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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Kiettana

Okay, I really didnt want to get into controversies, but constantly seeing things like this just irritates me.

JAY left Korea to SAVE his 2pm "FAMILY"

His 2pm "FAMILY" BETRAYS JAY to save themselves

Who is the real victim here?

He left to save his 2pm family from something HE INCURRED. I won't say anything about the AAA issue, because none of us know about what's going on, but can you deny that he wrote the myspace comments? No, I definitely dont think he deserved the backlash, and that as a human, it's natural to make mistakes, but it's wrong for you to portray him as the self-sacrificing angel who did no wrong, while the rest of the members are the ones throwing him away.

Yes, he gave up a tremendous amount to avoid dragging his brothers down with him, but if it weren't for his actions, there wouldnt have been a controversy or need to sacrifice himself in the first place. Jay made a mistake, took responsibility, and distanced himself from the members so they wouldn't suffer what he suffered. Does it make sense for them to throw away his sacrifice and go down with him anyway? Jay gave up his dreams and career to save his brothers', and you want them all to throw away their dreams and careers and years of hard work anyway?

Everyone is a victim in this story, not just the one person you all idolize. Please don't make it seem like this is some good vs. evil thing where there's a definite positive side and negative side, where Jay embodies all that's good and everyone that's against him is automatically bad.

This isn't a black and white world. People make mistakes, and emotions run high. Let's not judge.


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Guest tvxqlover247

as much as i loved 2PM. its hard for me right now to look at them the same. ESPECIALLY after what happened today. how easily they spoke of it as it meant nothing. it really hurt. to hear these things coming from them. instead of them trying to say things to protect their leader they went ahead and talked about his faults. it was his fault. its almost as if JYP brainwashed them himself. they probably told 2PM to say those things or else. i dont believe that jay did something so horrid. no. i will not believe that. why would he? how could he? no.

we all fell in love with these seven boys. some of us particularly park jaebeom. and its not about true fan not true fan who the fck are you to decide that? we all tried to do something for jay regardless. and people saying oh you only care about the one not the seven. "WE ARE DOING THIS FOR THE SEVEN" why else would we be doing this ?! no, its not ONLY for jay. its for them. so that they will never break apart. just imagine how it would be if we didnt do anything? we all had to try. none of us wanted to give up hope even if, even if it were almost impossible. thats how life is. you live it and continuing to live in hope until its over. that what we all did. so why are you telling us were only doing it for him. NOT ALL OF US are. i for one LOVED. LOVED LOVED LOVED. 2PM why the heck would i listen to theyre music EVERY SINGLE DAY EVERY SINGLE FREE MINUTE GOD GAVE ME. because i loved them even after jaebeom left. i still continued to support them. because i knew this is what jaebeom would want. but i kept jaebeom very alive in my heart. revisiting old videos, old pictures finding things to remind me of his angelic smile and humor. no one is perfect. but jaebeom was definitely a wonderful leader. he even left the members becasue he was thinking of them. he knew if he did this they would not get blamed for his "mistakes". and what? what does he get in return? nothing. they all throw him under the bus to die as if he didnt mean anything to them.how could they do that so easily. every moment every memory they were together. did that mean nothing? why ? how could they just do that?

this is why i lost more respect for them and mostly jype and everything jyp/jype. i loved them with my whole heart. i hoped. i prayed. i cried. i hoped until my heart would burst. i cried so hard praying for his return. no. not just for my own selfish reasons. because I KNOW that he belongs there. he does belong there. but after seeing how the members answered and showed no sympathy it doesnt give me a reason to care about them. what about PARK JAEBEOM? JUST WHERE THE HELL IS HIS JUSTICE ? where is his say in this? why couldnt he speak out. why could NONE of them defend him. why couldnt jyp defend him. all of us fans. tried to save him. all of us. in many different ways. what the hell did they do? they acted as if he didnt have this kind of impact on us. 2PM ..... who are you guys. are you people the same ones i knew with park jaebeom? why are you all like this?

it truly breaks my heart. knowing how jay must be hurting inside. it hurts. i believe in my heart jay is not a bad person. no. he would never do horrid things. how could he? why would he? he left to save them. and to do something stupid and admit it.... it just doesnt make sense. i dont want to believe it. and maybe. just maybe if it were true. i would still love park jaebeom. i would love him. regardless. thats being a true fan. loving them regardless. i loved 2PM regardless when jay left. but after this..... just who are they? after today i dont think i will look at 2PM the same. i mean i dont see myself ever excepting this. i will continue to watch them yes. but not as actively as i used to. thy just arent the same in my eyes. i will always love them yes. but im not sure about the support... no. i will only love them despite what they have done. i find them not being able to do OR EVEN SAY ANYTHING TO DEFEND HIM utterly repulsive. how could they not. not even till the end. i will not support them. but i will always love them.

i believe in park jaebeom. only park jaebeom. i will NEVER give up hope for you. not now, not ever. jay. you will always be the eternal sunshine in my heart.

park jaebeom. be happy. thats all i want at this point. i want you to smile. happiness is all i want from you now. you deserve all the happiness in the world.

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I just read the article on AKP about the Q&A and thought I'd share my thoughts...I thought the whole thing was very cold. Maybe it was in the translation, but...I was never one of those people who were completely upset over this situation, but what I've read doesn't help me feel better about it.

I actually understand where some of the "fans" are coming from when they say they can't support a 6-member 2PM. Maybe they feel that JYPE has removed a sufficient part of 2PM that they personally can't reason it to be 2PM. This doesn't necessarily mean that the 6 other boys will not be supported. But it also does not mean you have to blindly support the name solely for the sake of saying that you support them. With events turning out the way they have, it seems that some people are going to be very split on this.

If you're going to sit here and bash people because their opinions differ from yours, please GET OFF YOUR john teshING HIGH HORSE and stop it with the 'holier than thou' attitude. It's disgusting.

I do hope the remaining members of 2PM can bounce back from this (though I see the daum fan numbers continue to drop). I also hope Jay finds success or whatever it is he needs back in his life.

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Guest haadygalpop

Why is it so damn hard for people to take sides without causing mini cooper?

If you cant see yourself being a fan of 2pm...good. dont be. but dont hate the rest fo the boys or the fans who support them.

if you want to remain a fan...good. do it. but dont bash the people who dont want to be.

if you want to claim support for them all...SUPPORT THEM ALL. you dont have to pick 1 people. you can support jay and his future whatever it may be while still supporting the rest fo the boys. it isnt hard....it may hurt but it WILL be okay.

the fact is jay isnt coming back. the only thing we can do now is move on and do what we feel is best. that doesnt require hatred and violence and evil thoughts and behaviors towards other people.

THINGS HAPPEN! its life...it sucks...but it is what it is. deal.

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Okay, I really didnt want to get into controversies, but constantly seeing things like this just irritates me.

He left to save his 2pm family from something HE INCURRED. I won't say anything about the AAA issue, because none of us know about what's going on, but can you deny that he wrote the myspace comments? No, I definitely dont think he deserved the backlash, and that as a human, it's natural to make mistakes, but it's wrong for you to portray him as the self-sacrificing angel who did no wrong, while the rest of the members are the ones throwing him away.

Yes, he gave up a tremendous amount to avoid dragging his brothers down with him, but if it weren't for his actions, there wouldnt have been a controversy or need to sacrifice himself in the first place. Jay made a mistake, took responsibility, and distanced himself from the members so they wouldn't suffer what he suffered. Does it make sense for them to throw away his sacrifice and go down with him anyway? Jay gave up his dreams and career to save his brothers', and you want them all to throw away their dreams and careers and years of hard work anyway?

Everyone is a victim in this story, not just the one person you all idolize. Please don't make it seem like this is some good vs. evil thing where there's a definite positive side and negative side, where Jay embodies all that's good and everyone that's against him is automatically bad.

This isn't a black and white world. People make mistakes, and emotions run high. Let's not judge.


I'll explain to you the mindset of Hottests.

Most of them get into 2PM because of shows like Hotblood, Wild Bunny or Idol Army where the boys show good friendship and brotherhood. Therefore, in Hottests' mind, 2PM is constructed around the ideal image of brothers who stand up for each other.

When the scandal hit 2PM, all of 2PM members acted like a normal person would. But that does not sit well with the ideal image that the fans had of them. Of course they will receive backlash from fans. Why do you think idols, who sing average and look average like 2PM, manage to get that massive amount of fans? It's the ideal image of brotherhood that helped them gain a lot of fans.

Therefore, it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, who is black or white, who is devil or angel here. Because everything idealistic about 2PM has fallen apart in front of the fans in the most visible way. Of course, the fans will get upset and react agressively. There's no helping that a lot of fans will quit being Hottests.

However, I think if 6PM has enough luck and JYP produce good enough songs, they can bounce back just like how SNSD did with "Gee." Because you see, when one person bash 6PM, there will be 5 more who feel it's unfair for 6PM. It really all depends on the company and not the fans that will determine a group's success. That's Kpop.


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i'm not going to say much about the situation.

all i'm going to say is that others should not judge Hottest right now.

we're going through a really hard time, something that we do not wish to happen to any other fandom.

right now, some are acting and writing thing without thinking first, they're just acting from emotion.

you can't really blame them, during these past 6 months we've been through a lot, and this is how it ends? i find it unbelievable.what happened in the conference has broken many people's hearts.

the answers given by the guys have torn Hottest hearts. they made fans see the rest of 2PM in a whole different light.

most Hottest have become a Hottest because of what 2PM represented, the brotherhood they showed.

to must of us they weren't just an idol group that we look at just for eye candy, it was more than that.

so this is why i'm asking people to stop telling people to not come here and give their opinions.

some of them might now have somewhere to vent their frustrations and feeling at right now, soompi is their only place.

don't judge them because of the way they're acting now, they're just deeply hurt.

and to those saying that must of them are just Jaebeom fans.

believe me, i've seen some of this people here at soompi for a while, and not all of them had Jay as their bias.

this is not about who has done wrong and who hasn't.

we all know none of 2PM are saints and angels that can't do nothing wrong.

but like i mentioned before, to some of us 2PM wasn't just a idol group,

we didn't see them as a group of guys working together cause they had to

we saw them as brothers working hard together because they enjoyed it and loved each other.

but the conference made many see them in a different light,

If you want hottests to understand hottests .. hottests should understand 2pm too

hottests are going through a hard time? 2pm has thousands of antis world wide .. jaebeom has thousands of antis worldwide .. let me ask you this .. do you have thousands of people hating on you ??

you want other people to understand that some people are speaking out of anger when they say 2pm is dead .. or spreading ugly rumors .. but you won't understand junho for saying at first I hated jay but then i forgave him ..

if you went through alot .. believe me none of us went through what those 7 went through ..

I'll be honest alot of you will find a new artist to love .. you have your life to distract you .. but for the boys this is their life so please don't compare us to them ..

2pm is also deeply hurt .. if whatever happened between brothers ended up with forgivness .. why can't we outsiders forgive ..

treat as you want to be treated ..

it's easy to judge people when you're clueless .. but put yourself in their shoes ..

a lot of people assume that they have to handle it cuz they are celebs .. would you handle all this hatred ????

love and respect aren't gifts that fans give their celebs .. they're earned .. and i think 2pm earned my respect and that's why I'll keep giving them my respect and love ...

this is my last comment for the day but i might edit..

:) guyz let's stop the bashing and agree on certain things ..

let's support the boys .. all 7 of them

this had always been the hottests moto


edit: v believe me no one is pleased about what's happening , but saying this : I think as a fan I'm given the right to be displeased if my favorite group (used to be, probably 2nd favorite now) isn't acting how I thought they would act

really makes me upset .. because you want people to respect the fact taht you're human and have the right to be upset .. but for you .. the artists you love aren't human .. because you were shocked by them expressing their emotions .. I feel really bad for the boys really really heartbroken because i knw they're dealing with tons of hate right now .. from their own fans

entermuriel I did seem to have poured my frustration on you .. my apologizes .. and don't think that I don't understand that everyone is entitled for their opinion.. opinions and defamation of character is different ... spreading hatred and opinion is different.. spreading rumors and opinions is diffrenet.. speculations would never be opinions .. opinions should be based on facts . <3 love and respect to you and sorry again if i sounded rude

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Guest haze1nut

Okay, I really didnt want to get into controversies, but constantly seeing things like this just irritates me.

He left to save his 2pm family from something HE INCURRED. I won't say anything about the AAA issue, because none of us know about what's going on, but can you deny that he wrote the myspace comments? No, I definitely dont think he deserved the backlash, and that as a human, it's natural to make mistakes, but it's wrong for you to portray him as the self-sacrificing angel who did no wrong, while the rest of the members are the ones throwing him away.

Yes, he gave up a tremendous amount to avoid dragging his brothers down with him, but if it weren't for his actions, there wouldnt have been a controversy or need to sacrifice himself in the first place. Jay made a mistake, took responsibility, and distanced himself from the members so they wouldn't suffer what he suffered. Does it make sense for them to throw away his sacrifice and go down with him anyway? Jay gave up his dreams and career to save his brothers', and you want them all to throw away their dreams and careers and years of hard work anyway?

Everyone is a victim in this story, not just the one person you all idolize. Please don't make it seem like this is some good vs. evil thing where there's a definite positive side and negative side, where Jay embodies all that's good and everyone that's against him is automatically bad.

This isn't a black and white world. People make mistakes, and emotions run high. Let's not judge.


Yeah, I totally get what your'e going at and I totally agree that the way things are going right now with netizens is too similar to the awfulness of what Jay went through and I would never want the boys to go through that (though, i still do believe I can dish out my personal criticism)

but I only said what I said because what's done is done.

What the boys did in the conference is making people uneasy.

I think the 6pm boys will work hard to prove themselves and hopefully things will go all right for them

But seriously, I'm just pissed at how things turned out

I am just one of the many countless fans who feel mad and upset at this whole mess.

Tomorrow, I will probably regret what I say today and go "oh, I wish I didn't say that."

but honestly, I think as a fan I'm given the right to be displeased if my favorite group (used to be, probably 2nd favorite now) isn't acting how I thought they would act

I thought in the conference they were going to be all 'we love jay, we forgave jay but we support jay's decision to not come back' instead it was 'yeah, he messed up. i don't know what we can do, he did something so unforgivable..yeah, he hurt us. we are the victims' I am upset at the boys..but I guess my expectations are too high. I understand they went through richard simmons but still I thought Jay meant more to them...is it crazy to think so?

Also, I'm more upset about the 2pm I lost

There are going to be 2 types of fans:

People who loved the OLD 2pm

People who are fine with the NEW 2pm

I am the OLD 2pm fan. NEW 2pm is too different for me and has to many complexities about them that I don't like...like for example this weird vibe of bitterness that I got when i read the conference notes and what they said.

If anything, I hope the NEW 2pm can prove themselves to us and to me...but honeslty, it's going to be REALLY HARD.

I wish them all the best but I really don't like how they handled themselves at the conference

If you're fine with the NEW 2pm then maybe you can really claim yourself to be a true HOTTEST

but aren't the fans of OLD 2pm also HOTTEST?

For everybody, don't give me this stuff about '2pm is still 2pm' because they are not. Nothing is the same. Everything has changed.

I'll explain to you the mindset of Hottests.

Most of them get into 2PM because of shows like Hotblood, Wild Bunny or Idol Army where the boys show good friendship and brotherhood. Therefore, in Hottests' mind, 2PM is constructed around the ideal image of brothers who stand up for each other.

When the scandal hit 2PM, all of 2PM members acted like a normal person would. But that does not sit well with the ideal image that the fans had of them. Of course they will receive backlash from fans. Why do you think idols, who sing average and look average like 2PM, manage to get that massive amount of fans? It's the ideal image of brotherhood that helped them gain a lot of fans.

Therefore, it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, who is black or white, who is devil or angel here. Because everything idealistic about 2PM has fallen apart in front of the fans in the most visible way. Of course, the fans will get upset and react agressively. There's no helping that a lot of fans will quit being Hottests.

However, I think if 6PM has enough luck and JYP produce good enough songs, they can bounce back just like how SNSD did with "Gee." Because you see, when one person bash 6PM, there will be 5 more who feel it's unfair for 6PM. It really all depends on the company and not the fans that will determine a group's success. That's Kpop.

Sweetie, you basically said everything I was thinking but well written. Thanks :) That's what I was going for, the whole ideal image of brotherhood = OLD 2PM...yeah that went flying out the window during the conference. 6pm (New 2pm) can have a chance if they prove to the public they still have this with each other but it'll be tough.....really tough...especially since people are feeling bitter....if anything, they should really postpone promotions.

I'm going to shut my mouth now and just pray..

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Guest un.reachable09

This whole situation is just way too much. I am Jaebeom bias and I'm so hurt that I'm not going to get to watch him on variety shows, laugh at his korean mistakes, his adorkable self, or watch him on stage. I wish I could just rewind time to the Wild Bunny days. I was seriously angry and crying when they announced his withdrawal but I'm always going to support Jay and hope that he becomes happy. But you know what, this is JYP's lost. They just lost an irreplaceable star, full of talent.

JYP did a horrible job handling this. They need a better PR team. Now they are going to be tons of fans/anti alike trying to find out what his "morally wrong" mistake was and honestly I don't want that to happen. I think we are better off not knowing especially if it's something that made 2PM not want him to return. I believe that their friendship& brotherhood was real & the cold answers from Taec and Changsung make me believe that Jay did actually do something wrong. However I'm sad about how they responded to some questions. Jay's not perfect & the 2PM members aren't perfect either. But I hope they both are able to get through this.


"There are good things to come. If you guys are angry about certain things, you don't have to stay that way. Just wait a little while for good things to come :] The music will not die!"

This was posted an hour ago. Hopefully this means good things to come in the future with Jay! I hope he& his family are doing ok.

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Guest entermuriel

If you want hottests to understand hottests .. hottests should understand 2pm too

hottests are going through a hard time? 2pm has thousands of antis world wide .. jaebeom has thousands of antis worldwide .. let me ask you this .. do you have thousands of people hating on you ??

you want other people to understand that some people are speaking out of anger when they say 2pm is dead .. or spreading ugly rumors .. but you won't understand junho for saying at first I hated jay but then i forgave him ..

if you went through alot .. believe me none of us went through what those 7 went through ..

I'll be honest alot of you will find a new artist to love .. you have your life to distract you .. but for the boys this is their life so please don't compare us to them ..

2pm is also deeply hurt .. if whatever happened between brothers ended up with forgivness .. why can't we outsiders forgive ..

treat as you want to be treated ..

it's easy to judge people when you're clueless .. but put yourself in their shoes ..

a lot of people assume that they have to handle it cuz they are celebs .. would you handle all this hatred ????

love and respect aren't gifts that fans give their celebs .. they're earned .. and i think 2pm earned my respect and that's why I'll keep giving them my respect and love ...

this is my last comment for the day but i might edit..

:) guyz let's stop the bashing and agree on certain things ..

let's support the boys .. all 7 of them

this had always been the hottests moto


i never talked about my personal opinion. did i ever say i was against the rest of 2PM?

those questions you ask i cannot asnwer since i don't have those feelings towards them right now.

what i wrote is in hope that people would stop going against each other. not to cause more.

i posted that because most people coming here are telling people to keep their opinions to themselves.

people have the right to say whatever they want. even if we don't agree with it.

just like you also ask them to understand 2PM, understand them too.

this is a cycle. people will say understand each other, but they end up doing the same thing.

just agree to disagree and everything will be fine.

i agree with you that the bashing should end. so do it too.

if you want to know my opinion, this is it:

JYPE has royally messed 2PM's image. not only Jay, but all 7 of them.

i wish it wasn't like that, i wish things were handled differently.

i don't channel my anger towards the rest of 2PM,

i will say i am disappointed they chose to go through the path given by JYPE.

but i don't blame them from what happened. although i wish they could've done something. but i know they can't.

my anger and frustration goes towards JYPE.

the way i see it is that 2PM will NEVER be looked at the same way, ever.

and i feel sorry for the rest of 2PM that has to go through this.

none of the 7 members deserves what happened.

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Guest boshi noi

Can anyone tell me what the fan club member count is currently at on their daum site?

and what was the original fan count?

Thank you.

I wonder if 2pm will actually be at the Hollywood Bowl. . .

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Guest likeoxygen

I feel more sorry for the 6PM boys more than Jay. JYPE can say whatever they want about Jay, about his supposed wrong-doings but how many of us buy that anyway? He may lost his source of income, do not have a high school degree, can't get a decent education or a job but he has no more contract with JYPE. He is a free man. He still has his talent, the AOM crew and he have the freedom to do what he like to do aka bboying or dancing. In a kind of way, the life he wants to live or his dream is in his reach now more than ever in comparison to a year ago when he was in an idol group that does not have the right to choose what songs that what to sing, which kind of dance they wanna do, their clothing style, what show they wanna go on and how they represent themselves as a person.

In comparison, 6PM is currently in deep s h i t. The current outlook of the situation is bad for them, many fans have directed their hatred to them and they probably have less dignity in the eyes of fans than Jay.They still have contracts with a company that can turn its back on them like how easily that same company turned its back on Jay.

Why do contracts exist? Because there is no trust. JYPE earned tons of money from 2PM or 6PM but they do not trust them. JYPE and almost entertainment agents feel the need to have contracts to control every single aspects of the lives in order to milk money from their artists and to make sure that the artists are not capable of doing something that will damage the company and its profits. From the lives and schedules of 2PM in the past year, we can most definitely see that JYPE is all about money. Among all the idol groups, 2PM has the highest exposure last year before Jay's Myspace incident( I absolutely refuse to call it controversy because I don't think there's anything controversial about it), besides attending in all of the music shows(M!countdown, Music Bank, Music Core, Inkigayo), they have their own variety show(Wild Bunny), and their in almost every variety show out there, you name it, and i'm very sure you can find an episode with at least one of the members in it. All the boys barely have any break throughout last year and earlier this year, Khun was constantly going back and forth from Korea to Thailand, all the boys barely went back to their hometown, Taec went back to Boston twice but with just enough time to renew his visa, and Jay was given just a week to go back to Seatle after being away from his family for 2 years or more. Tell me, are this this the actions of a company that care about their artist? Pushing them in every way and every direction possible?

How does this relates? This simply shows that the ppl behind the management of JYPE has no concern for the well-being of the boys may it be Jay or the rest of the 6.

And if the boys have a choice or have some form of right in this company, do you think they would let JYPE control them like that? Do you think they are happy with their insane schedule? Do you think Jay wanna leave Korea without a chance to defend himself? Do you think the rest of the 6 boys wanna promote a new album 2 months after their leader left when they have no confidence and unsure of how the fans or the public will react to them? Do you think Taec or Woo Young has the choice to refuse to go on FO2 or WinWin? Most of all, do you think all 7 of the boys wanted to be silent for so many months up until the stupid and pointless conference regardless of what ppl say about this whole horrible situation their in? If the boys do have freedom to do what they feel is right, Jay would have said something for himself but all we see is him going to different bboy battles. In a way, I do feel that his appearance in these bboy battles were his only way to connect with fans and to let them know he is still out there and fighting for himself. Woo Young would probably say something directly and frankly instead of depending on cryptic messages in cyworld. Khun wouldn't need to post 'I want my pink shirt back, please bring it back safely to me' on his twitter.

I'm getting way to far off my point. My point is while Jay contract has terminated and seems to got his freedom back(at least according to JYPE, we do not know what shady things could be going on behind close doors), 6PM is unfortunately still stuck with JYPE. If JYPE ask them to do this and that, do you think they have any other choice but to follow? Like Jay, the boys do have their own families to support or at least they need to support themselves, they spent years training as well, they are korean and they do not need to worry about high school degrees and they are all attending uni(minus Khun). But come on, if the boys breached their contracts with JYPE, do you think their situation would be better than Jay's current situation? It would be damn difficult as well, no other respectable entertainment companies would pick them up because they do not wanna offend JYPE, the boys could be heavily charged and be in huge debt to JYPE, and for them to go back to living a life as a non-celebrity that goes to uni or have a day job, do you think that is 100% possible?

Ppl may say that the boys have the support of their fans and can go against JYPE, to tell the whole world how they really feel instead of saying what they did in the press conference. But really?????? Is that so? If we are in the shoes of 6PM, will we have the courage to say everything we want instead of co-operating with whatever statement JYPE has come out with knowing that everything in our lives could be in jeopardy? You may say they are traitors and cowards, but until the moment you are stuck in the same situation as 6PM, you will never know if you are braver or more loyal than them.

I will continue to support Jay and the remaining of 2PM. I trust in what I see in all 7 boys in the past year rather than what JYPE says or what happened in the 4 hours of press conference. Last note, I believe that if there is a time that the boys needed our support, now is the time. My most sincere wish for the boys is for them to break free from the iron fist of JYPE, not only Jay but all 7 of them.

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Guest iAmTan_1

I don't care with any of you guys say; 2PM is not 2PM without Jay!

I think it is a good idea that EVERYONE [former Hottest, Hottest, and Hottest turn-anti] to rant on this thread. Isn't that the purpose of a thread; to get your feelings out on the members as a Hottest [former/current]. I do admit, you guys should clean it up but, it should be honest.

The reason I think Hottest-turned-Anti should post on this thread is because they are going through things and it is not fair that this thread has to be filled with hope, sunshine, and rainbows, if that's not how most of us are feeling at the moment. Stop telling people to calm down, however, I do ask of EVERYONE to clean up the language and be careful of bashing them because those are the forums rules.

In my opinion, I am in between. I love the other 6, however, I feel that they could've done more. The only one who seem to TRY to do something is Nickhun, according to the conference info from the fans. I am surprise at Taec, and Changsung [if its true]! Taec and Nickhun grew up in the states, so Taec could of help him out instead of laughing him with the other fellow Korean natives [if it's true].

About the groupies, I'm not going to lie, it makes me look at ALL of them different. However, groupies are what come with the territory of being famous. The fact that they possible sleep with them doesn't sit right with me. I mean if they do...whatever, but the fact that I know about it.....ewwww.

They way it sound to me is as if they all went against him. To say that they ALL agreed [including Jay] that he should be excluded from the group is one thing. However, to say the what he did back them made them hate him.....is personal. It makes me question their friendship; not only with Jay but with each other.

I'm not going to put the blame on JYP because he's a business man. He will do anything to make money. He used that family acronym to win the attention of fangirls/boys. He used Jay as a marketing scheme to promote 01:59PM and guess what Hottest? He/they was/were successful. Jay was getting a cut from the promotions without physically being there so he couldn't say anything. You guys have to understand, it's all about business, business, business.

I bet you that they are probably going to lay low for a while. JYP is thinking of something at this moment how to get Korea/the World to love them and forget about the Jay incident.

As for me, I only care about the music. If the music is good enough for me to forget about the Jay incident, then i'll buy it. However, anything other than the music is out of option for me.

I'll support 2PM as long as the make good music. So the next album better be a banger!

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Guest whatislove247

What a horrible way to deal with this situation, just sloppy and unorganized management on JYPE's part.

All I can say is good luck. The boys have worked too hard to let this kind of thing happen to them. Hopefully they were forced or scripted to say those things and don't really feel that way towards Jay. If it is sincere, then I can't say I'm surprised, we all know money and fame can sometimes change people.

Regarding Jay, I think its just best for him to stay home. He is with his friends and family, and judging from the BBOY comps. he looks happy. I don't mean to speak for him, but why would he want to return to the kind of environment and atmosphere that JYPE has created? Its chaos out there right now and he probably couldn't go back even if he wanted to; too many bridges have been burned.

Its such a tragedy (maybe tragedy is not the right word) to see this happen to them. They were the next big thing...and in a matter of months, its all falling apart.

Again, good luck to everyone. I hoping that 2PM recovers, and Jay can go on and maybe pursue a music/dance career if thats what he wants. Who knows? We might even see him on ABDC.

2PM, JAY 화이팅!

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As for ranting, let some of the other people rant, that's what everyone needs, a ranting session

So since I can only support a 2PM unit that should be 7, is there a Jay thread?

From what I know, Jay has kept quiet this whole time, unlike others. I'm no

anti, just need 7 and only 7. If you think my bias is Jay, then read all the other

post I've done, with the load of Woo spams I did trying to cheer this place up.

If Jay ever opens his mouth and tarnishes the other six, then I will leave him as

well. But since he was the only one, to keep mum, to back off, kept his cool,

scripted from the other members or not scripted, I'll stick with him.

As for those staying behind, you have no idea how jealous I am of you. You might

think, I'm just out to get everyone, but at least you people get to keep your fandom,

for now. Take care of the other members for me, since I will not be able to do that


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Guest haadygalpop

^ im sorry but you're a john teshing idiot.

just because they dont stand on stage together doesnt mean you cant be a fan of and support all 7 no matter what they do.

get off it

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Guest pink_is



I've been a 2pm fan since the Hot Blood days.

So, just because I don't care for 6pm, does not mean I'm not a true hottest.

I was there when no one knew wtf 2pm were, when ppl were calling them a bunch of "jumping monkeys", and no one paid attention to them.

Yes, I do not know them. Yes, I've never met them. But, that doesn't mean that I didn't go through all their troubles with them. I was there with them through the shows, the interviews, the pictures, the performances. I saw them for what they projected themselves to be. And I loved them for that, and I accepted it as the truth.

The whole "6pm is the victim and Jay is the attacker' and 'JYPE is making up sh!t' crap is complete b.s to me. I could care less. I don't care. I don't care that JYPE AND 6PM BLAME JAY. I don't care. Whatever happened between all of them--I don't care. I was not there. I did not work hard to be where I'm at right now like them. Basically, I can't say anything to counter that.

I can only say. I loved 2pm as a seven member group. I loved each one of them: Taec, Khun, Woo, Chan, Junho, Junsu, and Jay. I loved it when they were together. Ever since 2pm became a 6-member group, I didn't feel anything. NOTHING. My connection to them was gone.

Fans, like myself, simple do not want to support a 6-member 2pm because we loved the 7-member 2pm and cannot let it go. We loved 2pm for all seven of them, and without one, the dynamics of the group is just not right.

People need to stop hating, stop bashing, and stop over analyzing all this crap because in the end we're all 2pm fans, whether we support the 6 or 7 member 2pm. Stop boycotting, stop bashing those that are boycotting, and stop starting up sh!t. Seriously, time will heal everything.

I'm not supporting 2pm because there's no Jay. I'm not supporting 2pm because they aen't the people I feel in love with. And that's just how I feel because for me personally, 7-1=0. I'd rather have them all or none at all. I'm not going to fight for it. People made their decisions. I'm going to live with it and move on. I'm not gonna ruin the other 6 boys' lives. I'm gonna make a decision, and step away.

Good luck to 6pm and winning over their fan's hearts again. Good luck to Jay and his future.

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Guest bert263

I'm just going to Roll Out the Popcorn and watches while this fandom slowly crumbles away and all of you will regret it when the truth finally reveals itself and everyone will feel foolish in the end.

ps I know the truth but can't reveal it due to fear of a backlash worst than imaginable.

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Guest f0reveralways
Guest pink4ever08

Just read that the conference wasn't scripted. ......... Wow. In my heart I hoped that it was and I still don't doubt they love Jay but to find out those were their real words just really makes me question "brotherhood" and "family". Anyway I don't have anything else to say. Good luck to the boys and Jay.

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Guest jade of course



Just gonna comment that that makes no sense whatsoever. 2PM is not just Jay. 2PM is whoever is in the group at the time. And right now, 2PM is a 6 membered group made up of Taecyeon, Nichkhun, Junho, Junsu, Wooyoung and Chansung. 7-1 = 6, jsyk.


7-1 = 0, 1:59PM, 6PM. honestly, I don't care about the silly math equations and numbers some of you use; I don't need numbers to express my love for these guys. I will support and protect them regardless. Love without numbers ♥

oh and lastly.. LOVE & RESPECT. boycotting, crushing CDs, blaming the other members.. please practice what you preach and respect all members of 2PM.

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