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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest teddybearluver94

:oO somebodie called hyunjoong uglie?? >:o

XD he looks soo innocent and cute ^^ hehe but i do admit he doesn't have much expression likee for ex: the dance scene when he let out his hand butt i mean XD he still looks HOTT!!

hehe ^.^ and when he's playing his violin *faints* <333

hmm i'm not sure who i like jandi better wif tho... at first i was like a hundred percent fo hyunjoong but now... joong pyo is prettie up there too...

ehh i kinda hope it's diff from japanese manga cause well then it's soo predictable.. ;;

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Guest elebelly

ahhh i understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, cynical or not, but i am SO LOOKING FORWARD to the next ep which by the way is only the 6th, so for people to be judging quite so harshly so early on in a season is a little...well...harsh :) (and i have watched both japanese and taiwanese versions, and read the manga...) Anyway it's TOMORROW!!! less than half an hour away :D:D:D Bring it on :D


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Guest Zoehara

OMG!! In my country is monday now!! :D Oh, monday, monday you were so far away.... but now you are here!!! Welcome, welcome, my dear monday!!! :tears:

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this thread is helpless....lol ruining the drama.

hahahah yeah

its kinda hard to avoid spoilers here xD

the dramas ending is pretty much ruined for everyone but oh well

what goes on in the middle is intense.

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I don't mind GHS' take on Makino, but I agree with this point. Makino isn't suppose to be cutesy like GHS' acting. Where's that fierce behavior of hers?

That may be true, but how come no one is criticizing LMH? JP isn't supposed to be that soft in the beginning like LMH's acting. Where's all the meanness?

We can't just keep criticizing one actor for one thing we say we don't like. And then compliment another for that same thing we apparently didn't like..it's just unfair. It looks like people are just looking for reasons to criticize GHS, and ignoring everything bad related to LMH

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Guest misshakissh

hahahah yeah

its kinda hard to avoid spoilers here xD

the dramas ending is pretty much ruined for everyone but oh well

what goes on in the middle is intense.

i meant helpless in a way that every1 just argues and only has biased points. they can't see that the drama has already started n still think that the characters are going to change or something. they r ruining the drama in a sense ppl cant enjoy the damn as a drama anymore because they have so much analysis, thinking too hard-ness going on they see da drama as if its something to study, as if they r all so critics. its only a drama. not a subject of study

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It's true that Inoue Mao and Barbie (TW) does the same thing, but they do it with true inner charm, that you find them charming. It goes naturally for them. They don't try to head over heel overact it or making ugly facial expressions.

The role of Makina, no matter what version is still have most of the same trait. They are loudmouth, loves to eat and tough. It depends on the actress to bring out the inner charm and strength so that the viewers can understand why the two main guys love her so much. Both TW and Japan version was successful, especially the Japanese version. While I watched both versions, I hardly ever read any posts that questions the lead females's acting. However, this version of Makino is a complete failure. She fails to bring her character to live. Actually, it's because of her acting that I come to hate the character, which is such a surprise because I love the character of Makino in both TW and JP version.

I disagree. To me, Matsujun is the best Tsukasa ever, hands down. He plays a guy with many deep layers to a T. He's cute, innocent, hot temper and completely devoted. His acting comes so naturally. It also helps that his partner, Makino also pulls her own weight. They shine extra when they are with each other. While LMH is definitely good looking, but he doesn't give DMJ layers.

I also disagree that the JP carries the drama. I agree that he is definitely better than JanDi and JH, but he's not better than Yi Jeong. I find GaEul and Yi Jeong outshines him and JanDi. My eyes always flocked to Yi Jeong and GaEul first before going to JP. As for JanDi, it's too painful to look at her.

To me Yi Jeong and GaEul shines the most

Obviously you're a fan of the Japanese version (oh how I long for a point when nobody would compare the versions anymore) and root for that version. Good for you, but remember that a)this version has aired for only 3 weeks, while HYD had established itself over 3 years, 2 dramas, and 1 movie, the characters were bound to gather affection over the period, you're not comparing apple with apple just yet and b)there surely would be differences in interpretation, and if in the end you're still gung ho on liking HYD, awesome, whatever you want.

Fine, since we're comparing, let's do that. On Mao as the best Makino, you're very sure, eh? Are we talking so far? Fine, if we're talking so far, then yes, Mao might be the best Makino at this point in time. I concur that Mao is very very lovable and charming that even if her acting was crap, she would've been loved anyway. Not saying that her acting was crap tho, but Hyesun definitely, 100% excels in emotional scenes, much more so than Mao. Also, Mao was great, I loved her, but she didn't represent Makino's loudmouth (you cannot call Mao's Makino as a loudmouth AT ALL) all that well. All through the dramas and movie, I just thought that she gave way too much to Domyouji, she lacked some assertiveness that was supposed to make her an equal to Domyouji. I believe that the screaming that Jandi did often is one of the ways she established herself as Junpyo's equal.

What made HYD such a phenomenon, to me, was essentially the chemistry between Mao and Jun. It boiled down to their interactions as actors. If Makino wasn't Mao or Domyouji wasn't Jun, I doubt it would have been this huge. But thank god, they WERE casted, because yes, together they were great, which is why they spawned a whole bandwagon of shippers.

You must be blinded by your devotion to the Japanese version if you don't see the layers that Lee Minho gives to Junpyo. Again, SO FAR, I'm liking Junpyo. Junpyo is NOT a one dimensional character. He's coldhearted, he's mean. People say he's too nice? He's nice, ONLY to Jandi and his friends. See how he bulldozed Minji who was already so pitiful? Even when he was nice, if he was crossed, that was the end, as seen by the end of episode 6. He's still cute and thickheaded and horrible at idioms/phrases, but that doesn't mean he would act excessively for the cute scenes. I recognize that Jun was all the things you said, but he was also overacting in a lot of the scenes. There was little of that natural acting you were talking about. Minho has this thing called subtleties, dunno if you've heard it or not. He brings out a side of Domyouji that were only flashes in Jun, which is humanity and maturity. Whatever, call me Minho rabid fan if you like, but yes, I do like his portrayal of Junpyo, because for once, Junpyo is the subdued one when compared to Jandi's high spirited one. I think with Minho dialing down on Domyouji's extreme qualities and Hyesun dialing up hers, they match really well.

Yijung and Gaeul rock, we all know that. I'm a fan of them too. Although, since you said it, why don't you share why you think they 'outshine' Junpyo/Jandi?

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People basically take one side or the other,

hating a certain character or loving them,

but no matter who says what,

most people will stick to their first opinion

but that's okay.

i think we should just enjoy the drama

rather than try to have everyone agree/convert to our own opinion.

and for any drama, you can't please everyone :)

p.s. i don't think we should criticize anyone's behavior in the series, since its all in the script on how they should act and respond to a certain scene.

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That may be true, but how come no one is criticizing LMH? JP isn't supposed to be that soft in the beginning like LMH's acting. Where's all the meanness?

We can't just keep criticizing one actor for one thing we say we don't like. And then compliment another for that same thing we apparently didn't like..it's just unfair. It looks like people are just looking for reasons to criticize GHS, and ignoring everything bad related to LMH

I never said LMH's acting as Jun Pyo was great as well. It's acceptable? Too nice for my taste lol. Might have misunderstood you haha!

His take on Jun Pyo is too nice for me. I mean where's the frustration when he saw the pictures of Jandi with the "mysterious guy"? I wanted a fight scene at the club like in the Japanese version to show that Jun Pyo hasn't changed and he isn't all that nice.

There are flaws everywhere, but I still enjoy the drama. My video production teacher told me as long as the script the good the story will carry on. It doesn't matter if the acting sucks, the story is what carrys a drama/movie.

V People like to analyze just let them be lol.

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Guest jkan93l

personal opinions are always welcome ...but please....

this is a drama base on a manga

please enjoy it and stop over-analyzing everything

if you don't like the act/ress or characters

you're welcome to watch something else

no one is forcing you. thank you

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i'm pretty sure every actor of this drama has been criticized so far

just because its not in like, the past 3 pages doesn't mean it hasn't happened xD

i've seen lots of people complain about JP so don't worry. haha

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I never said LMH's acting as Jun Pyo was great as well. It's acceptable? Too nice for my taste lol. Might have misunderstood you haha!

lol, I was just using your comment as an example, I didn't mean you thought LMH was great.

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Guest ljphantom

ljphantom- fabulous post and i have additional stuff to add but still typing it up however on this point i have to disagree below.

I do feel as though YJ and WB equally care for their friendship as a whole and its not so much WB or YJ caring more. In fact i think its really the both of them who care more for the friendship as a whole rather than JH or JP. For JH i feel as though that its more of a habit that he is with them because his personality is not the easiest and the same goes for JP too but less so on JP's side. I think all 3 (JP, YJ, WB) of them are heavily invested in their friendship and for JP at least it does show that they are more likely than not along with his sister who are keeping him from jumping into the prceipice of being a living robot like his mother intended.

Thanks! And please share more of your thoughts; I like discussions. :)

Oh, I'm sure they all care about their friendship deeply, I don't think I may have been clear enough on that, so I apologize. What I was trying to say was that at the moment, YJ seems more focused on making sure Ji Hoo realizes what he has done was bad and Ji Hoo's unapologetic stance angers YJ to the point in which he cannot forgive him so easily. WB, on the other hand, is more focused on bringing F4 back together as soon as possible (as opposed to waiting for JH to apologize, and then get together as a group) and forgive Ji Hoo and move on quickly.

I also want to say I appreciate ljphantom's analysis a great deal. It's really in depth and well thought out. :) I'm currently rereading some of the analyses that have been posted. A lot of reading, but fun. :D

Thanks. :blush: Your analysis is well thought out too, and I enjoyed reading your comments. And I agree, reading different takes and POVs, and hence the analyses that result from it, is interesting and fun. There's nothing wrong with making comparisons as long as we explain our positions, stay civil and respectful to one another, and keep an open mind on this adaptation. Which is what you did when you were making comparisons, so I don't see a problem. :)

Thanks liphantoms for such a deep and wonderful review! I totally agree with you but it's so hard to express in words. You made it!

No problem; thanks for reading! And it's definitely never easy to put your thoughts into eloquent words. I'm not sure how salimbol (you can read her reviews here at her lj) does it, but she does it so well. On the other hand, I constantly have to go back and edit my posts, because I always make some sort of mistake or feel like I should add or delete something. :P

Also my thanks to ljphantom for the thought provoking and wonderful analysis. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Thanks ljphantom for sharing your thought-provoking analysis of Episode 6; give me five!!!

*high fives*

(1) If JP only knew that this would have endeared him more to her than all his expensive gifts, he'll probably change his strategy.

(2) I noticed instances when JP broods and keeps to himself when faced with situations concerning JD and acts on these without consulting the F3s; first time was when he confronted JD after the 3 girls showed him a video of JD bandaging JH's finger, second time, when JD's pictures with another man was exposed in school, his reaction was to indulge in physical activities (shooting range, gym) instead of talking to his friends about his problem. Although his friends noticed the change in his behaviour, they won't dare approach him about it.

(3) My impression is that JP did not want to discuss his very private feelings for JD with the F3s; all they know is that he likes her, not how seriously in love he is with her.

(4) It's not lost to JP that JD likes JH and the bracelet incident could not have been any clearer to him than knowing that night follows day. To talk to JH about the bracelet was admitting that his "girlfriend" was meeting another man behind his back and he did not want to humiliate himself in front of JH.

(5) When JH jokingly asked JD if they should date behind JP, he was actually serious about it but was testing JD whether she would take the bait; had JD consented, JH would have gone through with it.

(6) These two are slow dancing in circles around each other and my feeling is that JP recognizes the fact that JD is not into him but is in denial. JD attempted to tell JP about her feelings at the beach when she told him that the only thing the genie cannot grant was to force a person to fall in love, his reaction told me he knew exactly what she meant, however, he just ignored her, deluding himself that she liked him. What JD was perhaps most concerned about was how would JP react if she told him that she was still sorting out his feelings and her fear of being subjected to another round of bullying, a result of displeasing JP.

(1) He'll learn to, methinks. But I'm not sure how long it'll take him...

(2) I think a part of this also has to do with the fact that they don't how to deal with him when he's in these moods.

(3) No, they do know how serious JP is about Jan-di (Yi Jeong seems more concerned about how serious Jan-di is about JP), they just don't believe it'll last because in the end, their marriages will be arranged by their parents. Here's a conversation between JP and his friends in Episode 4:

Yi Jeong: "Jun Pyo, are your intentions for real?"

Jun Pyo: "About what?"

Yi Jeong: "I'm talking about Geum Jan-di."

Jun Pyo: "If I'm not being sincere/serious, what else I could be?"

Woo Bin: "You say this so lightly even knowing what being serious means?"

Yi Jeong: "We're only free to date. The final decision rests with our parents. You haven't forgotten that, right?"

Jun Pyo: "Were you just calling yourselves men in name? What the heck is this? Were you acting all cocky without being real men?"

Yi Jeong: "What's your definition of a real man?"

Jun Pyo: "A man who takes responsibility from the beginning to the end."

Woo Bin: "To the end?"

Jun Pyo: "That's right. To the end."

Judging by this conversation, I don't think he has problems admitting to F4, in private when they're alone, the seriousness of his convictions. The rest of F4 knew how serious Jun Pyo was about Jan-di; it was probably why YJ blew up at Ji Hoo.

(4) Yes, you have a point there.

(5) Hmm...I don't think JH would've done that. Or maybe I was thinking of his original counterpart, who, proposes the same thing, but adds in after her shocked reaction, "Just kidding; I would never do that to my best friend," (or something like that). And has been said that Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo are best friends -- the oldest friends...but the kdrama isn't really doing much to show the deepness of their BFF as it is often said, so...I'm not actually sure of this. You're going to have to come back to me on this.

(6) I bolded a key point that you brought up. When it comes to Jan-di (or perhaps many things in life), he doesn't seem to fully accept the truth until it hits him over the head. He needs to learn to accept things from her perspective and to listen to her before denying them because it's not the way he likes it -- like almost everything in life has always been...except, of course, when it comes to his own home when his mother and sister are in the house. ^^ As for JD being afraid of JP telling the truth, you're right. There was an element of fear in there, and he'll have to fix regaining her trust (for the lack of a better word) so next time she can feel free to tell him this, as easy as she's able to tell Ji Hoo.

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personal opinions are always welcome ...but please....

this is a drama base on a manga

please enjoy it and stop over-analyzing everything

if you don't like the act/ress or characters

you're welcome to watch something else

no one is forcing you. thank you

I absolutely agree... sometimes I wish this thread wasn't for analyzing at all, because obviously there's not much of that going on. It's just bashing on actors/actresses and their characters. This is a great place to share news and links, but apparently we can't just enjoy the drama

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I never said LMH's acting as Jun Pyo was great as well. It's acceptable? Too nice for my taste lol. Might have misunderstood you haha!

His take on Jun Pyo is too nice for me. I mean where's the frustration when he saw the pictures of Jandi with the "mysterious guy"? I wanted a fight scene at the club like in the Japanese version to show that Jun Pyo hasn't changed and he isn't all that nice.

V People like to analyze just let them be lol.

The K-drama ISN'T a remake of the J-Drama. Does DT really act like he did in the J-drama, compared to the original source... the manga?

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Guest Mishxmish

if you guys want to compare the characters then you should compare it to the original of the originals... the actual manga... i mean we all know meteor garden was good... we know hana yori dango was good... but its all based off of the same manga...

so if you want to start analyzing the character who played what part better read the actual manga... you'll see who plays the better role..

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lol, I was just using your comment as an example, I didn't mean you thought LMH was great.

Oh I see lol.

The K-drama ISN'T a remake of the J-Drama. Does DT really act like he did in the J-drama, compared to the original source... the manga?

I'm just saying that as an example because Jun Pyo is too much of an angel in the drama. There are times when he's the mean guy, but how often does that show up? I just thought if that did happen, it would've been a good particular scene to show that Jun Pyo hasn't changed that much at all.

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Guest polaris

i meant helpless in a way that every1 just argues and only has biased points. they can't see that the drama has already started n still think that the characters are going to change or something. they r ruining the drama in a sense ppl cant enjoy the damn as a drama anymore because they have so much analysis, thinking too hard-ness going on they see da drama as if its something to study, as if they r all so critics. its only a drama. not a subject of study

yea I agree. There are so many long drawn comments of complaint about the SAME issue over and over and over again starting back from like page 200.. ughh....

yeah let's not go on a 10 page analysis ranting about how this or that doesnt live up to expectations.

I think I'm also going to take a break from this thread until tuesday.

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