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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest lucky_moon

hahah that would be niice

i mean i sometimes give my nunas a kiss on a cheek too

soo wheres the problem


Yes that's what we want, no harm if a small kiss take it's way to JH cheek & the sender JD :D

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can anyone tell me why JUN PYO broke the mobile in the ep.16 ???

I didn´t understand that part ..... please

I really like this scene. This reminds us of the many times when junpyo is dragged off by his mom's people leaving jandi alone (e.g. valentine's day, day when he had to fly off to macau), and each time he has called jihoo to come take jandi. But here we see junpyo's struggle. He knows he can't be with jandi due to his mom's current interference, and yet it pains him to think he's leaving jandi with jihoo who obviously loves her. But still he chose not to let jandi be left alone, which means he has to let jihoo know, and then mad at himself or his circumstances he smashes his phone.

for the rest of epi 16, i'm so glad there were more junpyo jandi moments. although both felt somewhat awkward, it was still fun to watch. Actually this different interaction between them is kinda amusing. Junpyo is obviously self-restraining himself before he himself burst loose and yet everytime he sees jandi he finds part of his resolve crumbling. Jandi is still deeply in love with junpyo though she has it deeply ingrained that he does not like her as he once did anymore. Yet I think how junpyo stopped his mom from slapping her should have let her know that he was putting up a facade, although she might not figure out that it was to protect her and her family.

i was somewhat worried for junpyo when jihoo found jandi at the clinic. Although it was a beautiful moment for jihoo, somehow the way he stepped into her path to block her and removing the broom from her seem to suggest that he is taking another step forward in their relationship.

jaekyung is quite likeable in this epi. she's bold and straightforward, esp how she approached junpyo at school and took him in a headlock. haha.. junpyo was so shocked to see her and i bet there's more of her to come. jandi looked really cute in this episode. I think she has to do away with the double pigtails and just hide under her knitted hat and she'll look tonnes cuter. The spying on yijung gaeul scene was light-hearted, a good break from those heavy macau episodes. I liked how jandi turned around and hid herself against junpyo, and his sudden awkward reaction of wrapping his hands around her.

Am so glad Im ju hwan is joining the cast. I've always thought he would have been a perfect candidate as an F4 member.

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Guest freedomyears

waiting for the preview of episode 18 really requires a lot of patience from me. but i think it's worth if JP& JD make up^^. & anyone has the mp3 version of "becauz i'm stupid" by JH? ths so much :x

if you search for it on youtube one of them has a download link, I cant remember it of the top of my head right now :S Hoonfamily or something along those lines.........

Im just desperatly looking for Jan Di's version of that song now, and of course always waiting for Woo Bin to get some more air time since he is by far (in my opinion) the greatest member of F4 :)

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EP 16 was so good! it made me laugh again! the past few episodes have made me really sad but this episode really cracked me up! lol! any 1 hav a feeling jp n jd will get back 2 geta by next ep??? i really hope so! d PD and scripwriter cant drag this seperation for too long rite???!!! :mellow:

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Guest naracute

yes,i agree with you

when she saw JP fellowing JD,as smart as her,in the fact, as a girl,she did really knew someting between them

True! JK smart enough to know both JY and WB 's motives she should know that there's something between JD and JP.

In Taiwanese version, Xiao Zi (JK) the fiancee confessed to Shancai that she knew Shanchai (JD) and Dao Ming Si (JP) are very close but pretend not to know. Later on, she apologize to Shanchai (JD) and let go of Dao Ming Si (JP). She also call off their engagement. I think she did tell the wicked witch about calling off their engagement. She was in tears when she confessed to Shancai (JD).

But I'm not sure how this one would turn out like..

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Guest mikirakayano


thank you for your reply

sorry my english is very bad

i hope you undestand me

that you say is I think but why Jun Pyo throw the phone after sending the message (with the advice) and not before,he squeeze the phone after the advice and throw it not before of that advice

because of this I think the advice says something that get angry more and because of this he throw it

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

I find it amusing (sometimes annoying, my apologies) to find that many people questioning (or complaining) in ‘unbelievable tone’ how jandi could talk to junpyo like buddy-buddy or as if nothing ‘tragic’ has ever passed between them. Well, just because you don’t talk to your ex f.o.r.e.v.e.r. after a nasty break-up (or being dumped) doesn’t mean the rest of the world treats the same issue likewise. Here’s the news; some people handle it differenty.

What do you guys want? Her wallowing in self-pity? Or hide the moment she sees him? Or go out of her way to avoid the earth he walks on? That would be pathetic. I, for one, am glad that she was able to talk to him as per normal. What’s wrong with talking to your ex, bickering, putting up a tough front? Because to do otherwise, or behaving differently than usual would be a sign of weakness (and people were complaining she’s weak, duh!). Let Jandi show junpyo that she moves on, his words don’t do any permanent damage (even if it’s a pretense). Her approach of treat-your-ex-like-a-friend-with-whom-you-can-be-yourself is a nice way to go, in my opinion.

Also, I know some of us do not like this seemingly becoming weak, dumb and ditzy Jandi. Why? Is it because she doesn’t yell anymore, or because she seems defenseless against strangers, or because she’s always lucky to have some heroes to the rescue, or because she always seems clueless or stupid because she is doing what some of us perceive as not ‘smart’? I don’t know what your definition of strong Jandi is, maybe some richard simmons-kicking action or so? She may know some spinkick but I presume that’s about the only skill she knows in that aspect. But to me her greatest assets are her inner strength and her beautiful heart. Besides, she seems to be the suffer-in-silent kind of person, but that doesn’t mean she’s weak. Throughout the series, she always choose to keep her silence despite being personally bullied and humiliated, or seething in anger in some private place when it were other students. But when it comes to her friends, her switch is triggered. Like how she seeks justice for Gaeul and suddenly becomes ‘bit**y’ because her friend is being bullied. If I remember correctly, the only time she defense herself loud and clear was that one time against junpyo (junpyo gets his first head kick, haha). Other than that time, all her rough actions and speaking up are because of her friends and families. She is someone who concerns more about others and know how to take care of other people more than she knows how to take care of herself. There are such paradoxes and irony in life you know. Like the time when she was with the sleazy old men, or at macau being attacked by gangsters. She can’t lift a finger even if her life depends on it. But I bet that if the one being attacked is gaeul, and she happens to be in the vicinity, she would go rampant and attack the attackers herself. So despite her being dumb or ditzy or whatever, this is one quality of her that stays true and to me that is all that matters; her warm and kind heart. (And for someone like Jandi who only cares about others, someone like jihoo is a god-sent; someone who always watch out for her sake while she watch out for others).

And about her wanting to become a doctor, she even said it herself that people might say she’s crazy to even think about it. She may not seem bright and some of us think it as implausible. She may agree with you guys herself later on, somewhere along the way, but for someone who has just lost her purpose in life (swimming), to come out with a new dream is really something to cheer about, even if to others it seems an impossible thing to achieve. It’s much better than for her to go la~la~land not knowing what to do next, aimless. Who do you think is sorrier, someone with impossible dream, or someone who doesn’t have a dream at all? Some people dream big, some small. Whether they achieve it or not, the important part is the journey. If you think the whole process and experience that you go through was a waste of time when you fail, then that’s your outlook in life. Too bad. But don’t bash or mock others because they dare to dream. She’s young, she’s allowed to make mistake. I’d rather she pursue this medical thing and fail, than not having any direction at all. For someone like her, even if she fails, I’m sure she’ll pick herself up again.

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i was somewhat worried for junpyo when jihoo found jandi at the clinic. Although it was a beautiful moment for jihoo, somehow the way he stepped into her path to block her and removing the broom from her seem to suggest that he is taking another step forward in their relationship.

u make me worried ^^. now, Jh doesnt stand there & he will take JD to him. nothing can stop him now . just Jd only, just she says straightly that she loves JP very much. But how she can say that. it will hurt JH so much , the person she owes many things :tears: oh, PD nim, why u must put them in such a hard trianglr. why u cant just make the drama less heart attacking :rolleyes:

ths freedomyears so much! :D

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Guest vada_beckham23

Netizens Leak Boys Before Flowers Scene

Spoilers are ahead.

As followers of KBS2TV Boys Before Flowers, you will have noticed that Ha Jae Kyung's appearance as Goo Joon Pyo's fiance has created tension between the already fragile relationship of Joon Pyo and Geum Jandi. Well, more is to come.

Photos of Joon Pyo kissing Jae Kyung was uploaded by netizens to various Korean portals this past Monday which got fans into a frenzy. Apparently it was from a scene that hasn't seen daylight yet. The photos in sequence shows Joon Pyo (facing camera) coming face-to-face with Jae Kyung and then proceeds to kiss her in the last picture.

Many netizens showed concern after viewing the photos, "Are Joon Pyo and Jae Kyung really kissing?", "What is going to happen to Jandi, this is really sad", etc. According to a Group Eight representative, "This particular scene will be aired on 2nd March, Episode 17, the long awaited kissing scene between them both." Will it be more scandalous than the kissing scene between Joon Pyo and Jandi earlier on, probably not, but we will have to wait and see.



credits: allkpop.com

AAhhh... I don't like it!!!

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Guest dreampryncezz

Netizens Leak Boys Before Flowers Scene

Spoilers are ahead.

AAhhh... I don't like it!!!

You and me both...you and me both...:(

Every time I see this picture, I jump off the JP bandwagon and onto the JH bandwagon. To be in Jandi's position, I would not know what to do? Actually, that's a lie...I'd tell JP to stick a sock in it, start dating JH, and then if JP comes around, I'd date him too! And then say, "there is enough JD to go around." lol

Anyway, JK is quite cute, I have to agree. But WHY would JP kiss her...I don't understand?! WHY?!


My dream: he moves to kiss her and backs away. That'd be awesome, but things never happen the way I want it to.

OR...JD sees JP kiss JK and JD moves in to JH and lay on him a big wet one! yup yup

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Netizens Leak Boys Before Flowers Scene

Spoilers are ahead.

they'd better kiss quickly. i dont like it, too. actually, i hate it when JP is the one more actively in this scene. what's his problem? he wants to forget JD, right? :tears:

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agree with u... and some post always comparing JD with the other version come on...this is different version, if u read the manga all the korean character is different with the manga even JP character is different but because LMH acting is so good so not many people protest about him. I just thought that this is "soft side'" of HYD I mean if you read or watch the other version u know what i mean....from the beginning....JP character is too "soft" if you compare with the manga, it goes to JD, JH, Gaeul etc they all different from the manga character...so could you just accept it? if everything the same then what is the point to make different version with the same character and story eventhough the main story still the same it's like "cut and paste" then?

I know there were some loophole in each episode but giving them the time they made it I think they make brilliant job, and to be honest I do like episode 16 and can't wait for the next episode eventhough I know what will happen but still...this drama is totally addicted....

I think its normal for viewers to compare the drama to the original manga and also to other versions.

I mean, the original manga IS the canon of this story, and it is how the author meant for the story to play out, so why is it wrong for people to compare? Since the producers decided to use this "Boys over Flowers," brand, it's the viewers' perogative to see how much of the script is adapted from the canon and how much is an add-on by the production.

I'm not saying the Korean adaptation isn't good just because characters were tweaked to appeal to the Korean TV audience. In fact, I think it's quite good. Moreover, none of the drama series were able to follow the canon 100%, that's just the necessary margin of error for a screen adaptation. Nevertheless, it's pretty senseless to say that people who know the original story and characters need to "just accept" that this version is different and separate from the Kamio Yoko canon, because there IS an original story, and this drama IS very heavily based on that prewritten scenario. It's only normal that people will point out the differences.

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Guest ayoepan

Wowwww... this thread really move fast!

I couldn't catch up :sweatingbullets:

I move backward to search my last post and trying to read all posts, but its time consuming :P


EPISODE 17 and 18 (based on spoilers, speculation, and manga plotline, I just tried to connect the dots into whatever i thought made the most sense)

yogurutu,thanx for the next episodes preview ^^

seems the next 2 episodes will be rough for JD-JP's relationship

*hoping for JD-JH moments ^^*

I find it amusing (sometimes annoying, my apologies) to find that many people questioning (or complaining) in ‘unbelievable tone’ how jandi could talk to junpyo like buddy-buddy or as if nothing ‘tragic’ has ever passed between them. Well, just because you don’t talk to your ex f.o.r.e.v.e.r. after a nasty break-up (or being dumped) doesn’t mean the rest of the world treats the same issue likewise. Here’s the news; some people handle it differenty.

hey xx|outsider|xx, hehe seems u quite annoyed with the rantings ^^

but hey, everyone has different opinions regarding this drama. They just pour up they two cents, I think its good since this thread will be more various and lively. Isn't ?? (IMO thou' :P).

Just take their opinions as grain of salts. No hard feelings ^^

But it also nice to read your opinions ^^

someone really pay attention on BoF story, while me just confused all d'time. "why this? why that?" haha. I think I need to relax and do not think too much while watching the dramas. But I can't help it :P

Lastly... my two cents for episode 16

I just give out my fave' scenes :

1. When JD stood up against JP. He's trying to explain about the engagement, but she said do not care about it...

she even used cynical words " why u became so friendly to a stain u want to erase ? "

I swear... that make me proud of JD... Way to go girl~~~

2. When JP get jealous after JK 'wrongly' (i hope its not wrong thou') mentioned that JH is someone tht JD like. Wohooo~~

JH u should nod after JK mentioned that!!! :P

3. When JP stood up for JD from his mom. Who didn't melt by this scene anyway??? :blush:

4. My number 1 FAVE' scene!!!


GOD!!! JH is meant to be with JD!! I think he's the one who understand JD best! He could find out where JD is and even know she looks uneasy and comfort her. This is the first time JH looks persistent. He insist to let JD pour out her sadness...

JH, u are the man !! icon12.gif

About JK...

I LOVE HER!! She's bubbly and funny!!

I dont think she's insensitive. How could she know about JD-JP's relationship anyway? She just met them in Macau, so she doesn't know anything about JP-JD feelings. And I think her appearance put some spice on the dramas.

About JK-JD kissing scene...

I'm anticipating it ^^, but I have to admit tht disappointed by the way JP's done while kissing her... Why he has to grab her like he grab JD while kissing JD on the street ??? Or maybe while kissing JK, JP imagine tht woman is JD ??

hehehe :P

About JD-JH moments in the next episode...

I almost faint look JH kissed JD's hand. AWWWWWW.... sweet~~~~

But I hope he kisses her on the lips (not hand :P) hehehehehe


I'm done now ^^

Peace guys ^^

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Guest dunlop09

I find it amusing (sometimes annoying, my apologies) to find that many people questioning (or complaining) in ‘unbelievable tone’ how jandi could talk to junpyo like buddy-buddy or as if nothing ‘tragic’ has ever passed between them. Well, just because you don’t talk to your ex f.o.r.e.v.e.r. after a nasty break-up (or being dumped) doesn’t mean the rest of the world treats the same issue likewise. Here’s the news; some people handle it differenty.

What do you guys want? Her wallowing in self-pity? Or hide the moment she sees him? Or go out of her way to avoid the earth he walks on? That would be pathetic. I, for one, am glad that she was able to talk to him as per normal. What’s wrong with talking to your ex, bickering, putting up a tough front? Because to do otherwise, or behaving differently than usual would be a sign of weakness (and people were complaining she’s weak, duh!). Let Jandi show junpyo that she moves on, his words don’t do any permanent damage (even if it’s a pretense). Her approach of treat-your-ex-like-a-friend-with-whom-you-can-be-yourself is a nice way to go, in my opinion.

lol, i totally agree with you... I've always seen JD as a strong character. Just because she has someone come and save her from a situation doesn't mean that she is weak. A strong person isn't someone who does everything for themselves or never accepts help. That would just be a lonely and stupid person. And becoming a doctor is never all about intelligence. The longing to help people is way more important than being smart. What good is a smart doctor if they don't care about helping others? I think JD would become a great doctor. The points you made defending JD were all great, but the people you are defending her against seem to just be looking for flaws with JD. For those people: You will enjoy this drama so much more and stress out less if you stop looking for flaws and just enjoy it :)

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I don't know but I thought JP is really so out of the way now. Somehow the scriptwriter really favors JH more right, don't you all agree? I am starting to like JH and JD pair together, and I hate to think that JH will be left all alone at the end of this drama (because the expected ending will be like this, unless the scriptwriter really want to create a big fan uproar ho ho, which I doubt so). It's just so heartbreaking at the scene where JH visted his parents grave and he asks why he's always left alone, why all his love ones left him in the end, yet he still wants Jandi, that part really pains my heart. Seriously the ending for epi 16 is disappointing, because there's no preview or anything to anticipate for next week epi.

About JaeKyung, actually I sort of like her character, I think the actress is pretty too, so far it's quite acceptable, and I am enjoying her part even though she will be coming in between JP and JD, but at least she's not that irritating.

Actually, I don't really like that way the scriptwriter presents the story for the past 3 episodes because JP seems to be getting on my nerves, the way he treats JD, I am like beginning to doubt his love for Jandi. How much I miss the old sweet JP who only puts JD the first in his heart! I hope the writer can do something about this, if not I will really be won to JH's side.

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Guest ayoepan

I am starting to like JH and JD pair together, and I hate to think that JH will be left all alone at the end of this drama (because the expected ending will be like this, unless the scriptwriter really want to create a big fan uproar ho ho, which I doubt so). It's just so heartbreaking at the scene where JH visted his parents grave and he asks why he's always left alone, why all his love ones left him in the end, yet he still wants Jandi, that part really pains my heart. Seriously the ending for epi 16 is disappointing, because there's no preview or anything to anticipate for next week epi.

winterlove, yeah...its too unfair for JH.

I dont like either to the fact that he'll give away JD to JP and be left alone...

It make me even sadder when he said "everyone i love leave me alone" and later he has to face that JD will get back together with JP... :tears:

I dont like the fact that the writers favors JH only for now and smack him very bad after JD-JP reunite...

*hahaha actually i couldnt blame anyone since its THE PLOT on original manga... Kamio-sensei...how could u...:P*

As for JP...

somehow I could understand his feeling, its not like he dumps JD because he wants to...

His reason is make sense to me and he has the agony in her heart while avoiding JD...

But damn JP! I've seen enough seeing JD cries bucket of tears because of JP... :unsure:

And when the writers include amnesia scene,

I agree with others... JD should be the one who got amnesia!!

. And rather than amnesia scene, I'd prefer scene where Tsukasa chasing Makino on the bus!!

Peace guys ^^

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Guest sanaechan

I find it amusing (sometimes annoying, my apologies) to find that many people questioning (or complaining) in ‘unbelievable tone’ how jandi could talk to junpyo like buddy-buddy or as if nothing ‘tragic’ has ever passed between them. Well, just because you don’t talk to your ex f.o.r.e.v.e.r. after a nasty break-up (or being dumped) doesn’t mean the rest of the world treats the same issue likewise. Here’s the news; some people handle it differenty.

What do you guys want? Her wallowing in self-pity? Or hide the moment she sees him? Or go out of her way to avoid the earth he walks on? That would be pathetic. I, for one, am glad that she was able to talk to him as per normal. What’s wrong with talking to your ex, bickering, putting up a tough front? Because to do otherwise, or behaving differently than usual would be a sign of weakness (and people were complaining she’s weak, duh!). Let Jandi show junpyo that she moves on, his words don’t do any permanent damage (even if it’s a pretense). Her approach of treat-your-ex-like-a-friend-with-whom-you-can-be-yourself is a nice way to go, in my opinion.

Sorry to cut your entry.

I basically disagree with all of your points, but this one, I just find stupid. I mean, if the guy you love calls you a stain and tells you to leave him alone you just aren't okay after a short while. Falling out of love or getting over a heartbreak takes a while and it just made no sense that JD could talk to JP normally again after such short time. It would have been more realistic if JD would have avoided JP or run away from him one or two times and THEN try to talk to him normally again. The way thay showed it, there was just no logic behind it.

Oh but everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, so rant ahead. Just wanted to drop my two cents to you comment. :)

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Guest gglover

It seems odd that she went to find JP instead of woobin for help. Considering her strained relationship and the she help she needs (car, money etc), woobin seems like a easier choice. Then again, I wish JP knew that she called JH first instead of him. He would've gotten even more jealous. haha.

These PDs, then can't even get the correct episode summary out the day before. Wasn't her shoulder injury supposed to be this week? I get this feeling they are pushing back content to stretch out more episodes.

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