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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest sweetVisions




I was just going to post this

I can't tell if it good or bad from the reactions at oneday-room :/

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Guest nessesatee

I just wanted to share a quote from Harry Potter (dorky...I know ><) in which Dumbledore said:

"He will have only truly left us when none here are loyal to him."

(I've modified the pronouns to fit the situation but nonetheless, the message is still there.)

Also, I'd also like to remind everyone, including myself, to support the rest of OneDay & the JYP family. What they're going through right now is possible tenfold of the grief and sorrow we feel right now.

I, like everyone else here, do wish for Jay to come back as soon as possible. But I got to thinking that maybe we're being a little selfish... If Jay's not ready to come back, let's not pressure him or push him to come back. I want him to come back, but only when he is ready.

A thousand questions are running through my mind as to why this happened. I'm not claiming to know what's going on behind the scenes, but I'm still wondering why he would choose to leave. I understand that it was a sacrifice on his part on behalf of the other members' success, but at the same time I hope he knows that without him, it will be even more difficult for them to accept this as he's the only one that can pull them through.

I'm glad that many of us are refraining from placing the blame on anyone and simply supporting Jay + the rest of OneDay + the JYP family. Also, let's remember that this all started because an apology wasn't accepted. While it may be hard, I hope everyone finds it in their hearts to forgive the netizens and people responsible for this tragedy. Let's forgive as we would want to be forgiven...as Jay wanted to be forgiven. We would not want to stoop to the netizens' level.

All in all, I'm both patiently + eagerly awaiting Jay's return, whenever he's ready to accept that he was not the one who needed forgiveness, but it was those who wronged him.

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I understand & feel the pain of K-Hottests..but their no reason to

boycott the rest of 2pm..it is unfair that the rest of the boys have

to have more stress & pain at this moment..K-Hottests needs to

tone it down for a moment..I know that JYP has been quiet for the

past week..but we have to patiently wait for JYP statement...K-Hottests

don't do this to are 2pm boys..please support them more..

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Guest dreamelephant

Yume_no_Miyavi, what a cool effort! Power of positive netizen ftw!

I read the news in Korean, Chinese, English and Japanese, and it amazes me how many times netizens are quoted as primary sources in Asia, or how many times there are articles on "big breakout on so-and-so website/homepage," "controversial post on Naver/Yahoo" I thought journalism was about reporters going out and digging for the truth BEHIND a certain social occurrence, not just reporters web-surfing and summarizing for me what happened on the internet? If I wanted to see what's being said on a certain webpage, I can just go there myself and read it, I don't need some reporter to copy and paste netizen replies for me.

Sometimes I can't help but scoff at how stupid some of these netizens are.. OF COURSE something was bothering him.. there was a petition out telling him to commit suicide.... how would the netizens like it if fans sent out a petition telling all netizens to die too? AND his band's activities were being cancelled, endorsements were being pulled, as a the TEAM LEADER how are you not going to be bothered by it, knowing that you were the cause? These netizens really have no brains...

Sorry for cutting your post. Time and again I've always told people to be wary of korean media. This notorious practice of theirs has been going on for years now and seriously, you just don't know what's reliable for now.

And ditto about how Jay would pull out of 2pm, even if it was rash and quick decision. He definitely felt all that burden, so I hope his coming home to US would give him the time to just think about things and review what he really would like to do in the future, be it staying in the US or coming back in Korea.

I can't help but feel a bit annoyed and disappointed at the lack of JYP's involvement in the issue. I hope he says something of some sort soon. Anything! He's done a good job raising the sales and all with "Might come back" and "Only you" topping the charts. But he's broke the heart of so many hottests and granted those antis with more power. It just seems all wrong! And yea, I was pissed when he cut jay out of the WG vid. It was pre-recorded! Was there a need to take Jay's part out? o.o

I really think we should all just be patient and just wait for his decision. His silence doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't care about the whole thing. He's buying time and playing his cards right, reading how the public and the fans would react in the days to come. Just think how everything just happened in the span of 4 days! I think it'll be wiser for him to take a few more days to think it through. He's a smart man so I think he'll come to a decision, with the consent of Jay, beneficial to all of 2PM.

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Guest thehazyfiasco

Guys, I'm translating this as fast as possible. Please wait.

Here is the first part.

---------------------------------------- JYP's official statement

I have received much shock from what Jaebum wrote 4 years ago to his friend. Could it have been another celebrity, I myself would have felt much anger, resentment, and abandonment at his words. But I have known Jaebum for so long that those words are not surprising to me.

I already knew Jaebum was that kind of child.

When Jaebum first came to Korea 4 years ago, he was very rebellious and out of line. He laughed at Korea and belittled his fellow trainees, even going so far as to see me as 'easy.' I believe he thought that being a Korean celebrity was something to laugh at. He was a boy that wanted to b-boy in the streets. He fought with company employees, his dance instructors, and made threatening statements.

At times, he even said that he did not like JYP Ent., and would name another rival company, wishing to be sent there instead.

But what made us surprised even more was that when asked whether he had the guts to succeed, he said "We could succeed if we don't receive JYP's music."

At this point, employees wondered why we were keeping such a rebellious boy.

This is why his words 4 years ago are not suprising.

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Guest haiphuong

Jaebum's 20+ older fans have created an underground movement that aims to express their anger and force JYP Ent. to feel the consequences of their silence. "JYP should be on his knees at this very moment as the heart of Jaebum's parents, apologizing to the public instead of pushing this issue into Jaebum's sole hands and stepping back into the shadows.

This underground movement will protest the 2009 Dream Concert tickets and refuse to acknowledge a 6 member 2PM. All items released under JYP Ent including albums and objects will not be acknowledged.

These activities will continue until the day Jaebum returns to Korea.



Why this is possible? 20+ fans have the most money... They're hoping to make JYP Ent. afraid of their future sales. I don't think this is the correct way of bringing about their support because the remaining 6 boys NEED all the support atm...


edit: I couldn't remember the word when translating but this underground movement is basically BOYCOTTING ALL 2PM ACTIVITIES AND RELEASES.


All endorsed items, concerts, informal concerts, TV appearances, albums, releases during Jaebum's absence... ALL WILL BE BOYCOTTED by kHOTTESTS.

I'm sad that many fans now are show the anger to JYP and what the 20+ fans are going to do. I don't know if some of you might stand on JYP's position and wonder why he keeps quiet, why he could easily let him go? I don't think JYP forced him to go. In this situation, he solved the problem as a HYUNG, not as a PRESIDENT of JYPE. It's cruel to let Jay leave, but if Jay stayed, I think it's more cruel for him. Don't you think he was sad too? Seeing his own "child" stucked in such a huge problem, how couldn't he feel suffer too? However, I still believe in him and Jay. I understand why people now are getting angry with JYP but if you try to calm down and think a little deeply, you'll notice one thing: After Jay left, peolple started to find the good comments of him about Korean, and they FOUND them. After Jay left, the netizen who made this mess came out to apologize? After Jay left, the media started to speak up, they even translate his comments into the good meaning? After Jay left, there were more people stand by him?.... Generally speaking, the situation is slowly turning to the better way. Don't you think that's the reason why JYP let him go? More people support him, the more they angry with Jay's left, the more they want him to comeback. Don't you think that's the good chance for Jay to comeback?

I think if Jay stayed, maybe his good comments never come out, that netizen never apologize and so on... I dont say that it's NOT Jay purpose to leave to find the supporters. That's HIS OWN choice and he never think that after he left, there are more people stand on his side.

Those are just my opinion. Please don't bashing me and keep on support the other 2PM boys too. That's not fair for them when we just fight for Jay comeback and forget that there are still 6 boys who need us too.

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And for the people who think that Jae left voluntarily, I'm still not buying that, for a guy who was so remorseful, who kept on appoligizing to his mom for letting her down, who mentioned in the past that he's supporting his family, why would he leave his only career path? It doesn't make sense to me. Jae is not that selfish or cowardly where just because there was tension in Korea, he would run away like that. He would only leave if something/someone is forcing him.

Why do you cant understand Jay? Jay did this for other 2pm's members

he felt responsible for his past mistakes and he wont 2PM's members activities will be affected because of him

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Guest uh-ohxev

Thanks so much for the first part so far... I'm so scared about this letter. I'm on the verge of tears AGAIN, and I don't even know whats happening. I just can't imagine 2PM right now without Jay. But, I'll still support the rest of the members... theres no way I will stop supporting them. They haven't done anything. Please guys continue to support them. They deserve alot of love right now!

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It sounds positive. But doesn't seem to answer much? I mean.. regarding Jay's return.

EDIT: Oops I just realised it was only one part of the whole statement. OMG OMG! I'm praying so hard. *hopeful* (I'm jamming the F5 button at lighting speed!)

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Guest oshkoshbagosh18

his name is back on the list of 2pm members

i disagree with the boycotting thing.

from the info we have jaebum is the one that asked to leave and jyp released him from his contract.

jaebum wasn't kicked out.

I'm with you. Why BOYCOTT 2pm just because Jay's gone? How do they think the rest of the guys, who are in just as much pain seeing as they were the closest to Jay, will feel? I'll tell you how they will feel, at least in my opinion, abandoned and forgotten. As much as we love Jay he didn't MAKE 2PM he was PART of 2PM. There is a reason why Wooyoung said we are not 7 we are 1 because that's what they are. They ARE one and they will FOREVER be one but Jay wouldn't want them to stop doing what they are doing and I hope they know that. But without support Jay will be hurt with the rest of 2PM because THEY ARE ONE. So boycotting is just stupid and unfair.


And what's the point in blaming JYP. If anything I applaude his decision. If jay had of stayed I have a feeling everything for him would have changed. It would have been harder and more of a struggle and NONE of us would have recognized the Jay we saw on shows because the pain would be weighing so heavy on him. The decision probably wasn't EASY either. So I don't blame JYP. In fact I think he's in pain too.

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Guest sweetVisions

Guys, I'm translating this as fast as possible. Please wait.


Once I saw it, my heart started beating so fast

I hope it's good news...

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Guest Jaejoongsgirl<3

OMG OMG OMG JYP released something!!! Thanks for translating !

Wow Jay was that rebellious i guess understandable a lot us American children really dont care about anything besides ourself lol uhh i wanna no more!

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Guest Lucy_Loveless


what do you mean that he's back in the list of 2pm members? o,o

first time posting here hehe, i'm a cassiopeia, but just recently i got into 2pm, and i like them so very much. I was really sad for what happened to Jay ;;

2PM HWAITING! HOTTESTS HWAITING! Always keep the faith! <3

(guess I'm gonna wait until the statement is translated x333!)

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Guest java_junkie

Jaebum's 20+ older fans have created an underground movement that aims to express their anger and force JYP Ent. to feel the consequences of their silence. [...]

This underground movement will protest the 2009 Dream Concert tickets and refuse to acknowledge a 6 member 2PM. All items released under JYP Ent including albums and objects will not be acknowledged.

These activities will continue until the day Jaebum returns to Korea.

Wow. Wrong, so wrong. I understand that some fans are greatly upset by this, but they need to step back from their emotions a little and look at the bigger picture. 2PM consists of 7 guys. "We are not 7, we are 1," as Wooyoung stated. So think how hard the other boys are having it right now. A little piece of themselves has been ripped away and they are aching for their brother's loss and the pain that he had to go through. As someone who's in my 20s as well, I look at the boys with an older sister mentality. When I watch them on TV, I laugh at their silly antics, occasionally roll my eyes at their immaturity, want to lecture them if they do something downright stupid. I smile when I see them happy, my heart shines with pride when I watch them perform on stage or accomplish something huge, and my heart aches when I see them exhausted or in pain. It's like I want to reach out, gather them in my arms and tell them everything will be ok.

For Jaebum, he has returned to a place of security and comfort--home to people who love him unconditionally and can offer him the proper comfort in his time of need. However, we can't forget there are 6 boys who are equally in need of comfort and love. I, as a fan and as a noona, will not give up on any of these boys. I'll continue to love and support these boys, no matter what the future holds for them at the moment. Because that's the least I can do now for these dongsaengs. And I also know in my heart that this is NOT what Jaebum would want from us fans. He'd want us to continue to shower his brothers with love and support, and to be there for them because he can't at the moment.

I agree with a lot of people here saying that JYP is a smart man. He is. How else could he have gotten where he is today? How else could he have created such great artists if he weren't? It's a very delicate situation. You think he's just chilling in his office in NYC, eating rice cakes? No. He's obviously trying to come up with the best plan for Jaebum, for 2PM and for JYPE. This is just as painful for JYP; to watch as netizens tear apart the dreams of a boy he considers a son--it hurts a lot. So please stop blaming him.

Give the man a break. Give him some time. Jaebum is trying to heal. JYP and JYPE are trying to heal. 2PM is trying to heal. We need to give everyone involved time to heal from the shock of it all. As we can tell from the messages that have been popping up from JYP staff, they are also gravely distraught and saddened by this outcome. We need to give everyone some space for them to process what happened, heal, and come to the right decision as to the fate of Jaebum and 2PM. Patience is a virtue.

For now, let's just all have faith in JYP that he'll offer us some good news in the next few days. Have faith that Jaebum will return one day to Korea, when he is good and ready to return. And let us be the pillar of strength for the remaining boys in 2PM for now, because they need our love and support.

EDIT: And thank you thehazyfiasco for taking the time to translate all these news articles that are coming out. We appreciate it!

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Why do you cant understand Jay? Jay did this for other 2pm's members

he felt responsible for his past mistakes and he wont 2PM's members activities will be affected because of him

well for one thing...for sure 2pm activities will be affected by him..I'm sure he realized that already. And maybe I'm wrong but if put me in his shoe then if I'm supporting my FAMILY with my profession...then I will stay as long as I can and fight it out. Of course he cares about his members, I never said he didn't, but I just feel uncomfortable with people thinking that JYP can do no-wrong and that he loves Jae like his children. All entertainment company says that, until there's a disagreement with money, then all hell breaks loose. Sure JYP is one of the better entertainment company around but that's not to say that JYP will put what Jae wants (if he really did want to leave) over what is best for JYPE.

Again Jae leaving could be for numerous of reasons, for himself, for his members, but let's not cast aside that he could have had a little push from JYP also.

I'm almost breaking the F5 button on my keyboard..can't wait to find out what JYP release.

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Guest Banana Peel

Okay, well I've read it and to my knowlege, the other half of JYP's message is stating that he hope that the people respect/understand Jay's decision. And that he is sorry.

From what I've read, he doesn't tell you a direct 'yes or no' to Jay coming back or anything close to it :( *sigh* I was hoping that it would be good news. Well, at least we've heard something from JYP.


thanks so much, thehazyfiasco for all your hard work :D


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Guest thehazyfiasco


I'm sorry for typos or grammar mistakes, I rushed this as fast as possible.


Then why would we keep such a kid?

I love rebellious children. Rather than children that are nice up front but are calculating and evil behind my back, I love children that are rebellious up to my face. I loved the fact that he showed his emotions straight up. It gave me hope. Who would have the guts to utter such words to my face? To say that his failure depended on my bad music? I thought that it was funny.

I believed that rebellious children had too much energy, just no place to express that energy. Or they never met someone that would trust them enough to show them the correct path. I wanted to help this person go on stage and feel the energy and joy. As long as I could instill within him trust and love.

To Jaebum, there are only two types of people. His family, and those that are not his family. He loves his family more than I could ever know. The reason he talks about money in interviews is not to buy nice clothes, it is to pay back his family, who always works hard for him. That's why he ran the path of becoming a singer.

He was rebellious, but he excelled in training.

I saw this and thought, if only I could make him think of my company, his fellow trainees, this company as his family. if only.

So one day, I told him "Jaebum, someone is not a family only because they share the same blood. Please open your heart to them first. Then others can be your family too."

Through these efforts, he began to change.. He began to hug his fellow trainees, start conversations with company employees, and began enjoying his time on the stage.

He finally began to express his energy on stage and began to shine through singing and dancing.

I chose him as the team's leader. The rest of the 6 really believed in him and followed his lead.

He always trained with them and always thought of his younger members before him..

After his debut, he felt a change in his heart at the news reporters and attentions that showed him in a positive light and began showing affection.

He was touched at by the hearts of his fans.

Good people, good friends, good fans... good music.. through all this, he began to change.

But as things began to go up, like a sad movie scene, his entry from 4 years ago was released.

He was so sorry. To his 2PM brothers, to me, to his company employees, to his fans.. and to nobody more than to his Koreans.

He thought to himself that if he stayed any longer, his brothers would only get more hurt. He told me he did not have the confidence to get up on stage.

I knew what he was saying too well to hold him back.

If I were him, I would have made the same decision.

And so he left.


My heart was ripping. It hurt. But knowing what Koreans would feel at his words, an immense sense of betrayal, I could not say anything.

But what I can do for him is to tell everyone that he showed on TV is not fake. He might have been rebellious but never fake. He never hid his true emotions. He was always up front, straight up... and that is something that can never change.

I know the public and the fans and I am listening to your opinions. But the most important thing is that Jaebum is not 2PM's Park Jaebum but a child, a teenager Jaebum.

I genuinely wish for you all to hold his decision true.

I apologize once more.



Basically... JYP is agreeing to Jaebum's decision of leaving.

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Guest xtoxicpinkx


oh sheeet.

this is not what i want to hear!!!!!!!!!!

my soul left my body, & now i dont know when it will come back.


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