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Guest secretzman

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i thought you guys had pretty good voices :]

but you used it in the wrong way. i don't even understand some of the things you were saying =__=;; i remember hearing someone saying a shoutout to mrs.kim & the hair & the cornrow & the gkimchi unit. yea ok. really random.

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Guest jirappo.

you guys have nice voices. but this wasn't funny to me..i got pissed off a lot..i odn't know if you guys were being sarcastic or not anymore, but don't do it again.

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Guest methamphetamine

pretentious pricks annoyed the hell out of me. get an attitude, dude.. wait till you get sued for the violation of Intellectual Property Rights..

And what's up with this satire talk ? i thought Satire was concerned with justice and morality ? your work totally has nothing to do with those things. so that's why it's called bashing and not satire you idiots.

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Guest secretzman

I'm surprised to see how black and white some people are taking this. Is it all or nothing? By making a song that criticizes and comments on (the justifiably) ridiculous and/or ignorant aspects of Korean pop music, we have no support whatsoever for our people? Come on now, this is the same type of ludicrous "with us or against us" argument that's brandied about by conservatives in power.

To so adamantly defend Korean hip hop/1TYM/whatever without questioning some of the aspects of said genre/group/whatever seems a bit naive. If you were to critically think about homophobia and misogyny in American rap music for example, you would see that such attitudes are incredibly demeaning and discriminatory. But it's good music, right? So thus we should respect the artists and not question it at all, because to question it would just be hating, and no one likes a hater right?

Look, of course we know the difference between the n-word and "neega." That's not our point of contention. Our point is directed towards those Korean artists who do use the n-word (as in the example I pointed out in my last post), and who use it in contexts that they really have no business using it in. Our point is that there is an all too striking similarity between Korean hip hop artists and American rap (and I use this term because I feel that most hip hop artists in the Top 40 don't necessarily embody true hip hop, but a commercialized bastardization) artists who are predominantly black. Hip hop is a global phenomenon and culture now, but instead of putting their own experiences and roots into the movement, some Korean hip hop artists choose a route that is at worst appropriation, and at best imitation.

And regarding the person who asked what about white people appropriating asian culture, of course it's bad. Cultural appropriation is inherently an oppresive system. When a majority ignorantly appropriates the culture of an ill-understood minority, that majority is adding another layer of oppression for that minority. When's the last time you saw throngs of black people walking around in Korea? Now when's the last time you saw Koreans (who most likely have little to no personal exposure and interaction with blacks or other people of color) try to act black? Hint: 1TYM, Bubble Sisters, Fly to the Sky...

Also, black and gangster culture are two separate things. Notice that I didn't say "black gangster culture." We don't need to be misconstruing my words.

As much as some of you are criticizing us about not understanding parody, satire, or critical thinking, looking back at some of your replies, it seems as though these concepts are still completely lost on some of you. Regardless of the song, this is a topic that's incredibly interesting to us, and this discussion could benefit if it didn't devolve into "LOL YOU'RE STUPID. STOP HATING YOUR PEOPLE."

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Guest Muddie Murda

Look, of course we know the difference between the n-word and "neega." That's not our point of contention. Our point is directed towards those Korean artists who do use the n-word (as in the example I pointed out in my last post), and who use it in contexts that they really have no business using it in.

Ah I see you had business in using it then? :o:o

Ah whatever, I don't think you'd ever come to a point where you can defend yourself sucessfully.

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Guest A180585

secretzman...I think you really DO try to make this into a complex issue with your argument trying to sound intellectual and so forth...it's not THAT complex guys

But putting it in simple terms we are criticising you purely on how hypocritical you are about the whole Korean hip hop culture. Firstly, the examples you use are not even legit…I’m sorry to say but using Fly to the Sky and Boa in respect to hip hop artists in Korean is totally stretching this little debate we have going here. You keep referring to it as ‘Korean Pop’….1tym and those trying to portray the hip hop image and so forth are not pop hence them being called ‘hip hop’ artists…so I think leaving FTTS and Boa out of this is reasonable cause well...they’re pop…

As for them not even associating themselves with anyone in the African American culture? Do some research before you say stuff like that. Firstly you don’t know them on a personally level thus you have no idea who they come into contact with. Secondly, Taebin of 1tym was BORN AND RAISED in the states with Teddy of 1TYM being raised there part of his life. So it kind of explains why their music is highly influenced by the Hip Hop culture in America.

Brian from FTTS is ALSO BORN and RAISED in the states so it also explains his ‘rap’ lyrics being influenced by that hip hop culture over there. YOU yourself seem to be influenced highly by that culture so who are you to say whether they DO or DO NOT associate with and have exposure to African Americans or any other race besides Koreans?

And we ain’t hating on a hater! If the hater had some legit points we would gladly agree with you but you’re being a hypocrite in your song remake. The last few lines show how hypocritical you are with this whole thing.

Youknow what’s even more funny? The fact that you chose 1TYM as your lil group to criticise. Firstly, listening to all my 1TYM songs from their 1st to 5th album, I think I can spot only ONE song where they use the N word, and the context in which it was used wasn’t even meant to sound like they were trying to act ‘black’ or whatever you try to call it. So just because they have ONE song that uses that word and ONE video where they play 'characters' that are somewhat ‘gangster’ you’re gonna start bashing them? Why don’t you try and go bash on Drunken Tiger, Dynamic Duo etc. etc.….make ‘parodies’ using their songs. <_<

Oh and about you guys hating on your people? It’s true! Show some support instead of being like some who have a bad feeling about Asian Hip hop just cause it’s Asian….gosh even us non-Koreans are more supportive than you guys are.

On a last note, if you try and listen carefully to American Hip Hop and Korean Hip Hop along with watch the videos from these artists, you’ll see a GREAT difference between the two hip hop cultures. American is more into bling, girls and this and that. Most lyrics and that from Korean artists don’t necessarily involve these things and their MVs are MUCH more interesting than the typical half naked girls giving lap dances to the rappers. I ain’t hating on the American Rappers…I’m a big fan of some of them…but you gotta admit…it’s getting boring isn’t it? Don;t be hating and put some effort into reseraching your facts and actually listening to ALL their stuff while taking down notes as to how different they are.

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Guest o8/OR;nothing.

Ah I see you had business in using it then? :o:o

Ah whatever, I don't think you'd ever come to a point where you can defend yourself sucessfully.

I agree; the more you talk, the stupider you sound, and the more you`re pissing me off. this was 1TYM`s song & music, you had no right whatsoever to use it just to bash.

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Guest markis

everyone in here needs to calm down...it was only a joke and a funny one at that (gggg kimchi unit)

and dont say its because i dont like the music because i do like 1tym and korean music

everyone is entitled to their own opinions

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Guest A180585

markis...we all know that everyone has an opinion..but i would have found it very funny if they didn't do that lil talk at the end...THAT was annoying as hell....it's not an opinion anymore after that lil speech he made...it's a hypocritical statement....

everything b4 that was pretty funny....it went down wen he started to say stuff that was so darn hypocritical...

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Guest bonafidevixen

Ah I see you had business in using it then? :o:o

Ah whatever, I don't think you'd ever come to a point where you can defend yourself sucessfully.

LOL...totally agree...We can argue this till the cows come home and you'd still lose...

Oh and, I 'misconstrued' your words coz I didnt' read half the crap that you guys spewed in your own defense...and i didn't think we were being that literal!! (damn some ppl are finicky! :crazy: )...

Completely agree with this post...everything i wanna rebut to is there...good job girl...but seriously guys, FTTS was your example???????? I laughed sooo hard at that....you guys should maybe rethink your examples a little more carefully and make stronger arguments...and a180585 is right...a lotta those dudes are american born and raised...and while we're being "literal", you guys are hypocritically being too general...

and don't forget, korean hip hop exists first and foremost for korean audiences IN korea...of course, it does get out...but hey, capitalism at its best...you gotta make some CHING CHING first...and if it sounds similar it doesn't necessarily mean it's imitation...for, if it's the same, is that called copying?? so you can't sound similar, you can't be the same....what's a korean artist to do? OTOKHAE OTOKHAE???

Must I reiterate? you guys will never defend yourselves successfully...I rest my case...

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Guest GyrlPwr

Um, okay, some of you may call me a hypocrite for saying what I am about to say, BUT I'm going to say it anyway. This thread has turned into debating about so many issues that I just had to share my opinion.

First, I'll tackle the N-word thing. I, as an African-American, hate the use of the word by ANYONE, even my own race. I don't use it in any context what so ever. BUT, I do have common sense to know that people use it for completly different meanings. Just about every rap/hip hop song in America uses it and it's not going to go away. (Thus my reasoning for getting the edited versions). Call me a hypocrite, I don't care; I hate the word, but like the music. Now, being only recently exposed to Korean culture and artists, I know that the word "neega" is not the same as it is here in America.

Next, this little song. It was alright, kind-of, until the end speech. Many people always seem to define hip-hop as black and that we are the only ones allowed to create something for the genre; anyone else is just trying to "act black". Granted the majority of rap/hip hop artists are black, but I can't stand when people say someone is "acting" like a certain ethnic group. That is my stance on ANY ethnic group. Of course you all know that not EVERY single person of a certain ethnic group "act" the same way. I've been told to my face, by another black person, that I talk "like a white girl". It only pissed me off because to me he was saying I was trying to be someone I'm not, and I wasn't. That is just how I talk.

Back to the subject though, just because 1Tyme (or any other artists) are Korean, that doesn't mean they can't rap or sing hip-hop/r&b. I like 1Tyme because I like the genre of music. Perhaps it's something they listened to growing up or just happened to decide one day that they like it. That's who they are. I don't care if they weren't hood-rats or they don't have "street" credibility. So what if a Harvard grad wants to rap. If it sounds good, I'll listen to it. Same goes for artists in America.

I'm not totally bashing the song, and I understand SOME of the points made in it's defense. I just wanted to share my opinion.

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Guest moley

All I got to say is, if you wanted to bash on somebody who got a Harvard degree & is rapping now, you got the wrong group to start with. I'm guessing you got mixed up with Epik High. Please get your facts straight first. =)

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Guest Cee Peeh

First of all, don't mind all these fan girls here I personally thought this was hilarious! They're just taking this track out of context cause they think you're bashing their favorite group blah blah blah...

Second of all, I wanted to jump on this instrumental but you guys beat me to it! lol I think you guys pulled off a better job than I would've anyway. I was just gonna spit a couple of bars but you guys actually had a message behind it...nice nice.

1st dude had a nice tone and good flow...2nd dude got more bilingual. Both of ya'll sounded comfortable over the mic which was something I didn't expect from a hip-hop track posted at soompi. I could tell you've been doing this before. Overall LMAO @ "piano lessons", "dry cleaners", and "engineering degree from havard"!

You guys got a soundclick sight or anything like that? I'd like to hear some more stuff...hope you post here more often

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Guest A180585

Cee Peeh...don't try to sound smart by calling us 'fan girls'...i think most of our arguments were very legit and intelligent...cuz most of us here are actually pretty old if you don't know.....we weren't bashing cuz they hit our favoured group....we hit back cuz they were being hypocritical....

We weren't even bashing on his sound or whatnot....don't make us sound stupid and dumb...because we're not....'fan girls'...ptfff...geezz...not all forum members are crazed lil fan girls...don't put us down since you know nothing about us...

GyrlPwr - i agree with everything you said....

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Guest Cee Peeh

This is suppossed to be a toungue in cheek song...you guys blew this WAY out of proportion...lol

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Guest Muddie Murda

A180585, well written and I agree.

everyone in here needs to calm down...it was only a joke and a funny one at that (gggg kimchi unit)

and dont say its because i dont like the music because i do like 1tym and korean music

everyone is entitled to their own opinions

A joke can only go so far.

Next, this little song. It was alright, kind-of, until the end speech. Many people always seem to define hip-hop as black and that we are the only ones allowed to create something for the genre; anyone else is just trying to "act black". Granted the majority of rap/hip hop artists are black, but I can't stand when people say someone is "acting" like a certain ethnic group. That is my stance on ANY ethnic group. Of course you all know that not EVERY single person of a certain ethnic group "act" the same way. I've been told to my face, by another black person, that I talk "like a white girl". It only pissed me off because to me he was saying I was trying to be someone I'm not, and I wasn't. That is just how I talk.

Nice wording. I was going to jump on that too when he said "trying to act........"

First of all, don't mind all these fan girls here I personally thought this was hilarious! They're just taking this track out of context cause they think you're bashing their favorite group blah blah blah...

Fan girls? Right...I think you're just thinking of yourself. As I mentioned before, I didn't even have 1TYM in mind or any other artists. Nor did some others.

And it's OBVIOUS that he's BASHING...so we're not THINKING it, we HEAR it.

Damn, did you even listen to the damn lyrics? I think you were just too stunned w/ their voices.

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Guest A180585

This is suppossed to be a toungue in cheek song...you guys blew this WAY out of proportion...lol

Maybe it's just you not looking into it as deeply as some...i dont care what it was...it offended...it wasn't funny....it was hypocritical....they were trying to make a point but didn't do so well with that and that's that...i don't want to go at this again.... <_<

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Guest bonafidevixen


this is NOT about 1tym...this is an overall argument about the generalisation of the korean hip hop genre and pigeon-holing artists into what they can or cannot be based on ethnicity, and two-dimensional 'understanding' of appropriation of culture...

Do NOT reduce us to teeny-bopper 'fan girls' if you've got nothing legit or intelligent to say and have run out of defences....and to say WE'RE blowing this outta proportion?? READ the 'secretmans' posts and tell me HE'S not looking into this more than we are....

For most of us, if it's good we listen to it...but its THOSE dudes who starting mumbling about appropriation and 'justifiably poking fun at a few in society'....shish, this is soooo nothing to do with just 1Tym...

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