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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest MR. LEE'S

okay now what? a sex video of jay and sunmi? that's ridiculous. okay, of course i'm not feeling good knowing that jay having sex with someone before marrying, it's his own problem, what do i care? but, with sunmi? awh come on! this is so stupid! sunmi's in america and how on earth are they going to have sex? and i believe both of them do have brains to think properly. the person who's spread this stupid rumour is an idiot. i think, i need to keep myself away from this sensitive issue. it's too much.

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Guest dawnded

My last post of the day.

I honestly don't know know what I should and what I can do. The only thing I'm doing now is checking forums on what people's consensus are and defending when I feel like I need to. Is that futile? I don't know. But I feel this horrible weight in my heart when I read comments from people who don't really know what is happening and is buying into JYPE's words. I know each to their opinions and it is up to people who want to defend JYPE. But SERIOUSLY, is it really possible to believe that statement of theirs? If the statement is sincere and convincing, I'm sure we won't be doubting it at all now. We won't be here thinking "what exactly is going on??" The fact that we are questioning it proves that something is not right, doesn't it??

But if I had the power, if I knew Korean. I think it would be wiser to appeal to the other firms/PDs in the Kpop industry more than appealing to JYPE itself. Appealing to them to speak up for us, for Jay. Appealing to them to believe us. But then again, this may just be a naive thought. We don't know hoe complicated the industry is and who will stand up for us (since most likely nobody would want to step on JYPE's toes in the business sense).

So I don't know. Let's do what we can. There's one thing that we have that Jay and the other 6 boys do not -- that is A VOICE. And our voice is the only way we can use to help all 7 of them. Also, if we help Jay, we are also helping the 6 other boys. It may be hard on them now, but perhaps something justice may come out of this.

Said my peace. I'm not stuffing my sentiments down other people's throats. I'm just saying that the worst thing we can do now is to keep quiet and let things be.

So everyone, the people we need to fight with really isn't in this 2PM forum, right?

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Guest cjiahui

I just thought of something regarding the JYPE official announcement...

Initially, Jay's leaving Korea was also seen as a social issue/problem in Korea. Personally, I think the whole social issue/problem aspect of this matter is important - it was this factor that led me to scrutinise Jay's departure from 2PM and notice 2PM generally. Professor Sohn Ilrak, the father of Sohn Dongwoon (Beast) also wrote an article titled "Tolerance to the Jay of 2PM!". I think many non-2PM fans supported Jay too because they thought Korean society was unduly harsh to Jay.

Some reasons why Jay's controversy in September 2008 was a social issue/problem:

1) Due to a culture difference, Jay's comments were mistranslated in Korean resulting in a harsher meaning of his words in Korean than it was meant to be in English. Many American teenagers express their thoughts in the style that Jay did, but this was not seen to be acceptable in Korea;

2) Many Koreans who had emigrated to the US supported Jay even if they were not 2PM or Jay's fans because they understood the culture difference had led in part to Jay's overly harsh public bashing. These Koreans were worried about whether their Korean-American children who grew up in a totally different culture in the US could go back to Korea and not face discrimination and prejudice. Many stated their views that Korea should be more accepting of cultural differences and forgive a mistake made by a teenager who expressed his views tactlessly.


Now that JYPE has made a public announcement that Jay had made a further, even bigger personal mistake, JYPE has effectively removed the social issue aspect of the whole Jay matter. Many of the general public will believe JYPE because JYPE has made an official public announcement, even if the facts don't add up, and even if the rumours are groundless.

Now, many people who supported Jay (and are not 2PM or Jay's fans) because they believe that Koreans should be more forgiving of cultural differences no longer have a strong basis to support Jay, because he apparently had made a bigger mistake at the time when he is mature and well-adjusted to Korean culture.

I wonder whether removing the social issue aspect of this matter and thereby removing general public support for Jay was part of JYPE's PR ploy... Underhand...

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Guest chocolateanh


I'm angry and shock when I heard that news . I'm not only angry because JYP/JYPE throw him away like that but also because the way they said about him. I feel like " what the fff "!! If they do not bring him back, just simply tell us that they do not want him.

Why do they have to ruin his reputation by stating a stupid rumors? they tell us like " he did big problem before but we will not tell you what it is" hey, that's ridiculous. if you do not intent to tell us what it is, do not tell us in the first place. More than that, they tried to make us bash the other boys . I am angry because of that.

Right now Hottests need to believe in Jay. I only trust Jay. He didn't do anything wrong people. He's such a good Christian boy. He's having a hard time. Hottests need to give him strength

And to some people :

I'm sure that all Hottests who are angry and boycott now feel hurt more than anyone. They have to turn back to their 6 beloved guys to save 2PM, Jay's reputation and 7 boys's future. Do you think they want to do that? No, they MUST DO THAT, they HAVE TO DO THAT, not because they hate the six, simply because they love the seven. If they let go this issue easily,can anyone sure that will not happen in the future with other guys?

I know when they they saw Wooyoung cry, saw Taec, Khun, Junho, Junsu, Chansung...they feel deeply hurt in their heart, they want to cry with them. but at this moment, they cannot. They have to be strong to fight.

They fight because it's unfair..They fight for the rights of artists..

After all this, 6 other guys still have their career, their income ( i said about their financial ) but whats about Jay? He lost his career, and now because of stupid rumour, he lost his reputation..what can he do in the US? He's 23 already, not the little kid can bboy all day and do nothing. Do you feel hurt when you see him like that?

I know all the boys of 2PM feel hurt. I'm hurt too.Hottests are hurt...But if you know, although Hottests boycott all their products, all their activities, the love for 7 boys are never change..So, don't misunderstanding them


just protect our boys!!

EDIT : I cried when I read this..




May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


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i'll keep fighting for uri LEADJA!

even if JYP can't bring Jay back, they didn't have to make such a ridiculous reason to make us let him go.

if what jay did is a bad thing, what jyp should do is: drug, violence,bring him to police. impregnate, keep jay in korea so he can be responsible for what he had done. what else??

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Guest babiluxx

I think the rest of the boys are innocent.

Even if this is all true...why can't we hear it from the members involved?? Why can't they speak on their own behalf instead of the company speaking for them. What will happen from now on? are they still going to be on their variety shows? Jay, if you think that you are being wronged here and you are innocent then u should take it to the legal department.

The way they have announced the withdrawal is just ridiculous. From a PR point of view, I think JYPE wanted the reason to be vague so that the media can take what they have and run wild with it. Make up rumors so that the image of Jay can be shattered once and for all. I don't know if this is the strategic thing to do considering they have already lost the public's trust.

does anyone know when the conference with the fans start?

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I have realized that when I said my farewells yesterday, I left out one very important thing. So I am back one last time, to rectify that.

JYPE is a dirty company. They have treated Jay like trash, abandoning him and sullying his reputation. They have a history of abandoning inconvenient artistes, but being sure to dirty their names beforehand so no other company will use them, either. Just read the history; it's all right there.

They have treated the other members, and the fans, like disposable toys and puppets, hiding the truth from us, lying to us, all so the other boys will keep working like slaves and we, the fans, will continue forking over our money. So my last word is this:


boycott, boycott, boycott.

Please do not give this evil monstrosity the money it needs to survive. Do you EVER want to go through this hurt, these months of pain, worry, and waiting, ever again in your life?


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Guest sunshine

babiluxx, I complete agree with everything you are saying. Although, I think it is hard for Jay to take a legal stance. If what they are saying is true about him taking odd jobs to manage, I don't know if he can afford legal help.

This whole situation is completely absurd, it was way to vague. It almost feels SME to me, using their power and money to squash out employees they are no longer satisfied with.

JYPE's doing some terrible business.

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Guest felish-ugly

i dont care if i'll get bashed by saying this, or i'll get banned, but here's the thing:

please, let we re-think about what's happening here...

JYP said (from rumours) that 2pm dont need jay anymore...

2 pm doing very well without Jay... Jay return just gonna make everything akward and uneasy for the rest of the member...

we know Jay, we know what kind of guy he is, Jay is too nice...

he loves other member like he loves himself!!! that's why he agree to withdraw...

but let see, why JYPE can come to that conclution??

why they can said that 2pm is doing very well without jay???




anti B helped them for being on top of their poppularity again, in posisition where jay wasnt there...

in short words : 2pm is really doing well without Jay...

so, why we complaining now?? why we mad at JYP for deciding this??

who bought the 1.59 CDs? who bought the kiss me mugs?? who wathced their entire videos from official channel??

did JYPE did that??? NO!!!

ANTI B did that!!!

JYP had a plan for bringing Jay back, but suddenly it changed!

they saw that Yes, 2pm doing fine without Jay, why they have to put 2pm's poppularity in danger just for someone like Jay?? someone who already tell the world about their slave contract??

what if the B didnt fail?? Jay will be here by now (or soon)...

they will re-unite with his brother, happy ending, the end...

what we need just HOLD ON a little longer... just a little... wait till Jay comeback...

then you can buy all of their stuff.... feel free to do that...

now what's the meaning of all of that?? look at the CD that you've bough, look at the kiss me mug that you've bough...

what do you see?? do you see jay's face there?? do you see him saying goodbye to you???



yes, jay's not your bias, yes jay is MY BIAS. so what??? just wait till next victim coming. today it happen to jay, who know tomorrow??? wait till it happen TO YOUR BIAS!! what're you gonna do??

no, JYP will not give any of them a chance... one mistake, that you out!!! chansung, wooyoung, khun, taec, jun brothers... cant you see their future??? cant you see which road they're going???

you think they'll hurt if you're doing B?? that's the only way to bring Jay back!!! have you seen woo's smile lately??

chan's smile?? have you seen 2pm happiness lately??

please re watched idol army with snsd... i miss that taec, i miss "when i seduce jessica" leader...

re watced wild bunny ep 1 at the noerabeng... can you see woo??? his cheap dance?? his sunglasses?? can you see that NOW??? and sexy khun, and daegu joker, and jonny "junho" depp, and italian magnae???

i feel hurt seeing at those videos... i want to bring that memory back, that's why i'm proB...

now... it seems like we're going tooooo far from happy ending... i dont know...

and how they treat Jay, pink grandpa, glucosamine boy, treat him like rubbish...

how can i stand??? it's really hurt...

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From 2PMalways

Friday, February 26 2010 Written by Kagetsu Crackerbaby K.

Jaeboem permanent withdrawal has nothing to do with Sunmi’s.

Netizens are curious about Jaeboem wrongdoing whether it is related to with Sunmi's withdrawal.

Hottests speculate that it was JYPE’s plan.

According to information from the Daily Sports, JYPE’s higher official said that “His false is not a crime but rather a misconduct judged by morality and ethics” and added “it is completely different situation..”

Source :news.khan.kr

Kor - Thai by Tik @2pmalways.com, Thai-Eng by Kagetsu Crackerbaby K. @2pmalways.com

So can we PLEASE quit talking or mentioning about those rumors about sex tape or drugs or impregnation whatsoever? Those are horrendously ridiculous untruths and lies. Let's not spread that even more and please do not believe it.

Basically, the main thing is that JYPE is trying to ensure that no other entertainment company would want Jay. Which is why they threw his name in the mud and dragged in the rest of 2pm members as well for god knows reason why.

They're running their own company down the ground, that's what I think.

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Guest JenA313


the accuracy of this article is not yet proven but i feel that everyone shud read this

rite now i just wish HOTTESTS refrain from putting the blame on the other 6 members bcos they simply do not have the power to voice out let alone make a decision in the company:/

they had a say in jay's withdrawal??pleaseeee~

one interesting thing from the article which link i posted above is the fact that PARK JINYOUNG that everyone seems to be cursing for this matter is no longer the CEO of jype thus he doesn't have the biggest authority to decide anything anymore...IF this is true,then let's all be more objective and stop raising finger to him,once again I say IF

peace out(sigh,i wonder if this thread will ever be calm again)

till then

HOTTESTs hwaiting!!!!!Lets support jay AND the 6 boys,cuz we love 2PM rite?!=)

and there's no BS such as 1:59PM cuz rely, all there really was,is,and will be 2PM forever!

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Guest Soulhead

Since the topic of boycott is a sensitive and controversial topic, to avoid unnecessary arguments between members, no discussions about boycotts in whatever forms are allowed here in this thread.

Don't forget that rule !

I don't want to see this thread closed again -__-

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Guest stardope

really... the more u dig up bout the rumors... the more 'truth' coming out from their mouth...

huh... talking bout privacy matters...

it's them in the first place that refuse to even try to protect him...

not only that...now,.. they fail to protect the remaining 6...

worse...they even use all of them to safe their a**

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I have realized that when I said my farewells yesterday, I left out one very important thing. So I am back one last time, to rectify that.

JYPE is a dirty company. They have treated Jay like trash, abandoning him and sullying his reputation. They have a history of abandoning inconvenient artistes, but being sure to dirty their names beforehand so no other company will use them, either. Just read the history; it's all right there.

They have treated the other members, and the fans, like disposable toys and puppets, hiding the truth from us, lying to us, all so the other boys will keep working like slaves and we, the fans, will continue forking over our money. So my last word is this:


boycott, boycott, boycott.

Please do not give this evil monstrosity the money it needs to survive. Do you EVER want to go through this hurt, these months of pain, worry, and waiting, ever again in your life?


Goodby to you Skelly I really am sorry to say that your mind is out of place now. So take some time to calm down and think about your health and please every body do not use this "word" in this thread remember the rules.

2PM = LOVE & RESPECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest kienhsin

JYPE fails in taking care of it's artists. Look at how many artist that had been thrown out with unsolved rumours.. Now I think SM are not as bad as many thinks because atlho there are many controversies that they had, at least they try to solve them rather than throwing unsolved rumours everywhere. JYPE is playing with the power of internet..

When on of the rumours doesn't click with the whole story, they swiftly change the story to avoid many finding it out.. Altho many were expecting this including me, I personally cant accept his disappearance from the group. GOD fans showed us how powerful can they be if they unite why can we? We had 6 months to change things but instead of coming as one voice, we split into three group by being neutral, boycott and anti boycott.. It might be too late now for all to unite so I hope we can learn from this lesson. For now, I will still be a proud 2pm's fan... untill 27/2/10...

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Goodby to you Skelly I really am sorry to say that your mind is out of place now. So take some time to calm down and think about your health and please every body do not use this "word" in this thread remember the rules.

2PM = LOVE & RESPECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone is exposing their feelings of rage, sadeness etc... And you coldly you say this to someone and you add "LOVE AND RESPECT"


Please. Let poeple speak up.

It seems that some koreans.. or a lot... Think that JYPE lied as a lot of hottests because our belove Jay had a lot of sunbaenims who where played by JYPE as well.

So JYPE looses credibility.

I hope.

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Don't buy into the bluff. The beef was between JYP himself and Jay Park all along.

Choi Jung Wook is a puppet CEO, the biggest say in the company has been JYP, is still JYP and will forever be JYP. Whether he is president or not, CEO or not, MD or not. Bottomline the company is named after him, is owned by him and he also happens to be the biggest shareholder. His dirty tricks and removal of people who stand up to him is not new, in fact its the oldest news in the industry.

For those of you who think he made Rain, he didn't. It was another man who contributed to the success of Rain but was quietly removed a few years ago. He was the man who asked Rain to do the drama Full House which was initially scoffed by JYP. To JYP its all about HIS music, he does not know how to run a business, add his over inflated ego into the picture, it equates a poorly ran company. Today JYPE is run by really young staff who are clueless to what they are doing, another reason on why this whole case has been handled so poorly.

The company reeks of unprofessionalism and its not surprising this has spilt over to the front where everyone is witnessing its epic failure.

I'm over Jay's expulsion. JYPE does not deserve him.

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Guest thu_trang

i'm here again cuz i cant stand the injustice in this whole crazy controversy

so jype said :“His false is not a crime but rather a misconduct judged by morality and ethics”, then LET US KNOW HIS FALSE , LET US KNOW HIS WRONG ,LET US DECIDE WHETHER TO FORGIVE HIM OR NOT , WHY R U DECIDING EVERYTHING ON UR OWN ???


the Jay i see n know is not like that , u want me to give u proof

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IiwYVTAbWw...feature=related at 2:23 , Jay was so careful so that the woman didnt get hit by the camera on his head , do u think a person who is caring like this would do something so bad morally ?

Jay is never selfish for all that i know , rather he is SELFLESS , sacrificing his happy times to be out there having a chance to provide more for his family n now , he silently step down , throw away his 5 years of hard work to not let his team mates' dreams to fall too , how could he have done anything so wrong that it's unable to forgive when it is not such a big crime ?

for all i care JYPE can eat up their own lies

seriously it is ur choice to choose what to do in this fandom , but dont try to judge or define what a true fan means , god knows how much pain those who decide to leave is dealing with

but let me ask u , u said u wanted Jay back as much as others , but u r willing to move on n supporting the company that stepped all over Jay n his weaknesses to get to the top , i know the other 6 r there , but dont deny that when u support 6pm , u r just indirectly supporting JYPE as well , JYPe doesnt give a damn about how u think of them , in the end of the day , they r a business company , all they can care about is the money lying in yr pockets , so do what u feel right but dont try to make others feel bad as they do have a choice of their own too

this is not to save 1 but rather 7 , cuz i honestly think 6pm just wont work out

edit : u guys believe what u want , i'm just trying to give more info on those who want to know more than just whatever jype throws at u , so read this site guys , they r really great , n i dont care if i'm banned for this , i just want to rectify Jay's name in whatever ways possible


u may or may not believe them but dont go there n bash them for the opinions they have , it's bad as it is , just leave the site if u cant be bother to believe

n here is their formspring , they r friendly n will try to answer ur questions to watever extend they know


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Guest fattie8701

Friday, February 26 2010 Written by Kagetsu Crackerbaby K.

Jaeboem permanent withdrawal has nothing to do with Sunmi’s.

Netizens are curious about Jaeboem wrongdoing whether it is related to with Sunmi's withdrawal.

Hottests speculate that it was JYPE’s plan.

According to information from the Daily Sports, JYPE’s higher official said that “His false is not a crime but rather a misconduct judged by morality and ethics” and added “it is completely different situation..”

Source :news.khan.kr

Kor - Thai by Tik @2pmalways.com, Thai-Eng by Kagetsu Crackerbaby K. @2pmalways.com

They need to make up their minds which lie they want to go with. First they said he called them to tell them of another mistake he had made during Again and Again Promotions NOW they say its not a crime he committed, its a morality and ethics issue.... am sorry say what now??? So it went from him confessing to a one time thing to it being a overall personality problem now.....THIS IS WHAT I CANNOT ACCEPT...THIS UNNECESSARY DEFAMATION AND SLANDER!... That is someones child, how the hell do you think she feels when u tell the world her son is a misfit... its indirectly saying his upbringing was bad... that is going up and beyond!!! its toooo much for anyone to handle!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest lec8504

i think that these people don't give a crap about 2pm anymore. since one member is "officially" gone, and since 2pm is essentially nothing, they don't care if the group fails or whatnot.

i wish they'd stop hurting the boys. i wish they'd stop bashing them cause they don't deserve it.

but who can stop these kinds of people? they think what they want, say what they want, do what they want.

jype, have you thought about the consequences? the aftermath? the people who you affect greatly?

sigh... what if...

praying for all seven.

agree. I"m disgusted with JYPE right now but I haven't given up on the 6 remaining boys. These so-called fans who started to turn on them and are now ATTACKING them are no better than the antis who attacked Jay.

Do you guys really think that the 6 could change JYPE mind? When they are under contract? Yes, they could also bow out and go with Jay, which we all would like, but what about the ramifications of that? They would one, LOSE THEIR LIVELYHOODS. They have to support their families too. They have other people to worry/take care of instead of going with the whims of the Hottest. And two, they would have to pay the penalty, which probably is a huge fine and getting sued for terminating their contract early. The contract is something that the members can just brush off.

Also, the proB are now attacking the antiB, which creates further division. I knew this day would come...and if Jay did come back then the antiB would go "see I told you so" to the proB..either way the fandom is divided. JYPE has probably planned this out from the start...nothing a bunch of Hottest did would change that. Most of you guys who are proB...your biased is Jay...i'm not saying all but MOST...but don't expect other fans who's biased isn't Jay to join in from the beginning.

And stop making Jay out to be the martyr...to say that he's the ONLY talent in 2PM is completely disrespectful to the 7 as a whole. Losing him is forever going to make 2PM incomplete..but they are not doomed of that. Don't throw away the work the rest of the 6 has done because of what JYPE did. Those who are leaving...then please leave and say your piece but no need to hurt the rest of the boys.

edit- this does not mean that I will continue to support JYPE..I haven't decided yet....but I just don't want the 6 boys to be hurt in this mess. ugh....JYPE made everything more complicated than what it is....stupid stupid company.

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