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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Stitch is one of her nickname and Kenzo is attached to her name recently.
So it's possible.....but she's not getting married ok? :D
Netizens said those girls talked about marriage after people started to assume that it's YEH.

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Guest santaiah178

The Kakaotalk story controversy become news already :(



PS : Yup agree with @facing, stitch is one of YEH nickname
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My poor baby.....probably having a vacation somewhere but her name got involved into this mess =_=
Now when I search her name on nate....there're this stupid news /sigh/

another source of this news

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For a much happier news......

22/1/13 news-China Largest Streaming network- Drama Class- Popularity and with the most viewed hits-No1 spot -I miss you


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This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

Viewed hits- 100,164,635 (more than 100 millions)

credit: uploader

Taken from the MY Thread by suncine445

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Guest kapeadik

Clearly, envious girls! So not worth YEH's attention. Glad though that people have inadvertently started to defend her by not condoning those girls' actions. They're even, probably, non-fans of YEH. World peace is so hard to come by....:(

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What is this nonsense about them attacking YEH. I am pretty quiet, but I was like que?
I heard the marriage part was added, after netizens started commenting.
But, why would they be publicly dissing YEH? Whole thing makes no sense.
too much drama in k-entertainment.

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Guest yoonyoo

Can anyone explain why YEH's nickname is stitch please?

I'm curious

Those girls are just jealousy and immature. Can't believe they are now linked to out pretty YEH name.

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Guest ngthuhien149

Should it be WG's ? Sunye' s nickname is Stitch too right? and she is going to get married unless... 

YEH is also going to get married...but if noone knows then SY must be close enough to YEH to know it. If so how can she talk bad about YEH behind her back?

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welll i aint bashin anyone cuz it might not be yeh tht they were toking bout....but its soooo fustrating tht yeh name was added to this piece of richard simmons controversy..... i hope yeh will just brush it off n enjoy yer restin vacation time....fyi i dunno neither of these actresses to give them a lil bit of attention.....

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Guest angel0808

This girls are just envious talking about other.Happy to know that YEH have many defender. To all Warriors/Neri keep calm and cool.

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Omo!! If they were really referring to YEH, then poor uri unnie...
Don't worry, YEH darling.. You can't please everyone. Just be yourself as you are now. We always love you, and will support you all along the way!

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well, we're not sure if it is YEH...  Netizens are saying that they added the marriage part as a cover up, which is not impossible since saying that that person is getting married is a huge hint on who that person will be but the 3 might just be that careless as to add that..  Seriously, as celebrities, they shouldn't talk behind someone's back, especially in a public setting...  And even more so seeing as that person seems to be a senior to at least one of them.. 

But if it is, Sunye, it doesn't make it better...  Actually, they should have just texted eachother if they are going to diss anyone...  I won't say to not talk behind someone's back because everyone's done it but there is a time and place for it...  And doing it on a public setting is the wrong place.. 

 And "Hello!!"  *waves*  :-h  I don't think I've seen you post here before!!

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Guest santaiah178

@ngthuhien149 Netizens assumed 'Stitch' to be Yoon Eun Hye because her nickname is Stitch and she's recently wearing the clothing brand Kenzo in her drama (MY). I doubt it will be Sun Ye cause she isn't wore that brand. As for the wedding part just like what @DJG said, it was added after netizens started commenting. Clearly to mislead that they're not talking about YEH.I want to believe that they're not talking about YEH, but then one of them mentioning that person's teeth, so....

@yoonyoo I gues it has something to do with her bunny teeth

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Guest ngthuhien149

@vegaspink I did post here before the drama started ok hahaha

ofcoz it is not any better if it is anyone. But i think calling someone unnie and paying a lot of attention to her means they do know each other, or like in the same music industry and have seen each other for so many times (esp when there were 3 singers, not just one) if she hates on YEH but talked like that it does sound a bit weird to me. Even if it is jealousy people dun just go and dish a random person they are not related to at all, right? jealousy usually happens between ppl who have the some similarity and care for the same things...(unless she is YSH's fangirl who is jealous of YEH because YEH got hugged a lot by him) That girl is not young either lol she is only younger than YEH 3 years and YC one year, in Korea, that is not young. I think it is some one else but YEH happens to be the most well-known one. Also, no matter how I think about it, it wont affect YEH in a bad way at all. It is not like she does sth wrong.

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Guest itscreamie

If it was really Yeh they are talking about, I am so gonna kick their butt. Don't worry, those girls are not even match to Yeh's standard. I'm sure she doesn't care of what those bullies are saying. Cheer up YEH warriors~ :)

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Yup...  jealousy is really an ugly but natural thing.  But it doesn't mean that it can't be controlled..

Anywayzzz, another happy news!!!!!

YEH and YC ddukbokki kisses on KBS news program..

130122 굿모닝 대한민국.키스신(보고싶다-박유천).ts


Credit: dramabrain

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