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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest superjenny

I'm just going to hope that he returns.

Because i think if Jae said he wanted to come back, JYP would definitely let him.

The whole misunderstanding has been cleared now, and everyone WANTS him back.

But what JYP is saying is true too, we should respect Jae's decision. He's not just a 2pm member, but he's a normal person like us who has his own thoughts and opinions. I think this whole accident has overwhelmed him and for now, he should stay home and just rest for a while.

I just really really pray that he returns back to Korea though. :/

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Guest xlilhammx

that statement...did nothing for my hurting heart.

although i'm glad JYP finally came out and said a beautiful statement...

there is no sign of if/when Jay comes back.

if this statement is 100% true of what JYP believes in, if Jay ever changed his mind, I can see him coming back in the future.

as for when that is, I don't know.

OMG WONDER GIRLS' Sunmi posted this on her twitter


it's gotta be about Jay & 2PM <3

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Thank you for translating the article. Thank you!


I don't even know how to feel about JYP's statement. I feel like through his words, at least we're able to understand better as to why jaebum left those myspace comments..and most important of all: his change in the years he trained in JYP.

JYP chose him as the LEADER, if jay was still the rebellious, obnoxious brat, would JYP have chosen him as the leader? I don't think so.

People that hate jay really need to be more open-minded. Read JYP's letter, and like he said, consider jaebum as a human being, put their feet in his shoes four years ago...and just forgive him, so Jay can come back. T-T

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Guest cathy the dork

thank you for translating JYP's response!

But I read it in Korean, and it basically says the same thing but the way he wrote it, doesn't seem like any official decision. He hasn't mentioned the rest of the boys or the future for them. I'm guessing (more like believing) that this was a way to calm the fans down and let Jae go through with what he has done. (By that I mean, going to America and having time for himself).

JYP mentions that he wants us to respect what Jae decided...but still to me doesn't sound like an official statement about what is to happen to Jaebum or 2PM.

So don't lose hope you guys, you can tell that JYP and the company are still lost to what they should do.

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Guest love-monster
Guys, I'm translating this as fast as possible. Please wait.

Here is the first part.

---------------------------------------- JYP's official statement

I have received much shock from what Jaebum wrote 4 years ago to his friend. Could it have been another celebrity, I myself would have felt much anger, resentment, and abandonment at his words. But I have known Jaebum for so long that those words are not surprising to me.

I already knew Jaebum was that kind of child.

When Jaebum first came to Korea 4 years ago, he was very rebellious and out of line. He laughed at Korea and belittled his fellow trainees, even going so far as to see me as 'easy.' I believe he thought that being a Korean celebrity was something to laugh at. He was a boy that wanted to b-boy in the streets. He fought with company employees, his dance instructors, and made threatening statements.

At times, he even said that he did not like JYP Ent., and would name another rival company, wishing to be sent there instead.

But what made us surprised even more was that when asked whether he had the guts to succeed, he said "We could succeed if we don't receive JYP's music."

At this point, employees wondered why we were keeping such a rebellious boy.

This is why his words 4 years ago are not suprising.


I'm sorry for typos or grammar mistakes, I rushed this as fast as possible.


Then why would we keep such a kid?

I love rebellious children. Rather than children that are nice up front but are calculating and evil behind my back, I love children that are rebellious up to my face. I loved the fact that he showed his emotions straight up. It gave me hope. Who would have the guts to utter such words to my face? To say that his failure depended on my bad music? I thought that it was funny.

I believed that rebellious children had too much energy, just no place to express that energy. Or they never met someone that would trust them enough to show them the correct path. I wanted to help this person go on stage and feel the energy and joy. As long as I could instill within him trust and love.

To Jaebum, there are only two types of people. His family, and those that are not his family. He loves his family more than I could ever know. The reason he talks about money in interviews is not to buy nice clothes, it is to pay back his family, who always works hard for him. That's why he ran the path of becoming a singer.

He was rebellious, but he excelled in training.

I saw this and thought, if only I could make him think of my company, his fellow trainees, this company as his family. if only.

So one day, I told him "Jaebum, someone is not a family only because they share the same blood. Please open your heart to them first. Then others can be your family too."

Through these efforts, he began to change.. He began to hug his fellow trainees, start conversations with company employees, and began enjoying his time on the stage.

He finally began to express his energy on stage and began to shine through singing and dancing.

I chose him as the team's leader. The rest of the 6 really believed in him and followed his lead.

He always trained with them and always thought of his younger members before him..

After his debut, he felt a change in his heart at the news reporters and attentions that showed him in a positive light and began showing affection.

He was touched at by the hearts of his fans.

Good people, good friends, good fans... good music.. through all this, he began to change.

But as things began to go up, like a sad movie scene, his entry from 4 years ago was released.

He was so sorry. To his 2PM brothers, to me, to his company employees, to his fans.. and to nobody more than to his Koreans.

He thought to himself that if he stayed any longer, his brothers would only get more hurt. He told me he did not have the confidence to get up on stage.

I knew what he was saying too well to hold him back.

If I were him, I would have made the same decision.

And so he left.


My heart was ripping. It hurt. But knowing what Koreans would feel at his words, an immense sense of betrayal, I could not say anything.

But what I can do for him is to tell everyone that he showed on TV is not fake. He might have been rebellious but never fake. He never hid his true emotions. He was always up front, straight up... and that is something that can never change.

I know the public and the fans and I am listening to your opinions. But the most important thing is that Jaebum is not 2PM's Park Jaebum but a child, a teenager Jaebum.

I genuinely wish for you all to hold his decision true.

I apologize once more.



Basically... JYP is agreeing to Jaebum's decision of leaving.

That was heartbreaking

I understand from JYP's viewpoint

He's hurting so much,

how could JYP not let him go?


this is so heartbreaking

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I hope no one blames JYP, any of the members and staff for Jay's leave. I know we are all hurting but they are hurting more than us. They lost a family member. Boycotting JYP is something I don't agree with. At this time, we should support the boys even more. Afterall we are Hottest. It's own fan club is boycotting them?

Don't take high sales as a way as saying "we don't need jay" but take it as a personal message to Jay. With the boys doing well, Jay will feel proud for his brothers and that the boys are still fighting. How would Jay feel to know his members are suffering because of him?

Also with JYP's letter, he didn't say Jay is officially not a member of 2PM anymore. He just respects any decision Jay makes. If Jay wants to come back, I believe JYP will let him. Jay has to make a decision for himself.

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Guest Angelic_illusions

At first i thought JYP failed to protect Jay and i started to dislike him for that. Truthfully, when 2PM first came out and they became so popular in such a small amount of time, i thought to myself that man is smart. He knows what he's doing. But then all this happened and i started to lose hope. I couldn't believe that JYP was keeping quiet while fans all over the world were demanding answers and crying. I started thinking bad about JYP, i told my friend who knew about my feelings for 2PM how much i dislike JYP and how stupid he was. But reading this now..I'm at a loss for words. I regret ever thinking bad of JYP. Sure, I'm still a little disappointed about the outcome but now i know or have at least grasped, even if just a little, how much love and respect JYP has not only for Jay but his children. To have faith in someone who was like that from the beginning is amazing. He knows and understands what it is to be human. He sees something in people that most people would just ignore or resent.

To JYP...thank you. Thank you for believing in Jay and allowing something like Hottests to be formed. Thank you for giving us 2PM and thank you for giving us someone like Jay. I'll always support you no matter what and i will keep a lookout for all your future trainees. Even though no one can ever replace Jay, i know someday, somehow, someone amazing just like Jay will come along and give joy to people all over the world and when that happens it will all be because of you. Again, thank you for giving us Jay. For allowing us to love him even if it was just for a little while. I hope you don't ever give up on Jay because we never will. I have faith in you JYP.

EDIT: thank you thehazyfiasco for translating it so fast.

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Guest uh-ohxev

I'm dying inside right now after reading that letter. I think JYP was kind of smart to kind of leave us hanging because it's making me have a little hope... but that big amount of hope I had just turned into me holding onto a little thread... my heart hurts more then it did before.

This is what I wish would've happened... that JYP would've told Jay before leaving "Do not post a message that you are out of 2PM. But, I'll let you go to the States... do your thinking, and tell me then" because honestly... I don't even know if Jay thought about that decision too much. It was in 4 days that all of this happened! In 4 days, he made the decision to quit his dream? That's not what anyone would do. I think he was so overwhelmed that he just said "Forget it." I wish JYP would've let him go to the States without anyone knowing... letting this die a little bit, letting Jay rest and letting him be able to think about his final decision. I just don't know why anyone would quit so easily... I think the only reason he did it was for the other members... but, I don't think he understood what an impact this would make on the whole band and everyone else.

I will continue to support 2PM reguardless of the outcome. I refuse to give up on them. They do NOT deserve this. Please keep supporting them. It'll be harder then anything else, but you must not give up on them... they are hurting even more then us. They practically lost a brother... the person who guided them in the band. Their leader.

I do NOT want Jay out of 2PM. And I'm still in absolute denial and unsure if this is really it... I think til the day I die I will stil be in denial because this just doesn't make sense to me right now. 2PM is 1:59 right now... 1 minute to get to 2PM. That 1 minute are Jay.

My heart aches more then words can possibly describe. Never in my life did I think I would be feeling this way about a band. About people I don't even know personally... but I'm so attached to them and their music, that I almost feel like a part of me has gone with them...

All theres left to do is continue the support for Jay. To continue hoping, praying and wishing that he will return. But, theres not anymore we can do. Hopefully, if Jay in the future wishes to return, JYP will have open arms to accept him. That's all we can do. Helpless huh?

Please do not give up on the boys. It hurts me even more to think that this can possibly end 2PM... SUPPORT THEM PLEASE, even if its hard.

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Guest sungieluv

wow. finally. i have been waiting for this.

i was always ok with his choice. it sucks but he was messed with so much he didnt have to strength to be himself again. imagine that pain to have so many ppl seriously hating on you. there is nothing else he could have done. its hard enought to leave the group.

im just glad hes home with his family. he needs to find himself again.

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Guest Ella_Kwan

To: Jay & Hottest

JYP is correct. And now we know what Jay was thinking...

It gives us some closer.

Even though no matter how much we dont want him to leave and we try our best to stop him,

it's ultimately his choice at then end.

And I hope he didn't finalized it yet.

B/c he needs to see how much people are sorry for what happened.

And that his time on stage isn't up yet.

He still has so much more talent to share with us.

So hopefully he will come back one day

and be the strong leader we all know and forever will love.

Please come back Jay & Lets us hold on to you for just a little bit more.


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i really dont know.. after reading JYP's comment i am still lost..

I know he is trying to explain to people what kind of person Jaebeom is..

But i am sure he is making his comment abit more general on the point of whether Jaebeom is still in 2PM or whether he will be coming back.

Maybe he is waiting for this situation to calm down more, and Jaebeom get the rest that he wanted..

And maybe he want to see more people supporting Jaebeom so that it gives him more reason to let Jaebeom come back without those netizen still digging/dissing him.

We will just have to keep the faith and continue to do what we can to show that we still love 2PM and Jay..

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"Honestly, what more can JYP do? This is Jay's decision"

I'm glad that I was on the right track. Sad, but really really relieved JYP said this.

JYP is not only a CEO but a brother, a teacher, and a friend.

This is Jay's life. Whether he wants to come back or not will be his decision.

I am sad that Jay has left 2PM & 2PM without Jay is really nothing,

but we can't run Jay's life for him.

As much as we'd LOVE jay to come back, we can't force Jay to come.

He's been through so much and has been emotionally damaged beyond repair.

I'm sorry to say such words but if this happened to me,

I wouldn't want to return to Korea this remaining year.

If anything, it would be the start of the new year

but again, that's just me.

Please no boycotting.

Please no anger or resentment toward JYP & JYPE staff.


When he wants to come back, he'll make effort to come back.

& we all know that JYP, JYPE staff and ONEDAY boys will accept him back gladly with open arms.

It'll take time.

but please be patient. PLEASE.

Just this once, please lets quietly show our support and love.

We can only continue supporting 2PM's remaining 6 members

and show Jay that 2PM is still getting the love they deserve.

Maybe just maybe.. he might come back.. <3

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Guest xscapereality

thank you for the translations. i had always been "ok" with jay's choice, and i understand that

he needs his family the most, but i just can't take the fact that he left. </3 reading that was just

heart breaking. but we all know jay changed. i just hope he comes back. i miss his jayness! ):

FINALLY one of the wonder girls tweeted! i've been waiting for it and hoping what they would say.

i hope so too sunmi. JYP FAMILY LOVE. i have faith in you JYP. HOTTESTS FIGHTING! <33

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