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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest saintpolar

If the company was manipulative and only saw their artists as products then maybe it is better for Jaebum to have left.

If the company doesn't believe in truth or has any integrity then maybe it was better he left.

If the company wasn't willing to stand up for their artists and do right by him/her maybe it is better he left.

A part of me says good riddance to JYPE cause Jaebum may actually have a happy life even after all this mess.

The part wants Jaebum to return on his own two feet with another company and be even bigger and better showing what a stupid move JYPE did letting him go.

Sorry for cutting your post, but I completely think the same way. I hope for the best for him.

When the whole Jay thing first happened, I believed that he wouldn't come back. He couldn't come back. Not that I didn't want him to, but in my eyes, I didn't see it as a possibility.

I personally thought that it wasn't that big of a deal (and I'm 100% Korean, born there, now living in states). It's a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes. But obviously the public did. And I came to the conclusion that he couldn't return.

But after diving into the fandom and learning more about it, I started to have hope in his return.

I now see that I was being foolish. I don't even know why I started to have hope, even amongst all the indefinite rumors and how JYPE has kept beating around the bush.

JYPE's statement is just protecting the company. In the end, he's not coming back.

To me, it doesn't even matter that there were plans for him to return, because in the end JYPE doesn't think that he is fit to be under their company. Which makes me agree with the above quote even more.

And I very recently came across the information that it wasn't so much of his comments about Korea, which had the spotlight, but it was the fact that Jay mentioned the slave contract and whatnot. That was what JYPE was trying to cover up. Now if I had known that before, I don't think I would've even had any thoughts about his return.

Their statement is just full of bull.

Either reveal it all, or don't leave us hanging with implausible reasons and unreliable information.


edit: As for my own stance, I'm sure I'll continue to listen to their music and watch the shows that they come out on. Of course I won't buy them, but I never actually purchased any albums and such, so to me, supporting them financially is not really a debate. I will continue to support 2PM, because they're a group. To me, their leader will always be Park Jaebum (I highly doubt they will ever appoint a new leader, in fear of all the attacks and such), and they will always be seven members.

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This is the end of my love affair w/ 2PM. I thought my hiatus would be ended when Jay returned, but unfortunately that's not how it's going to play out.

To everyone who is "no longer a fan" "jaebeom is gone / no longer a 2pm fan", you got to be KIDDING me. You are going to forget the rest of the 2pm boys because of a decision the company/or MAYBE one boy has made?! What kind of fans are you if you are going to "not be a fan" anymore and not support the rest of the boys over something like this. Do the rest of the members really deserve losing all of their fans over something they have no control over? I am not saying don't get mad over this or share your feelings but reacting in a sense of not caring about the rest of the members is mest up. Stop being selfish, it isn't just about you guys and your obsession with Jay, like you guys said, there are 7 members of the band. You're totally disregarding the remaining 6.

If you think 2PM is a "national" group truly because they had a huge boost in popularity due to Heartbeat, you are WRONG. They got attention because the Jay scandal made them known.

You ask us how we can just forget about all the work the 6 boys did.

Well how can you forget how they are basically standing on the top by standing on Jay's wounded reputation?

We don't judge you, so why are you judging us?

For those people who dare to criticize just because they say that people who quit the fandom are ditching the rest of the 6 boys... maybe you can have a clear conscience supporting 2PM still, but I cannot.

I'm not saying people should quit the fandom. I'm just justifying my own thoughts and opinions, because I'm sick of people who support 6PM acting so justified and righteous, putting down those of us who don't support the 6. You are supporting a group who got to where they are, by kicking one of their brothers while he's down. Sure, it might not be the work of those 6 individuals but the people behind them, but GROUP 2PM is an entity that's supported and owned by JYPE. Although Junho, Junsu, Wooyoung, Khun, Taec, and Chansung are individuals. GROUP 2PM cannot be separated from the company. and that company is the company who have used and abused Jay for the past 5 months.

I cannot support the 6 of them as a group that used to be 7 of them, no matter how hard any of them have worked etc, because this group now, they are where they are, by stepping all over Park Jaebum's name, whether they are doing it knowingly or not, they are doing it, and for me that's unacceptable.

I'm sure this post will upset a lot of people, go 'head bash it all you want. I won't be replying because this is the end of 2PM for me.

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i have a question

on the daum for 2PM, why is the fan number going up?

last i checked it was on 282,112. when i refreshed the page is was at 282,120

i thought because of the announcement they would've been losing fans for awhile not gaining them?

Because like always... K-pop fans are fickle. This happened before when Jae left Korea, and resigned from the group.. but many of them came back and made Heartbeat, a charttopper.

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Guest tingabell

Like everyone I am confused. What is going on? Why does JYPE have to ruin Jay’s image before totally dropping him?!!

Also when I was watching ‘win win’ and the MC man said something along the lines of how long do they think they will last? I mean it was kinda a joke, but deep down in 6PM’s heart I think they are really worried about this too. They have trained so hard to be where they are now, and for this to happen. Its no ones fault but JYPE! Its not that fans don’t want to support 6PM, but its really hard to watch them having fun and joking around when you know their leader was dismissed unlawfully and all this time they have just been using jays name to get money.

I just want to see what the conferences I gona bring!

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Guest P ri ss `

To everyone who is "no longer a fan" "jaebeom is gone / no longer a 2pm fan", you got to be KIDDING me. You are going to forget the rest of the 2pm boys because of a decision the company/or MAYBE one boy has made?! What kind of fans are you if you are going to "not be a fan" anymore and not support the rest of the boys over something like this. Do the rest of the members really deserve losing all of their fans over something they have no control over? I am not saying don't get mad over this or share your feelings but reacting in a sense of not caring about the rest of the members is mest up. Stop being selfish, it isn't just about you guys and your obsession with Jay, like you guys said, there are 7 members of the band. You're totally disregarding the remaining 6.

it's a free world.

and i like to think that fans who leave this fandom has less to do with Jay not being a member anymore, and more of the way jype handled this whole thing. [and also because it shattered the image and impression fans formed about them.] there has been sooo many disappointment and letdowns by jype. one after another and it's wearing most of the fans down. it's disppointments one after one and Jay's departure is a final blow to this all. besides, Jay worked so hard and sacrificed so much, and it's understandable that some fans are not able to bypass this and continue with their fandom. i do think that if jype has handled this whole thing in a better way rather than misleading and lying, then perhaps there wouldn't have been as much people leaving this fandom. there's just too take to take at the moment. people are overwhelmed, shocked, betrayed and hurt.

this whole incident reveals how dirty the entertainment world is , and that despite what we really want, we'll never really know the real truth behind everything. because everyone will just say stuff that defend and protect himself.

now, talking about being a real fan ? perhaps to begin with, some fans are more of a fan of an individual than the whole group. or why don't you think it this way ? the fans who stayed behind are then, the real fans of 2PM. at least, you know they're there to stay and support the future activities.

i understand where you come from but it's hard to control emotions. think about fans who have been pinning for jay's return only to be letdown by such an offensive statement by jype.

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Guest MissLampo

......I don't know what to think...

I keep checking their cafe and can't understand what's going on with number of their fans

And....yeah now I'm watching this video and cry...cry and cry

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Guest aram0691

this is..ridiculous.

i've been such a big fan of 2PM since they debuted.

and then there were all these problems...

some fans may quit being fans because of how jaebum will not return...

it can happen, we are all human and we all have feelings...

but...we aren't the only ones with feelings. the rest of the 2PM boys have feelings too...

and if fans keep quitting being fans because of how jaebum won't return... then how will the boys feel?

at a time when they need more support than they can get, Hottests are quitting on them... which i find to be depressing.

the 6 members have gone through just as much, even more than we have.. and they are working harder nevertheless.. and to find that their hard efforts are not being noticed by people who they most dearly want to be noticed by... how would they feel?

i don't know just a little reasoning i did...

either way i'm still supporting the rest of the 6 members who are working hard. :]

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Guest thu_trang

I cannot support the 6 of them as a group that used to be 7 of them, no matter how hard any of them have worked etc, because this group now, they are where they are, by stepping all over Park Jaebum's name, whether they are doing it knowingly or not, they are doing it, and for me that's unacceptable.

sorry cutting ur post n this will be my last post

but it's so true , i cant believe Jype can be so low , even until now , they r still attempting to taint Jay's name n reputation , can they get more dirty than that ??

whether Jay is my bias or not , it doesnt matter , what matters is that JYPE have been getting away wif all their tricks n lies n i will not stick through that n pretend bad things dont happen , when one of the member have been played wif right in front of my eyes

i'm done for good

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Guest HiPPy*mE

i'm really disappont with JYPE so much...toooooooo much

when i read it first time, i just think like....is it be hacked!?(daum cafe) or something like that

but .... when i know that lots of fan contact to ask JYPE & they dont say anything!! WHAT!! WHY??

i dont understand why JYPE ruin all of 2PM .........u throw anything bad to jay & just say like he done something bad....but cant tell US , if it's something shouldnt to say why u MUST to say like THAT!!

poor JYPE i think i cant disappoint with this company anymore.......

i used to blame on SME but now...................JYPE is MUCH MORE

JYPE's kill their artists or idols & always make up good image to company (but...didnt!!!)

2PM&wonder girls get lots of pain from u, JYPE!!! with ur mean,awful words ............dont u care feeling of ur children?

so................................i want to know this From Jay only!!! if he say by himself i'll let him go!!

JYPE, u know u make us feel like the meaning of 2AM song ,'cant let u go even if i die', with wonderful and now with hottest!!!!!

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Guest andloveyelledno

To everyone who is "no longer a fan" "jaebeom is gone / no longer a 2pm fan", you got to be KIDDING me. You are going to forget the rest of the 2pm boys because of a decision the company/or MAYBE one boy has made?! What kind of fans are you if you are going to "not be a fan" anymore and not support the rest of the boys over something like this. Do the rest of the members really deserve losing all of their fans over something they have no control over? I am not saying don't get mad over this or share your feelings but reacting in a sense of not caring about the rest of the members is mest up. Stop being selfish, it isn't just about you guys and your obsession with Jay, like you guys said, there are 7 members of the band. You're totally disregarding the remaining 6.

Some fans fell in love with the 2PM that included Jay. That dynamic, that chemistry, that group. A piece has been removed and the original creation is no longer the same. You might be content with what 2PM has become now but some aren't. What makes you a better person or a better fan for it?

Not to mention many are just sick and tired of the drama, the lies, and just want out.

Fans choose to leave fandoms every day for different reasons. No reason to insult them for it.

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Guest yushinoya

i already thought of this before.."what if" he didn't comeback, what will i do...and my answer is that i will stay...

but the feeling is different now that is already happening...i don't know what to feel anymore... :mellow:

ever since Jay went back to Seattle, my hopes are big that he just went there to cool things down...i never lurk in this forum, i just visits 2OD for major news...

Hottests became hottests because of 7 members...it's hard to be a hottest knowing that there's someone missing...

i understand those hottests who are leaving the fanclub...i don't think that they will abandon the 6members...the support will always be there...

if i am registered in Daum i will also leave...because hottests formed because of the 7 members and not six..but i will still support the other 6, a change of fan club name will do...If ever this is final, final as in there's nothing we can do, i think it would be better if they would merge ONEDAY boys...

JYPE already dissapointed me so many times!! :angry:


leaving the cafe doesn't mean that they will abandon the other members, they just lost the reason to stay...

and nobody has the right to question someones fandom...

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Guest chopper!

i also just came home and saw the news. shocked, but not completely. this time i didn't cry, phew.

but i gotta say, i can't really support 2pm anymore. something about jaebum lured me into this group before debut and after. now that he's gone, it feels like a strong force is missing. he wasn't even my bias (wooyoung&junsu is xD). i haven't even kept up with 2pm's schedules and everything since jay left in sept. i was planning to post here again once jay came back, but i guess this will be my last post or something.

i wish my other boys luck<3 they deserve it, but me, i'm moving on. jype is too weird to handle anymore. their marketing strategy is scaring the crap out of me too.

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Rather than pressuring JYPE and telling them what to do, shouldn’t we all write letters to YG and other companies to sign Jay instead? I don’t care anymore if he will be with 2PM or not. I don’t want him to work with JYP and his people anymore. IMO, it’s not at all a healthy working environment where your boss doesn’t care about you or appreciate your hard work and talents. PLEASE stop begging JYPE. Have faith.. Jay’s journey will NOT end like this. May god bless Jay and his family.

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Guest theblazenazn

The Way This All Ended is TERRIBLE. They decide to basically throw him under bus by saying he did something Horrible and left people with a Bad Image of him doing something Worst than the Myspace Controversy. They said he Confessed a 2 days before Christmas Eve and 3 days before Christmas. Who would choose a time like that to confess something bad??

But I still Can't believe it. It's all Over.

Since the Contract is Void, There's Nothing Left to Do?????????


4 of my friends just quit their FanCafe and just Private Message the President for a Refund and club dues.

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Jay isn't my fav in 2pm but I am leaving the fandom because of this. For those who say that we are selfish and what about the other members? I am so mad at them right now; they could've done something to show their support for jay. They could've spoke and said something and fight with us the fans for god sake! How do you expect from me to support all the rest of them while they don't support each other? 2pm are JYP's hidden card, if they threaten him they have the power and JYP will listen to their demands because they are his money machine. Why for god they kept silent? We are not in Abu Ghraib prison!!! They could've done some actions if they want their brother to come back.Also the way JYPE handled this is just sick who can I let me self be hurt and tricked again? those are my reasons.

I said it before and I will say it once again, I keep getting so angry about all of them and everything about them right now. It hurts so bad the feeling of being betrayed and fooled by them.

JYPE should be careful from their fans, they now start to develop a new feeling ” I am a fan of you put I am SO mad at you-feeling”. They always say “be careful from your enemy once and your closest people million times”. And you would know that the closest people are their fans, and I hope they are doing some actions.

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Guest chickyl3aby

I've only recently began to liked 2PM and am sad that Jay will not return. I am sad that it will hurt the 2PM fan base. The other guys are great too. Just wish they could all be together. I REALLY hope that this does not affect their attendance to the KMF. I really want to see them.

I wonder how Jay is taking all of this...My friends see him around all the time but I would be too afraid to ask him anything regarding this. I think as long as he's happy where he is and doing what he wants to do, everyone should just be happy for him.

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i wonder if it wasnt jay who got dismissed... would hottest(some) have the same response.. (abandon the 6 members)..

well, im really sad that jay's NOT coming back... it will never be the same anymore... but again even if jay would comeback it also wouldnt be like the same as before... there would be hate/scandals about jay.... and that would make trouble for the whole group...(if what JYPE said is true) and that's what they're avoiding... i think jay would say something if JYPE is telling lies..

hope jay is happy with his decision..

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Guest mz simmonz

I'm shocked but not shocked. Although I would've loved for Jay to return to 2PM, I was OK with the idea that he would not return, because I cannot alter the situation..however, it is difficult to hear for real this time, that he's gone for good.

Perhaps it's because I'm not a fan in Korea, so I don't know the power the fans can have against a major entertainment company, but will it really effect anything by boycotting and leaving fan cafes..besides the decline of fan support and record sales for the rest of the boys?

I respect everyone's opinions and decisions on what they are going to do as a fan from here on out, but I'll continue supporting 2PM, JYPE, and Jay. As noble as it is to consider loyalty, honesty,and all that..at the end of the day, it's a business. We're talking about the livelihood and careers of people here. Jay may have been greatly wronged here but I support whatever he chooses to do with his life..at least he is back home with close friends and family..he can go to college, get a degree, and who knows what else? He has great capabilities, he can go places, and I firmly support his right at starting over, wherever that may be, with or without JYPE. As for the rest of the boys..like I said..whether people think they have wronged Jay by watching him go or continuing with their ongoing success..I don't blame them. They have to live too, ya know.

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