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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest charlene1020

and about the Jay version of Heartbeat Intro, i played it like couple of times already and compared it with Taec's

and being a singer as well and an alto for that matter- we are trained to make our ears sensitive,

so i can say on my POV that this is Jay's especially the English part, it is no way Taec's coz his English pronunciation is so different from Jay. Jay's English is clearer.

I like these guys. They have their own talent to prove , in which can be identified with.

With regards to English speaking, they varies, because it depends on which part of the US they were in, (somewhat there’s a tone but only few can differentiate it).

True, Jay's english is clearer. Taec is more spontaneous and fluent, while Nichkhun possesses integrated accent because of his multi-lingual skills. over all they are all good! :)

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Guest minah903


look at this!! its waiting for you 2 ( jay's answer ver.)


january 13th

기억하니 넌 그때를

낯선 이곳에 내가 왔을 때를

혼자라는 사실이 내겐 너무 큰 벽

희망을 찾아 온곳엔 희망이 없지

온통 날 가두는 벽만 존재할뿐

상처뿐인 곳에서 한줄기 빛을 찾아

꿈을 향한 끝없는 레이스를

드디어 시 작 해

Girl I'm with you

기도해 함께 웃기를

너의 곁에서

I'm back to you Girl



멈추지 않을 행복한 시간

일곱의 별

꿈에 날개를 달았지

I am not alone

가장 밝은 별이 되어 난 세상을 밝혀

I'm your super star

Girl I'm with you

기도해 함께 웃기를 너의 곁에서

I'm back to you Girl


이제는 절대로 떠나지 않을께 약속해


한번의 실수로 4년의 꿈을 잃었지만

하지만 난 포기하지 않아

난 2PM의 리드자

멈추지 않을

2PM의 마지막 1분을 채우러

나 돌아갈게

혼자여도 두렵지 않아

내 뉘에 걷고있을 너희가 있으니까

영원히 함께걷자


그리고 나의 소중한



눈물을 흘리지 말자

아프지 않게 우리

난 언제나 너의 곁에 있을게

이 세상엔

Only lovely you&I

Girl I'm with you

기도해 함께 웃기를 너의 곁에서

I'm back to you Girl


영워닣 멈추지 않을 행복한 시간


우린 더이상 헤어질수가 없지

니가 없는 난 숨 쉴 수가 없어

I'll be there forever

너도 나와 함께있어주기를


언제나 내곁을 지켜주는 널 사랑해

Girl I'm with you

하나뿐인 마음 너희에게 주고싶어

back to you Girl


영원히 멈추지 않을 행복한시간

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Guest kimmytnguyen

i really believe that the intro was jay's voice. .teac voice is pretty deep and compare to the "jay" version, it sound so different. esp the English.

with that being sad, i'm happy to hear his voice as for 2pm but its breaks my heart because they had to cut him out. i miss him.</3

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Guest entermuriel

i don't really got much to say. i heard "My Heart" Jay's version this morning, and once again a few minutes ago... and i can tell it's Jay. at first i couldn't hear it clearly, but after a few listens i just knew it was him. i don't know if i'm the only one who thinks this way, but when i hear Jay rap or sing in English, he always has like a small nasally sound to his voice, especially when he raps [it's really noticeable in "I'm a man now"], that's the reason why i was able to know it was him hahaha.

nvm, i re-read what i wrote and in my mind i was going like "CONSPIRACY!" lmfao. i shouldn't post it here... that why people must think before writing something haha >.< i'm sorry~ if you got to read what i wrote, please, disregard it. thank you~

please, take part on the project to send support letters to Jay. there's still a few hours left, so if you can, send your letter ^_^

click on the link in my signature. 'tis all~ lol

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No, when I talked about the puppet thing, I was not talking about that b* movement. I'm just questioning those people who refuse to unite with other people of the same fanclub. Could people who support the b* and the people who don't unite with each other? I don't see why they can't, unless they are crybabies who can only depend on the result of Jay's comeback to determine how to interact with other fans. (repeat: I'm talking about both sides, not only the b* side)

You asked me to stop belittling people and their efforts. First off, I did not belittle the b* people. Second, I also want to ask everyone especially the b* people to stop belittling the 6 members' efforts and non-b* fans' efforts to keep 2PM in the spotlight.

People often say that the b* people are often ridiculed and mocked and belittled. But on the other hand, I also see the non-b* people being mocked as "naive" and "not knowing enough". The saddest thing is that I see 6 members being mocked and belittled more and more in this thread. I have seen people shoving in our face how 6 members are not good enough, how their performances lack, how their album actually is a moderate failure (which I beg to differ), how Taecyeon is arrogant, Taecyeon has changed, Taecyeon is stupid and he should be more careful...

LOVE and RESPECT come from both sides (if you even decide that there are two sides). I keep imagining people going about their business, b* or not, and still united with people with different opinions. But that doesn't seem too easy.

LOVE and RESPECT does come from both sides but I fel sometimes your posts tend to border on taking a fly swatter and killing everything in sight whether or not it was flies you were aiming for in the first place.

From your past posts, I can conclude that you are a huge Teac Yeon fan and perhaps you have been hurt by the allegations and hate against him. But to many of us on the neutral ground, 2PM was and will always be a 7 member group to us. Alot of times, a few of the older ones here and those in the industry are just in to give a professional opinion and the eye to which we read the performances. If its miscontrued to be flogging the boys, that is really unfortunate.

Artistes need to constantly improve. They can't be the best with just 2 years from their debut, if you are angry with some of the comments form some posters, I think I have said enough in my past posts about different people from various walks of life, age group, cultural beliefs coming together in this forum, and some tolerance should be practised towards them.

To be honest, I have been trying to ignore your posts as they come rather antogaonistic and angry but I know perhaps you too are dealing with your own hurt and probably finds this a platform to air it out as well. But I hope you do remember that the biggest respect comes from agreeing to disagree and with something this huge to hit the 2PM fandom, you cannot expect everyone to sing in one tune, be of one song as our objectives and end point for the group has changed since Jay left.

To someone who is helpless in his circumstances at the moment, I feel that your comments about Jay are kind of hurtful. And you are wrong about one thing, its not that we're ignoring the efforts of 6PM, we're just concentrated to bringing Jay back for our 2PM consist of him past present and future. In that consensus within us there is unity. If you look at the group efforts to bringing him back, its almost touching and to the point of being out of this world in their love to see a ONE 2PM. The disunity you mentioned how 7=1 canot get along with pro 6PMers, how can they? Its not time yet and everything is in transition.

Until we have exhausted every source, every ounce of energy and made to move on... that is the only time a chance for a united fandom can happen as there will be those who have made the choice to leave due to the gross injustice that they felt Jay suffered and the new fans and pro 6PMers can then forge on a new identity and move on.

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I guess i really need to visit this thread since i don't have any much updates about them >_< this thread is really going lively everday and do have fast updates and replies. roflmao, i can't catch up. <<3

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T_T can't hear Jay's voice~ I wanna listen to My Heart!

and I'm bad with the daum thing..no idea what's written there....

any kind souls might have the song too? please PM me!


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Guest Idemandacookie

I Heard Jay Voice is in Cass MV 2...am I wrong?Or just a voice make...

The scene On the MV was Taec drive Uen Hye home and then Taec say's "hey...Good night"

And I heard on Blog that esmiux post...

Jay voice in the Cass MV? o.O

That's impossible because they recorded the MV around December/January. However the "Heart" intro is possible since the whole album was recorded before Jay left.


It took me a while to recognize Woo, lmao.

Thanks for sharing those posters, they are EPIC XD

@joeyng - The song plays automatically, unless you don't have Quicktime installed?

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Guest pinkPABOsings


I've been curious as what my fellow Hottests would choose as their own personal songs as dedication pieces to our beloved leadja but to be honest...out of all of the artists that I've recently been listening to...only Chris Brown had lyrics that could relate....but his lyrics are more of Jay's POV kind of lyrics. However, today I popped open one of my old Playlists and ran across a song by Killswitch Engage and it brought tears to my eyes. So I'm going to share the lyrics with you guys to see if you feel you can relate. Because of the type of song it is I don't think the lyrics really need to be changed but if you can move some words around and substitute names then go right ahead(edit: okay there is a part that I made some of my own substitutions). I've bolded the parts of the song that hit me the hardest.

The End of Heartbreak by Killswitch Engage

Seek me, Call me,

I'll be waiting

Seek me, Call me,

I'll be waiting


This distance,This dissolution

I cling to memories while falling

Sleep brings release, And the hope of a new day

Waking the misery of being without you

Surrender, I give in

Another moment is another eternity

(Seek me) For comfort,

(Call me) For solace

(I'll be waiting) For the end of my broken heart

(Seek me) Completion,

(Call me) I'll be waiting

(I'll be waiting) For the end of my broken heart

(We)You know (you)me, (we)you know (you)me all too well

My(our) only desire - to bridge our division

In sorrow I speak your name

And my voice mirrors, mirrors my torment

(Seek me) For comfort,

(Call me) For solace

(I'll be waiting) For the end of my broken heart

(Seek me) Completion,

(Call me) I'll be waiting

(I'll be waiting here) For the end of my broken heart

Am I breathing?

My strength fails me

Your picture, a bitter memory

For comfort,

For solace

(Seek me) For comfort,

(Call me) For solace

(I'll be waiting) For the end of my broken heart

The song is actually talking about a guy who is having problems with a bitter break up. Obviously, he's heart broken and wants the girl back. But in my mind this could also represent the feelings of Hottests and 2PM when thinking of Jay. In verse to the song goes...You know me, you know me all too well...I changed the you's to we's and the me's to you. As fans I feel that, because we've been watching Jay for some time...we feel as if we know him very well...as if he could be our best friend or something of the sort...which makes the situation even harder. I didn't do this to bring anyone down...I just feel that there are a lot of songs out there that could probably bring out how Hottests feel in lyrics better then we can by simply talking about it....So what would your song be???

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Guest entermuriel

2OD just posted a download link for the my heart intro on twitter (you can also find it at their forum)

they say that this intro is the jay-version

i downloaded it and well.. i doubt that this is the real jay-version

they just speeded taec's version up so that the voice sounds different

you can clearly hear that the background music is different from the original, plus the way that the words are saying sounds like taec (i hope you can understand my english o.o)

am i the only one who thinks so? just my opinion, its nothing against 2OD

it seems like you might be right. someone i follow on twitter just posted a link of the sped up version of "Jay's version" and it's exactly the same as the one in the album. she found it on bestiz. it seems the Jay's version was first put up on bestiz as well.

and i just did the same thing in an audio program, and when i slow down "Jay's" version, i get the same result ...

and when i speed up the original with Taec's voice i get something similar to Jay's voice.

it seems that they also messed around with the quality of the audio, so it doesn't sound as clear,

that's why there is so much static noise in Jay's version.

if it's true that someone just sped it up, then that's pretty messed up. many Hottest have believed that this was really Jay's voice, and for it to turn out to be a lie... it's just so messed up.

tch... this sucks, i was so sure that it was Jay's voice... i even went to say it was definitely his cause it sounded nasally T_T so messed it. gah~! someone needs to clear this mess up.

EDIT: @churvaness [post below] i also still have my doubts... i mean, i swear when i first listened to it i also thought it was Jay. i was like... 100% sure. i'm not saying that what i said it's a fact. i'm hanging on the "if"... so i'm just waiting for someone to clear it out or state the same thing... the thing is, i'm not sure anymore. and the person in bestiz who put up Jay's version, has also put up an audio clip of Jay's voice slowed down and it kind of [just kind of] sounds like Taec as well [i'm not sure if i can link the page sites in here]... so idk...


i don't think these have been shared yet...

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [1/7]

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [2/7]

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [3/7]

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [4/7]

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [5/7]

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [6/7]

100216 WlN WlN SJG 2PM eng [7/7]

cr. time2sub - 2odsubs1@youtube

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Guest churvaness

it seems like you might be right. someone i follow on twitter just posted a link of the sped up version of "Jay's version" and it's exactly the same as the one in the album. she found it on bestiz.

and i just did the same thing in an audio program, and when i slow down "Jay's" version, i get the same result ...

and when i speed up the original with Taec's voice i get something similar to Jay's voice.

it seems that they also messed around with the quality of the audio, so it doesn't sound as clear,

that's why there is so much static noise in Jay's version.

if it's true that someone just sped it up, then that's pretty messed up. many Hottest have believed that this was really Jay's voice, and for it to turn out to be a lie... it's just so messed up.

tch... this sucks, i was so sure that it was Jay's voice... i even went to say it was definitely his cause it sounded nasally T_T so messed it. gah~! someone needs to clear this mess up.

I really think it was Jay's voice but I'm still giving it the benefit of the doubt....Thank you for your information about the 'bestiz' thing..

I also thought of this...It really sounded like Jay but I cant help thinking how exactly the same are their pronounciation....Of course, they are both fluent in english but i do not think that fluency has something to do with how similar their dictions will be...

But nevertheless, I am happy that I was able to hear this version....

PS: That was purely my POV....I'm kinda scared giving POV's here cause this thread seems to be on fire most of the time...

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Guest xRyuusei

Not to be a downer but I'm almost 100% sure that it is not Jay's voice. I've experimented with it, overlaid the tracks together and it's pretty much the same. If you listen REALLY REALLY closely, you can tell it's Taec's voice. I know when you listen, it sounds like Jay but I think the beginning and end kind of gives it away. The voice is too deep to be Jay imo. And you gotta wonder, why would JYPE lower the pitch and make the speed slower for Taec? It makes no sense to me. As much as I want to believe it is Jay's voice, I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't :/

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Guest chalima

It's first time for my post in this thread.

This made my teared up a bit reading this account. 2PM's love for each other and teamwork....


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May not be taken out with full credits.


PLEASE follow the rules of 2OD.

I appreciate what they do and do not want them to stop their services because people can't follow forum rules.

Thanks! :)

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Jay voice in the Cass MV? o.O

That's impossible because they recorded the MV around December/January. However the "Heart" intro is possible since the whole album was recorded before Jay left.

I hear on Blog that post on the other page...I little can read Korean so I reah on the link below and is write JaeBoem Voice and on backgroung of Jay Voice is tik tok song's...that make me confuse too..

why do you not try it....

I really sure that's Jay Voice's.....

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