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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest switakaniji

I just want to hear Jay says something. After his departure, he has never had a chance to speak. Whatever reason is, I still want to know whether he is willing to terminate the contract himself or he was forced to. The reallity is I cant imagin what is the worst mistake than myspace scandal. If he happened to tape s** scene then what?! He is in his twenty of age. He is a guy too. Plus thisscandal is something many singers faced up ie ivy then I dont think it is worse than myspace incident. Jype must come up with the clearer announcement and have Jay to defend himself. I totally lost respect to Jype as I always think that Jype is the company which cares their singers the most.

Anyway, I still support the rest of 2pm until the day that my inner says .. they are just an ordinary boyband. I will pround to be hottests until that time comes. Hopefully not recently.

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Guest shinhdeplol

uhmm actually the fan number is really rising. half an hour ago it was 282200-ish. right now its 282378

how i wish Jay could come back now. even if not as a member of 2PM T.T

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Guest P ri ss `

wait. hold on. what's this ?

i know everyone is panicking now but can someone please tell me more about this ?

what's this about

1. the post which reveals the slave contract

2. comments on rain leaving the company and the controversial $12 statement

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282,563 fans left now..and each time i refresh the page, the number decreases by more then 50...

this is absurd...to be honest, I've just recently became their fan, wasn't that much into them when they started out...i'm addicted to them now after watching several of their videos and i'm really sad that such incident should happen to the boys..they look so happy when all 7 of them are together...jay is a great leader and he has inspired the boys so much and took up so much of space in their life....it's so unfair for jype to do this to him...what can possibly be worse than the myspace posts?? even if he offended the koreans by saying stuff against them, people were beginning to understand and see that that was all in the past...people were ready and begging for him to return to 1.59pm to make them whole as 2pm again...the boys were so busy during AAA promotion period that, i bet like any other idols when they're at the peak of their promotion period, would have time to do anything else besides being on stage, practices and sleep...they hardly have time to do anything for themselves to begin with..i hope this is all just fake and that when we all wake up, this is all a dream...it's sad that fans are just leaving 1.59pm like that...the boys really really needs our support at the moment...but to think that if we support them, we support jype...which is wrong...how else can we support out boys then?

I agree. I am sorry for all those fans that love Jay I have become a fan of 2PM AFTER Jay left I feel sorry for Jay BUT I feel MORE sorry for the remaining 2PM boys that I adore so much. In my honest opinion if Jay was so "innocent" he would have come back to his group and fans I am really hearting now reading all these hatefull words from all these members 2PM boys are not the blame for what is hapenning now could a "reall" fan be so hatefull and say that this is there last post as a 2PM fan ??????????????

why these talaented boys have to suffer because of their leader's mistake I won't ever beleive that somebody can say such horrible acusation on Jay or anybody else and that person or his relatives or his family will seet quitely without speaking publicly saying that this is a conspirecy or that JYP used Jay as a scapegoat wouldn't it effect Jay in the U.S.A too?????

He wants to enter and continue studying wouldn't it effect his future will the US press let it down quitely?????????

I really hope that all HOTTESTS will be strong and give as much of support and love to 2PM boys because they don't deserve to be niglected and abandoned so many times. They are an awesome group they are brothers and family to each other PLEASE HOTTESTS SUPPORT THEM AND DON'T LEAVE THEM!!!!!!!!

2PM = LOVE & RESPECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest musicaholic

jyp is not too worried losing 2pm and he can get money from their individual activities.

and also jyp has his other "beastly" group B2ST

remember he also owns cube ent.

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Guest everybodyshout

Even though it's completely sick and malicious to resort to such ways to "protect your company's image".

Assuming all these are true, trying to blow the "Koreans are gay" issue up to divert attention from the contract issues -

JYPE, you do know whose shoes you're stepping on, don't you?

It's not only Jay's, but the rest of the 2PM boys, the fans, the public -

Even if we don't have solid evidence now, if someone does discover proof for all these wrongdoings, what'll happen to your company image then? Did you really think that no one could find out?

It must have been a really huge risk to take then, while having the knowledge that you might've been found out one day.

Here it goes, the hunt for proof.

I mean, ideally the smartest way would be to NOT cover up and to be transparent to us all,

(like admitting, "Okay, sorry about the 10-year slave contract, how about 7 years okay so Jay can get married before 30 and Chansung can set up his banana store while he's still young")

But in reality well that never happens because a company doesn't work that way, does it.

My heart goes out to the ONEDAY boys, everyone of you. All you ever wanted to do was to sing, dance, make ends meet, help your family and loved ones have better lives, and this is the sh~it that you've got.

But as long as each of us is alive, anything is possible. Don't let this bring us down. Let's just keep believing in that, in the 2pm boys, and not necessarily JYPE. But it's not like the boys have any power to do anything as well. I can't imagine how every one of them is feeling right now, 10 times worse than the total of us.

edit: Maybe Jay wants to get married :D eh but the rest of the boys want to be married too! Doh.

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Guest CraftyDude

I cannot believe this has happened. Why such a delay in stating this if the decision was made a couple of months ago? I can't even imagine what is going through the rest of 2PM; surely they didn't accept this, especially since they talked about Jay on WinWin. How are they going to cope with this now? They won't be able to do their activities, such as MC'ing or going on Family Outing. It's crazy. Hopefully all of 2PM know that the fans are there for them.

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Guest luvnhate

coming to soompi and reading the last few pages made me cry few times in the middle of a computer room with people staring but i don't care i'm utterly disgusted, sad and shocked at the news of Jaebeom not coming back, and the "reason/excuse" for it such a BS!

do you know what!?Even if this mysterious act is true(which i Do NOT believe so unless i see evidence)they could have not mentioned it in the statement! .....BUT No0o0o they know that there are other companies who would bring him back,not just for good publicity but also for his amazing TALENT. so JYP thought " that would make us the bad guy and the other company the 'HERO' with fans and public"and if they are not going to make money out of the comeback then nobody else can! so in conclusion they go and RUIN a young man's image and career to prevent that.

I'm so0o worried and upset for all 7 boys *omg sob*.

what are they going through now? if they just found out like us.do they have schedules today? This week?

my first ever obssesive fandom is such a hearbraker TT.TT i mean i have never ever cried for a group before...................

My theory on why they made this anouncement right before the fan-meeting:

They think that Announcing this news right befrore the fan meeting will give them an excuse to run away from their trial about handling the situation.probably the hottest will be too shocked and angered some maybe not even show up.

emotional fans asking questions will not be taken seriously thats probably how jyp will play it with the media .aghhh i don't know >.< do i make sense to anyone. before all this hottests were in full force with planned detailed questions and a fighting spirit(defending tactics on 2od) to get our answers.we even have representive(if chosed) from oneday to fly! to korea for the fan meeting.even with the rumors going around bout the unfair list of people chosen.they still could'nt avoid it.

Now I have lost all my respect and trust in jype :angry: they just kept avoiding us,keeping silent on us and using 2PM, (all! 7) esp Jaebeom's comeback on us.truely disgusted!!

Their injustice towards Jay specialy pisses me off.

>quoting Kabler hopefully someone related to Jay will come accross it and pass it along.

btw i really enjoyed reading your post kabler :) and reaching out such a helping hand towards Jay in this situation is really admireable. love you kabler lol

All i can confirm is that the initial plan was truly what I had mentioned here and he was to come back by the first quarter of 2010. I didn't know when the decision was made to go back on these plans and fgoing into feb for a while I too was confused with the rumours.

What worries me the most right now is Jay and how he i doing. Because everyone is talking talking talking but he's the only one who might have 1000 things to say but not allowed to say it.

If there are any friends of Jay's reading this forum, please convey to him or pm me if he feels that he is unfairly treated in this whole matter and needs any assistance on legal front. I have connections with legal reps both in Korea and US who can definitely go through the contract termination with him and help him out if he needs anything.

Its disappointing but have a feeling another roller coaster ride is just happening. We need to brace ourselves for the incessant digging and rumours that is going to come at us at full speed in the next few days ahead

The world will not always be run by the high handed people.

Many lawyers will take on Jay's case in a heartbeat as it will raise the profile of their law firm so if Jay's friends or family are reading in here, remember that. JYPE might be all powerful but the more powerful a company, the more enemies it has, the situation is actually in your favour.

Unless you feel your four years of tears and sweat has no value, what you have put in no longer matters, if not. FIGHT.

You can win this but first you need to reach out.

The public is in your favor not just in Korea but everywhere that kpop has a presence in. You also have the backing of millions of hottest worldwide. Its scary but if Jay is willing to talk and if there's really a real grievance here,this could actually become the next Erin Brokovich story.

We're behind you Jay Park. One other thing. Theres NO SUCH THING as an iron clad contract or agreement. If its drafted by men, it can be taken apart by men.

my last post:

I'm outta here. Good luck to 2PM boys. I will still want to work with Khun or Wooyoung in the future as individual artistes but my bias for 2PM is permanently over.

Even as a business person, I can tell you their handling of this matter is really really bad and a step from being a total disaster. I have lost all respect for JYPE if the main reason for taking Jay out in the end was because JYP can't bring himself to accept the boy again even after all that pressure from the fans, media and clients alike. Yes Jay might have been a very troublesome artiste for the company, still not giving him a second chance after all these months and if it was truly what industry insiders have been saying all along that the biggest problem lies with size of JYP's heart then I'm truly disappointed that he will allow his own emotions to make a business decision

You're not above God and what you do behind closed doors will come back and haunt you down the road. Especially when many ppl are praying for Jay all this time, and if you really wrong him, then beware that the one above who loves him is watching.

I would not worry too much about Jay. There will be many people willing to reach out to him nd help him. Alot of other companies who will be able to do something for this talented kid that is "not fit to be part of the JYPE family"

My offer still stands to help him find legal help - and guarantee no fees involved as well.

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Guest shinhdeplol

my friends who are active on 2OD told me that she heard there were even bodyguards around the boys' house atm :huh: is JYPE afraid of fans attacking them or something?

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Guest Soulhead

Wow ,I wasn't prepared to read this new today O_O. But It was ''logical'' that he wouldn't return in 2PM .Day after day it became slowly a dream more than something else. But okay,now it's over. Jay is no more a part of 2PM (nor 2PM will never be a 6 member group for me).

I wish the best for Jay but also for 2PM !I hope they will continue to make a lot of good music !=)

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Guest lady_bug


@P ri ss'

I PM you guys already, but...could you guys edit your post and unquote me, or the stuff that I wasn't suppose to take out. This morning when I got the news, I just....

My mistake. Although I feel that everyone should READ IT becuz it made absolute sense.

I would appreciate it Very Much, knowing how much time and effort is put in translating those articles for those who do not speak Korean.

Thanks @Seraphic_Gin, angelicXD.



Wow, this morning feels like I just witness a death.

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Guest dawnded

I was dying a few hours ago but I got so tired of crying. It's so upsetting but at least this is some kind of a closure (pr not).

Like what Kabler said, many other people will be able to take him in because he's so talented ( as long as JYPE does not put out anymore gimmicks to defame him)

So apparently, Jay is some BADASS with a previously unhealthy social life in Korea (according to those ridiculous rumours). Welll, then I hope YG takes him in since they are so BADASS anyways. F * * k JYPE. Jay I love you.

This is the end of 2PM for me, like I've said before if this were to happen. But I will support the other members individually as long as it doesn't benefit JYPE in any way. To the rest of the fans, I hope everyone stays strong. And let's pray that this is not the end for Jay's entertainment career. HE WILL COME BACK RIGHT...JUST NOT BACK IN S H I T A S S JYPE.


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so while reading the last few pages of this thread i realized something

jay called on DECEMBER 22

and then supposedly all the members knew about all of this

but then at all the gayo daejuns


they all were like

jay we love you

our best hyung

and things like that


that the members did not approve of whatever the thing he did was



well this is my first and last post here

i used to love 2pm soo much

but then when jay

THE BEST/MOST TALENTED/LOVED etc(too many words describe him)

was kicked out

it went from 100% love to like


and then now it is 0%

i love them all as members

but my support for the group 2pm is now gone

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Guest epixeltwin

Just want to say two things to HOTTESTs in here

1) I feel your pain and support you. as an E.L.F. I know what it is to have someone away like this. Three someones. Even been four someones.

2) of those speaking about boycott, and that it's the only way they can reach JYPE...

Are you sure? Not saying it absolutely will but don't you think there might be a chance that it would destroy 2PM as well as the company who brought you 2PM? And let me mark my words here. I don't say if JYPE is right/wrong/ or good/bad and if they are lying/saying the truth. ALL I'm saying is boycott = you might possibly hurt 2PM. So if you are true fans please be aware of that.

3) No one really knows anything for sure. JYPE released a statement on their website. Please, you are just netizens and not inspector gadget. So before making up conspiracy theories blaming anyone be it Netizens, Media, JYPE, JYP himself, Jay, the 6 other members or Santa Claus.... ASK YOURSELF ---> am I thinking straight here, is what I'm saying based on logical facts, or am I just angry/sad/disappointed? Because you ought to be feeling these unpleasant feelings, that is certain. But do you think you ought to be saying preposterous things because of them? Think about it..

And I saw someone posting all angrily on AKP a whole load of bull about "bla bla true fans only like 7 so we will boycott even though it hurts to do so because it's the only way to reach JYPE..." what? Can't you just boycott all others of JYPE's artists or something? JYPE has other artists than 2PM....To you all I have to say is, if you were to hypothetically meet FACE TO FACE with any of the 6 members...would you be able to say to them "Sorry, I'm boycotting all of you 6 guys because of Jaebeom" ?

don't want to start a controversy or argument, just want to calm down some people who might act/talk in a rash way.

2PM/true Hottests fighting!

love from an E.L.F. who knows your pain

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Guest petiteange22

hey hottest....

i'm not a 2pm fan but my heart is with you all.

this news is so shocking and so overwhelming.

i honestly thought jay would return to 2pm somehow.

i'm sure your hearts are crushed and are in pain, just want to say, hang in there!

and protect the other members too! stand by each other!

reading that thousands of fans have left the fanclub leaves me stunned. i don't know if that's the best way to deal with things right now.

stay strong people!

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Thanks to everyone who posted news and updates about Jay's situation.

This is my first time posting here and probably will be for a while. I recently read the news about Jay and it really irked me. I'm not really that big of a fan of 2PM but what happened today really made me confused and frustrated. I can't imagine how it would be like for the fans of Jay and 2PM. It must be a thousand times worse... patiently waiting and counting the days until Jay's return and poof... JYP will just announce he won't be back!

What irked me about this whole ordeal is not so much the fact that Jay won't come back. I've conditioned myself into thinking that there would really be a probability that Jay won't be back. What really disturbed me however, was the way the statement was announced and the reason of Jay not returning to 2PM.

The press release from JYP is really distasteful, I think. Why reveal that Jay had done so much worst? Why tarnish his reputation? Why should they beat him when he's down. I think all of this is a ploy and I don't believe for a bit that Jay did something which is grossly wrong that would warrant JYP to think that he "doesn't fit in" with the company. Its also heartbreaking to know that it was JYP who terminated Jay's contract!!! Now, I'm starting to think that some of the conspiracy theories posted here and on the net has an indica of truth. This whole situation seems so shady and puzzling.

I just hope that the Jay and the remaining 2PM members will all be alright. Also, I'm very sorry if my opinions came off as rambly and verbose...

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Guest love4dbsk&suju

all this time waiting for Jay to come back

i think it hurts even more knowing that he isnt :'(

i want to know why, jayyyyy

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