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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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@mcsarangyeh, did i cause you any confusion sorry :X because she wrote to a chinese fan so my immediate thought were she is in china????!!! Then i scrolled down and discovered she was in Korea outside her shop heehee :\">

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Sorry, just want to share my feelings..

Now that the female lead for Heirs is confirmed idk why but i feel frustrated. It has nothing to do with lee min ho or park shin hye. But maybe because i want to watch yeh in a drama directed under that director it makes me feel sad it didnt happened. Well, maybe next time. I know that yeh will choose the best script n i will always support her in whatever her decision is. miss yeh, i miss you! >_<

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Guest blessedgrace

I’m having a brief downtime from an extremely busy 1st quarter, and I have set aside a slice of this downtime to enjoy just being a YEH fan before going back to my days in the whirlwind (also known as “corporate world”), re-watching her shows and visiting her thread.    So here’s my 2-cents for today.


I wasn’t consciously noticing that YEH had stopped using twitter but I’m glad she did and I hope she stays away for her own good. Like any other social networking platform, twitter started out as a micro-blogging site with such great promise of connecting people’s daily lives and bringing them to the level of commonplace, everyday interactions. For celebrities like YEH, it’s a great tool to connect with fans and let them know what’s going on, promote and gain support without going through the rigors of press releases and publicity channels. It’s also a fun way to share information that would excite fans and make them happy; a great way to generate feedback and check the pulse of followers. However, anything that’s overused and abused does not yield good results for anyone, and I have read that more and more celebrities are finding out that twitter is getting to be a nightmare and a pain rather than the useful tool it was meant to be. What was intended to promote good relationships has on the flipside become a channel of hatred, bad criticism and ill will, a community where green-eyed monsters and social predators have voluntarily taken up permanent residence. We know it’s always open season on celebrities and twitter makes them even more vulnerable to attacks and criticisms with no way to stop it but to close the account and stay away permanently. If they’re not tolerant enough it could get them into violent fights and disagreements with their followers, and that spells even more trouble for them. It’s a sad reality and I digress a little but people seem to have no more respect for boundaries, everyone is taking liberties to redefine their freedoms and the absolute values and virtues we are supposed to live by are nowhere to be seen or heard.


I personally don’t do twitter for good reasons so I may not be the best person to speak of its advantages and disadvantages, but in the light of things I have observed and read, I am of the opinion that the downside of twitter appears to outweigh its utility and worth. I therefore commend YEH’s decision to stay away from something that is admittedly fun, yes, but in some ways unhealthy to the heart, mind and spirit. Here’s delicate, sweet, sensitive, kind, compassionate and peace-loving YEH ….. imagine her opening the doors of her twitter account one morning and being met by a pack of ravenous wolves ready to devour her over something so simple and so well-intentioned, like encouraging people to come out and vote and being chastised instead for what her body language in the pictures show. I am not an expert in human dynamics to understand why some people think and behave the way they do, but this much I know - that it’s definitely not healthy to allow negativity into your life especially when there is absolutely nothing to justify it. The life of ordinary people like us is already so laden with everyday stresses, how much more for someone like YEH who has to constantly live under a microscope, where everything she says or does could lead to either praise or condemnation, joy or pain, victory or defeat. Such kind of pressure doesn’t need to be magnified even more. Even as a celebrity, Yoon Eun Hye needs to know, experience and enjoy what peace is like, something that’s so precious to all of us but sadly elusive to those who are in the limelight. God bless YEH.

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Guest rivanaraja

Why Yoon Eun Hye when she wanted representation exposed to a lot of harm to She is a singer

As representatives when bound to sing not be harmed

I hope that due Yoon Eun Hye to sing and is not afraid of one

Yoon Eun has a beautiful voice  Why do not we see her album or concert

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I think the reason why Yoon Eun Hye kinda gave up singing is because she found that she wanted to be an actress more than she wanted to be a singer. Now that so many years has past since her Baby VOX days, (I think she said in an interview before) that she (IMPLIED) she doesn't want to become a singer again. Main reason is because it's been such a long time, and she's really rusty and would have to go through training again. Second is probably the high increase of talent among the idol groups these days. Compared to now than then, the idol groups have definitely upgraded their singing and dancing abilities... and those abilities are of higher standard compared to the 90's.
Personally (don't kill me now), I am fond of YEH's voice, but I don't think it's as great enough to allow her to become a solo artist. When I'm thinking of solo artists, I'm thinking of Baek ji young, K-Will, etc, who have phenomenal pipes. I just dunno if YEH is at that level yet :\ Her voice is sweet and I think it's just another side to her that's nice to know, but not really a side that she could make $ from. Maybe instead of using her voice in a major career, she can do small side projects or collaborations with other artists... That sort of commitment seems perfect for her as now, she is no longer a singer, but a well-established actress.
Not trying to bring any negativity on her singing, but I think its known that even among the Baby VOX singers, she didn't have the best voice (that was Hee Jin unnie's job I think). However, I think we really have to already be pleased with how YEH is. She can draw, act, sing, design, model, (list goes oon) and we should view her singing ability as an extreme blessing, cause not everyone can have this COMPLETE of a package. 
Regarding the awards ceremonies, to be honest, I've been really frustrated with how they've been selecting their nominations. I feel like many idols these days are trying to cross their singing paths with acting ones. That's perfectly fine (as YEH did that), but to be automatically nominated from an okay performance with high ratings, that's absurd. Our YEH was nominated for Goong, which was legitimate because she displayed a genuine quirky character... first and foremost, and then the ratings came after. It was because of her acting portrayal and the good storyline that there were good ratings, not because of her well-known status.
Eh, I'm just really hoping to hear news from her. Whatever her promotions or future plans are, I hope she shares it with us :(

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I hope that the new rumor about her is true!!!   Miss her....
As for the Baeksang/Paeksang awards, I am disappointed she wasn't nominated but as everyonesays, it is not really a legit award show anymore...  it is heavily influenced by ratings now.... also, I think that part of the reason why she wasn't nominated for Best Actress is because she already won it before, maybe because she is young compared to the others, it will be a big slap to the others' faces if she beat out the others (who mostly are older than her) again or those who never won it before..  my opinion only...  not saying that they don't deserve the nomination or award too but you can't deny that YEH acted her heart out in MY...  I still get chills when I see her scared + confused tear filled face from episode 21 when Kang Hyung Joon was keeping her captive in the warehouse...  Those were legit emotions...  she showed all that at the same time....  difficult....  as for the Popularity Award, I never really liked that award since you don't need talent to win it...  just need fans and in a country where idols are practically worshipped by fans who are blinded, it is difficult fof a legit actor to win it based on talents...  even the name of the day award says that it is based on Popularity and not talent. 

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Guest santaiah178

@kenjisam if YEH didn't get nominated based on your logic, that the overall drama (IMY) itself isn't good, how come some of previous nominees (with the same category) on BA also could came from "not so good" dramas ? (and I think I don't have to mentioned which one since you're a drama addict)For me it's clear that now BA's selection for nominee is based on RATING regardless how good or bad the overall drama is. I bet IF IMY's rating was high (and number one on it's time slot) YEH will be nominated.   Personally IMO why IMY didn't get high rating despite it's plot is because it addressed a sensitive issue (rape) which is still a stigma for Korean people. Sure this issue has been adopted/addressed by several other dramas but it's always been a side story and never been the main story such as IMY. And moreover YEH portrayed a sexual assault victim here. So no matter how good her acting is Korean viewer won't give credit to her which's translated into "modest" rating. But I bet she will have an opposite treatment if it was depicted into a movie/film.IMHO LSY is a complicated character but YEH did her character justice.
@MariYEH do you think our YEH will quit twitter ? I will be sad if it's true cause despite "usage abuse" by some people this social network is a way of fans to communicate with her :(

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Guest prettybo

kenjisam said: wanna state and write my sentiments regarding YEH not making on Baeksang 49th award list for best actress nominee

for everyone who are new to K entertainment (World) system

to be a nominee
you have to get a high ratings
garnered public attention,hit shows (talk of the nation)
Gets Netizen  attention
also some of those nominated are already selection handed by their perspective stations(MBC,SBS,KBS)

made lots of Impact

I am a YEH bias ever since baby vox days I'm a big kpop stan even sooo
we all know YEH really did good portraying her character as SooYeon (IMY)
but to be honest din't really like  (IMY), story was off some what, wasn't that smooth
director din't really do a good job (sorry)on some scenes  they could have done better cinematography too

what i mean is No matter  how good  you did on a certain project there is something missing/off

o not really surprise with YEH not maikng in the nomination list what surprise me was Jo InSung(TWTWB) Kwon SangWoo(QOA) & Moon ChaeWon(NG) not nominated

btw this year Baeksang has great line up of nominees
if you are a drama addict like me You would know what Im talking about

my fave drama din't make to the best drama list so my bet would be The Chaser for this yr
 for best actress its the obvious  SHK

as for winning/winners attendance is a must,  for NOT present NO award has been a trend lol
for Idols nominees not that many makes it on nominee list for acting
except for some e.i YoonA(SNSD) -(YAMD) & UEE (AS)-(OB) will both of them did great on their perspective drama, most of them are on popularity list only

On that PYC article its's more of marketing  tactic (JYJ) doing World tour soon

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Although this is not really the best venue to discuss IMY and YEH's acting in the drama, since you posted your comment here, I deem it fit to react in the thread.
YEH's not being nominated in Baeksang for Best Actress category is not an indicator that IMY is not a good drama. I watched the drama several times, analyzing it in the process and from a literary standpoint it is cohesive and powerfully narrated. The script lines have a lot of depth and insight. The  acting was critically acclaimed by Korean Drama bloggers (it's a pity we couldn't translate these reviews). One flaw is the underdevelopment of the second female lead's character. Another could be the gruelling shooting schedule that left YEH exhausted and sick, thus, unable to shoot a vital scene in Episode 21. She was very apologetic about this. Cinematography was one of its strong points and I would say the director did a good job in depicting the story. Yoochun described him as a fussy director---meaning, one that will not settle for anything but the best.
Understandably, a lot of people couldn't bear with the heavy drama. IMY is not for the faint-hearted: It pricks our fairy-tale bubble. It had a fairly good rating at 11+% but I think it performed very well in terms of online viewing. Since most TV viewers are ajummas and ajusshis, I think they were immediately repelled by the 1st scene of Episode 1 where the father was physically and graphically hurting the young LSY and stopped viewing the drama all together. I think more viewers gave up when horror of horrors (!) at least for the regular Korean drama viewers who are accustomed to "feel good" Kdramas, LSY was sexually abused in Episode 3 by one of the kidnappers. Many abandoned ship after this but it didn't in any way make IMY less of a solid drama. 
If it were several % higher in terms of ratings, I am almost sure YEH would be nominated. Such is the bane of the Korean Acting Awards.

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Seems like 84 over e is pretty popular now amongst celebrities....

The House Company @TheHouseCompany

84 over e 사랑해주신 많은 분들께 감사드립니다~!
많이 부족하지만 끊임없는 관심과 사랑 덕분에 더 성장 할수 있었습니다~^^
올 여름도 여러분의 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드립니다~^^
자세한건 http://www.e84e.com 에서 확인해주세요 68125998.png

Source: twitter

SNSD's Jessica is wearing the Denim shirt. 

Actress Seo Woo is wearing the Denim shirt in the picture...

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Hi, I would like to share something I translated here because I think it gave me more indepth views of YEH and hopefully to some YEH supporters here.

Disclaimer: sorry for my imperfect english translation so in any case I translated wrongly or misphased it please be kind to me :x Arigato!  


The whole article translation

source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2252766209


Q What is the reasonwhich you would want to participate in this drama?

A While I am in the process of discussion for various works, I am looking forward to meet a good work. During this period, I read the outline ofthis drama, and shed tears. From past till now those experienced pain and lonelinessI had swarmed up my heart. I think this role that I play should bring comfort to audience, hence decided to participate.


Q What is the similarity between you and Lee Suyeon?

A Ever since in this career of artist, had being HURT by many people and incidents but all these pains have to depend on myself to overcome. I believed these painful experiences and how to armour myself are similar. And also, LSY is a designer and I love fashion.

Q 每集都有很多哭戏,哭戏演技很辛苦吧?
A 说实话真的很辛苦。一般电视剧从后半段开始有很多哭戏,这次电视剧一开始就有很多哭戏(笑)。另外我也想使哭戏稍微有些变化。人们在疯狂的时候哭泣,和悲伤的哭泣,我想表现出不同的感情。因为在拍摄哭戏的时候讨厌使用人工眼泪,所以每次都是真哭。拍完远景拍摄特写的时候,脸因为哭泣过多而肿起来了(笑)。

Q Every episode has a lot of crying scene, acting in crying scene is very hard right?

A To be honest it’s really hard. In general, there will only be a lot of crying scenes at the later part of a drama But this drama has alot of crying scene right from the beginning (laughs). And I also want to change the crying scene slightly. When people crying madly/crazily, crying with sadness, I want to show different emotions. I hate the use of artificial tears when shooting crying scene, so every time is real crying (tears). After finished the far shoot when taking close-up, face will become swollen because of excessive crying up (laughs).

Each scene weeped for four hours, continuously for 1~2 weeks, every time went home to sleep after waking up my face will be still swollen. But still my own familiar face (laughs).

Q 出演前四集的儿童演员演技获得好评,有没有压力呢?
A 压力大到想死啊(笑)

Q The child actors starred in the 1st four episodes received favorable critics for their acting, were you pressurized?
A The pressure were real big till I feel like dying (laughs)
The child actors in the 1st four episodes acted really good, I went home with heavy heart. I were also distressed, but because the writer said, "I would like to see a bright/cheerful LSY that's why choose YEH, so I want to show the positive side of LSY.


Q Which are your memorable lines?
A Actually I were more touched when watching on TV as compared to onsite filming. There are a lot of good lines. While thinking about the relationship between LSY and HJW, Harry and ZOE, mother and LSY, always feel the lines are very sad when shooting but when watching on TV I will think "oh still have this line? ", There are a lot of Quotes. Especially in the interrogation room, HJW said: "Even so, I hope you are LSY." This line is very wonderful. And there are many more good lines, writers portrayed each scene very delicately. Previously roles that I acted in, even if I changed the lines slightly it will not matter much but in this drama, if I change LSY and Zoe lines slightly it will a significant impact, so I must be very careful even with the punctuation.

Q 这个故事很悲伤,拍摄现场的气氛如何?
A 正宇的角色很明朗。戏外有天先生到达现场,就会成为气氛制造者,因此现场总是很明朗。特别是和正宇的戏NG的话,我也会笑出来。导演营造了充满能量的现场,虽然拍摄很辛苦,但是也很愉快。

Q This is a very sad story so how was the atmosphere of filming scene?

A JW role is very cheerful and off-screen whenever Yoochun shii is around he will be the moodmaker therefore the site is always very happy. Especially when filming with JW if there were NG, I will tend to laugh out. The director gives the site full of energy so even though filming was tough but we were also very happy.

Q 服装和发型也成为了话题,恩惠也有参与么?

Q The clothing and hairstyle has also become a hot topic, did Eun Hye also involve in it?
A Yes, I think a lot every time. This time there were a lot of emotional scenes hence would like to create a not very glamorous yet capable image. Because there were a lot of crying scene, so I did not put on mascara, used mostly brown, neutral and orange eye shadows, and draw eyebrow only.

Q 如果有和秀妍一样想要抹去的记忆,或者有讨厌的事情时,如何忘记?


Q If you have some memory which you want to erase like LSY, or some nasty experiences, how would you forget?

A I seems to be stubborn over small issues hence will get angry. But when a major event occurs, I will not get angry for a long time. Everyone will cry together, keep eating for about 3-4 days then it will be fine. LSY drink alone but I do not drink alone. It’s better to drink with others else drinking alone will be lonelier?



Q Please convey a messageto the Japanese fans.

A Thank you for your support. I have fan meeting in Japan every year, and I think they can always supportme is not a simple matter. I wantto convey gratitude to Japanese fans, but my Japanese is not good ... to understand this point I am very grateful. Pleases continue to show me a lot of attention.




PYC mentioned YEH during interview: EunHye shii always very concerned about the staffs, her character is very bright/cheerful.

YSH mentioned YEH: EunHye noona helped me a lot during filming of IMY. Whenever close-ups filming of me, she will stand behind the camera and matched her sight with me. Filming was very tough and tiring so there is no need for her to do this but she still willing to do extra for me. I think I need to learn from her.

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Guest MariYEH

@santaiah178 No, I don't think she will quit twitter, however I think she will no longer be as active as she was before. Hopefully, she'll just use it to update about upcoming projects & no more personal updates that antis & reporters can distort. I would rather not get any updates than seeing reporters twist her twitter posts again like the bus issue, or antis making a big fuss about her twitter pic, which makes it as big news.

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Guest sw8yeh

@celyw thanks for your effort translating the whole article! :) It is highly appreciated by YEH fans like me :).. I've read the cut trans. of it in ChunHye thread and I got confused bcause I thought it was still pyc's answer and I was like "what makeup?, is he answering for YEH, or what?".lol. I dint carefully get the sequence or I just dint really read it all ..
anw, I really love reading her interviews, it shows how dedicated she is in her craft :x and need to ^<img src='emoticons/default_smile.png.1a17920c0f0ac6da5e6bf86100ef353d.png' alt=':)'>^ unnie again for the crying scenes, artificial tears is a big NO [-X to her... and I can't help but burst out laughing when she said that after getting angry, she will just keep eating 3-4 days then it will be fine.. Unnie really loves eating! :P

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I understand what you are trying to say, but what @rsu618 is saying is correct. If you compare YEH's acting and IMY to the other nominees, then she should definitely be in the running. However, whatever your overall feelings about IMY (several flaws or none), this is trivial compared to the other factors that go in to Baeksang awards, which @rsu618 listed. 
Although, the biggest factor is that YEH has already one once, so in order for her to win again, (1) she would have to really blow her performance in Coffee Prince out of the water, and (2) the drama would have to too. 
For part 1, YEH has to work so much harder for her work to be noticed by award shows, because many are used to her performing at a certain level and already expect her to improve with each work. Very rarely does anyone win twice for best actor/actress at the Baeksang's for a drama, usually once for drama and once for movie, even though you are often nominated in that category.  While other people don't have a critically acclaimed representative work (think Song Hye Hyo as far as dramas, thus she is a favorite this year) or start near 0 and can be seen as a relatively clean slate (Kim Soo Hyun, only had dream high before his win).
For part 2, That would translates to ratings, critical acclaim, and support from agency/stations. While IMY was popular, IMY did not have same machine behind it as Coffee Prince did or the latest smash hit the Moon Embraces the Sun. 
YEH, and other award winning actresses, are judged using different metrics.

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Seems like 84 over e is pretty popular now amongst celebrities....The House Company


over e 사랑해주신 많은 분들께 감사드립니다~!<br />

많이 부족하지만 끊임없는 관심과 사랑 덕분에 더 성장 할수 있었습니다~^^<br />

올 여름도 여러분의 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드립니다~^^<br />



에서 확인해주세요 Source: twitterSNSD's Jessica is wearing the Denim shirt.  Actress Seo Woo is wearing the Denim shirt in the picture...

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