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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Chibi-Dan

I've been reading this thread for a while and I'm loving all the hype over Hanadan all over again. I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but from what I've seen on Youtube it seems really funny and and it seems like it's following the manga pretty closely, which makes me happy Finally this time we'll have a kick instead of a punch, like it was in the manga, I was so happy seeing it in the preview for the second episode

All the actors seem to fit well, but I agree Hyun Joong seems a little too unexperienced, but again, I haven't watched the whole thing :rolleyes:

I was worried whether this would be better than the japanese one or whatever, but I really think the best thing to do is to watch it as a new drama and just enjoy it, since the production style of jdramas and kdramas are so different ;)

The ratings were good, and even if they weren't this dramas is already a hit, just look at all the hype on the net :D

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Guest manderley_angel

episode one

i really loved the pilot episode! and it was amazing even without english subs!


^ Red Card!! It sort of looks different than the one Jandi gets later on, maybe theres a different one for boys? Hmm, Jung Eichul!! He'll do great as Junpei... and yeah, the first scenes were violent... but nothing unusual... how they depicted the bullying is similar to how it looks like in other kdramas/movies, imo.


^ omg, their cafeteria! its so pretty!! no wonder Jandi was gaping in amazement. And they have catered food... crazy.


^ I think Goo Hyesun did a good job as Jandi/Makino... she really made it korean, and the "over-exaggerating" as some have criticized is just typical kdrama heroine. She's very cute here when she's haggling for the laundry payment, hehe. Those of you who don't like.. well no one is forcing you to watch it.. geez.


^ Ga Eul is soooo pretty! I'm excited for the Eejung/Gaeul pairing to develop... they would look so cute together!


^ anybody else noticed this? hehe, SLOW FOOD... as opposed to FAST FOOD? I thought it was hilarious.


^ The Geum Family is adorkable... and Jandi's brother? So cute that you just wanna pinch his cheeks. I'm sure they will be bringing alot of laughs throughout the series.


^ Joonpyo's mom is really intimidating, like in a very business-like way. Its kind of a known fact that korean moms can be really scary, and this actress kind ups the standard even more...


^ Joonpyo! the entrance was totally Domyouji... Lee Minho brings alot of subtlety into the character, and I think if wielded correctly can really shoot him into celeb status... He's sooo good-looking (inner fangirl is squeeling!!)

will edit for more screencaps!

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Guest andloveyelledno

I didn't enjoy HYD and I certainly didn't enjoy MG. I'm hoping this one will be the one that finally gets me. I'm hearing mixed reviews but it's only the first episode. We'll have to see how it goes after their feet are off the ground.

Can't wait for subs :)

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i like it!!! i think everyone played their characters well. i can't wait for episode two!!! yeayyyyyyyyyyy

ahhh kim hyun joong<3333333333333

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Guest Jamieâ„¢

will he come out in the drama again? or was that it for his part..?

He comes out later in the drama and tries to get revenge on Joon Pyo

I like Ga Eul! she's so pretty =) and she sorta reminds me of WG's Sunmi. Can't wait to see scenes with her & Kim Bum (I still can't remember the Korean names of the characters -___-)

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Guest betchay

First episode was great!

Kim Bum is so cute...

Can't wait to see the next episode.

Looks like Jandi will give Joon Pyo resuscitation. :w00t::lol:

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Guest jaejoongie <3

Kim Hyun Joong doesn't have a lot of acting under his belt. As far as I know he was only in about 7 episode of a previous drama Can Love Be Refilled in which he played a golf pro he didn't have a lot of dialog if I recall. As for the other actors it's a little early to make any kind of statement.

I don't think that should even count. Most of the time he was just expressionless and walked away. It was too long ago so I don't remember but he was someone the girl liked from far away.

or someone the girl didn't have enough courage to go talk to and hang around. Plus it was a sitcom drama. Not a serious one.

Anyways. I'll look forward to his future scenes. Truthfully, there wasn't THAT many scenes of rui. Except of him being waken up by jandi. And walking around.

I think hyunjoong settled the topic of him being different from the rest of the f4 well so far. Right now rui is just a mysterious guy that is nice to jandi. The juicy stuff is yet to come.

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Guest urxsweetie2

^Pretty good ratings for the pilot episode, esp considering the fact that East Of Eden is happening.

It's difficult not to do it, but I think we should try to watch this the first time around without trying to compare it to the previous versions. Treat it as its own story, that way you are able to enjoy it for what it's worth instead of wasting your focus continually recollecting, "Ooh, that's not how Inoue Mao would've done it" etc etc

As for the quick jump on Goo Hye Sun's performance- as valleygirl said, it is only episode one. The woman has alot to live up to & I am sure she feels that w/o us ridiculing or judging her every expression. And honestly, it's not like it's a disaster. And in fact, I think she did pretty good. I've seen plenty worse. So far to me it just seems maybe she's just trying to get a full grasp on the character but I have faith & am willing to give her a chance to find her way in making Jandi her own. I think she has the charisma to do it.

Out of the lot, I would say Min Ho impressed me the most last night. He seems to have blended perfectly well into his character. Virtually every tone & move felt right.

Overall, very entertaining pilot, I really enjoyed the first episode. How can you not? It's probably one of the best high school love stories ever <3

edit: the roundhouse kick that Jandi is gonna give Jun Pyo in episode 2 looks frck awesome XDD Can't wait to see it!

I think you made some very good points. We shouldn't compare this to the other two versions because every director has different approaches to the same story. That's what I was anticipating for. If they all approached the character the same way, then I don't understand whats the point of watching it then. As difficult as it maybe, I think we shouldn't dissect every scene and make comparisons. I thought Goo Hye Sun did a great job in portraying another side of Makino. She was very lively and her expressions were funny. It may be somewhat over the top to some but I thought it was refreshing to see. It wouldn't be interesting if they depicted their characters the same way as HYD or Meteor Garden.

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OMG, I haven't been this excited for a drama in a long long time. I've watched HYD from 2 different version, each version at least twice more, but I'm still looking forward to the next episode like mad! And I don't even understand Korean! Whoa, Jeon Ki Sang, what have you done to me??

Lee Min Ho didn't have as much screentime as I expected, but in every scene he was in, he was wonderful. He didn't overdo the yelling like the previous two Domyoujis did (and hopefully he wouldn't in the future), which is somewhat refreshing. He delivered Junpyo with much subtleties that I wouldn't have thought coming from this young actor.

Goo Hye Sun needs to work on the cutesy part of her character, which I believe she would earn as we go along. Other than that, I think she's all set. She nailed the scene where she is thrown eggs and flour. I really liked it that she didn't blow off on Junpyo from the get go (when he asked her if she had something to say) because that means she wasn't stupid to just defy someone as powerful as him. Sure, she disses him secretly, but she's smart enough not to go overboard.

Hyunjoong was better than I expected. He's gotta work on a better posture (his body language is rather stiff) but his line delivery is good. Ah, if only I could understand everything he was saying. Kimbum was CUTE! He's all smiles but he did the job. I almost wanted to smooch my laptop when he smiled at the chef lady and offered his cheek, all done without any word.

All in all, I'm hella excited!!

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Guest Tobemist

p.s. the guy that jandi saved, is he a big part in the drama? because using a known actor for such a little part seems a little weird.

I suppose he's now gonna play both Min-Ha (the guy Jan-Di saved) and Je-Ha (Junpei, who will seek revenge). So they're gonna be twins...

I agree with you 100%!

I cringed when I watched the "yo yo yo wassup man!" Part. I HATE it when asian people do that... lol. It doesn't even look cool.... I hope they don't do that again. I'm disappointed with the script writer. I'm sure that wasn't ad libbed into there.

In Woo-Bin's character description, it says that he once went abroad to study, but because the period was so short, all he learned was the 'hiphop' style english. ^^

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Guest aNonymous57

It's funny how there's a total of 484 people are browsing the korean drama & movies subforum rite now and quarter of it (129 people) are browsing this Boys Over Flower thread alone.... :D

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Guest miacallisto

I suppose he's now gonna play both Min-Ha (the guy Jan-Di saved) and Je-Ha (Junpei, who will seek revenge). So they're gonna be twins...

In Woo-Bin's character description, it says that he once went abroad to study, but because the period was so short, all he learned was the 'hiphop' style english. ^^

ROLF seriously?!

The "gangsta Engrish" is still hard to bear though. I was just cringing during that whole scene. At least "YOUR DELICIOUS HANDS" was loltastic.

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Guest Daiquiri

This drama was okay. However since it's just the first episode, I'm willing to give the series the benefit of the doubt. I felt Goong had it's awkward moments and started out slow (boring in some parts) in the beginning, but as time went by, I really grew to love it. I'm hoping this drama will be the same and eventually grow on me. I do think the casting was well done. Like everyone on here I loved Lee Min-ho's character. He played Jun-pyo so well. There were so many moments where he shined through.

Some parts that I really enjoyed.

- When Jan-di mashes her ice cream onto Jun-pyo's face and throws money at him. That took guts and spunk!

- When Jun-pyo tells his friends the prank ends when Jan-di comes begging to him, and he is so determined she will that he begins to count down. I started laughing when he realized that wasn't going to happen and he falters at counting down.

- When Jan-di told them to continue egging her. The emotions and the flashback she had of her dad was very touching. I thought that showed a deeper side of Jan-di's character. I would love to see more of this.

Some parts I disliked.

-The engrish or weird phrases they threw around. Especially when Woo-bin was congratulating Yi-jung at the restaurant. Why was he trying to sound like a gangster?! I was cringing that whole scene.

-The dramatized emotions. I love Jan-di's spunk but sometimes she overdoes the emotion imo. I know it's a korean drama and it's been koreanized but still it's too much. I mean does anyone really eat like that? Or make faces like that when they're upset, sad, happy? They say less is more.

It still has potential so I am still on board. The preview for episode two looks promising. We'll see!

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In Woo-Bin's character description, it says that he once went abroad to study, but because the period was so short, all he learned was the 'hiphop' style english. ^^

LOL than it makes perfect sense for him to say "yo yo yo wassup man!" though WE rather he NOT say it again! LOL

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I suppose he's now gonna play both Min-Ha (the guy Jan-Di saved) and Je-Ha (Junpei, who will seek revenge). So they're gonna be twins...

In Woo-Bin's character description, it says that he once went abroad to study, but because the period was so short, all he learned was the 'hiphop' style english. ^^

I agree though with others didn't really like that part,

doesn't really fit in with his character and everything.

But oh man i screamed with kim bum came out wooo

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Guest rainbowfull.


I am still in awe right now. I just finished episode 1 in HQ and i absolutely LOVED IT! <3

Okay so first off, Lee Minho did a GREAT JOB. He grasped the character of cold hearted joonpyo really well. His tone and actions fit perfectly. I think he's a bit nicer than the japanese tsukasa and i like it a lot better! Him & Kim bum playing around was really cute. I am definately already falling in love with him.

Kim Bum was..OMG! So hot and cute and he somewhat looks a little too nice for Eejung's role but very slick, like he's supposed to be. His english was really cute & funny, i was laughing haha. I can't wait for him and Jandi's friend's love to bloom! She's really pretty and they'll match well together.

Hyunjoong's acting was really good. I think it's because part of that character is just really him. He's quiet and nice & stuff. He has that image of cool enough to be in F4, yet friendly and warm. It's just the right mix for his character.

Woobin's character is still a little awkward since he is a nice actor, but he's doing alright. I can see he is working hard, and i think that his character will develop more. I LOVE HIS ENGLISH its so adorableee =)

Gu Hyesun was pretty good. I don't really like her in the first place, but i think ill start to like her since Im going to watch this drama. I think some parts she overdid her emotions a little bit. Like if she keeps doing that, it might get annoying =__= but shes a good actress i guess so i have high expectations for her!

I cant wait to see the next episode! The party event looks really exciting! AGH, JD & JP will get closer hopefully?

Episode 1 totally stopped at the good part T-T But her high kick in the next eppie looks AH-MAZING <3

Im so glad Boys over Flowers first eppie wasn't a disappointment.


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Guest jaejoongie <3

Some parts I disliked.

-The engrish or weird phrases they threw around. Especially when Woo-bin was congratulating Yi-jung at the restaurant. Why was he trying to sound like a gangster?! I was cringing that whole scene.

-The dramatized emotions. I love Jan-di's spunk but sometimes she overdoes the emotion imo. I know it's a korean drama and it's been koreanized but still it's too much. I mean does anyone really eat like that? Or make faces like that when they're upset, sad, happy? They say less is more.

It still has potential so I am still on board. The preview for episode two looks promising. We'll see!

Actually, my mom eats like jandi. Lots of korean people eat like that. Not saying they don't have manners. but when Korean drama people are angry they just totally pig out. XD

It's a form of expression. :sweatingbullets:

I didn't find it too weird. Maybe cause i'm korean... maybe not. I guess it would be perfect if she turns it down a notch.

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