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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest kevin1320

@stuartjmz: are u new to K-drama? Sorry for that honest question? But i feel like u have no idea how K-drama works. Yeh is not the only one who dresses like that, every single actors and actresses on screen do the same thing. Its just about how well they can pull it off. Btw, yeh will portray a poor script writer. It doesnt mean that she is homeless, she still can wear good afforable stuffs that can look good and expensive to the others.

And like u said, she looked better in road of hope than in her burberry shoot. Thats realy funny, or maybe u really dont care about fashion AT ALL.

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Sorry about the formatting below, I do not know how to fix.


Just to add on to @kevin1320 and @santaiah178 assertions. I think a critical point you are missing here is that YEH and the rest of the cast are required to wear certain clothes by contract. In order to make a production, MHIYD, the drama needs income, from individual investors (producers) and corporate investors. This income received from corporations are exchanged for commercials and product placement. Wearing a sponsor's clothes is product placement a form of advertisement (other people want what YEH has on, and we all know YEH is very good at this), this form advertisement helps pay for the production. 

There are other ways to pay for a production, but they usually come after the production is finished, a few examples are selling rights, merchandising, and fan club meetings  The biggest reason why you want investment pre-production rather than post-production is because oftentimes productions don't do well and they are not able to pay the actors, staff, and service companies, because they did not have enough income prior to and during the production. Moreover, as a result of the production failing they are not able to pay their other debt obligations, which were taken out in lieu of not having pre-production investment.

Since YEH and other famous people are in MHIYD, the production gets the benefit of having pre-production and production income to fund the drama, which provides writers and directors with more creative freedom. In the alternative, MHIYD would have to increase their debt obligations, which would limit the production's creative license. 

However, costume designers, actors, and actresses still have some control in the sense that the clothes still match their character, i.e. that cartier watch does not scream obviously rich even though it is worth 5k.

Nonetheless, and luckily for us, hair stylists are not yet sponsors of t.v. shows, so dramas still have some control over the characters' hair styles!

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Yoon Eun Hye's Lie to Me began airing on CTI Chinese channel last night. I had already seen it when it first aired, but it was always nice to see YEH again! My parents sat down to watch with me, but dubbed dramas are so funny - I miss YEH's actual voice. LOL.

So excited for Future's Choice!

(First post here! Yaaay!)

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Official posters :x


201310100806443310_1.jpg201310100806443310_2.jpgBigger version

cr to HallyuYEH

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Guest jjsweeter0211

The Future Choice' unveils three official posters

'The Future Choice' unveiled three additional posters to further grab the attention of viewers ahead of its premiere next week.

'The Future Choice' will be the next drama to take on the 'time slip' concept. Like the poster reads, "Marry him if you dare", Na Mi Rae (Yoon Eun Hye)'s future self pressures her younger self to choose riches over love so as to not make the same mistake twice. The clock in the background of the poster design represents this concept and the lead cast, Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong GunYonghwa, and Han Chae Ah show their cute charms and charisma, hinting on an interesting romantic comedy story to come about.

As mentioned before, Na Mi Rae must choose between the man she loves, announcer Kim Shin (Lee Dong Gun), and the man she should love, Park Sae Ju (Yonghwa), who is the grandson of a broadcast station's CEO. Just by looking at the posters, Lee Dong Gun and Yonghwa look like walking doppelgangers of each other, making the dilemma of which couple to ship that much harder to figure out.

'The Future Choice' will premiere on October 14 so get ready to tune in next week!


class="entry-title single-title" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-family: Oswald, Arial, Verdana, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; line-height: 60px; letter-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; background-position: 0px 50%; "“MARRY HIM IF YOU DARE” RELEASES THREE OFFICIAL POSTERS

With less than a week to its premiere, KBS has released three posters for their upcoming time travel drama, Marry Him If You Dare. I believe we’ve already seen most of these images in stills and previous releases but I have to say that I really like the third one. It’s like a poster for an ensemble cast romantic comedy like Love Actually or He’s Just Not That Into You. It’s fair to say that we have five lead characters and I can’t wait to see how they interact with each other. Can you imagine how nasty future Mi Rae will be to present Kim Shin? Then she’ll be so sweet to Park Se Ju that he’d start to think she’s got a crush on him. It’s an interesting concept that I’m looking forward to see play out. We’ll be recapping this drama on Couch Kimchi so stay tuned


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Guest santaiah178


said: Respectfully, I disagree. The thread  @kevin1320 kindly linked to for me shows that in her other series too, she wore clothes and accessories from a variety of high end designers and labels that her characters would not have been able to afford. The sheer number of different and often competing companies represented in her wardrobe and accessories for these shows tells me that more than sponsorship was involved, that her own personal preferences is a  significant factor in the style choices being made.  Indeed, the extent of her input into the fashion and design elements of series she's in has often been mentioned and discussed. I have absolutely no problem with this, she works hard for her money and if she chooses to dress and accessorise in nothing but the most expensive of products, that's entirely her right and more power to her, she looks mighty fine in all of them. I simply find it interesting that she clearly draws a line when it comes to what she will wear in character, as can be seen in her wearing products as both Mi Rae and Gong Ah Jung that neither character ever actually would, whether that's $5000 watches or $500 sneakers. 

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Guest daysofgrace

Very interesting discussions here. Although I echo @stuartjmz's observation re: the disconnect between some characters and their wardrobe in most dramas, i did learn a lot from the many explanations offered. Now I understand why in one drama, the female lead's family was so poor they were being evicted from their rented home for failure to pay rent, and yet she wears these really nice clothes to work. It bothered me a bit to see such glaring inconsistency but I tried to justify it by thinking... well, nice work clothes are to an office girl what tools would be to a tradesman. She invested in them to keep her job. Now I know there's another side to it. I guess I'm not too concerned with this product placement game as long as it's subtle and they don't deviate too far from the character's reality and personality. Anything beyond that would tend to dilute a show's integrity.

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Guest kevin1320

Are you guys ready for the comference?

Btw, what time will the conference be at? I forgot

I hope i can stay that late to see pictures from the conference

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye @HallyuYEH1m

Press Update 20131010 : Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 arrived on the scene her hair is rolled up. 'Marry Him If You Dare' 미래의 선택

Press Update 20131010 :
Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 arrived wearing flower pattern one piece dress with black jacket hung around her shoulder. 'Marry Him If You Dare' 미래의 선택
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