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Guest secretzman

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Guest o8/OR;nothing.

OUCH - I love 1TYM. This was kind of. . . pointless, ey? Nobody in 1TYM went to Harvard, or w/e. I have to say tho, the first guy has a hot voice.


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Guest i.nvalidc.reditc.ard


I found this so friggin`` funny!! The guy named Joon Hyung has a hot voice. The second guy. . . Anyways-- I LOVE 1TYM, but this is hilariousss!! And what's with the 'neega' thing? He ain't one, he said they shouldn't use the word and he gone head and used it. RAWR. It's so damn funny. haha.

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Guest Sakura Li

Interesting to say the least... I'm glad you guys are voicing your opinions but maybe that was a bit too much...? Thanks for sharing tho. ^___^

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Don't...dont'...don't do it again.

Not feeling the lyrics.

Had to say it, because it was bugging me.

OUCH - I love 1TYM. This was kind of. . . pointless, ey? Nobody in 1TYM went to Harvard, or w/e. I have to say tho, the first guy has a hot voice.


true that. that second guy, i'm not feeling it. so out of rhythm, voice bothers me, etc. etc. and also, you got some beef with that word or something? o_o...you DO know the title of the song = "do you know me?"? cause neega in korean means do you....-_________-. so please, i'm sure 1tym is so unskilled they're going around saying "richard simmons" every 7289410578912759802 times. do some research and see what the LYRICS are before getting all tensed from seeing a video.

and it was shocking to see that MV to the 1tym fans too. but we got used to it. and also, theyre not wannabe gangsters. they werent saying they were gangsters so don't assume cause that makes an a** out of you and me.

and okay. the word "neega" you seem to have a problem with it. go check out PSY's Champion song. it says neega like 7834905 times there but theyre not talking about richard simmons there.

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Guest jess1tym4life

Not bad i like your voices..but

What's this saying about fake richard simmons koreans with cornrolls & tattoos...if u wanna make a song go ahead but don't go bashing..

Taking Teddy's music & making fun of it..i like to see one day someone take your stuff & make fun of you..

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Guest cindel25

First off, you want to make music to express your opinions and such...fine, more power to ya.

But don't you ever EVER drop the N bomb, I don't give a **** who you are. Just because a few ignorant racist mofos think it soo cool to calling people N*** doesn't make it so.

I'm going to stop right now before I turn this thread into the history of the N word and slavery.

btw fake koreans with tats and rolls? Way to bring down your own people.

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Guest secretzman

First off, here are some definitions in case we need them:




1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.

2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.

2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.


n. pl. par·o·dies


1. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.

2. The genre of literature comprising such works.

2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.

3. Music. The practice of reworking an already established composition, especially the incorporation into the Mass of material borrowed from other works, such as motets or madrigals.

This isn't meant to be a smart richard simmons reply, so don't take it as such.

The song is satire and parody. It's a commentary on a genre of Korean pop music that's more about a fascination and appropriation of black and gangsta rap culture than about hip hop.

As for the use of the "n-word," both of us understand (to certain knowledgable extents) the history of the word and the history of race in the US, but it seems like some Korean artists don't (example: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oWBexcdaQV8&sea...sky%20i%20want). Again, we're commenting on how Korean artists appropriate aspects of a certain culture without much critical thought to it.

To suggest that we're bringing down the entire Korean people by poking fun at a select few of the society is laughable.

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Guest A180585

Ok then.....dude...it's hard NOT to think your reply there is a smart richard simmons reply cuz well....yea...

You guys got nice voices but maybe it could be put to better use? You may call it a parody or whatnot but in the end this is pretty much bashing to me…and to the other 1Tym fans too…

Please don’t do that again….show some respect to the artists that make the music…

You go on to say how they’re ‘fake’ and that (not saying that you’re saying 1Tym is but using their music kinda makes a direct comment to them) and trying to imitate the ‘hip hop’ community or whatever just shows how ignorant you are. Music is music…don’t look too much into it.

And since you seem to use the N word so freely, please don’t make fun of others cause it wasn’t EVEN the N word but a Korean word. Funny how you remake this song being that you’re Korean, bashing on Koreans being fake and using the N word so freely without thought when you yourself fit that exact description.

And what right they have to be rappers? Err…their talent maybe…what the hell does an engineering degree have to do with this? And don’t practice what you preach…and stop trying to be all gangsterish yourself.

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Guest bonafidevixen

Yeah, thanks for all the googled words there fellas...<_<

Neega has no connotation at all whatsoever to "richard simmons/er"....plz don't be using it in the wrong context...we all know it's a korean word...so it kinda makes you guys look stupid...

and it's funny how you say it's bs how koreans "appropriate" black culture...like you say, it's appropriating...NOT to be confused with COPYING...thus, the similarities...you may be "poking fun" at this but you guys got no idea about occidentalism...(google THAT)...

Again, we're commenting on how Korean artists appropriate aspects of a certain culture without much critical thought to it.

Take your own advice...don't be dissing on korean hip hop culture without thinking first if it's "right" or "wrong"...when westerners "appropriate" asian culture it's called being "cosmopolitan"...but when asians do it, it's called copying... <_< Be more supportive of your own people...

and who's to say cornrows and tatts are owned by a specific culture?? they aren't stereotypically "black"...i mean, lotsa asians do tatts and just people in general do corn rows...AND, why 1tym?? couldn't you guys have picked another band to make fun of?? DT for example?? or are they the "real" deal?? oh and, if you're gonna sing something, you gotta at least look the part...let's see some sissy rapping and cussing...that'd be hilarious...i mean, you'd wanna be taken more seriously right?

just ONE more thing...none of youse are Al Yankovic...but nice try anyway... :lol:

p.s. I DO see the funny side of it...but I'm a huge fan of korean hip hop and do not appreciate snide remarks about them trying to be like american hip hop bands and artists....i mean, what "real" gangster does bling??? a lotta american hip hop bands/artists aren't any more gangsters than the rest of us....

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Guest cindel25

First off, here are some definitions in case we need them:




1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.

2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.

2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.


n. pl. par·o·dies


1. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.

2. The genre of literature comprising such works.

2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.

3. Music. The practice of reworking an already established composition, especially the incorporation into the Mass of material borrowed from other works, such as motets or madrigals.

This isn't meant to be a smart richard simmons reply, so don't take it as such.

The song is satire and parody. It's a commentary on a genre of Korean pop music that's more about a fascination and appropriation of black and gangsta rap culture than about hip hop.

As for the use of the "n-word," both of us understand (to certain knowledgable extents) the history of the word and the history of race in the US, but it seems like some Korean artists don't (example: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oWBexcdaQV8&sea...sky%20i%20want). Again, we're commenting on how Korean artists appropriate aspects of a certain culture without much critical thought to it.

To suggest that we're bringing down the entire Korean people by poking fun at a select few of the society is laughable.

Really, then what exactly are YOU doing? Take your own advice "critical thought" before you remake a song.

LOL "black gangsta rap culture than about hip hop". What does this means? I take offends that you put in the word "black" cause I guess all black people are synonym with gangsta.

Wow thanks for reminding me, I'm so gangsta POC.

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Guest o8/OR;nothing.

Again, we're commenting on how Korean artists appropriate aspects of a certain culture without much critical thought to it.

korean artists? then why are you using 1TYM's song?

And what right they have to be rappers? Err…their talent maybe…what the hell does an engineering degree have to do with this? And don’t practice what you preach…and stop trying to be all gangsterish yourself.


This whole 'parody' was irrevelant to anything associated w/ 1TYM at all.

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Guest Muddie Murda

When I listened to "your" version, I never thought about it being aimed at 1TYM or any other artists. I was just thinking of what a big richard simmons hypocrite you were being. That's why, my friend, I told you not to do it again.

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