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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Okay so I rewatched and thought about he said to "leave Jay alone"...who is he referring to ..the media? Because it wasn't it only that one program that stalked Jay that interfered with his alone-ness. Surely he can't be talking to fans just because we're talking about him, the fans leaving him supportive messages, and flying that cool J.WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? banner ....unless he wants everyone to just stop talking about Jay period

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Finally, we got the answer from JYP himself.

I think we should talk about the album and wait for Jay patiently

It doesn matter if u gonna buy the album or not

we should move on this topic and support the boys right?

give them the moral support...kkk

i think that s the fans should do the most

and HEARTBEAT!! finally grows on me

i cant stop listening this song~~

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Guest littlechocolate

most ppl are reacting to what they believe is true. they wanted to hear what they want to hear. Ppl want JYP to talk about Jaebeom, now when he talks about jaebeom, ppl called him a liar. no matter how much he explain, ppl will still not believe him. so, whats the point of asking him to come and explain everything if fans blindly accused what he says was not true. .

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Guest i.said.hi

Okay so I rewatched and thought about he said to "leave Jay alone"...who is he referring to ..the media? Because it wasn't it only that one program that stalked Jay that interfered with his alone-ness. Surely he can't be talking to fans just because we're talking about him, the fans leaving him supportive messages, and flying that cool J.WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? banner ....unless he wants everyone to just stop talking about Jay period

he means the fans and the media. everyone doesn't exclude the fans.

when he says that he wants ppl to leave jay alone, he means fans that are blindly and selfishly demanding jay.

a lot of fans just want jay back, no matter what, and ASAP. he says leave him alone meaning to just give him his space. give him time, basically. he doesn't mean that ppl should forget about him, rather just to cool down, and wait for him to COMFORTABLY return. maybe some of you guys aren't seeing what's going on with k-hottest... but some fans...are just crazy. jyp is just telling ppl to give jay his space; don't demand jay's return asap. there are fans that say BRING JAY BACK NOW. he's implementing that ppl should just cool down and let jay return on his own when he's comfortable.

also, there are ppl blaming jyp saying "why aren't you bring him back right now; so evil!". NOPE. he's actually being a good producer. he's giving jay the space that some producers will not allow for fear of a backlash from fans. jyp cares more about his artist than what the fans selfishly wants.

so... (this is long lol sorry ^^;) he's saying for ppl to leave him alone... LITERALLY. don't bombard him with "come back now!" "hurry up, why aren't you coming back" blah blah blah. just give him his space. i remember when i went through a big drama at church, i stopped going to church for about 6-7 months because i didn't want to face those ppl. for jay, he's going against a whole nation. that's huge. it's going to take time for him to get over it. give him his space

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^^ I guess I understand the mentality of "leave him alone" but what -actions- is he referring to.... I am irked each time people keep saying to leave him alone but like..in what ways are we not leaving him alone? How are some fans not making it comfortable for him to return? Is it through the online comments that are saying "please bring Jay back" or those post-its or the B----T ? I thought comments like that are supportive of Jay, but I guess not. It's all in the wording I suppose.

And although some people blame JYP, that doesn't equal they're not giving Jay space

Now to think of it, it was a wise decision for Jay to leave to calm down the public. But..he could've taken his time off, do his reflections and the fans would still be supportive of the 6 members continuing their activities had they known Jay would come back for sure. So why was it so hard for jype to give a statement that Jay is taking some time off and will be back etc as opposed to he quit 2pm. -__- Before quitting, did Jay really have in mind that he may never be ready to come back

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OK so last night i had a dream about Jae coming back to korea as 2PM's leader. It was a really bittersweet moment for me. We were in a kinda dark room or like a photoshoot or something and we were in the back watching someone taking photos. I was sitting next to Jae and tears were streaming down my cheeks. Our arms were touching each other and I was looking at his side. He then spoke and turn towards me.

Jae: "You've been crying because of me, (he lift his left hand to wipe away my tears and then cupped my face with both his hands and he slowly whispered) I'm sorry for leaving."

All I could do was look back at him. It was so emotional that I couldn't say anything but just look into his eyes and longing for him.

Jae: "I'm back now so don't be sad."

and then he gave me a smile that was so gentle and sweet but had a little hint of sadness in it...and after that i woke up...I don't consider myself a full/hardcore HOTTEST but I do really like 2PM and i hope everything ends up well in the future...

2PM fighting!!!

P.S. I love their new MV!

After watching it again man those 4 minutes are really fast...throughout the whole mv it capture all my attention and leaving me wanting more...it's like they're instead of sanging to us, they're actually talking to us...

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I love their MV!! especially wooyoung :) <3

its going to grow even more on me when they start performing

some people might hate nickhun and junho hair but i think its soo cute hahaha

for the statement that JYP gave

i agree with him

i think we should leave jaebum alone for a while...the reason why he might not be coming back is because all of the burden due to the fans...he just needs time to think of what he has done and how he could become a better person

i also believe that JYP has faith in jaebum coming back so just wait and see

cannot wait for 2pm comeback tmr!! :D

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Guest yellow submarine

i watched the interview with JYP and it did sort of clear things up. i'm just satisfied that he said that if Jay was to come back, he would not go solo. i took this as an indication that Jay is most likely coming back. i have a feeling that it might take some time for him to recover mentally though. he's sort of a perfectionist i think.

but the part where JYP said the 7 members really love each other made me go "awww". this is one of the main reasons why i love 2pm...their friendship and love for one another is so real and straightforward. it's not something i see in other Kpop groups.

and i laughed when JYP said to leave Jay alone. he said it with a kind of desperate look :lol: . i bet he's half annoyed half appreciative of all of the energy the fans have put out...the charity work, the decorations on his building, the twitter spams and angry threats directed towards him. i think he just wants things to die down so people can forget a little.

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Guest ahmints

i like the MV!!! it's really really, totally different from what they did previously.

i love the beat of the song. and WOOYOUNG gets to SING more!!! ((((:

their dance is so nice. i love the part where two members stand on three member's legs !! SO COOL!!

and and and

about JYP, i agreed with him, if he will to return he will return AS 2PM.

but i am afraid is he say "IF he will to return" what if he will not return? ..aww

i am kinda of thinking negative. )):

but i will support both jay and JYP 's decision!

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Guest flying-solo

Edit: Does anyone know where I can find this clip on Youtube? The info is from Wikipedia. Before debuting in 2PM, Wooyoung filled in as a dancer partner with Wonder Girl Yoobin when TOP from Big Bang fainted the day before the special performance with the Wonder Girls during the 2007 MBC Music Awards.

It's this performance. I couldn't find it in HQ :(

WooYoung looks really chubby here XD

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Guest pinkPABOsings

So as expected the MV was daebak! And They all looked REALLY good. I wish there was more shots of them in the white suits though. HOWEVER, the ending with Wooyoung's soul leaving his body was just WRONG! I almost cried. I DO NOT want to think about Wooyoung dying. Like EVER! But it's really good ESPECIALLY the Pyramid part....which was so kick butt. I wonder how many times Junho ran into Taec's butt before they got it right though??? Rofl

Regarding JYP's comment

I figured it was going to come down to this. Because regardless of if JYPE says they are going to bring him back or not...if Jay says he's not ready over and over and over again, he wont be back until he's ready. I'm glad JYP came out and said it's essentially Jay's choice because that's the way it should be. Seriously. Jay should have a choice in if he is ready/wants to come back. Because making someone do something they don't want to do would make JYP an evil man. And a lot of artists don't have that. So it's nice to know

but what pleases me the most is


that was all my heart was waiting to hear/see/read and now I can rest easy. All we have to do now is wait for Jay to forgive himself and fully recover. And I don't know about you guys but I'd rather have a FULLY RECOVERED JAY instead of a half recovered Jay!



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Guest happylove00

at least JYP is saying something now...

i believes the boycott action will end soon...

since JYP has a definite answer that jay will return as 2PM but it is just the timing problem...

anyone knows how is k-hottests reaction towards jyp's statement?

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The music video is...omo...so dark.

I kinda wanted to cry :[

And what's up with Junho&Khun having Woo's DEG hair? (lulz)

i had to agree, i teared up when i saw the mv. Esp even more when the 6 of them are dancing so intensely near the end of the video, because you can tell the group isnt complete. And i have to agree with the bolded part. LOL. I was like, i thought Khun's the only one who will have it, but Junho gave me another surprise. :lol:

love the mv and how the director laid them on the floor as if they were dying, i really like their concept this time. Something like the undead(the makeup and hair and teasers led me to this word) concept. Like someone mentioned before, its a new step from the beastly image but also a concept that suits them and makes them even hotter.<3 and is anyone else surprised that Chansung is the one rapping/saying the second verse of the song? I thought its Wooyoung for real. D:

i believe in JYP's statement from Golden Fishery, Jay will be back when he wants to, not forced to. and JYP will help him in doing so. :)

V amen to your last sentence.^^

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Guest haiphuong

What a relief when JYP said that. I'm not angry at him why he didn't say this sooner. There must be a reason. I always put my faith in him since the issue exploded and it will never change. I don't think he said that just to promote their new album cause the show aired to the whole country to watch, that means everyone know his answer about the case. It would be bad if a CEO of such big company lie to his customers. We can see that until now, 2PM still has no leader and no one say a word about replace that position. Only Jay can do that. That's why the album's name is "01:59PM".

I hope that after his statement, Hottests can support the other 6 boys. This is the best day of my life. All I can do now is enjoy the album and wait for Jay.

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Guest ephemeral.

JYP said it himself, it's a matter of time.

Seriously. It's down to Jay's choice, not the fans (imo).

Anyways, JYP is probably talking to both the media, and boycotters.

Some fans show their support to Jay, and it''s great to know. We all love Jay and want him to return.

But to think some would boycott, not support and ignore the other members, I find that rather selfish.

Then again, some might complain about Jay's leave being selfish and all that, but he needs time to think.

Also, when they'll come back, it'll be dead silent? What will the boys feel? How did Jay feel about all this?

It won't really help anything. Jay wouldn't want this now, would he?

Enough with that.


So much better in motion than those recently released pictures.

Wooyoung, Junsu (OMO AT THE CHORUS <3) and Chansung are total eyecandy (with have normal hair lol).

What's with Taec's, Khun's and Junho's hair? It's kind'a cute, but really doesn't match their concept, lmao.

And so, I discover it was actually Chansung who rapped the second verse which made me laugh. xD

Heartbeat is really different from any style they've had so far.

I feel like they've matured very much.

The dance is odd, but interesting. Like in Hate You, the jumping made me chuckle. ^o^

I really like the energy they put into it, and the whole lying down lifeless thing.

Though there could have been more close-ups, I'm happy with this MV. <3


I can't believe it's almost their comeback now.

I can't wait to see how the dance is gonna be on stage.

I just know they'll show a lot of charisma. <3

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Guest luvnhate

Hey everyone :-)

I think i've been a silent reader for way too long but i was in tears when i watched d JYP vid. We finally got d statement we were longing for. Personally i was really tired of all d rumors/arguments and not knowing what/who to believe in, but now i'm goin to patiently wait for Jay to come back even though i miss him like-over d top, goin to jump off a roof-crazy!! I understand he needs time to heal.

I really like the MV except d ponytail ting dats goin on. i feel nickhun's looks too cute for d whole concept. Havin said dat;oh man our boys conveyed the emotions so perfectly!. Chansung nd wooyoung look so HOT.still cant help but imagine Jay sing n dance this part nd dat part.r His royal sexiness lyin down with d rest of d boys to complete d picture:-p

I cant wait for their performence!!

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I didn't really like their MV. It was kind of a disappointment and before people jump down my throats, the main reason why I didn't like the MV WASN'T because Jay wasn't in it. I was expecting a more powerful and exciting choreography. And yeah...what we got was weird zombie dancing and the-ring-like crawling. I'm sorry those just really bothered me so much. >.< It's so creepy! And then Chansung creeping up behind Taec...was freaking creepy! I hated that part.

But I did like the "Listen to my heart beat" part and the pyramid at the ending and of course Woo's solo. He did great with his flipping and his ending flop. XD I'm just not feeling this song, the weird choreo and the apple hairstyles. Ugh. Why couldn't they just give them hair cuts?!

I'm essited for tonight's performance. Wonder how it's gonna be...

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Guest papiroflexia

I love this.

The covers she makes are amazing and she's fast to update with new songs.

I just wanted to say, I can totally imagine Jay singing and dancing to All Night Long. It's so Jay.

After reading the lyrics translation (I already knew it wasn't a nice pure song), I wonder if they made an MV what it would be like? I think I might like it, but *ahem* it's not necessary.

And what JYP said, at least if Jay comes back, we know he won't be demoted to Cube Ent. as rumors have stated. He's not made for Cube.

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