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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guys....the house company finally make statement regarding the movie tong que tai ...


Can someone translate this.....

@ chichocs, Yeh's company stated they are still in details discussion and still not confirmed to act

in the movie only 50% chances. My goodness seems this is the case details always not clear???


It's really not worth translating. All I can say is that until it becomes time for official announcement thehousecompany have no choice but to give off that kind of generic response. They are bound by agreement already..with investors and production..I'm sure things are already in plan. Remember, thehousecompany cannot do this on their own they have to coordinate with others, wait for the go signal as to when its ok for them to announce.

This sounds more like a reporter who saw the translated chinese news called thehouse and asked...

and thehouse not having official announcement simply said we are thinking about it but we have no info for you at this time

that's all it is..nothing to worry yet.

This isn't YEH's agency making announcement of their own, seems they were asked by this reporter, so they said..we are considering it...not sure yet..no info at this time..

If it was an official announcement from thehouse, there should be more articles reporting but only this reporter wrote.. So...nothing to worry about.

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Hi, vegaspink! Sorry but what does aegyo mean?

I'm not completely sure what aegyo means.  I think it's acting cute or trying to act cute.  But sometimes, it annoys people...

About the new news about her still considering being in the movie, I agree with MariYEH, that doesn't really say anything.  I mean, it always happens to Yoon Eun Hye.  They usually release a confirmation when it is closer to the filming.  So right now, we can only wait..

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I'm not completely sure what aegyo means.  I think it's acting cute or trying to act cute.  But sometimes, it annoys people...

About the new news about her still considering being in the movie, I agree with MariYEH, that doesn't really say anything.  I mean, it always happens to Yoon Eun Hye.  They usually release a confirmation when it is closer to the filming.  So right now, we can only wait..

Thanks for the clarification! Two articles about the lack of confirmation on YEH's part...don't agree with some assertions of JB but anyway....

Movie rumors for Yoon Eun-hye, who denies casting is final

Nothing’s confirmed yet, but the newest Yoon Eun-hye news is that she’s considering taking the lead role in a Korea-China-Japan co-production, a movie centering around the last love of Cao Cao, a powerful warlord, military tactician, and poet in the twilight years of the Three Kingdoms era. (He died in 220 A.D.) The project is titled Dong Jak Dae or Tong Que Tai, depending on which language you’re translating.

According to reports by a Chinese media outlet, other lead roles will be played by China’s Chow Yun-fat (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Taiwan’s Alec Su (The Message), and Japan’s Tamaki Hiroshi (Nodame Cantabile). Helming the project will be Chinese director Zhao Lin Shan.

Chow Yun-fat will play Cao Cao, and Yoon would play his “star-crossed heroine,” the “pure beauty” who was with him at his death. The plot uses real-life discoveries as its jumping-off point; the Henan Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau announced in 2009 that Cao Cao’s excavated tomb revealed the remains of two females (one aged 20, one about 50) buried with him. The women’s identities remain a mystery.

Although early articles stated that Yoon Eun-hye has been cast, her reps stated that she has received the offer but has not decided yet, and one source from her agency’s side put the likelihood of her taking the role at 50%.

On one hand, this could be a great opportunity for Yoon Eun-hye, who’s one of a very small number of Hallyu actresses with that level of pan-Asian popularity. (The only others I might put on her level are Song Hye-gyo and…uh, that’s probably it.) On the other hand, Yoon Eun-hye with Chow Yun-fat? I can’t help but feel she’d be eaten alive, and while she’s enormously appealing and charismatic, Yoon’s biggest sticking point as an actress has always been… her acting. And if we’re not pulling any punches here, there’s the fact that her last three projects have been major flops. My Fair Lady, My Black Minidress, and Lie To Me — all commercially and critically unsuccessful.

If she does end up taking this, it would be pretty interesting to see her stretch herself and take on a new genre. Maybe it’s time for her to ditch the rom-coms and try something more meaty. I did want to see her tackle romantic melodrama with Love Song, before that project was shelved.

Either way, she’ll have to decide soon; the project is set to begin filming next month in Beijing, and hopes to be ready for an October 2012 release throughout Asia.

Link : http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/09/movie-rumors-for-yoon-eun-hye-who-denies-casting-is-final/

Yoon Eun Hye considers casting offer for epic Korea-China-Japan joint movie

Actress Yoon Eun Hye is currently considering a casting offer from ‘Dong Jak Dae’, a massive production drawing talents from Korea, China, and Japan.

On September 13th, the Chinese Economy Times reported that Yoon Eun Hye would be working alongside Chinese actor Chow Yun Fat, Taiwanese actor Alex Su, and Japanese actor Tamaki Hiroshi in a historical movie set during the ‘Three Kingdoms’ period. Yoon Eun Hye would be playing a beautiful woman who was entombed with the deceased emperor, Cao Cao.

However, Yoon Eun Hye’s agency ‘The House Company Entertainment‘ stated that “The chance of her appearance is 50%“. They continued “Because there are a variety of factors to consider as the situation progresses, a final decision about accepting the casting offer has not been made.”

‘Dong Jak Dae’ has a scheduled release date for October 2012.

Source + Photo: Star News

Link : http://www.allkpop.com/2011/09/yoon-eun-hye-considers-casting-offer-for-epic-korea-china-japan-joint-movie

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Thanks for the clarification! Two articles about the lack of confirmation on YEH's part...don't agree with some assertions of JB but anyway....

Movie rumors for Yoon Eun-hye, who denies casting is final

Yoon Eun-hye with Chow Yun-fat? I can’t help but feel she’d be eaten alive, and while she’s enormously appealing and charismatic, Yoon’s biggest sticking point as an actress has always been… her acting. And if we’re not pulling any punches here, there’s the fact that her last three projects have been major flops. My Fair Lady, My Black Minidress, and Lie To Me — all commercially and critically unsuccessful.

If she does end up taking this, it would be pretty interesting to see her stretch herself and take on a new genre. Maybe it’s time for her to ditch the rom-coms and try something more meaty. I did want to see her tackle romantic melodrama with Love Song, before that project was shelved.

Link : http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/09/movie-rumors-for-yoon-eun-hye-who-denies-casting-is-final/

As a YEH warrior, I can't help myself but to react. I felt sad about the slant of this article...It only confirmed my thoughts that some media are unfair to YEH and will do their share to put her down..

For one, I don't agree that My Fair Lady is flop, rating wise...How could it be? when it ended at 19% plus rating and none of the the MFL's episode went below 13% rating...While I agree that MFL is not artistically successful, YEH's acting is not bad at all. There were criticisms in the first episodes but critics and many viewers agreed that she did better in the later episodes...About Lie to Me, well it was not well received in Korea but it broke many records in the internet viewership..And to say that her acting is not good is unfair..Critics praised her and many will agree that she did better here acting wise...YEH's professionalism cannot be questioned and even stayed on the project until the end and she and Kang Ji Hwan did their best to do their share to improve the drama despite criticism and low rating..But no matter what, I still enjoyed this drama despite of its flaws.

About the My Black Mini Dress..I don't think that its performance was that bad. It opened second in the box office...second only to Oscar Winner's the King's Speech...Her acting was praised there..Well this one received mixed reviews but majority of which praised her acting and the movie...

But I do agree with the writer that she should take this movie with Chow Yun Fat but I don't think that she will be eaten alive by great actors who were casted in this film ...Yoon Eun Hye is an actress who is very passionate towards her work and because of this, she cannot go wrong . Should she take this one, I'm sure that she will do her best more than what she did in the past because she know that this project will make or break her ... this is her breakthrough after Coffee Prince...

I also agreed that she should leave romcom at least for the moment...Really I'm really nervous for her next move..I am afraid that she will not take this role and waste this opportunity to work with Chow Yun Fat and others.. I think the best move for her is to go venture internationally...expand her horizons by going internationally..Please take chances, I have this strong feeling that she should go to bigger market for 2 years and return to korean arena after making good in international market...

Should she decides to remain in Korea, then I hope Love Song should be revived with Won Bin, Jo In Sung or Jo Hyun Jae or take Fly Again but please not roncom at the moment..go back to romcom only after successfully penetrating other genres... Korean audience' lackluster only means that Koreans want you to take other genres...please don't waste your talent..Please accept this Chinese historical film .I will be relieved if you confirm the project

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Guest santaiah178

Movie rumors for Yoon Eun-hye, who denies casting is final

On one hand, this could be a great opportunity for Yoon Eun-hye, who’s one of a very small number of Hallyu actresses with that level of pan-Asian popularity. (The only others I might put on her level are Song Hye-gyo and…uh, that’s probably it.) On the other hand, Yoon Eun-hye with Chow Yun-fat? I can’t help but feel she’d be eaten alive, and while she’s enormously appealing and charismatic, Yoon’s biggest sticking point as an actress has always been… her acting. And if we’re not pulling any punches here, there’s the fact that her last three projects have been major flops. My Fair Lady, My Black Minidress, and Lie To Me — all commercially and critically unsuccessful.

Link :  http://www.dramabean...sting-is-final/

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Guest 50julieng
93726b4294dbd280cc4bc9559f776196fbd151c9.gif Thank you Santaiah178 and Curiousyeh for your comments...You guys said it all what were in my mind, only nonYEH fans will like to read and believe in dramabean/javabean. If their  minds nonshadow by hatred than maybe their brains will click why YEH has more fans than most of actresses out of Korea even they said YEH's dramas/movie flopped but so successed out of Korea and how many other dramas can sold out to many countries like YEH.  The more they wrote bad about YEH...she will receives more love from fans.  We all know YEH so keep the FAITH going!!,blush.gif 
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dramabeans? I dont agree with a lot of her choices. She is a blogger not a professional film or drama critic...those are her opinions and she has her own biases that she likes to promote. I find myself scratching my head at some of the dramas and actors she thinks are so great and when i check those out, they totally put me to sleep. So in the end, its all a matter of personal taste and opinion...only difference, she gets to voice it out on her blog while me, I dont blog.

I have my own likes and dislikes, I dont need a blogger to tell me what's supposed to be good and what not.

I've started avoiding going to that site after she blamed YEH for the sucky kissing at the hospital scene in My Fair Lady.

Everyone who saw the bts of that scene KNEW that it was Yoon Sang Hyun who kept messing up and YEH who was sick that day kept on giving him instructions on how to kiss properly. EVERYONE in korea knows YEH is not a limp fish in her kiss scenes, so to blame her even for that just showed the bias...

I think I actually like that alot of people are underestimating YEH right now. You guys know how well she works under pressure and how hard she works under those circumstances. I think it also takes off the burden on her that people have less expectations..let her show them and shut them up!

I am actually getting excited because of all these naysayers and crab mentality bull, reminds me when she was chosen to play Shin Chae Gyung in Goong and also when it was announced she would play a tomboy in Coffee Prince how much opposition there was...so if that pattern continues we know how it will end. We know what Goong and Coffee Prince did to her career...so bring it on haters :rolleyes:

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i dont usually waste my time on CRABBY people.but i just cant ignore this one post.first let just say that my fair lady did fairly well.the rating climbed slowly yes but still went to 15%, my black mini dress went head to head with other english movies but still ended up second or third.LTM may not awakened the interest of many in korea.but let me just say its creating waves on the internet and other countries it is now being shown.a talent when given by GOD it is the extreme duty of the recipient to cultivate it and nurture it till she or he magnifies that talent. and that what YEH did from the start.

YEH was fifteen when joined BABY VOX no formal training but once on stage the natural talent took over.the same when she got the lead role for GOONG.a singer, a dancer not an actress but again with humility to work hard she excelled and accepted in GOONG. even the much experienced and matured co stars said that about 22 year old YEH.; that she will go far and become a star to recon with . that prediction came to pass by the way. this young woman once again excelled in in coffee prince.adding more awards to those she already have. BEST ACTRESS AWARDS.

to the writer/reporter who questioned YEH's ability as an actress dont worry for she is an actress.and once an actress always an actress.with a good director and a good teacher in chinese will be great.she will do justice to her role.. AND THAT'S A FACT.

is YEH korean? are you korean ? YEH had been on korean stage and small and big screen for eleven years now. how come you dont notice her talents improving each year through her blood,sweat and tears.

doing a non korean project in another country is hard enough without proving her self worth and ability to her own countrymen. people who instead of patting her on the back saying you can do it.we are here for you, praying for you giving words of love...but instead due to their own lack of selfworth is trying to pull YOON EUN HYE down to the bottom with them.but because of them YEH is being blessed with more opportunities to work and more people who supports and love her unconditionally.

YOON EUN HYE we trust you.we love you and we support you.you are a very good actor.anything you set your mind doing you can do it.GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS.


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Guys just ignore everything that comes out of dramabeans for news on Yeh. She hates and criticizes everything that YEH does even when she is praised by the media and critics. even when a drama is successful she just says it's because of the male lead. I mean I respect everyone's opinion but seriously all she does is bash Yeh so just ignore her. Anyways we've all known that she was an anti-fan for such a long time.

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Totally agree momche and YEH warriors.

I am finding something amusing and obvious. YEH's detractors are so against her taking this movie because they dont like that YEH was the one chosen out of all korean actress to work with Chow Yun Fat and not their favorite actress. Must have hurt their inflated ego a lot. They know that this is a HUGE project and that if it does well this will catapult YEH to even more great lengths and they dont want that to happen. Envy is a very ugly and scary thing.

(Once again YEH has proven that no matter how much they bash her acting in some popular drama blog podcast, laughing at her to their evil hearts content...they can never put a good person down...sorry I cant help myself but say "in your face") There are many people in the industry not just in Korea who believe in her talent, that's why she was picked!

Whether she accepts this movie or not its her decision...but at least we know that THEY picked her! No one can ever take that away from her!

"Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things." Joe Paterno

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt

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I would be happy if she takes on the project and knowing how she has a talent of putting her heart and soul into her acting in the hands of a good director and supported by a tightly-written script like Coffee Prince( I still have to see another Korean actress who can act so convincingly as a man like YEH in the said drama), I am certain that she will rise to the occasion of coming up with another sterling performance alongside Chow Yun Fat.

Dear YEH,

I am so excited to see you become a David among Goliaths!

Your indomitable spirit toward life and acting has always been your strength!

People may put you down but the only person who can really put yourself down are not the others but yourself… so keep on!



I just cannot understand House Company's move of saying that she is 50% confirmed for the movie. It's just not a logical statement. Chinese articles already confirmed it, the director already confirmed it...filming starts on Oct. 5, two weeks away...does it make sense that two weeks before the filming, there is still no comfirming regarding the female lead of such a big production as this?

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out of topic...latest news from LTM in Taiwan...

LTM is well received in Taiwan..first aired in September 1 the rating 0,72 % n keep increasing...last night broadcast the rating up to 1,04% (currently Korean dramas in Taiwan can reach 1% count good ratings)  viewing by 191,000 people  ^_^

cheers to all n happy weekend :lol:

I tried using Google translation lol


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Guest santaiah178

I am actually getting excited because of all these naysayers and crab mentality bull, reminds me when she was chosen to play Shin Chae Gyung in Goong and also when it was announced she would play a tomboy in Coffee Prince how much opposition there was...so if that pattern continues we know how it will end.  We know what Goong and Coffee Prince did to her career...so bring it on haters :rolleyes:

You're right MariYEH. That's what I love & admire about YEH. She still can work properly and even give her best under a great pressure. Goong & Coffee Prince are among those examples. How can she reverse the situation toward her advantage (at that time) is what always amaze me. Her perseverance & her willingness to learn always set her apart from other actresses (even the good one). She's maybe not that great actor right now but no doubt she's getting there. She's one of actress who always grow and hone her craft in every project she take. And to "judge" her when she's in that process is just like ended a cocoon life which has potential to be a beautiful butterfly (sorry if my metaphor doesn't fit LOL).

But I guess that's what it take to be a very popular actress (domestically & internationally) like her. There are always people who want to get in the way. To make every means to put her down. If this is what it like & feel to be her fans so be it sweatingbullets.gif

Whether she accepts this movie or not its her decision...but at least we know that THEY picked her!  No one can ever take that away from her!

That's the point. They picked her, not anybody else. Yes there are tons of Korean actress who are better than her (in term of acting skill). But why they did choose her instead ??? It speak volume phew.gif

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out of topic...latest news from LTM in Taiwan...

LTM is well received in Taiwan..first aired in September 1 the rating 0,72 % n keep increasing...last night broadcast the rating up to 1,04% (currently Korean dramas in Taiwan can reach 1% count good ratings)  viewing by 191,000 people  ^_^

Great news, chichocs! Can you tell how to understand the ratings in Taiwan? It's not the same as South Korea...

Still waiting for LTM's viewership ratings in Japan...

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@Rsu618....I don't know either hehehe...I just read the news from YEH's baidu bar....they got it from Taiwan local news website

here the link   http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2011/new/sep/17/today-show14.htm

thanks for all the comments guys...love u all ;)

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Guest kevin_eunhye


Fighting Yoon Eun Hye

just be yourself and prove them wrong


YEH warrior, lets just ignore whatever the others say about her..

only us know is enough....

thanks to them if they can understand and love her, but if not, just ignore them..

dont let their comments distract our spirit toward YEH...

they r nothing in this planet, they r just bloggers, i never went back to dramabeans since they said bad thing about her..but im sure they r just jealous and feel unfair for their biases cause YEH is much better than their biases...


for the article yesterday, im sure YEH already accepted the role, the House just said that because maybe YEH doesnt want to reveal it in Korea...

let think about this, if she hasnt accepted the role or still thinking about it, the direct shouldnt had said on his weibo that YEH is the main lead...and chinese reporter should not had reported the news about that as well....

if she hasnt, she should deny the news right after the chinese news was reported....

guys, just keep our faith and spirit...im sure she will be in the movie

lets peace

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