracts to control every single aspects of the lives in order to milk money from their artists and to make sure that the artists are not capable of doing something that will damage the company and its profits. From the lives and schedules of 2PM in the past year, we can most definitely see that JYPE is all about money. Among all the idol groups, 2PM has the highest exposure last year before Jay's Myspace incident( I absolutely refuse to call it controversy because I don't think there's anything controversial about it), besides attending in all of the music shows(M!countdown, Music Bank, Music Core, Inkigayo), they have their own variety show(Wild Bunny), and their in almost every variety show out there, you name it, and i'm very sure you can find an episode with at least one of the members in it. All the boys barely have any break throughout last year and earlier this year, Khun was constantly going back and forth from Korea to Thailand, all the boys barely went back to their hometown, Taec went back to Boston twice but with just enough time to renew his visa, and Jay was given just a week to go back to Seatle after being away from his family for 2 years or more. Tell me, are this this the actions of a company that care about their artist? Pushing them in every way and every direction possible?

How does this relates? This simply shows that the ppl behind the management of JYPE has no concern for the well-being of the boys may it be Jay or the rest of the 6.

And if the boys have a choice or have some form of right in this company, do you think they would let JYPE control them like that? Do you think they are happy with their insane schedule? Do you think Jay wanna leave Korea without a chance to defend himself? Do you think the rest of the 6 boys wanna promote a new album 2 months after their leader left when they have no confidence and unsure of how the fans or the public will react to them? Do you think Taec or Woo Young has the choice to refuse to go on FO2 or WinWin? Most of all, do you think all 7 of the boys wanted to be silent for so many months up until the stupid and pointless conference regardless of what ppl say about this whole horrible situation their in? If the boys do have freedom to do what they feel is right, Jay would have said something for himself but all we see is him going to different bboy battles. In a way, I do feel that his appearance in these bboy battles were his only way to connect with fans and to let them know he is still out there and fighting for himself. Woo Young would probably say something directly and frankly instead of depending on cryptic messages in cyworld. Khun wouldn't need to post 'I want my pink shirt back, please bring it back safely to me' on his twitter.

I'm getting way to far off my point. My point is while Jay contract has terminated and seems to got his freedom back(at least according to JYPE, we do not know what shady things could be going on behind close doors), 6PM is unfortunately still stuck with JYPE. If JYPE ask them to do this and that, do you think they have any other choice but to follow? Like Jay, the boys do have their own families to support or at least they need to support themselves, they spent years training as well, they are korean and they do not need to worry about high school degrees and they are all attending uni(minus Khun). But come on, if the boys breached their contracts with JYPE, do you think their situation would be better than Jay's current situation? It would be damn difficult as well, no other respectable entertainment companies would pick them up because they do not wanna offend JYPE, the boys could be heavily charged and be in huge debt to JYPE, and for them to go back to living a life as a non-celebrity that goes to uni or have a day job, do you think that is 100% possible?

Ppl may say that the boys have the support of their fans and can go against JYPE, to tell the whole world how they really feel instead of saying what they did in the press conference. But really?????? Is that so? If we are in the shoes of 6PM, will we have the courage to say everything we want instead of co-operating with whatever statement JYPE has come out with knowing that everything in our lives could be in jeopardy? You may say they are traitors and cowards, but until the moment you are stuck in the same situation as 6PM, you will never know if you are braver or more loyal than them.

I will continue to support Jay and the remaining of 2PM. I trust in what I see in all 7 boys in the past year rather than what JYPE says or what happened in the 4 hours of press conference. Last note, I believe that if there is a time that the boys needed our support, now is the time. My most sincere wish for the boys is for them to break free from the iron fist of JYPE, not only Jay but all 7 of them.

I completely agree with you; your points are rational and realistic. Whether or not the boys turned their backs on Jay or if Jay made a bigger mistake, the ones who have to carry on in public eye are the 6PM members and who knows if 2PM can be built back up. Jay will live with regrets and feel responsible but at least he'll somewhat get away from Korea's public eye but must live with the ruined reputation. Either way, there's no win situation for anyone.

Right now we're all talking about if's, assuming, in theory that everything was a lie, everything was true, some were true and if so when does the lie or truth start? We don't know. We're all trying to make sense from ifs and theories because we don't know who or what to believe.

Speaking of ifs. What if Jay didn't do a horrible thing and he just made that up to get away from the contract? What if if realized that he's much happier with him family and friends, freedom, AOM but JYPE realizing the what a money maker Jay'd be so they wanted him back. Since Jay's under contract he'd have to go but he doesn't want to so he tells JYPE he did something else so JYPE would be force to let him go.

Taec said in response to Noeul "Noone cared when the myspace comments were out. Noone wrote one supportive comment for Jay. Not one."

about 5 hours ago from web ------ FROM 2ONEDAY TWITTER

For some reason that quote made me wish and think what if this is all just a really bad extreme early April Fool's joke? Like how Taec said no one came to support Jay when the myspace comments came out so maybe they wanted to test the fan's loyalty, if they'd still support Jay and welcome him back into Korea and 2PM if the mistake Jay made was indeed worse than the comments. Maybe they wanted to "get back", so to speak, at the fans/public for not sticking up for Jay immediately after the scandal (compared to the support he got once he left).

AND THEN, on their comeback, Jay will be there and perform and say it was all a joke!!!!

... a girl can dream, right? :(


I don't now credit 2pm insider is but here's the link:


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Guest pink_is

can you at least answer this question:

did Jay really do something terrible that cannot be forgiven?

Honestly, at this point, I don't care. Decisions were made. Pick a stand and stick with it and respect the one you didn't choose.

I love 2pm, but we're all hurting everyone. At this point 2pm cannot go back to the same 2pm we all loved and cherished.

Honestly, if Jay comes back to 2pm at this point....I'm gonna feel bad, because...we're forcing people that don't want to be together anymore, together (I'm talking about those that did not want Jay in 2pm anymore after the big 'confession').

2pm as a 6 or 7 member group is ruined BY JYPE, BY THEMSELVES, AND BY THE FANS.

Today is a good day for the antis. T_T

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Guest lovesong3208

bert263 in here saying he/she what Jay did without saying what it is..

well hm. mind sharing?

because I can also easily say that

I know what JYPE and JYP are up to and what 2PM's future is.


Something about a rumor about Khun leaving? Man...at this point. i'm sorry to say but

I hope he does. go back to Thailand and build your career there or sign to a different

company and rebuild your Kpop career. because as far as I can see, 2PM has a very long

and very slim chance of being rebuilt.

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Guest happyberry2007

After what happen today i understand why many hottest are angry. I am not against the boys but they clearly cross the line making me wonder if their friendship was as strong as we saw on tv. 2pm today to me they behave so completely different from i have seen from them. I understand jay is no saint maybe he did something really wrong to make the boys hate him but i think the boys could have handle it better instead of sounding arrogant and put more blame on jay. To the fans that are worried that the 6 members are suffering dont worry i am pretty sure that jype will leak the info of jay's mistake making the 6 members seem innocent again. I think the day jay step foot out korea he was in lose lose situation. For people who are saying that jay is no saint i agree but the rest of boys arent either.

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Guest Labacookie

I told myself I was never coming back to this thread, because it's just such a headache to read through so many immature, trollish, and blatantly rule-breaking comments, but here I am.

I guess I'd like to say before this thread inevitably gets locked that I hope some people eventually realize that the fans did more to kill fandom than JYPE ever did. Some people may disagree with that statement, but I'd like them to really read these comments, and the hate-filled rumors over at 2OD and see fans bashing the remaining members and other fans, and see people ripping up posters and stomping on them. The hurt feelings. You can say that you feel betrayed, but I think that the way people chose to act, both in terms of spreading rumors and false information, and in spreading hate and anger, is what is bringing fandom down and will ultimately end it.

Because I don't doubt that 2PM is the only group in danger of ending, but I feel like unlike those other more seasoned fans, Hottests and iHottest are proving they don't have it in them to stand together. It's "you're with us or against us", questioning the loyalty and love of other fans, even the group they swore to stand by and up for as fans; they are tearing them down without even questioning the validity of anything in regards to statements or rumors. I feel like whereas other fandoms have remained intact and fans have remained true even after groups have broken up, Hottest will not be such a fandom, and it's really sad.

I think everyone is to blame for how this turned out. EVERYONE. I think however badly we were failed as fans, we failed just as hard ourselves as fans, and unfortunately, everyone is going to suffer the consequences.

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