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Guest paranoidtrash

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Guest shocking88

Aww, this thread kind of died. :tears: The cute smilies came back on soompi! :w00t:

HenzeL announced they are disbanding at the 12/23 live at HEAVEN'S ROCK Saitama-Shintoshin VJ-3. Their last live will be a oneman on 1/20 at Harajuku Astro Hall.

Yuki, the vocalist, is very pretty in real life. ^_^ And they were so good live. :wub:

All 5 bands I saw that night were really good. (Clavier, HenzeL, Kazoku, Ruvie, Duel Jewel)

Anyways, I'll be posting up some flyer scans in the next few days. ^^

Also, Dai(gt; ex-plu'to) will leave Clavier after the 2 countdown lives on 12/31/2005. Clavier will return to being a 4 person band.

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Aww, this thread kind of died. :tears: The cute smilies came back on soompi! :w00t:

HenzeL announced they are disbanding at the 12/23 live at HEAVEN'S ROCK Saitama-Shintoshin VJ-3. Their last live will be a oneman on 1/20 at Harajuku Astro Hall.

Yuki, the vocalist, is very pretty in real life. ^_^ And they were so good live. :wub:

All 5 bands I saw that night were really good. (Clavier, HenzeL, Kazoku, Ruvie, Duel Jewel)

Anyways, I'll be posting up some flyer scans in the next few days. ^^

Also, Dai(gt; ex-plu'to) will leave Clavier after the 2 countdown lives on 12/31/2005. Clavier will return to being a 4 person band.

When I heard about HenzeL disbanding I was so pissed...... (Isn't is because Keita wants to leave? Or am I off my rocker again).... it seems like bands disband all the time and I'm just left asking myself "wtf?" Lol, ah.... I'm still angry/sad about it.


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Guest shocking88

Ahh how was Duel Jewel?! Did you go to that live with Clavier + Girugamesh and everything?

They were really good. I think they have gotten better everytime I've seen them. ^_^

I went to the one with Clavier/Henzel/Kazoku/Ruvie/Duel Jewel. Duel Jewel played last so they got to play 1 more song than the other bands. xD

Unfortunately, there was some tall girl in front of me, so I couldn't see Shun, like at all. x_X

But it's okay, I could see Hayato. :wub:

That livehouse's standing space is smaller than my living room. :lol:

When I heard about HenzeL disbanding I was so pissed...... (Isn't is because Keita wants to leave? Or am I off my rocker again).... it seems like bands disband all the time and I'm just left asking myself "wtf?" Lol, ah.... I'm still angry/sad about it.


Yes, Keita is leaving..so they're disbanding. He was the one who made the MC. :tears: It was like *dead silence* when he said it. They were so good. :tears:

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Guest shocking88

^ No, your not allowed to. :lol:

I have to admit, I have so many CDs, I think I'm running out of room. :tears: I spent all day trying to stuff them away. @_@

I went crazy..


Anyways, scans! ^O^

All scanned by me, if you use, no credits needed, but do not claim as your own scans!

These 3 scans are "extras" that you get when you buy the CDs. ^_^

華族 (kazoku) postcard:


ドーリスマリィ (Dollis Marry) postcard:


サディ(sadie) sticker:


Flyer scans! ^O^



ネガ(nega) & Karma Shenjing:






るう゛ぃえ(can be written "ruvie" or "luvie"):




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Guest shocking88





Spider Lily:


Best for last as usual, a scan of the group photo of a Panic*Ch photoset. ^^


No claiming my scans as your own! ^_^


One more, since this is..amusing. :blink:


(It's signed on the outside of the plastic cellophane wrapper thingy...xD)

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Guest shocking88

ur so lucky >< seriously

Save money! Then you can go. XD (Which is what I need to do this year. :tears:)

I found the Panic*ch pic on Takumi's blog too =P

In his, the background isn't the same pink. xD

I'll eventually scan all the pictures in this set. ^^

I only scanned the group one because it's on the top so I didn't have to take it out. xD My sis wanted me to scan so I thought I'd share. ^_^

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One more, since this is..amusing. :blink:


(It's signed on the outside of the plastic cellophane wrapper thingy...xD)

I have a strong urge to ask why... but you don't know the answer. I mean....it's on the plastic? What if you open it? lmao... XD

Looking at the Panic scan... I wanna know who the new members are...*kicks meguru for no particular reason*. Unless I'm late (and I usually am, it's hard keeping up with crap happening on the other side of the world) but I don't think I am.... ._.

I'm looking at all your cds... and flyers and stuff... and you're damn lucky! I think I would be so overwhelmed if I finally got myself over to Japan and to a live. Or struck dumb by all the pretty boys running around on stage.

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Guest shocking88

^ Haha, I don't know why. I have 2 guesses though..

Since some fans probably don't want their booklet pages "marred" with an autograph, they simply signed the outside plastic. Or, they were too lazy to take it off and sign it. :lol:

With Panic*Ch, your just a tad late.

The new members have been revealed on the official website, with pictures. ^O^ They played secret lives before the webpage came up but they didn't do a members introduction at the lives. xD


I don't think you would be struck dumb. xD They're only human.

In Japan, you don't even have to go to a live to see pretty boys; you can see lots of pretty boys in Harajuku. XD

The live I went to, I really enjoyed. No one screams in your ear the whole time the bands are playing and no one squishes you to death. :wub: Not to mention that was probably the best 3000yen I spent this time in Japan. 5 good looking bands who play really good music=:wub:

Sorry, I realized I made an error in my flyer scan post. :tears: Must fix it. :tears:

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^eh... but who's really going to wanna keep some plastic? (i would....)

Well, at least I'm not ages late, lol! I knew they have been playing secret lives but I never check out website because I'm really lazy. Maybe I should now. And I just did. I now have names and faces for them, lol! Ahhh.... it's not the same though. *slaps self* But, erm yeah. We shall see, they seem rather cute.

Oh, I would be struck very dumb (I get nervous so easily and then I turn an annoying red and stutter, no matter what the situation). Maybe I would just die from sensory overload! XD Only one way to find out...*shakes piggy bank*... but it's going to be awhile.

Thanks again for all the scans. I'm staring at the HenzeL one...my sister thinks I'm losing brain cells or something.

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Guest shocking88

^eh... but who's really going to wanna keep some plastic? (i would....)

Well, at least I'm not ages late, lol! I knew they have been playing secret lives but I never check out website because I'm really lazy. Maybe I should now. And I just did. I now have names and faces for them, lol! Ahhh.... it's not the same though. *slaps self* But, erm yeah. We shall see, they seem rather cute.

Oh, I would be struck very dumb (I get nervous so easily and then I turn an annoying red and stutter, no matter what the situation). Maybe I would just die from sensory overload! XD Only one way to find out...*shakes piggy bank*... but it's going to be awhile.

Thanks again for all the scans. I'm staring at the HenzeL one...my sister thinks I'm losing brain cells or something.

I didn't open mine. x_X; But normally, if I open a CD, I stuff the CD back into the plastic and then cover it again. ^^;

HenzeL's Yuki is so good looking in real life. He's pretty and..[for lack of better words] really hot. xD I stared at him for their entire set. >.> Stupid band, why do they have to disband? :tears:

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^lol... that's why I buy two copies of some things.

I was reading some live report on HenzeL, and the writer kept talking about how hot Yuki is in real life. T_____T I wanna see!

They disbanded to make us all cry. >.> Well, they made me tear up a little and curse out my computer.

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Guest shocking88

^ With the amount of CDs I buy, buying 2 of some CDs is out of the question. ^^;

Was the HenzeL review by Krys? ^^

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Guest paranoidtrash

LOL at the Karma Shenjing flyer. They're under Undercode now, woot woot for them! Rairin's voice sounded really nasal on the demo clips so I hated it, but they were good live! The guitarist, Shino is an awesome dude! I think he won all the ladie's hearts XD.

Awww I want to see Duel Jewel again!! Man... How was Natsuki? (:

I'm sure everyone's going ot say this but:

You're so lucky you can see them and afford so many cds ;x.

I think besides my normal preordering Miyavi I'm going to try to lay off buying CDs constantly and spend a little more in the clothing area so I don't look like a hobo all the time XD.. A hobo with VW doesn't fit well at all!

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