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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest hottest_wonderful

Okay, straightening everything out since there's false information. Jay was born in the States and automatically has US citizenship (which means he doesn't have to go back and forth). The first time he went to Korea was actually when he got accepted as a trainee and moved there to pursue his dream. Khun was also born in America, thus he also automatically has US citizenship. I don't know about his Thai citizenship though, but I'd assume it's similar to Japan where as long as you have the blood... blah blah blah etc. As for Taec, he moved during middle school but didn't stay long enough to get a citizenship (I think he has to live there for about 8 years), therefore he has a residency that has to be renewed every 6th months. He was born in Korea and still has to do mandatory military services (Unlike Jay, who's excluded since he's American). I HOPE THAT CLEARS THINGS.

Source: khunaday@livejournal

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Guest pretty_pink.cups

Today I heard news that total made my day! I hope this bit of information can give Hottests a sense of relief.

I'm not JYP or a staff member or one of the boys, so what I say is obviously a 'rumor' and you can choose to believe it or you can totally disregard it. Up to you (:

I have some insider information from a relative of Jaebeom(: She's like, BLOOD relative and close to him. In her house, she has pictures of him before he went to Korea and even some pictures of when he comes and visits her...

Anyhow, she was telling me today that I shouldn't worry:

Jaebeom is coming back. FOR SURE.

He completely plans on it and right now, he's just taking his time, but returning to 2PM is definitely something he plans to do.

Not only that, but she said she feels bad for JYP because he doesn't deserve the hate that he's getting. HE WANTS JAY TO COME BACK and he's planning the PERFECT moment for it.

She also said, he regularly will call him and make sure he's doing okay and that his health isn't bad and what not.

Upon hearing that, I was so happy! Our leader is COMING BACK! (:

Like I said, please do not bash me for sharing this information. You can choose to believe it or not, it's totally up to you (:

For you all who choose to believe it, I hope it gives you a sense of relief and happiness that soon, Jaebeom will be back were he belongs. (:


When I say he's planning to come back, I mean that he's planning to come back, but that doesn't mean it'll be for the upcoming album. He's taking his time... though I prefer he didn't (; ehehe jk, whatever makes the boy happy!

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Guest lady_bug


Well shuck, that's the best news ever, rumor or not, that made my day. It seems like 2010 will be a competitive year since Rain and Se7en will be making their comeback, soooo it just make sense to bring Jay back, right? I would love to see 2pm, all 7 of them go up against these 2 sunbae singers in Korea even though they're just a boyband, they have potential, right?


Gosh Kpop can be such a headache, if only JYP reassured Hottest that he was returning and not give us so vague of an answer, I wouldn't be so....

Anyways, until I see Jay step foot in Korea and in the next album....



Not bring him back for the next album? Well that's just........

Jay should take his time, but how much? Call me selfish, but I think the best way to get this hurt and overcome his fear is like now...either way Jay will still have to face the media. He has a lot of support from us fans, and any human being could see that he is a good person. In my opinion, the stage looks set up for his RETURN.... and this will be the most anticipated scene in Kpop regardless of who makes their comeback...really.

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Can JYPE get any lower!

How can you bring 2PM to the Korean festival?

So JYPE does not want to bring Jay back, so instead you flaunt the group in his face?

Jay is in his own country and lost his career, but now he has to hear (see) about the boys coming to the states and performing, when he was suppose to be apart of that!

This is wrong on so many levels!

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THanks to everyone answering/giving input on my question. :)

it really doesnt matter but i was just curious cuz i was sure taec was a US citizen and he seemed to be the only one traveling back and forth. Up until now i think i've always read posts or articles that say he's a US citizen.

Anywho, thanks for the clearup ♥ ♥ ♥

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I have some insider information from a relative of Jaebeom(: She's like, BLOOD relative and close to him. In her house, she has pictures of him before he went to Korea and even some pictures of when he comes and visits her...

Anyhow, she was telling me today that I shouldn't worry:

Jaebeom is coming back. FOR SURE.

He completely plans on it and right now, he's just taking his time, but returning to 2PM is definitely something he plans to do.

Not only that, but she said she feels bad for JYP because he doesn't deserve the hate that he's getting. HE WANTS JAY TO COME BACK and he's planning the PERFECT moment for it.

She also said, he regularly will call him and make sure he's doing okay and that his health isn't bad and what not.

Upon hearing that, I was so happy! Our leader is COMING BACK! (:

Like I said, please do not bash me for sharing this information. You can choose to believe it or not, it's totally up to you (:

For you all who choose to believe it, I hope it gives you a sense of relief and happiness that soon, Jaebeom will be back were he belongs. (:


When I say he's planning to come back, I mean that he's planning to come back, but that doesn't mean it'll be for the upcoming album. He's taking his time... though I prefer he didn't (; ehehe jk, whatever makes the boy happy!

OMG, woot! if wat u say is tru, u made my day!!! *cross fingers*

I really hope Jay comes back and he already knos how much he's missed im sure.

but i hope he doesnt take too much time...

sometimes i feel lk the career of kpop artists are comparable to the lifespan of a gnat >.<

altho i agree timing is everything...

EDIT: Thanks for the insider info! just hope it comes true...

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Why does their citizenship even matters to you ?

Because some might have received the wrong information!!! :lol: Khun was born in US, so he's a US citizenship by birth. Under the US law, you are allowed to have dual citizenship, however dual nationals do owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country. So you must obey the laws of both countries as each country has right to enforce its law. Under Thai law, even though it does not say you are allowed to hold dual citizenship, it does not require you to give up the foreign country's nationality either. Practically, as long as you keep your identity such as valid passport, driver's license, national ID and/or a house/property under your name, you will always be a Thai citizen.

In Thailand, when you reach 20 years of age, you have a choice to choose your nationality. You don't have to do anything, if you do not want Thai nationality. If you choose to keep Thai, however, it does not risk you losing your US citizenship because your Thai citizenship is automatically granted to you without voluntary applying with an intention to give up the US nationality. I think this is one of the reasons, Khun reported himself to the Thai military last year because by law, every man who reach 20 of age must enter the military or provide adequate proof of document in case he wants to postpone it. If any of these has not been done, he might risk losing his Thai nationality. We see from the fancam that he is still using his US passport at the immigration. He can still use either or both US passport and Thai passport to pass through the immigration in Thailand. But with US passport, he's only allowed to stay in Thailand for 30 days without visa.

LOL I did mad research on this when I heard he went to the draft last year bcoz this visa thingy also relates to me directly.. :ph34r:

PS. I'm surprised that Taec isn't a US citizen as he lived here for so long. I guess he probably just became a permanent resident not too long ago, so he wasn't qualified to apply for the citizenship.

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Guest LeMO-JK

just want to shares some fancams from today's joint perf with shinee

in Music Core, it's from shinee's fans but it's ft 2pm boys <3

100220 Minho&Junho - Hug&Fist bump @ Music core


100220 Onew&2PM(Nichkhun/Wooyoung/Taecyeon) Interaction @ Music core


<< the end when they hugging each other, it's just :blush:

credit: Randy19976@YT

2PM laughing at onew's mistake @ Music core


credit: WeaReShining01@YT

hope you guys enjoy it :)

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Guest uh-ohxev

Thank you for the info! While it remains a rumor, I choose to believe you 70%! (sensitive fan! I can't make myself believe everything only to get hurt again!) So, are you saying that Jaebum is for SURE returning? But, are you also sure that he isn't returning this album? Well, if he comes back I'm happy regardless! I was really hoping next album would turn into 2PM again though. 2 albums of 1:59 is :/ Regardless, I'm happy hearing that he will be returning. (though it is still a rumor!)

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Guest avchuck

@pretty_pink.cups: Call me Debbie Downer, but having been fooled SO MANY times in the past, even hearing something like this isn't convincing me anymore...

Things have been so quiet in the past few days... And there's only one week left before the end of February before the supposed "announcement." I'll wait forever for Jay, but my intention of this post is for Park Jaebum's career! I'm getting a little desperate again, so this is the result of it in hopes of changing a few people's minds and something of a last ditch effort for an APRIL comeback. The below quote was not written by me and it's unedited, so no sugar-coating what my intentions are in posting this. I understand the full ramifications of this post, but I think what the author states deserves A LOT of attention, so I think it's worth the risk. This is a must-read for everyone. To be a little more respectful, I'll give you the option to read it and please bear in mind that how you choose to react to it may determine the mood of this thread.

I want to give vent to my thoughts but I have no place to do that coz I don’t know how to work wordpress, blogs and such so Im going to do it here.

Here’s my two cents:

For those of you who are all for supporting 6PM, please ask yourself this, “Why do I like these boys?”. Is it only because of their looks? Is it only because they have great bodies? Are they nothing more than just pieces of meat to practice perversions on and have fantasies about? The answer is NO to the last three questions, right? They are a good-looking bunch but they also have talents. After seeing them on shows, we got to know them as individuals. Over time, we learned of their dreams and what they went through to achieve their dreams. We learned of their preferences, their habits and things about their personal life. By getting to know them, they started becoming persons that we can relate to and like. Then we became FANS because we believe they deserve the support. As fans, we live through those we support. We’re happy if they are happy. We’re sad if they are sad. Their triumphs are our triumphs.

Anyone can argue that all these Insider stories are phony and are cooked-up but what if they’re not?

To supporters of 6PM for whoever or whatever reasons, know this: More than ever, you are in danger of losing the reason you are supporting 6PM.

If your reason is because you like a certain someone from 6PM then please know that the boys are slowly losing their identities–if they haven’t yet. They’re being pushed and tempted left and right to do things against their character. Some caved-in to the temptation and some are left with no choice but to do what’s being asked because they have to honor a contract. Im sure they have their own individual rationalizations of why they’re doing what they’re doing but doing something you know is wrong will leave its mark. And the thing is, once you’ve given in to doing something wrong, it wont stop there. You have just shown that you can be manipulated so why not take advantage of you? Today–its turn your back on a friend, tomorrow– who knows? No one is born bad. Some people just get used to doing wrong things. The “person” you are supporting may cease to exist.

If your reason is that Jay brought this upon himself, then please know that you can never be more wrong. A man’s worth can be measured by what he does in the face of adversity. Jay was having a hard time when he first arrived in Korea. He didn’t give up even when it was very difficult for him. He didn’t give in to the negativity, instead, he worked hard and came up on top–as the Leadja of 2PM. He faltered years ago,but isn’t the man he has become, the man he is now, what matters the most?

If your reason is that the boycott is unfair because the boys have been working so hard then please know that Jay is one of the most hardworking talents in JYPE and he worked hard alongside the other boys too. Moreover, if you really want to reward the boys’ hard work, then choose to protect not only their dreams but also to champion their best interests as human beings. ONLY Fans have this power. Who is to say that the remaining 6PM will never falter? And if that happens, what if JYPE does nothing like they did nothing for Jay? What then?

We have an opportunity to make a stand for these boys. We have an opportunity to make a statement and let JYPE know that they should take their responsibility seriously and that they should take good care of the boys. We have an opportunity to let JYPE know that they should think of the boys as people and not as moneybags. When we boycott, we are NOT turning our backs on the boys, but rather we are thinking of and fighting for their future. We are boycotting to ensure that no one else among the other boys would experience anything like what Jay had to go through. We are boycotting to ensure that none of the boys be taken advantage of or be abused. We are boycotting to ensure that the boys are never used as guinea pigs (e.g. WonderGirls) just to further JYP’s selfish agenda. We are boycotting so JYPE would recognize and acknowledge us, fans. We have the power to ensure that JYPE treat the boys right or we’ll make them sorry by making them kiss any earnings goodbye as it seems JYPE only answer to money.

I’ll end this by reminding us all that Jay is someone’s son, someone’s brother and someone’s friend. His company didn’t do what they were supposed to do. He ended up paying for JYPE’s negligence of it’s duties. Jay could just as easily have been your son, your brother or your friend. He was wronged and aggrieved. Are you really just going to take it lying down?

Original can be found here.

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Guest onnetwothreefour

Speaking of citizenship, does anyone know why all these American Kpop idols don't just apply for working Visas or something instead of actually taking on full korean citizenship? Or will that make Korean citizens look bad on them for not commuting to being a Korean citizen?

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Guest jenaykissx

I don't know if anyone saw this or not , butttttt on the blog that it was orignally posted on (http://blog.naver.com/duddms1023?Redirect=Log&logNo=110081058756) the person wrote "this is tacyeon's voice 2 keys higher ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ"

Just saying, but like seriously, I agree. It sounds SO much like him till the "My heart, My heart" at the end...

I wanna hear the original Heartbeat T_T

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Guest markustood123

I don't know if anyone saw this or not , butttttt on the blog that it was orignally posted on (http://blog.naver.com/duddms1023?Redirect=Log&logNo=110081058756) the person wrote "this is tacyeon's voice 2 keys higher ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ"

Just saying, but like seriously, I agree. It sounds SO much like him till the "My heart, My heart" at the end...

I wanna hear the original Heartbeat T_T

That's true.

Play the Jay version of My Heart and go one/two key lower and it's clearly Taec's voice.

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Guest pretty_pink.cups

@pretty_pink.cups: Call me Debbie Downer, but having been fooled SO MANY times in the past, even hearing something like this isn't convincing me anymore...

Sorry for cutting your post (:

haha, like I stated when i posted that: it's 100% completely up to you to believe it or not. I understand what you mean... time after time again, I was believing all these posts or all these rumors, but things haven't happened yet. and that was the reason I went to his relative. I was so desperate for some answer, just to something. It was as simple as... "Is he happy?" I just wanted to know something to calm my nerves.

And then through our conversation, I started to cry and I told her: this is so embarrassing, crying to you about him. I don't even know him, he's just an idol... It's embarrassing that I have his autograph pinned up on my wall. It's embarrassing that I despised kpop before and now, I'm crying over a kpop idol... And I told her that the life he was living right now... he just didn't deserve it because he deserves so much better. (: And that was when she told me what she did, that he had said he'd return.

Now, I choose to believe in this, because I believe in Jaebeom, that he knows how much we miss him.

But still, even after hearing this, it doesn't convince me 100% that he'll return, because naturally, sometimes we change our mind. (:

And in the end, like I've always stated, I just want him to be happy.


I'm saying that according to one of his family members he's planning on returning. I don't know if he'll return for the upcoming album or not... he probably won't. (I'll state the reasons below) But she has said that he plans on returning.

But please remember, that sometimes people change their minds. Though it's sad to say...

Anyhow, if I find out anymore info, I'll be sure to tell you guys (:


I still believe that Jaebeom is returning, but I don't think he'll be returning for the next album.

There's a break dance event at the end of March. I'm for sure going because it's as big as Sweet 16...this one is like the Sweet 16 event but now taking place in Portland.

From what I've heard, Jaebeom WILL be attending this.

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Guest kpopmum62

@pretty_pink.cups: Call me Debbie Downer, but having been fooled SO MANY times in the past, even hearing something like this isn't convincing me anymore...

Things have been so quiet in the past few days... And there's only one week left before the end of February before the supposed "announcement." I'll wait forever for Jay, but my intention of this post is for Park Jaebum's career! I'm getting a little desperate again, so this is the result of it in hopes of changing a few people's minds and something of a last ditch effort for an APRIL comeback. The below quote was not written by me and it's unedited, so no sugar-coating what my intentions are in posting this. I understand the full ramifications of this post, but I think what the author states deserves A LOT of attention, so I think it's worth the risk. This is a must-read for everyone. To be a little more respectful, I'll give you the option to read it and please bear in mind that how you choose to react to it will determine the mood of this thread.

Original can be found here.

What an amazing piece of writing and very clear and precise. My feelings about JYP as a person are very negative based on my intuition that he is a person who cannot be trusted with the care and sensitivity of our favourite artists. I would happily join any boycott that would bring about a happy conclusion for all. What he did to Jay was disgusting and he should apologise first to Jay and then to the public...on bended knees. He is a disgrace to the music world.

I agree that Jay has had to work extra hard to be accepted by Koreans and I think a clash of cultures are some of the reasons for his knock downs in the past. I can imagine he is strong willed too and would not conform to JYP's dictates as maybe some of JYP's ideas were wrong and would have meant the boys doing things against their will and as you say their personal traits. We must all work hard to make sure these boys have a decent career so that later in life they will not regret this stage of thier youth.

If there is anything I can do to help then please let me know. You have my support.

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Guest avchuck


You can find more information here and browse their site.

EDIT: @pretty_pink.cups: Thanks for elaborating on your talk with your friend. I have similar feelings. I also never thought I would've gotten into Kpop, much less finding myself SO emotionally involved and balling my eyes out over an IDOL (on a few too many occasions).

2PM has become a Love/Hate relationship for me, an obsession/addiction that I wish I could quit because these past few months were hard enough... And now there's the possibility of another odd number of months to try and endure, too? I know it's selfish, but this is my reality and it's only getting harder every day.

If Jay's honestly NOT going to be apart of the April Album, I'll have to bow out until he IS returned. I can't handle seeing another 6PM succeeding without Jay because it would just feel like they're moving further and further away from Jay. Like they're leaving him back in the past as they "move on." I won't move on. I'll wait for Jay.

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Guest rockierockpen

Today I heard news that total made my day! I hope this bit of information can give Hottests a sense of relief.

I'm not JYP or a staff member or one of the boys, so what I say is obviously a 'rumor' and you can choose to believe it or you can totally disregard it. Up to you (:

I have some insider information from a relative of Jaebeom(: She's like, BLOOD relative and close to him. In her house, she has pictures of him before he went to Korea and even some pictures of when he comes and visits her...

Anyhow, she was telling me today that I shouldn't worry:

Jaebeom is coming back. FOR SURE.

He completely plans on it and right now, he's just taking his time, but returning to 2PM is definitely something he plans to do.

Not only that, but she said she feels bad for JYP because he doesn't deserve the hate that he's getting. HE WANTS JAY TO COME BACK and he's planning the PERFECT moment for it.

She also said, he regularly will call him and make sure he's doing okay and that his health isn't bad and what not.

Upon hearing that, I was so happy! Our leader is COMING BACK! (:

Like I said, please do not bash me for sharing this information. You can choose to believe it or not, it's totally up to you (:

For you all who choose to believe it, I hope it gives you a sense of relief and happiness that soon, Jaebeom will be back were he belongs. (:


When I say he's planning to come back, I mean that he's planning to come back, but that doesn't mean it'll be for the upcoming album. He's taking his time... though I prefer he didn't (; ehehe jk, whatever makes the boy happy!

Thank you for the info.

Now, my two cents:

I think all the Hottest KNOW that Jay is going to come back for sure since he's still under contract. For a lot of them though, it's the matter of TIME and HOW JYP handled the situation, when it first blew up AND now.

Hopefully, JYP will bring Jay back soon because 2pm is def. incomplete without him. IMO, the performances with the 6 members don't have the "charm" and "charisma" as opposed to the 7.

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Guest AnimaAdverto

Today I heard news that total made my day! I hope this bit of information can give Hottests a sense of relief.

I'm not JYP or a staff member or one of the boys, so what I say is obviously a 'rumor' and you can choose to believe it or you can totally disregard it. Up to you (:

I have some insider information from a relative of Jaebeom(: She's like, BLOOD relative and close to him. In her house, she has pictures of him before he went to Korea and even some pictures of when he comes and visits her...

Anyhow, she was telling me today that I shouldn't worry:

Jaebeom is coming back. FOR SURE.

He completely plans on it and right now, he's just taking his time, but returning to 2PM is definitely something he plans to do.

Not only that, but she said she feels bad for JYP because he doesn't deserve the hate that he's getting. HE WANTS JAY TO COME BACK and he's planning the PERFECT moment for it.

She also said, he regularly will call him and make sure he's doing okay and that his health isn't bad and what not.

Upon hearing that, I was so happy! Our leader is COMING BACK! (:

Like I said, please do not bash me for sharing this information. You can choose to believe it or not, it's totally up to you (:

For you all who choose to believe it, I hope it gives you a sense of relief and happiness that soon, Jaebeom will be back were he belongs. (:


When I say he's planning to come back, I mean that he's planning to come back, but that doesn't mean it'll be for the upcoming album. He's taking his time... though I prefer he didn't (; ehehe jk, whatever makes the boy happy!

The members of 2PM themselves have on more than one occasion hinted that Jay was forced/pressured to leave by his company. Korean celebrities, PDs and broadcasting staff have on more than one occasion hinted that Jay was forced/pressured to leave by his company.

It doesnt make sense for someone who didnt want to leave in the first place to "want to take his time" especially since he's not receiving vocal, dance or any training of any kind from his company. How can someone who's suppose to make a comeback at the perfect moment not be preparing/training for it?

JYPE got caught in their lies so many times already (including about training they supposedly arranged for Jay). If JYP was really concerned about Jay, then there shouldnt have been a need for Jay to be all over Seattle working 4 jobs. I cant blame fans. I myself think that JYPE's doing a horrible job of "protecting" the boys. Like recently, Junsu is said to have had another rhinitis surgery. A second rhinitis surgery?! I dont know if JYPE staff are just too lazy to exert any effort or if they are convinced that the public wont know anything about rhinitis or if they simply lack the skills of PR and foresight. JYPE could have done a better job than just coming up with Rhinitis surgery. If Junsu returns from "rhinitis surgery" with *another noticeable change in his appearance , this could start another round of criticisms which the boys can do without. With all they're going through, the boys are already exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally.

(*After his first supposed rhinitis surgery I remember an article about him in Allkpop with before & after pics and people were talking about jawline and gums. Junsu was also mentioned in an article in Seoulbeats and they talked about his nose)

@pretty_pink.cups: I have no intention of being offensive nor do I have any intention of personally attacking you. I understand that you are just sharing what you heard and you chose to believe it. Im also just airing what I think and what I choose to believe in.

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As lovely of a rumor as that is....the longer Jay is kept away, the more new fans 2PM will receive and the harder will it be for him to transition back to being a 2PM member. I want him to come back, but I fear the longer it is put off the more difficult of a road it will be. Surely JYP will realize that too.

I hope he's back for the next album, I hope he gets to be on stage for KMF, I hope 2PM can be whole again and soon :(

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