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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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im a lurker here.. mostly..i posted like twice??

anyways.. this might have already been addressed.. but im going crazy here!!

i've been listening to 2pm's new song 기다리다지친다(tired of waiting) everyday in my car ever since it came out... and today i heard "we" in one the chorus.

the part where i think junsu sings 일년이라도 난 기다릴거야 십년이라도 난 기다릴거야. i heard 우린 instead of 난..i searched on yahoo and naver for the lyrics but they all say 난..

i dont know i just found it odd... or maybe my hearings all messed up cuz i really want the old 2pm back.

anywayss heres a video of HotBlood members crying when they find out 3 of their members are eliminated...make you wonder how much they cried when jaebum left...


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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

omggg. you guys scared me with that news.

i believe its fake. if it was real im pretty sure 2oneday would have it up && also allkpop.

im MORE than sure that would be the case.

anyways wanted to add a cute picture of the leadja (:



does anyone know which date or where they peformed this? i wanna see it on the video XDDDDDD

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Guest pinkPABOsings

My last post for today.

The articles basically said what I've been saying this whole time: Jay returning is pretty much up to Jay. I hope he does what's best for himself and doesn't force himself to return when he's not ready or in spite of not wanting to come back at all.

But as the other person said, people will believe what they want to, especially if they're looking for a scapegoat.

It kind of bugs me how some people basically haven't considered Jay needing to be away and are pretty much begging JYPE to force Jay back. :/ Let the boy come back when he's mentally and emotionally ready, and if he decides that's never, I for one am going to respect his decision.

I totally agree with you. Regardless of if that article is true or not...Jay should have the right to decide what Jay wants to do. I think that would be the best decision when it comes to this situation in particular. It's been stated in multiple places that though the situation is calming down some...there are still a LOT of people in Korea that are still upset about the things that Jay said even though it was YEARS ago. With that being the case...if JYPE did FORCE Jay to come back before he was ready I can see him leaving again because of the fact that he's not ready. So letting Jay decide when he comes back really is best. At the same time I think the boycott and fan letters and post its and flash mobs will help Jay make up his mind. I think the more he knows that he is loved the easier it will be for him to come back. So JAY HWAITING!!!

As for that FAKE article...I hope mods take it down because all it's going to do is start an up roar. Let's not panic people. A lot of people have said they can't FIND the article on Newsen so it seems that maybe someone has made it up. So let's stay calm. Let's stay REALLY calm.

as for channie lovers...

the secret to his fab abs ... look at how baby eats!



The result is just fantabulous!


credits as tagged

Here's two more photos from the Ceci Magazine December 2009 Issue


And i hope whoever posted that false article will edit her post. It's going to stir up another heated discussion here again.

And I just wanted to THANK YOU LADIES for these pictures. Sigh! If Chan continues to take off his freaking shirt I'll die early from Hotness overload. I WISH I could be that girl putting that oil/lotion on him...YUM!

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JYP is a richard simmons bag. I can't beliv this.

Poor Jaebum. If only jyp will fight for him, i know jaebum will not succumb to the pressure.

JYP is a freaking liar....Jaebum can't possibly terminate a contract even if he wants to, its more like jyp kicking him out of the company. Poor Jaebum.

Warned for bashing JYP.

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When I see 2pm (6pm) smile...I always think...are they faking it?? Are they hurting inside? Do they not care? Are they just putting up a front?? Are they already over it?!? It makes 2pm questionable...and it's all JYP/JYPE fault for not protecting Jay

I loved 2pm bc of how they are when they're with each other. There was all these brotherly love that made you feel like they were family...but now??

so they can't move on? you want them to be miserable every.single.day?

im so glad to see the boys smiling again :) the BTS of the CF is hilarious!! god, just imagine Khun having to eat those chocolate bars OVER and OVER and OVER again. If I were him I'd not want to see anymore chocolate any time soon o_O

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Guest le_maiii

Hello guys :) I'm new to Soompi so obviously I'm new to this thread...

I wanna share a few things I know about Jay right now :D

*You guys may not believe me, but that's TOTALLY your choice.... however, you SHOULD believe me. :D


anyways, I live in Portland, OR which is about a 3 hour drive from Edmonds, where Jay is currently staying. I happen to know his aunt which lives in Portland also, and she says they're very close. He's talked to her several times about him leaving 2PM and twice now, he has come down to see her. (Shows what a good little boy he is ! HA!)

Anyhowww... according what his aunt has told me, Jay says he WILL come back. He misses 2PM and his fans a lot, but right now he just wants to take some time to heal and get over the mistakes he made. He said he can't face his fans at this point because of all the shame and guilt he has. He told her that he does plan to return and will do so in a year OR sooner, he hopes.

Sooo please don't worry guys, he's coming back. Just give him some time :)


OMGEEEE ! This is where I spazz out. haha.

As we all know Jay's really into break dancing right? Well he's in the AOM crew and the other day, November 7th, there was a break dance battle held in Portland and there'd be a judge in the battle that was from his crew and I was planning to go to the battle.

My friend and I were joking around that maybe Jaebeom would show since not only was his friend judging, other people from his crew were competing ! :D And again, we were joking that he'd come.


There was a guy who bumped into me as he was heading into battle and he never apologized so I looked up to see who it was. It was some short asian guy wearing a bandanna over his face. Everyone was laughing and yelling "HE HAS SWINE FLUUUU!"

I was a little angry since he never said sorry for bumping into me but when I looked at the part of his face that wasn't covered with a bandanna, it looked exactly like him. Then I looked at his EARS, and he was wearing the SAME DIAMOND earings our boy wears ! (Being the stalker that I am, I could tell those were "THE" earings from his Nylon photoshoot.) But then again, we weren't sure it was him... UNTIL. He started dancing and the bandanna fell off his face.

haha ! IT WAS HIM ! We started yelling and screaming and well... fan girling.

I felt bad though because he was trying to hide who he was and I had started hyperventilating in his presence... so he knew I knew him.

I went up to him and asked if he was Jay from 2PM and he said... NO. and walked away. But later while I was staring at him, he looked at me.. and well, he smiled and shook his head, saying he was him.

My friends from Seattle met him a few days later and well, they got to talk to him a lot about 2PM... and he didn't really say much.

This is what they told me he said:

"I just want some time off. I want all my fans to just leave me alone for a little while, and just know that I'm happy and I'm healthy. I know they're worried about me... but I just want a low profile for now."

Those are probably NOT his exact words, but that's what they said... :)

There's another break dance thing on saturday, and I'm going ! Rumor has it, he'll be there again. I'll see what I can find out... haha.

So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?

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So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?

^_^ share his pics and vid pls, i believe all wat u said tho

my friends said so, he s doing fine, and wants a low profile

so yea, abt all the rumors relate to JYP/E, I choose to not believe them

I used to think tht they don't let Jay coming back but now i have changed my thought.

He needs time~and will be back for sure...be strong Hottests!

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Guest tvxqbuzz7921

Hello guys :) I'm new to Soompi so obviously I'm new to this thread...

I wanna share a few things I know about Jay right now :D

*You guys may not believe me, but that's TOTALLY your choice.... however, you SHOULD believe me. :D


So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?

(sorry for murdering your post!)

Thanks for sharing the news <3

Wow, whether or not that's true, that totally made my day. All these bad rumors, press, and JYP's irrelevant appearance on Golden Fisheries made me really skeptical of his return. (Seriously I know they are ONLY RUMORS and they could be completely false, but every time I read an account that says he's not coming back, a little bit of me starts to believe it.) So famous guy was him?! But to hear that was a relief. He's going to have to come back even tougher than before and be ready for whatever may come at him when he returns. But the guy is already one tough cookie, and this time I'm sure Hottest won't let him hurt again. My only wish is that he comes back the same bright Jay....I don't want him to feel as if he can't be himself because of this unnecessary action that was taken against him.

A year is a long time, but we've already waited 72 days, who says we can't wait ~300 more? I'll be ready, when he's ready. I think both him and netizens need the time apart for the time being, at least until the new year. This scandal just won't die, I swear there's at least 5 or 6 articles a day printed with his name in it, partly due to the fact that 6PM is out now promoting, but also due to the continued high interest in him.


I feel so guilty every time I see the 6PM boys smile or laugh....It just stings a part of me, I know they should be happy and hold down some ground for Jay to come back onto, but it just bothers me. Almost as if they have moved on, even though I know they haven't and are awaiting Jay. It makes me feel so bad, I feel like a horrible person!

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Guest everybodyshout

My friends from Seattle met him a few days later and well, they got to talk to him a lot about 2PM... and he didn't really say much.

This is what they told me he said:

]"I just want some time off. I want all my fans to just leave me alone for a little while, and just know that I'm happy and I'm healthy. I know they're worried about me... but I just want a low profile for now."

So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?


sorry for cutting your post! but the bolded part sounds a little off... they got to converse with him alot about 2pm but he didn't say much? haha. thanks for sharing...

hmmm but for me if i were jay, i wouldn't want those photos or videos to circulate around the net. he really needs some peace now.

all the more if he wants to keep a low profile, we should respect his privacy for that. (probably keep the videos and pictures to yourself until jay officially comes back into the public eye? it's really up to you but that's how i feel about it =) )

let's not be taken over by our emotions and asking for videos and pictures of jay to be put up to satisfy our own wants and needs. (i know i'll get bashed - like who am i to say this? but seriously, let's care for jay.)

we're just thankful enough that he's doing fine and healthy.

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Guest letsvote

^^ I like your post and it made my day.

If you dont mind, please post. kekeke. But if you think this's not gonna be good for him. I'm rather not to see for protecting him and as he wanted to stay with low profile.

Thanks for your post after faking news yesterday I fought with.

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Guest frappucino

@le_maiii thank you so much for the news! It's great that you got to see him and he's doing okay. And also that you can relay his message to the fans. : ) Really happy that we can hear words from his mouth, not JYP, not some rumor site, not some phony news. : ))


… I feel like I could play around on the Corby site forever now LOL Love the effects/music : ))) Their advertising is working haha...but too bad I'm not interested much in phones |D

Nonetheless, for those who haven't been able to access the site properly, it runs a series of animations of the boys moving/jumping around, and they each have their own individual "Corby rooms" where (I'm guessing, since I can't read the Korean) they each advertise a certain aspect of the phone. They also each do their own thing for a while before a series of animations starts rotating. There's also this neat screenshot feature...which I put to use to get some of their poses/background portraits. me distracted from homework? nooo

Image spam, hope this is alright!

Junho was camwhoring haha


Taec was being his usual dorky self. He moved fast a lot so I had to take the shots several times to capture his expression right. All of them pose at intervals but if you snap in between, you get some funny stuff.


Junsu and Chansung had a little dance battle. And after that they just stood there moving to the music. Chansung didn't do much so that was why I have fewer shots of him xD


Nickhun was being adorable.


Finally, Wooyounggg : ) He did his ssanti dance ♥♥


credit: Kr. Samsung Corby page

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Whoa.. fake news.. :lol: but I’m not surprised. Everyone knows 2PM is taking kpop by storm and their album is selling like hot cake, so someone must be really pissed off. Just a warning though, we gonna see more and more of this kind of stories coming from the dark side of the universe as the boys continue achieving their dreams. It’s sad that some people choose to hurt themselves by believing those stories rather than reliable sources.

le_maii, thank you so much for sharing the info. Don't worry I believe you. I also heard that someone actually met up his mom and she said the same thing. :)

Hottests, now I'm happy to report that as we already moved over to the 2nd week, 2PM is still ranking no.1 in most charts!!

# 1 at Kyobo since pre-order available


#1 at hottracks since pre-order availble


Still #1 at Hanteo. You can see the album sales and downloads by follow this link.


2PM fighting!!!

PS. For those who haven't bought the album yet, now you can order it from Yesasia. It'll make a great Christmas gift!! :lol:

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Wow go Wooyoung. I love this new hair style on him. It makes him look more manly to me. It also makes him way cuter too. All those phone pics look nice the guys went all out in them. They all look really good.

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Guest purpleheights36

I don't usually post here. .but..

So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?

Thanks for sharing your story. I think it made a lot of us really happy. ^^ And err, I'm afraid I might get hated on for saying this, but. .about the pictures and videos. . I don't think its a good idea to post them. I mean, you said it yourself, he wants a low profile right now. .and I think we should respect that? As much as we miss him, if thats he want. . we should give it to him. love & respect. ^^ But then again, youre the one with the pictures and videos, and I'm just sharing my opinion. It's completely up to you. ^^ I'm sorry if I just pissed off those ppl that wants to see him. T_T Once again, thank you! ^^

edit: like everybodyshout said, I'm/we're just glad he's doing fine and his healthy.

LOLOLOL. Wooyoung's so cute with the hat. It was from the Wide News one right? They one where they went to meet kids. .Not body shop. The other one. They were wearing blue. HEHE. Thanks for sharing the pics! :D

And @frappucino, thank you for sharing the samsung corby photos. HEHE. Taec's such a dork. LOLOL. Wooyoung is so sunny and cute. Yellow's really his colour. And its nice seeing him smile. .bcs lately he hasn't been smiling as much anymore. .T_T Thanks again~~

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Guest bert263

Could somebody put that awesome fan account up on 2oneday? For some reason they primarily get rumors that upsets alot of people. I really do believe that Jay would be back sometimes too...he just need time to relax and keep a low profile. If he can already smile and do activities in seattle...why can't we be happy for him and wait patiently.

Thnks for that story btw...made my day a bit better. Hopes that it's true though :)

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Guest xclueless

So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... ;) would you like me to post?

Omgosh yes please posttttttt :lol: maybe you could post it on a blog or something or just post links instead of the actual photos if you want to keep his privacy? but it would really be appreciated if you shared because i think we're ALL going through a jay withdrawal :ph34r: and thanks for your story, i think it calmed down the thread a lot. i hope what your aunt said about him returning to 2pm is true!

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Guest iluvyooh


Jay wants a low profile so please respect it.

I've been to some of the events but haven't shared anything,

Basically been giving him the space he needs and want.

I hope you don't share the address and such of the next event.

I want to continue to see him at battles to perform

or show support for his crew members.

Btw, thank you for sharing your fan account. =)


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