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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest crazii3me

it wasnt as bad as some ppl mentioned, i was hesitant to watch it b.c of some posts, but i couldnt help myself. i mean its clear that junpyo and jandi ended together, as well as the soeulmate couple. its just great seeing how all of them grew into their roles. i think i will always see the cast as F4. evryone did so well in the last episode, acting wise, the pool scene was great and khj really improved, at least he has more experience now. glad its over with but im gonna miss seeing kimbum and khj... sighs

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Guest Banana Peel

OMGSH, I just finished the last episode! :(

I think I'm going to cry! but I can't because I'm so happy! lol!

I think the PDs did a fine job of ending the story.

This whole episode was pretty much great!

I LOVEEEEEED the part when JP regained his memory.

Although I wished that he would go back and slap Yumi for lying -_-

And I felt too bad for JH and his wanting expression to go help JD.

I WISH I WISH I WISH, that they just had one cute scene of Soeul couple

before the episode ended so it's just like a sealed done deal!

OH, and why couldn't they get JD&JP to marry?! and then take a wedding picture

and end it like BAM!? :( But I shall stop complaining. This episode satisfied me. ;)

Is it just me, or in the last scene when they all look out to the beach, everyone does look 4 years older? ! LOL! Especially JP&JH!! JP's wrinkles deepened a bit lol and JH's glasses definitely makes him look more older as well. And as for YJ, he does look a bit more mature now, and the good ol' WB, he's still young looking and fine! Aw Im going to miss them soooooooo much. It's not evn funny :/ *sigh*

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

JP and JD haven't see each other for 4 years.

JD is blinded by the sunset and can't tell if it is really GJP.

"GJP?" JD asked.

JP tells her to come over quickly.

JD ignores him and slowly walks towards this stranger with her hands in her pockets.

JD and JP are now face-to-face.

JD confirms that this stranger is indeed GJP, and ask him, "What is going on?", as if she is confused why he is here.

The rest of the entire conversation JD's hands are still in her pocket.

Are they in love? I didn't buy it. <_<

Other than that, in the beginning I was pretty excited, but it just got worst and worst.

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Guest loveex3

The ending didn't feel as rushed as I thought it would be. It wasn't totally satisfying, but still good enough. I feel like a little more could have been added, but what could they do with only one episode? The ending was really sweet, simple, and cute, nonetheless. I actually like it.

I absolutely loved the scene where Jandi is talking to Joonpyo by the pool, telling him what kind of person he is, thus trying to help him regain his memory. Everything she mentioned was so sweet. I was tearing during the whole scene, especially when Joonpyo finally remembers.

That Yumi girl. Man, did she get on my nerves. When she saw Joonpyo saving Jandi and realized his memory was back, I was like, "HA! In your face! Now GTFO." haha. I knew she was fake and would be annoying from the very moment she came into the drama in ep. 24.

Overall, I enjoyed watching this drama and coming to this thread reading others' replies/posts and contributing my own thoughts. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread!

I have to say, I'll really miss watching 꽃남 every Mondays & Tuesdays. I'll even miss waiting for the episodes.

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Guest jdarcy

So many people complained about the 4 year time jump…..I find it oddly disturbing that so many fans wanted a wedding scene instead…the girl would’ve been 18 for crying out loud–wonder just how many of those fans would have gotten married at 18 themselves….bet not that many. Yes goo junpyo is a catch but it still does not make sense to get married that young…him being rich and handsome does not equal being saddled with kids before you’re even 20…this way is better since they are obviously committed to each other for life anyways

for me, with all its faults..it will remain one of my fav top 3 kdramas along with coffee prince & kim samsoon

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Guest icecreamy

Please have a movie . I mean.. a part where they like get married and more seens of gaeul and yi jeong . I mean the ending didn't really satitisfied me I mean it was a good ending , but I wanna know more about what happened later on in there lives . Say the wedding and all those great scened that should have been at the ending .

I really don't like endings . I wish like they would have boys over flowers on forever and ever .

Oh yeah the person who post before me , isn't she like 22 by then , causse she graduated n' then four years later . Also 22 years old is a pretty descent number , Right ?????

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Guest aoiyuki291


cf with Kim Bum and Kim So Eun? it's so cute haha

hmm that's an idea. they could resolve the additional bof storylines thru cfs. show sweet soeul moments and potential jundi wedding as commercials. that'd work :lol: plus they wouldn't have to worry too much about product placement.

haha i can't believe they played almost paradise again! think like songielove, i've missed it as well and it really brought the drama back to full circle. lol they even paused the song in the middle to let JP propose.

i have to admit i was looking forward to more romantic scenes and ending the drama with a bang. but i'm not disappointed. although i would've liked more sweet moments, the ending was ok. i actually liked it. usually when dramas end on too high a note, with everyone all lovey dovey and happy, i end up feeling really empty inside. i don't exactly know why but I guess because when you're really happy and giddy, you don't want to moment to end and I usually end up wanting to see more. Whereas BOF ended on a more calm note. Still happy but not overly joyous. It was a good end. Didn't quite leave me hanging. I know Jundi and Soeul's together, and that's all I need. A big wedding or extravaganza would be interesting but not necessary cuz we know the couples will end up together.

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

i'm sorry, but can someone explain the message that appeared below this picture of the cast and a crew member.

they all look so close and like they've become such good friends. the last days of filming must have been bittersweet.

thanks in advance.

It says: jandi, junpyo, jihoo, woobin, yijeong, and gaeul... because of you guys, I have been very happy. in order to entertain not only me but everyone watching, you guys have been through a lot of hardships. it is bitter-sweet to end these "flower boy" days...but it has also allowed you to feel that you have upgraded one level higher (as an actor). now it is time for us to rest our bodies in order to start all over again. but let's never forget the happiness that we have felt through this whole experience. I love you, "flower boys"

it's so sad :.sniff.: i'll miss them...

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Guest lovesicles

wait. that was THE dumbest ending ever.

i really liked the drama and all, but whatttt. :|

okay. four years past.

when jan di & gjp finally see each other, they don't run into each others arms or anything.

it's just like, "oh hey. been a long time, eh?"

and then he proposed to her.

and she just gave him a straight face and didn't say anything.

out of no where, the other three boys come.

and then they all hold each other's shoulders and look out into the sunset while putting on a cheesy face.

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Guest hyukiemylove

wait. bof is over...?

man. I really did hate yumi. Just her fakeness and her voice. meh. at least jaekyung was true MOST of the time. but whatever, moving on to episode 25.

as much as I dreaded the amnesia arc because I thought there wouldn't be enough time to introduce it and finish it in an unrushed way, I must admit that the arc was executed really well. Not once did I think any part was too sped up. The pace was perfect and it did make a lot of sense. In episode 24, I thought the whole selective amnesia thing was a bit too trippy because I thought it'd make a lot more sense if he just forgot everything. but junpyo's forgetting jandi played a super important part during episode 25. I thought the pool scene was brilliant. How this was jandi's last way to help junpyo recover his memory. During the scene, some parts did seem a bit cheesy, but at least it helped junpyo remember. I kind of jumped a little when he finally realized who she was and yelled at her name before diving in to rescue her.

and whoever said jihoo ran like a girl IS SO RIGHT. I had to rewatch that part. Absolutely hilarious. :P

When JD's mom was reminiscing about the day she was going to shinhwa, I really did miss the absence of JD's dad. It just didn't seem complete. They should've started the shinhwa adventure together, and end it together, as a family. I wished we actually could see JP's dad wake up and I know this really doesn't have much to do with the main plot of the drama but I wanted to see what the aftermath of the whole fakedeath would have on shinhwagroup as a company. that would've made headlines. During the scene where mamakang and papagoo were together, I couldn't help but like mamakang. A LITTLE BIT. The outcome of the soeul couple was good. I didn't care too much about them since my main focus was JD&JP but the fact that he came to see her first was pretty adorable. I'm glad they had a happy ending. I love the different adaptation the korean had from the original story. Speaking of happy endings, I did wish Jihoo found a new girl that swept him off his feet and wish they elaborated more on what princesong did during the 4 years.

What an unfulfilling ending.

The ending really was meh. I'm glad that it was a happy ending but I just wished there was something MORE that happened. The ending lacked 2%. Maybe because I had hopes that they would break out in a hot makeout scene? Or at least something intimate. Like other posters, I wish she ran to him. After 4 long years without a sexy man like leeminho, I'd run like Usain Bolt to reunite with him. I guess the beach scene was okay, but I would have preferred for it to end as a wedding scene instead. and though I suppose it was necessary for them to be all happy in the end, I did find it a bit cheesy. Though I'm glad that JD was only a doctor in training, since I think that makes more sense than her being an actual doctor. But I do believe the writers and/or PD could have been more crafty to make this ending more memorable. I bet anyone could've thought of an ending like this one. :/

BOF is the first series I've actually followed. It was pretty much bittersweet. I loved being able to experience the drama while it was airing with other people but the dreaded wait from tuesdays to mondays were so long. and never would I think so much in depth about the drama without all the wonderful posters on this thread. I would just basically just watch a drama and take it in, not even thinking twice about the deeper analysis. I must admit, the second half of the season wasn't as enjoyable as the first. I hated how junpyo just left jandi, I hated how long JK was in the story. I longed for JP and JD time but just found myself liking JH more and more since he was ALWAYS in scenes with JD. I really did wish the writers and PD incorporated more JP and JD time together. It just felt like there wasn't enough since there were always constant obstacles.

Through this drama's ups and downs, I still must admit that I adored this drama. I found myself being a fangirl and spazzing when there was JPJD interaction. or chuckling and woobins gangster english. Or smiling at kimbums killer or. Or awwing at jihoo as his JD's protector. Or crying when JP&JD had to be separated. I'm really going to miss this series. I think I'll rewatch it next week since I have springbreak :D I feel like I'm almost breaking up. I check this thread more than any other thread and I'm still in denial that next monday, when I go on youtube. there won't be any more episodes of boys over flowers. ]:

and once again.

thanks for everyone for sharing their deep analysis and opinions in this thread. :D

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Guest xoxodaedae





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Ahh thats very observant!

But I always thought that it was porridge shop owner's DAD who was a cook in the Blue House and thats why he said he's been there.

And if we think back, JH's grandad was president about a decade ago?..considering JH was a little boy when his parents died.

And the owner doesnt look that old to me...maybe late-20s or something. :mellow:

haha. i didnt think about that. maybe they were friends then ? when JH was little? still ;] we know now that he did somehow have connections and he knew of JH and he wasnt a random character just put in there.

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Guest lovesicles

So many people complained about the 4 year time jump…..I find it oddly disturbing that so many fans wanted a wedding scene instead…the girl would’ve been 18 for crying out loud–wonder just how many of those fans would have gotten married at 18 themselves….bet not that many. Yes goo junpyo is a catch but it still does not make sense to get married that young…him being rich and handsome does not equal being saddled with kids before you’re even 20…this way is better since they are obviously committed to each other for life anyways

for me, with all its faults..it will remain one of my fav top 3 kdramas along with coffee prince & kim samsoon

normally people graduate high school at the age of 18. so she would've been 22.

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Guest xsilentangel

I thought the ending was satisfying. I didn't really like how Jan Di forced Jun Pyo to recover his memory by falling into the water.. I thought that his memory of her should come back naturally.. not by force. Also disliked how Jan Di still acted sort of like her stubborn highschool self; not really expressing how she feels about Jun Pyo but I assume he already knows that she loves him very much although she did not agree to marry him or even hug him back at the beach! I can't believe there were still Ji Hoo/Jan Di scenes. The drama is like 25% Ji Hoo/Jan Di scenes!! I know their relationship is strong but they stressed it WAY TOO MUCH! More Jun Pyo/Jan Di scenes please! Enough with my insights.

Other than that, I love the Ga Eul and Yi Jung relationship! SO ADORABLE and he loooked so sexy/hot with those shades and leather jacket. Jun Pyo looked dashing on the televised interview and on the beach!! Ji Hoo and Woobin looked good too. The ending was cute but I wanted another kiss between the couple but it does make me realize how loyal and strong the F4 guys are.

I'm really going to miss this drama.... :tears:

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cf with Kim Bum and Kim So Eun? it's so cute haha

HOW CUTE!! Thanks for sharing this

hmm that's an idea. they could resolve the additional bof storylines thru cfs. show sweet soeul moments and potential jundi wedding as commercials. that'd work :lol: plus they wouldn't have to worry too much about product placement.
You know, if they don't resolve these in the special then I'd also go for this idea...

and now that you mention the idea of a potential JunDi wedding as a CF..you know, there was that rumor that some netizens found or saw pics of JunDi in wedding gear a bunch of pages back ....maybe they were for a CF also? After all, the SoEul's Namsan playful staircase scene ended up in that CF which YAY is to be continued!!

I feel kinda lost now that BOF has ended..I've been in a funk all day..

but all in all (despite the fact that there was no wedding and no curly-haired JunDi babies running around) I'm satisfied with the ending..at least we know that JunDi will be together forever and that they are blissfully happy..and so are F3 and SoEul mates :D Heck, even Mama Kang is happy!

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Guest ml_87

i love the article somone posted in previous page! BOF is the unprecedented syndrome in Korean entertainment industry!

despite quite a few drawbacks, i still enjoy watching it so much! never did i skip any episode! (the 1st time ever which couldnt happen to me when watching Full House, Goong) :D

so i would like to say thank to the PD, the cast (especially Minho and Hye Sun- my favorite couple :D) and friends in soompi! blueangel, flowerpot, F4fan, dramamlover and many many others who always keep us update and share yr opinions! ths so so so much!!

finally, is it any possibility for a special episode? :w00t: :w00t:

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Guest cowsie

I loved the entire plot/story of Boys Over Flower! I wish they have a season II or something. That would be great. Only negative thing I would say is that I never really got a vibe that JD and JP are in love. They say it, but JD's gestures are like solid and I couldn't really tell if she really liked him. But it's all good. Over all, I love it!

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Guest Kerube-Chan

I loved the ending, it could have a little more of development (I like it a lot when I get to see all my favorite characters living a happy live) But this was good... I really loved this drama it keep me on the bring of my sit every monday and tuesday in my work (Waiting for the exit time).

To all involve Thanks for sharing all the goddies.. XD BYE!!!

P.D. The only thing a regret the most is that I never see a kiss with GE and YJ.

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