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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest cheezychunnie




(translated from the radio homepage)

Just looking at them and your heart rejoices

7 guys, 2PM!

Jaeboem~If he has a girlfriend, he wants to go shopping with her

(especially to buy…underwear)

Nichkhun~When looking at girls, he looks at eyes

Eyes full of the brim,

Taecyeon~Since he is exceptionally tall

When seeing girls, nothing comes except head

And he can’t wear ordinary clothes the most, troubling

Junho~ He looks for the ideal type of girl for his next generation

And he’s fond of hindsight,

Chansung~ They like girls with pretty face when laughing/smiling

Junsu- He looks at eyes too but…attached to underwear

Wooyoung~Honest and straightforward

Everytime they speak, the laugh goes off

7 cheerful guys!

All is hot rite??

It is hot in the studio


Also, does anyone have a list or something of all the shows the boys have been on? I've watched a couple, but I don't think I've seen all of them.

I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advanced! :)

i dont think anyone answer ur question..beware..long list of variety shows :)-not in order of when its aired :)

STAR KING-too many times juz type star king 2pm on youtube thousands will appear :)

star golden bell-many time as well but my favourite wud be idol special

infinity challenge-3 times,one they were having 'eating party' hihi two,juz Junho and Jay appear they have a survival challenge in an island and another one aired right after Jay left us :(

sebawki(quiz that change the world)-udong and chansung appear together once and khun also once appear in this show jo kwon once call jaebeom from the show and an actor(dont remember his name)call Junsu

3 women 3 colours-taec,junho,chan n woo

body,body,body-khun and taec

infinity girls-all except khun

introducing star's friend-many times as well...i think taec,jay,junsu and chan appear wif their friend for the old season..for the newer concept khun,chan and Jay appeared...

i've got an uncle-twice.one all members 2nd chan and jay

Lets sleep here tonight

Quiz expedition

ssang ssang plus-jay,khun and taec

my teacher is coming-jay,chan,woo and junsu

mnet you can fly

mnet school of rock

mnet scandal-taec and khun

love escort-appear once,Jay,junho and taec

new generation of flower boy

family needed-appear twice as guess

ya shim man man-khun


dream team-Junho

ah..i think there are others but this is what i can remember :)

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Guest kay01dee

taejun4, OMG you don't know how happy you just made me! if you haven't seen my avatar or signature, i'm telling you right now that i'm a huge fan of big bang & 2PM, especially when they have some sort of interaction or connection or whatever with one another lol. wooyoung once danced with big bang & wonder girls- it was before he debuted with 2PM and he had to fill in for top...just sayin, even though you probably already knew that..

aaah, all this talk about jaebeom's return! makes me feel all giddy (can't think of a better, less corny word) inside! i probably shouldn't have such high hopes, but i can't help but feel happy to have gone through such a huge and sad barrier last year. we fans & 2PM went through a lot.

ps like some people here, it would be really cool for his return to be a surprise- hopefully i won't faint when he does come back.

cheezychunnie, i love that picture! everyone looks so cute! & i love when wooyoung wears fitted hats like that!

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Guest qweqwe

IF jay does come back, I want it to be a surprise too. But I don't think it will be possible for Jay to just appear out of nowhere. His scandal was pretty big and his reappearance before the public should be planned very carefully, public apology should also be considered and planned out. So IF he does come back, we will know soon enough.

Max23, Yes me too! I want it as a surprise too! I think on that day, this thread will be a CRAZY place & i will be turning CRAZY too! Crazy with sheer happiness to the max! :lol:

But i do agree with you that it will be pretty impossible. Like you mentioned, his return needs to factor in many considerations.. and i also wouldn't want the public / press to over-sensationalize it again in the wrong light.. It is a sensitive issue & should be handled with care.

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Guest ahmints

@ ahmints :

I don't know if it was for a show or just a little cut but you can watch the video here => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCyaAJUS_x4

Edit : Ahaha exactly at the same time ~ A new album in april mamamia,i hope they will have at least some rest (okay so now it's approximately D-90 :lol: )

thanks for the video. ((:

i remember the video.. it's the anti smoking done by 2pm.

LOL. i watch it long time ago and i think i didnt notice wooyoung at that period of time ^0^

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i v changed my mind, since i saw Jay´s smile again.

he is really enjoying his bboy life with his best team AOM !!! just let him be happy!

for now ,i dont expect him come back, becuz i dont wanna Jay get hurt again, im not sure! but possible for sure!

the last 3 months, i was so selfish, my only wish is just jay could come back, butnow, i just wanna see Jay´s smile, n just happy with his life!!!



cr. from bz

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^^^ I agree. Im also happy to see him happy but I still think he needs to come back nomatter what... back to 2PM or not. He actually didn't do anything wrong to be treated like that imo. I know he's a strong guy so he must come back and let people esp antis know that he's worth coming back.

Imagine if you can choose 2PM SIM characters to be your hot neighbors/bf xD who's the hottest?

I choose Taec, Wooyoung, Jay and Chansung Magnae looks really Italian though lol some of them look kinda scary haha



cr: bestiz

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Guest Soulhead

@widdy : Wow 2PM+Sims 3 (All my sims are named :Nickhun Horvejkul,Jay Park,Ok taecyeon etc :lol: ) I choose Junho and Junsu (even if Junsu is scary in the second picture XD)

And even if i'm not a girl who only think about Jay's comeback and it's ok if he still in Seattle, I often wonder at how this day will be....''Jay's comeback'' in Allkpop , this thread ...After their Mama's Artist of the year,this will probably be the happier and crazier day in my Hottest life ~ But i don't think this day will happen , because day by day it's become more a dream than a prediction ...

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Guest saiya2

whee i know im late for the new year kiss question but anyway my answer would be wooyoungie! i wanna be his first kiss! or rather first mutual kiss rather than the kiss forced upon him in the past haha i want him to kiss me instead wooots! ahh shucks i can only dream about this sigh haha

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Guest crazymentogurl



I couldn't stop giggling for a good minute when I saw Junsu's second SIMs picture.

And although Taec is my numero uno, I gotta say, Chansung SIMs is pretty spiffy.

LOL my reaction though when seeing Junsu's first pic was awwww Junsu so cute!!!

And then I scrolled down, WHOAH, and erupted into giggles.

And AWH Nickhun's third shot really emphasizes his puppy eyes <3

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Those spris photoshoot are hot, roflmao remind me of junki.

Anyways,about the new album this april. I don't really have much in mind but I can't really wait for it. I was surprised when I first saw that they're releasing an album again this April, but I hope JYP will give some 2pm a rest. :'D

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And even if i'm not a girl who only think about Jay's comeback and it's ok if he still in Seattle, I often wonder at how this day will be....''Jay's comeback'' in Allkpop , this thread ...After their Mama's Artist of the year,this will probably be the happier and crazier day in my Hottest life ~ But i don't think this day will happen , because day by day it's become more a dream than a prediction ...

i was so exited to wait for a big surprise !!!! but nothing happend just jyp replaced Jay´s position...

then i realized, my big wish was only a dream, n this dream will never com true...!

n i also saw jay feels really happy when he dances with his AOM Team, so i dont force jay or JYPE to let him come back.

Jay, let him be happy with his family n friends! n JYPE, dont use jay as tool again! thats all what i want!

my heart is broken becuz of jay, n never be reconstructed like before... ...

n thanx for the SIMs Pics, cute anyway... ..

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Guest -loveless-

^^ your so lucky, I wish I was on holiday !

omg omg omg *Points at 2PM !

I wish I could make my sims like that!

I want Junho, Junsu & Wooyoung to be my neighbors ;D

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i v changed my mind, since i saw Jay´s smile again.

he is really enjoying his bboy life with his best team AOM !!! just let him be happy!

for now ,i dont expect him come back, becuz i dont wanna Jay get hurt again, im not sure! but possible for sure!

the last 3 months, i was so selfish, my only wish is just jay could come back, butnow, i just wanna see Jay´s smile, n just happy with his life!!!

Im agreed with u...Jay seems to be happy back home..and im sure if he does come back

he will get hurt again by some hateful antis...so it doesn matter for me if he chooses to not come back

but becuz of the contract, he still need to work for JYPE anyways...sigh~

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Guest zhemeban

If you could share a New Year's kiss with a member, who would it be and why?

I want to share a New Year's kiss with Nichkhun ..... ahhhhhh so shy :-)

I really don't have a reason for Nichkhun but only him I want to kiss hehe ^^

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Guest Stephy18

Can anyone tell me what this is about? I cant read korean but from google translation, its something about BEAST Dong Woon's father (professor) and he talks about Jay or something. Just wondering??? It seems supportive.

비스트 손동운 부친 손일락 교수 “재범, 2PM 다시 합류 기대”

[뉴스엔 김유경 기자]

아이돌그룹 비스트의 멤버 손동운의 아버지 손일락 교수(청주대 호텔경영학과)가 월간 잡지 '행복이 가득한 집' 1월호에 기고한 글이 화제를 모으고 있다.

손일락 교수는 자신의 아들이자 비스트 멤버 손동운에게 보내는 편지 형식으로 글을 시작했다. 손일락 교수는 글을 통해 2PM재범 탈퇴와 프랑스의 톨레랑스를 언급하며 연예계 생활을 시작한 아들에게 당부의 글을 남겼다.

손일락 교수는 "아들아! 프랑스 사람들은 개성이 매우 강하다. 개성 넘치는 프랑스 사람들이 더불어 살 수 있는 원동력은 톨레랑스(tolerance 관용)가 존재하기 때문이라는게 전문가들의 한결같은 견해이다"고 설명했다.

손일락 교수는 "2PM 재범 군이 오래전에 자신이 올린 글로 말미암아 결국은 날개를 접었다는 소식을 들었다. 일생의 꿈인 가수가 된지 1년도 못돼 말이다"며 "재범이는 미국에서 태어난 재미 교포 2세로 이른바 비보이 출신이다. 미국에서 태어나고 성장한 재범이가 한국에서 얼마나 고생이 많았을지 너끈히 짐작할 수 있을 것 같다"고 한국생활이 힘들었을 재범군의 상황을 이해했다.

손일락 교수는 "아들아, 네가 열망하는 연예인이라는 직업은 보면 볼수록 유리 어항 속에서 살아가는 물고기와 같은 존재라는 생각이 드는구나. 일거수일투족, 늘 감시를 당하는 불쌍한 존재라는 것이지. 하지만 네 꿈임에랴!"며 "아무쪼록 말 한마디, 행동 한자락에도 삼가는 자세로 살아라. 그리고 행여 누가 실수나 과오를 범해도 넘어진 사람을 만나도 너만큼은 함부로 돌팔매질을 하거나 비방해서는 안되다"고 아이돌 그룹으로 연예인 생활을 시작한 아들에 대한 걱정과 바람을 담았다.

손일락 교수는 끝으로 "아빠는 재범이가 2PM에 다시 합류하기를 기대하며 다시는 이런 일이 생기지 않기를 간절히 바란다"며 "한국의 네티즌들이 하루 빨리 이성을 되찾고 톨레랑스를 지녔으면 하는 바람이다. 아울러 우리나라 사람 모두가 톨레랑스를 지녀 진정으로 성숙한 나라, 정이 넘치는 나라로 거듭나길 희망한다"고 가수 재범이의 합류와 한국사회가 나아가야 할 방향을 제시했다.

한편 손일락 교수는 패션잡지 '엘르걸' 1월호에도 '비스트에게 보내는 편지'로 부모의 입장에서 아이돌 그룹으로 데뷔한 아들 손동운에게 격려와 조언을 드러낸 바 있다.

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The guy on the bus is not Nichkhun!

The person who was thought to be our Nichkhun wrote on his minihompy that the picture circulated on the internet actually is him. He wrote...

"Uploaded on Naver, Is this good or bad?

but I dyed my hair and get it curled first!!!!!!!'"

Credit: Kor-Eng by Lisa@2pm-online.com, Coordinator: Cassina@2pm-online.com

LOL...that guy sure looked like Khun...probably due to the curly hair...and khun probably wouldnt use such a HUGE scraf to hide himself. LOL. That is too obvious.

So it turns out that the orginal person who put up the picture saying that they saw Khun was actually that guy in the picture. I guess he wanted to prank neitzens and see if ppl would fall for it. I admit, I totally fell for it.

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Can anyone tell me what this is about? I cant read korean but from google translation, its something about BEAST Dong Woon's father (professor) and he talks about Jay or something. Just wondering??? It seems supportive.

LOL...that guy sure looked like Khun...probably due to the curly hair...and khun probably wouldnt use such a HUGE scraf to hide himself. LOL. That is too obvious.

with my limited knowledge of Korean, I think the title of that article is about Dongwoon's father saying that he looks forward to Jaebeom's return. (literally it can be translated as: :Professor Son Il Rak, father of Beast's Dongwoon, said: "Expecting Jaebeom rejoining 2PM")

As for the Khun look-alike, it can totally be an attention seeker because from what I see, the guy in the pic looks REALLY REALLY like Khun.

Edit: oops I topped the page

Gif time!!!

Nothing can beat this

Junho applaud his own butt


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