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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese


Hey everyone, I'm usually a silent reader but I just couldn't stay silent on this one. I've admired JB's passion, dedication to his work, dedication to his fellow members and fans, and the amount of love he has for his mother so much. Being such a big fan of Jay, seeing his going through this cruel situation, I just... really wanted to reach out and support him in any way I could.

And now, after going through this thread, I realize that there are so, so many people who feel the same way.

A couple days ago, I saw a video on youtube for Beyonce's birthday (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cGJ9eFSbFo) and thought it was such a good idea. So I thought, why not make the same for Jaebum? Let's put together a collaborative Youtube video, where we get as much people as possible to make a little video showing how much we love him and really do care for him, and then put them all together to make one big, supportive message. (And also try to get a couple famous people to put in a few words, if possible)

Someone should definitely organize this! =) Spread the word to as many people as possible, find some some people who are good/experienced at making youtube videos, etc. Let's show those haters that love > hate, yeah? x]]

im totally down for this. i will contribute && even help out (:

also, anyone && everyone who owns a youtube channel can put up the video. that way its easier to find it.

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Guest chaoticrose

[NEWS] 090909 2009 Dream Concert Lineup


This is NOT a confirmation of ANYTHING.

It is simply a lineup for ONE concert and the poster was edited based on the assumption of the Dream Concert company.



Information about 2009 Dream Concert here.

While it's understandable that they'd do this, I'm still so surprised/shocked that they'd change it so fast... like wiping his existence off the (kpop) earth, really.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

in my opinion, he shouldn't have left. he did something wrong, but that was so long ago. he apologized, he said he's sorry.

the netizens in korea are very harsh. they have done far worse things than this. he should have just waited for it to die down, go back home for a rest then come back. but not quit.

2PM is there, his fans are there. He has many supporters. korean netizens may hate him but he has people who loves him too. i think it was a little bit sad that he only listened to the larger group of people who wants him out. but didn't consider the loss of the people who he'll be leaving behind. JYPE obviously doesn't want him to go. 2PM doesn't want him to go. his fans doesn't want him to go. 2PM needs a leader the most at this time and leaving the group hanging like this isn't really the best option.

it may have something to do with his different background in culture, that the shock of how harsh netizens can be made him quit, that he wasn't prepared like how other korean artists usually are of all the backlash. but he shouldn't have quit.

i'm sad that a leader has done this. it is very... strange behavior for a leader.

but if he loves 2PM, and his fans, especially 2PM! he'll come back.

if he loves his passion in music, if he loves his art, if he loves what he's doing... he'll realize that not everyone can be pleased and appeased and come back.

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Guest jaejoongiefied

I'm seriously ... Out of words .

I got home today and quickly opened the computer .

I wanted to see if there were any Jay updates, and wondered if everything was back to normal .

But, when I went on ALLKPOP, it says "Jay Leaves Korea" .

I started reading, and I thought they were lying .

I refused to believe it .

I never knew Jay would leave ...

I feel so crappy as a Hottest, a fan of 2PM .

I can't even do anything to help Jay .

I hope Jay's getting some rest in Seattle with his family and friends .

And to Jay, oppa, please take care of yourself and don't get sick T_T .

... I died when I heard Wooyoung fainted .

I hope Jaebeom oppa comes back, and Korea accepts him again .

Neitzens have gone too far ...

2PM & Jay Forever .

2PM is not 2PM w/o Jay or any other member .


Btw - When I see videos of picture of Jay, I can't help but cry .

& the dream concert poster ... Jay PSed out ... T___T .

Also, let's just support Jay and our 2PM & 2AM boys right now .

They must be in more pain than we are .

Let's just pray and hope that Jay will come back :] .


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That picture upsets me greatly..

it hasn't been a couple of days & they already p'sed Jay out of the picture?

Seriously do they have no compassion?

JYP himself has not even issued an official statement

about Jay's departure so I don't see why they feel

the need to photoshop Jay out of the group.

All we have right now is Jaebum saying he has left

the group & he has returned home to Seattle

but we don't even have an official word yet

from the boss himself.

I think that is very inconsiderate of the Dream Concert

organizers to do something like.

Jaebum is still part of 2PM...

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Guest candyapple1111

Im happy that celebs are starting to support him. They need to find a way to counter act antis because they blow everything out of proportion. saying ramun instead ramyun. calling fabric flesh colored where does it end They have too much control. The smallest things set them off They know how much power they have and their drunk with it. people think that this is some kind of ploy but I don't think he will return ever.

Jae bum fighting all the way

2pm fighting

Wow i had to edit my post because that poster has made everything 10x worse. It's more real now

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Guest haiphuong

I do agree with some of you that we should leave Jay and JYP some rests. The last 4 days is the worst memory of his life so just let him some peace in mind with his family and his friends. And pls don't 4get the other 6 members too, esp Jun Ho. He must be very sad when now he's sleeping in their room ALONE. All of us are in pain because of Jay's leave but remember that the others still need us.

And for the netizen who exposed Jay comes clean, I know that there are some of us just wan to "kill" that person but remember that we cannot change the past. What's done is done. If that person has a heart, he/ she must have regreted for what he/ she has done for Jay and also 2PM.

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2pm isn't 2pm w/o jay or any other member.

they might as well change their group name... seriously!!

and i freaking miss the rest of the boys..

any news on them?

and to add it on JAEBEOM was so proud of his group that he even did his hair w/ the words "2pm"..

so 2pm can't be 2pm w/ just six...

it's like taking off hot fudge chocolate on a 'hot fudge chocolate sundae" yeah? :P

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It's cyber bullying. I agree. I wish there were cyber bullying laws in Korea just like the U.S.

Sorry I cut your post.

They do but I think it's harder to handle it for celebrities. Plus, in Korea I think it's generally thought that celebs work for the public. You know how like Yoo Jae Seuk in midst of his shows always addresses the audience, apologises etc? He's one of the most loved celebrities in Korea because even when he's just walking down the street he bows and greets each person. That shows what a nice person it is but also shows what the Korean public values in celebrities.

I know my Korean parents always criticise celebrities that they see on Korean shows or from what they read on the news. And I always tell them that they are human too, why criticise them so much for? And my dad (who has worked with celebrities before coz he was in the advertisement business) always says that they are in the public eye to be criticised. They know that with fame this comes, and it was their choice to choose this path so viewers have a right to criticise them. It's true, but I think this is more the general consensus in Korea.

That's why I think there is so much internet bashing of famous people. After Choi Jin Shil's death people started campaigning for tighter cyber bullying laws. I'm not sure what the results of that was but I sincerely hope this incident raises the seriousness of this issue.

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Guest lia_lee

^ that is depressing. x_x;;

ionno... it's weird seeing just 6 members... did they really have to cut him out like that? ><;;;

ahh.. ionno. but that's so depressing.

are they even gonna perform at dream concert?

i have a feeling they wont. ><;;

ionno how i'll be able to handle seeing jay's part being sung by another member...

it... literally.. isnt the same without jay there. ><;

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Guest spiral_flare


Wait, sorry, but WHAT????????????

I knew about the controversy but I never bothered to check this thread again thinking it would die down, but HE LEFT THE GROUP? I'm so sad right now, I actually just cried. 2PM is not the same without Jay. It feels so unbelievable and it's not like I was a HUGE fan or anything, but wow, I'm seriously speechless.

I can't believe it. This isn't right.


I'm gonna go listen to 2PM songs now, and download all their performances and stuff.

This is unbelievable.

I'm gonna go cry some more.

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Guest `dang sun mei

Jaebum’s arrival at Sea-Tac Airport 090809

My friends Alyssa, Alex and I took the metro to the airport and we got to the airport around 11:15ish and I told my friend we were there a bit early but we were excited to see Jaebum come home to Seattle. We went to the S-gates exits, which consisted of three stairs, two stairs coming from the bottom floor and one escalator coming from a top floor. There were about 10-12ish fans there some regulars like my friends and I and some that were new. The new ones were DBSK fans, but they learned about 2PM a couple days ago so it was nice to see other fans anyways. We didn’t know which stairs to wait at so we waited on the left side about 15-20 ft away from the left stairs. There were 3 fans waiting on the right stairs just in case he came up those. We all kept talking about him leaving and such and about 10 minutes before he came, a Korean guy asked us if we were there to see Jaebum too since he saw us making signs for Jaebum. We told him, yes, and he replied that he was also a 2PM fan. Later, a random woman came up to us and asked us why were here with the signs and told her that a Korean celebrity was arriving. She had a Korean foreign exchange student coming and then she went on talking to another lady who was doing the same thing. A couple minutes after, a Korean lady came up to me since I was writing Korean on my fan sign and asked me in if I was there to see Jaebum and I told her yes and she gave a warm smile and then quickly went near the left stairs. Between about 12:40 – 12:50 pm, there Jaebum came up the left stairs. We all saw his face and had to process in our brains, “That’s Jaebum.” There was a one second scream and we knew we didn’t want to do that since you could tell he didn’t want to be trampled by fans. We kept our space, but his face coming up those stairs, the sadist thing you could’ve ever seen. He looked so sad, ashamed, regretful. So many expressions that made me, personally, feel so bad for him. You might’ve cried when you saw him. It was that heavy expression of sorrow and bittersweet-ness. He was hugged by his family except his father since he wasn’t there. The same lady I told that I was there for Jaebum touched his face giving him a comforting, “It’s okay, we’re always here to support you,” family feeling. I realized it was Jaebum’s mother and I was so surprised to talk to her. She’s a very nice and loving mother. He left with his family to the terminal carousel and around to some escalators and went up and left to the parking. When he started moving towards the carousel, one of the girls behind me shouted, “Hottests will always support you, Jaebum!” His friend got his bags and left also. My two friends & I stopped after he went up the escalator and left him rest with family.

Pictures & Video coming soon.

(As soon as my friend uploads them =_=;;)

I couldn’t find my camera or my mom’s nice one since she took them to work and hid the other one. >>;;

same post from here: http://www.2oneday.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8499

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Meanwhile, JaeBum has safely arrived back in his hometown in Seattle. A video was uploaded on Youtube showing him at SEATAC. His mother was present at the airport to receive him.

The netizen who uploaded the video said, “He started crying when he saw his mother. His mother held his face and wiped his tears away. At the baggage claim, he kept saying sorry to his mother.”

source : KBites

sighh..he even said sorry to his mom..

sorry to cut your post short, but i am a sucker for family love.

How heartbreaking, just imagining him crying to his mother. How heartbreaking, just imagining him taking a nap from the stress when his friend said he was sleeping right behind him. Every moment that I think about it, the weight on my heart just gets heavier and heavier.

But to tell the truth, like some people are saying, I believe it's best we support his decision. And not in the way that a lot of people are thinking--about speaking up, signing petitions to JYP, tweeting him endlessly, etcetera. I think it's best if we start attacking the core of the problem: internet bullying. Of course, Jay's hurtful comments can be considered the real core, but imagine how much the other companies can learn from this. To new artists, the companies would have to require them to delete their myspaces, facebooks, and any other public accounts until officially approved.

And then, like I said, there's internet bullying. Don't really know what to say, other than the obvious--stop the bullying! Comments like "the person who revealed it should slit their wrists" and the like is the exact same thing. I bet you if there's a bunch of people saying that in English, how many other Korean fans are cussing her out?

It leaves me dumbfounded.

Whenever I rant, I tend to go on a tangent and lose my point, I apologize.

We've all said it, they've all said it: Jay and JYP need time. Give them space, give them room.

It's only been a day, have you realized that? Incredible what one single event can do and how long it'll seem.

I thought this summer was long, but this day was the longest day of my life.

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I think the happiest news i heard so far is people seeing Jay in the shopping mall in Seattle.

Atleast i know he is well with his family and friends, and he can go out and relax abit to distract himself from all the things that are happening.

Everyone is shocked that within such a short 4 days he decided to make this kind of explosive decision, but no matter what i will alwayz support him for sure.

The tears really have to stop now, and just continue to sign petition and do whatever is within our limit to show all the support for Jay, for the rest of 2PM.

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Guest splendidlure
Sorry I cut your post.

They do but I think it's harder to handle it for celebrities. Plus, in Korea I think it's generally thought that celebs work for the public. You know how like Yoo Jae Seuk in midst of his shows always addresses the audience, apologises etc? He's one of the most loved celebrities in Korea because even when he's just walking down the street he bows and greets each person. That shows what a nice person it is but also shows what the Korean public values in celebrities.

I know my Korean parents always criticise celebrities that they see on Korean shows or from what they read on the news. And I always tell them that they are human too, why criticise them so much for? And my dad (who has worked with celebrities before coz he was in the advertisement business) always says that they are in the public eye to be criticised. They know that with fame this comes, and it was their choice to choose this path so viewers have a right to criticise them. It's true, but I think this is more the general consensus in Korea.

That's why I think there is so much internet bashing of famous people. After Choi Jin Shil's death people started campaigning for tighter cyber bullying laws. I'm not sure what the results of that was but I sincerely hope this incident raises the seriousness of this issue.

I understand that. Criticism comes with the the Job. It's the same in the U.S. However, everything was small and manageable until Netizens started having a suicide petition. That's when they started crossing the line. You can criticize a celebrity, but must you wish upon death a celebritiy or even your fellow human being who only made a small mistake? There's a really big line between criticism and wishing someone to die. It's like when Yunho got poisoned by an anti-fan. I did not see that stupid anti-fan get any repercussions nor did Yunho get mad and make a public statement.

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I read someone mentioned that they are waiting for Friday to have an update. I don't think I see anything official that there will be a news release this Friday right? Am I missing something?

I hope they will still show Jay's performance last weekend although it will hurt to see his last stage performance (hopefully just for a while). I really want to see the last Episode of Wild Bunny in the future but I really like they stop showing it ouf ot respect for Jay and current situation. The write up is really touching from Wild Bunny staff. It may be more fitting to show it when Jay is back.

Let's keep our faith that he will be back some day.

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Jaebum’s arrival at Sea-Tac Airport 090809

sorry to cut ur post..but thanx for sharing it here..

reading how u said jay look when he arrived break my heart even more..

but somehow im glad he is now with his family and his friends..

his mother must thankful to see u guys were there waiting and supporting her son..

it makes me smile to read that someone behind u shouted that hottest will always support him..

YES WE WILL ALWAYS DO..jay fighting..hottest fighting!!!

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Guest glfishy24

Meanwhile, JaeBum has safely arrived back in his hometown in Seattle. A video was uploaded on Youtube showing him at SEATAC. His mother was present at the airport to receive him.

The netizen who uploaded the video said, “He started crying when he saw his mother. His mother held his face and wiped his tears away. At the baggage claim, he kept saying sorry to his mother.”

source : KBites

sighh..he even said sorry to his mom..

that is the saddest thing ive heard yet!

i mean, i can't imagine what he feels! what the mom feels! he's her son! and to see him suffer like that

and then him apologizing?!

i would hate all the netizens for doing that to my son

but she seems so loving~~

i'm glad he has a loving home to come back to :)

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