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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Bamidele

This LJ of Volumes 31 & 32 of HYD reviews what happened after NY (Macau in this installment). It's beautifully written. I hope they do something like this in this version. I can see the picture we've been seeing of JD & JP on the beach, holding hands and she is wearing the necklace here. :)

Thank you so much for the link I am going to read all the volume reviews:)

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Guest ambition

um. you do know that most people dont watch this drama because of one person right?

just because someone says they think that one person cant act doesnt mean they have to stop watching it all together

I have the feeling that everyone is hating on Hyun Joong not only due to his acting skill but also due to the kind of money and popularity that he receives. Most are unsatisfied because they think LMH should get the most money. In due time, I'm sure LMH will also bring in the cash too if he keeps up his good work for future projects. But what most don't get is that his popularity is not only coming from BOF but his loyal fans from SS501 and WGM. He is known for his hardwork, being an extremely professional by continue to push through even if he has injuries. Then, from WGM, people get to know how honest, witty, and charming he is in real life. Plus the guy is not the average Joe either. So yeah, don't feel like his popularity is not justified; cuz he really did work hard for everything that he got.

About his acting ability, KHJ was being very honest. He said he wish he could shoot every scenes from the beginning again; cuz now he got more into acting and into his role as Jihoo and feels more like an actor. So far, he said, I think it's about the time epi. 10 airs, that he gives himself 50 out of 100 (Someone corrects me if I'm wrong) He also said that he will work hard and even harder to receive that 100 points. I think he has improved a lot through out this drama; considering he has only taken up acting class for a few months now. And I don't understand why problem with KHJ's acting ability resurfaces again since Jihoo has been growin more to viewers and I think that's due to his bettering at being an actor. Some are saying that his fans are blindly supporting him. Well, I can't blame them cuz once you like someone, you kind of stick with them through their hard times and good times. Especially when they get to see his uniqueness, 4D, as an individual.

Ok Okay, some are natural at acting and destined to become great actors (just like how people see LMH now) but some will achieve excellence through trials and errors and learning. With KHJ dedication, I believe that he will be able to achieve his goal if he keeps on believing in himself and constantly push forward. That's the type of people who I appreciate and adore. "You're the worst thing ever....." hmmm....someday, someone might say that to you, and I hope that you will be able to ignore those who don't believe in you and keep trying your best at everything you do, just like how KHJ is doing. PEACE......and let's enjoy BOF!

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Guest huangsy

another F4 parody released by KBS 8 am news today uploaded at http://hallyudrama.blogspot.com/2009/02/bof-cuts.html

BTW, watch the extent of all the posts bashing any particular one actor/actress, thinly disguised as right to express an opinion.

Also this thread has diverted away too much from discussing what the drama actually is to discussing "what-the-drama-can-be-if-I had-it-my-way".

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Oh my gawd! LMH and GHS brought me along for the ride as I experienced their anguish, passion, longing, the excruciating pain of JP’s rejection and JP’s denial of his love for JD. LMH and GHS were just unbelievably, mind bogglingly astounding!!!! KHJ was equally riveting as the soft hearted JH who would do anything for the woman he loves. The scenes of Macao served as another magnificent backdrop for the amazing love story of JP and JD; this episode also depicted F3’s fondness and concern for JD, a depraved mother’s manipulation of her son, the inner turmoil and anguish of JP and the unconditional love of JH for JD. I like how this episode focused on JD more than JP, showing how she struggled to survive from the onslaught of emotions that just took over her whole being after being callously dumped and how she stood out as the better person.

This, to me, was the best JH/JD moment, totally eclipsing the touch lips kiss in New Caledonia. When JD saw JP's face on the screen, she started ro cry. JH tried to remove her mask but she held onto to it, not wanting him to see her crying. That's when JH hugged her from behind which was so sweet and even if he was wearing a mask, one can feel he was greatly affected by JD's heartbreaking sobs.

I must have watched the break-up scene gazillion times and every moment, my heart broke into pieces.

JD: "You pretending not to know me, not wanting to see me it was all real. So what I am to you is...

JP: "A stain I want to erase."

Sorry for cutting your post, just wanted to once again THANK YOU for your very insightful commentary and Caps of episode 14. LMH and GHS definitely emoted their feelings and emotions clearly to the audience. No matter how many times I watched the scene on the bridge, my heart still ached for JD as she fought the tears from cascading down her cheeks, the amount of pain she was in clearly showed by the way she was trying to hold her composure and put up a calm front in front of JP.

I love the JH-JD moment where he hugged her from behind, it was beautiful. I think this will continue to be their story...JH from behind, protecting her...he's the wind beneath her wings.

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Guest susamirain

I'll give you kudos for the bullying Jandi part. However, Joon Pyo's reactions were more realistic than anything. If you saw pictures of your significant other in bed, what would your first response be? You'd be angry and irrational. You wouldn't stand there and go, 'hmm these pictures must be photoshopped.' And just to clarify, Joon Pyo never asked anybody to rape Jandi. He was more pissed off than anyone when he found out. In addition, I understand why he was mad about the necklace. Jandi tends to lose things, for example, in the beginning with the anklet. Furthermore, this wasn't 'just' a necklace. It was supposed to be meaningful, one of a kid or in other words - his heart. What would his reaction be if he'd heard that she lost it? Yes, angry. And even through the anger, we're talking about Joon Pyo who jumped in front of cars, walked up the mountain in the blizzard, took off his clothes to warm her up all to protect her.

I understand JP's initial response to the photos. But he should have come around after JD looked him in the eyes and told him it was a lie. I can understand him still being furious because of the crowd and the feeling of humiliation. But once he had spent a night thinking it over, he should have cooled down and called JD up with a clear mind to find out what the deal was. He should've definitely started clearing things up before JD got humiliated and beat up again.

I also understand JP being angry about the necklace that wasn't my point. My point was that JP accused JD of deliberately throwing the necklace away. And I don't necessarily see any true heroics about him saving JD from the cold when it was due to his callousness and accusatory attitude that JD wondered out into the cold night to find a freakin' necklace! JP shouldn't give the impression that he values an object above JD's life. He should know by now how ditto headed JD can be at times.

But I get what you're saying about Jihoo. He's definitely the prince in shining armor aka 'firefighter' of BoF. But in the end, love has no boundaries. Jihoo may be better in the sense that he'd never put her in any sort of pain, but that's not what her heart wants.

JH isn't just better because he won't cause her pain. JH is better because he understands JD the best, will be there to support her no matter what and he values her happiness above all else. But it's irrelevant I know because the love in the story resides with JP and JD.

Also, Joon Pyo is not choosing to be inconsiderate. He has a company to care for, "700,000 lives on his hands," a promise to his father and a monster mother who has threatened to drive Jandi out of Korea if he pursued a relationship with her. He's hurting her in order to protect her. Whereas if Joon Pyo suddenly decided to forget everything and whisk her away to some foreign land so they could live happily ever after, then that would just be a totally bogus plot line. After all, it was Jandi who taught him compassion for other people.

Frankly, I laughed when JP said the part about supporting 700,000 lives. It is later revealed that he was just holding up a deal with his she-devil mother to protect JD and her family. His sincerity was lacking and I didn't by the high and mighty speech for a second, it was just an excuse.

So I stick by what I said - I want Jandi to openly show her love for him.

If JD wondering out in a snowstorm in the night risking her safety and her life to look for the precious necklace that JP gave her isn't enough to let JP know this woman truly loves him I don't know what else can.

@sweet_maple: I agree with you on many points.

JH isn't a prince charming and I never meant to seriously imply that JH is "perfect", he's just a guy who knows how to be mature and show how much he cares for the woman he loves. JP is definitely more immature and his inexperience in love is no excuse for his insensitive and sometimes verbally abusive behavior.

And you are right about when some people are in love, it seems people will take a rotten guy/girl (not saying JP is rotten) and lift him up to be a Prince Charming/Princess Charming.

I also agree with you that while I wish in this particular version that JH was the man of the hour, he is NOT. JD loves JP and nothing JH will do can make her love him. It's like the song Bonnie Raitt sings, "I can't make you love me, if you don't." Painful but true.

The Cinderella example you gave about if she chose JH would we have this great of a love story. Of course, we already have those kinds of great classic love stories but Prince Charming isn't a huge jerk like JP. When Prince Charming saves the damsel in distress, it's not because he caused the distress in the first place which tends to be the case so far with JP. The HYD story is the classic transformation story where the main character transforms themselves for their lover. It's almost always fun to watch :D :D :D

I like this story but I don't like everything about it. I think the writers made JH too sweet, loving, and involved this time around. I also don't like this "knight in shining armor" talk about JH; it's like his feelings are being diminished just because he isn't a hot-tempered jerk who blows almost everything out of proportion like a child as JP does many times. Let's remember that JH lost his family and was abandoned by his grandfather; he was left to cling to whoever would give him the time of day turns out it was Seo Hyun ( I hope that's her name). I could totally understand JH hating the world, thinking it's unfair, and jumping to negative conclusions causing trouble for the woman he loves. JP's background explains his behavior but shouldn't excuse it.

I was happy for Dom and Makino in the other versions but so far in this one JP and JD seem kinda forced cause JH is just too involved as I said before.

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... Damn, some of you guys are BRUTALLY mean when it comes down to Hyunjoong.

So lemme sum up what I'm about to say: If his acting is SOOOO bad that it makes you cringe, why do you still watch it. I'm sure BOF doesn't need your sorry eyes watching the drama, really.

What makes me cringe is that people that literally squashes a person's hard work (despite how you feel about the person ability to act). Hyunjoong is trying -- don't take aspect away from him...

Do you want the director to bring Meteor Garden's Hua Ze Lei (if you think Hyunjoong is doing a bad job... LOL)

Embrace the Jihoo now because honestly, it could've been worse IMO.

Personally, Hyunjoong's acting isn't bad, considering singer-became-actor.

I don't think that anyone is discounting Hyun Joong's efforts and everyone agrees he is the bestlooking Rui. However the cast of BOF is new yet extremly talented and Hyun joong's acting flaws become glaringly obvious. JH's character has almost as much screen time as JP and while LMH's acting adds a new layer of complexity to the character, HyunJoong is not able to match that and that is what I find disappointing. For example in ep14 when JD is gorging the food down at Ming's house, JH looks surprised, I expected a more happy/satisfied expression denoting he is happy to see her enjoy food. In comparison look at the way JP looks at JD when she eats on thier date. Similarily when he asks JP to meet her or looks back in the restaurant in ep 14, I failed to interpret his reaction. Ideally his eyes should have shown a certain level of disgust and anger. Even YJ and WB managed to do that in the basketball scene. He has got down on his knees and wiped JD's tears so many times but everytime his expression remains same. I know his character is supposed to be quiet and mysterious but that is what makes it even more difficult since he has to convey a lot with just facial expressions.

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There was an article on JP's new hairstyle today. He's still maintaining the curls, just not as seashell-ish as before.



ha ha, less curl, right? every hairstyle looks good on him :rolleyes:

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Guest Spiffy Girl

Sorry to interrupt your conversation but you know the long pull overs that Goo Hye Sun (Geum JanDi) wears in episodes 9-12? Where can I purchase something similar to those? Like what store and what brand? (PM me if you can't discuss about clothing) Sorry! x]

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... Damn, some of you guys are BRUTALLY mean when it comes down to Hyunjoong.

So lemme sum up what I'm about to say: If his acting is SOOOO bad that it makes you cringe, why do you still watch it. I'm sure BOF doesn't need your sorry eyes watching the drama, really.

What makes me cringe is that people that literally squashes a person's hard work (despite how you feel about the person ability to act). Hyunjoong is trying -- don't take aspect away from him...

Do you want the director to bring Meteor Garden's Hua Ze Lei (if you think Hyunjoong is doing a bad job... LOL)

Embrace the Jihoo now because honestly, it could've been worse IMO.

Personally, Hyunjoong's acting isn't bad, considering singer-became-actor.



- Is Han Chae Young coming back to the drama? Jihoo needs some loving ... =(

Yeah, agreed. I personally NEVER liked Hyunjoong but I think he suits this role, I actually AM starting

to like him after this role haha. BUTTTT I hope Chaeyoung comes back too but I dont think she will though,

considering shes gonna marry or whatever that one guy haha

I love peoples comment on the "chinese friend" lmao I was like ew.. hahaha everytime

I saw the kid ahhahaha >.< HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.

I personally like that song in the beginning of the epi. that the guy on the boat was singing; lol

I have no idea what they are called but yeah haha i like the song :)

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Guest XiahxTiffany

^ personally i think that Han Chae Young is going to come back

probably going to come back to see JH and JD :)

shes going to thank JD for being so nice to JH

and shes also going to thank JH for protecting JD i hope :)

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Guest krcoffee

^ personally i think that Han Chae Young is going to come back

probably going to come back to see JH and JD :)

shes going to thank JD for being so nice to JH

and shes also going to thank JH for protecting JD i hope :)

I also wish that Han Chae Young and the JP sis will come back to the set.

Miss their kindness and toughness in their roles.

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Guest phanlinh_111

sorry, but can you guys help me to find softsub from ep 9 to ep 13? :sweatingbullets:

Where can i downoad?

Thanks u very much!

I'm very happy when the pages incease so fast! :P

Love u all!

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Guest Debbie1633

Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo (Domyoji Tsukasa) Goo Joon Pyo He is the best. Hands down. He's aggressive and stubborn. Yet he has this beautiful soft side that Jan Di brings out. The day that he spends with her family is so sweet and amazing. I love that episode. When he was saying those things to her on the bridge in Ep 14, you could tell he didn't mean them. They were cruel words, but I just wasn't convinced that was how he felt. Then when he stormed in and confronted his mother... I knew that my faith in Joon Pyo hadn't been misplaced! He's too stubborn to just give in to his mom right away. The line "She's the first girl I've loved since birth" made me cry. Lee Min Ho is absolutely brilliant in this role. He brings so much to the show. Also, the line "Try having 700,000 people on your shoulders and see if you don't change" was brilliantly delivered. Min Ho was so convincing delivering these lines. My only fear is that Min Ho will get pigeon holed because of this role. You can tell that he has so much to bring to any role.

Kiwi18, I TOO am worried that LMH might get pigeon holed because of this role 'cause we've seen that many times before... LMH has so much to offer acting-wise so it would be a definite waste for the Korean entertainment industry to pigeon hole him. I hope that LMH does something completely different from his Goo Jun Pyo character after he's done with BBF.

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Guest vthinkg

There was an article on JP's new hairstyle today. He's still maintaining the curls, just not as seashell-ish as before.



EDIT: LMH in his interview explains that a lot of time passed for his character but he is concerned because his style of talking remains the same. I wonder if he is referring to the 6 months jump in ep 13 or if there is going to be another time jump in the upcoming episodes... maybe JD will finally become a college student?


Thanks for the post regarding his new style...hmm...I'm definitely digging his new hair, and super glad he's keeping some of those curls. I have always been a fan of his perm, but then again I don't think he can go wrong with any hair style. Although this does seem to give him a slightly more mature look...which I guess is what they're going for... :)

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Guest rochinipark

if the subbers dun mind or lyptika dun mind posting the ep14 subs with mediafire link?. i can't use MU link cos its blocked by my uni wifi.thanks a million again.

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Guest 이야기

I also understand JP being angry about the necklace that wasn't my point. My point was that JP accused JD of deliberately throwing the necklace away. And I don't necessarily see any true heroics about him saving JD from the cold when it was due to his callousness and accusatory attitude that JD wondered out into the cold night to find a freakin' necklace! JP shouldn't give the impression that he values an object above JD's life. He should know by now how ditto headed JD can be at times.

What-ifs and what-aren'ts can't be used to define their actions. Jandi may or may not have wandered out into the cold even with or without the scene with Joon Pyo. The necklace meant a lot to them both.

I didn't find Joon Pyo overly callous because this wasn't the first time Jandi lost something meaningful. I thought Joon Pyo reacted how any normal boyfriend would. You could've have expected him to smile and go, 'oh, that's fine! Let me go spend XXX dollars and buy you 10 more so you'll never lose it again.'

JH isn't just better because he won't cause her pain. JH is better because he understands JD the best, will be there to support her no matter what and he values her happiness above all else. But it's irrelevant I know because the love in the story resides with JP and JD.

In other words, Jihoo is like her watcher and protector - like a brother. :ph34r:

Frankly, I laughed when JP said the part about supporting 700,000 lives. It is later revealed that he was just holding up a deal with his she-devil mother to protect JD and her family. His sincerity was lacking and I didn't by the high and mighty speech for a second, it was just an excuse.

No - the supporting 700,000 lives is true. Keep watching. If BoF continues to follow HYD, you'll see what Joon Pyo meant by that statement. It's not just an excuse. Don't forget, Joon Pyo is supposed to be future heir of the largest international conglomerate. It's not being high and mighty, it's what he has to do.

If JD wondering out in a snowstorm in the night risking her safety and her life to look for the precious necklace that JP gave her isn't enough to let JP know this woman truly loves him I don't know what else can.

This is irrelevant. The snow storm was supposed to be unexpected. That's why everybody was so worried in the first place. Also, Joon Pyo has shown his love for Jandi numerous times. Does this emphasize merely emphasize how perfect they are together then? :blink:

JH isn't a prince charming and I never meant to seriously imply that JH is "perfect", he's just a guy who knows how to be mature and show how much he cares for the woman he loves. JP is definitely more immature and his inexperience in love is no excuse for his insensitive and sometimes verbally abusive behavior.

It seems you're only seeing it from Jandi's point of view. If you take in Joon Pyo's childhood story, you'd find his immature and insensitive behavior to be who he was raised as. How does a boy who's never been shown love, show love? He's learning and he's growing. That's one of the most important aspects of BoF. And while it's not excusable, that's who he is. We all know Joon Pyo isn't perfect. That's all the more reason why he relate to him. He's human.

I like this story but I don't like everything about it. I think the writers made JH too sweet, loving, and involved this time around. I also don't like this "knight in shining armor" talk about JH; it's like his feelings are being diminished just because he isn't a hot-tempered jerk who blows almost everything out of proportion like a child as JP does many times. Let's remember that JH lost his family and was abandoned by his grandfather; he was left to cling to whoever would give him the time of day turns out it was Seo Hyun ( I hope that's her name). I could totally understand JH hating the world, thinking it's unfair, and jumping to negative conclusions causing trouble for the woman he loves. JP's background explains his behavior but shouldn't excuse it.

I was happy for Dom and Makino in the other versions but so far in this one JP and JD seem kinda forced cause JH is just too involved as I said before.

I agree that BoF has given Jihoo too great of a role. But Kdramas enjoy using the love triangle plot so I have no doubt that it's going to continue. I don't find Joon Pyo and Jandi forced however, because as Jandi fell in love with Joon Pyo, so did I (as the audience). Kudos to great acting.

@ Spiffy Girl - If you're talking about her hoodies, they're from Colonize. Pretty pricey.

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