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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest etoile

And MANY questions are still left unanswered!

- What of Junpyo's mother and father? Does he ever regain conciousness? And of his older sister?

- Where did Yumi go all of the sudden?

- SOEULMATES!? Yijeong said the first person he would meet would be Gaeul.

- The freaking wedding. Where is it? Jaekyung needs to come to the wedding, hello? The happy wedding like in the japanese version, Jandi and Junpyo deserve it. And does the 'witch' aka Junpyo's mom, accept Jandi? What about the house head maid aka Junpyo's grandmother? Why couldn't they add the wedding as the grand finale?

- Jihoo's grandfather, is he sick still? How is he still alive after 4-5 years? The illness seemed pretty chronic and terminal to me..

im sorry. did you even WATCH the episode??

1. junpyos dad woke up. his mom is taking care of him. junhee's taken over mom's job.

2. yumi high-tailed the hell out of there. besides why should JP be all that mad at YM? he mistook her for JD (albeit she didnt protest).

3. gaeul IS the first person yijung goes to see. uh. the pottery class?

4. why should there be a wedding this isnt the japanese version. isnt a happy ending enough? WHY WHY WHY do we need jaekyung to come back, or the grandma to come back? they played their part in JD and JP's fairytale.

5. jihoo grandpa just seemed to suffer from high blood pressure. like the majority of korean males. <_< a diet low in salt and some medicine would have been good enough to keep him alive. <_< . but the clinic WAS closed probably due to his illness.

again i ask. WHERE did you watch your episode?

and WHY do people think the ending is open ended. i really dont understand.

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Guest Daiquiri

Really? I beg to differ. Regardless of whether it's a drama based on a comic book or not, it still has a story to tell, doesn't it? The Taiwanese drama "Mars" was also based on a comic book but what a story it told! There were no SERIES of "illogical" storylines or head-scratching late character introductions there either and no dragged out triangle arcs to create any "tensions" within the story. The difference is HOW the story is told, not WHY. And you know something? The ONLY time I do any head-scratching from watching "illogical" dramas is when the writing is weak and the storyline proves it. Yes, it IS entertainment, but I'm not expecting to see "The Three Stooges" kind of storyline. In the former comedy, it's anything goes and the heck with the plot because there ISN'T one. It's just go-as-it-flows. And because of that, I can accept this premise of "anything goes". BUT...this IS a drama that has to include some KIND of reality WITHIN the context of the story. If, for example, JP's personality before he met JD, was one who was aloof, cold, unfeeling, and untrusting of anyone other than his family and his 3 best friends, would it make sense that he would befriend a complete stranger he met at a hospital? That's just sloppy writing. It's OK to have all the harebrained, nonsensical, crazy stunts in the show IF there is a REASON within the storyline and validates it. For example, in the movie "ET", isn't it crazy to think that an alien could communicate with humans? Sure. But did it make sense? OF course, because it's NOT the PREMISE that's being questioned but HOW the story gets played out IF this actually happened. And that's why the movie made sense to me, although I know, this is just too much of a fantasy. When a writer introduces a character into the story and then doesn't develop it or overplays a certain theme, I don't consider this merely as "illogical". I find it unrealistic. There is a difference between what we, the normal viewers define "realistic" to what is being played out in front of our screens. BUT...within the CONTEXT of that story, whether it be Cinderella or a super-wealthy heir to a financial empire, there has to be a COHESIVE storyline that makes sense WITHIN that situation.

Illogical literally means not logical. Storyline or plot is a sequence of events in a story. Now pray tell how all the events that happened to Jan-di or the F4 is in any way logical? It's not logical. Do you really think this kind of stuff happens to people? Probably not. This is what I was trying to say. This is separate from poor story-writing or directing. Your argument is about weak writing which did cause gaps in throughout the story but were any of the events pertaining to the plot, ever logical? No. There doesn't always need to be a reason for why it happened and also be logical. Was Jan-di being kidnapped and waking up JP's mansion logical? Or when JP gets selective amnesia? What about how JH is always able to find JD or save her from distress? This makes the sequence of events in a story illogical aka an illogical storyline. However because it was derived from a manga, all the crazy stuff that happened was crammed into the context of this particular drama. I never questioned that the directing and writing was not done well as it could have been.

Yes, but wouldn't it make even MORE sense for her to rely on Ji Hoo and work for him by cleaning his house or something? But I accepted this premise only because I saw that JP's sister was using this situation to try to get JD and her brother together again because she knew that both were longing for each other.

Then we wouldn't have the maid arc. If JD happened to stay with Ga-eul then there is no arc. The scriptwriter wanted to incorporate the maid arc into the drama because it was also in the manga. There were a lot of moments where JD could have opted to do something else but then it wouldn't follow the manga anymore, would it?

Perhaps the writers grew frustrated by the constant monitoring and interfering from the Korean FCC Board. To be fair to the writers (which I'm seldom likely to do but must give them a "leetle" consideration on this one), the material they were working with was incredibly difficult to produce under the current Korean FCC standards. Korean censorship is probably one of the most strict ones in East Asia and to get the feel for a more modern look and feel must have been a monumental task. It's not easy to escape comparisons to other versions, where the standards for violence or sexual situation is a little more permissible. For example, the 2nd kiss at the side of the road between JP and JD had to be redone because the first kiss take was considered to be too "passionate". And because this drama is seen mostly by adolescents younger than 18, the FCC Board was particularly keen on watching the drama's progress. And it didn't help the writers that the FCC report on violations by the 3 major networks were released to the public. However, that in and of itself is not sufficient of an excuse to just throw in the towel and just throw random stories into the plot.

What does censorship for kissing or violence have to do with random plots? Your argument doesn't hold up here. Poor writing and directing is not a result of the strict censorship in Korea but rather due to... that's right BAD directing and POOR story-writing.

And if everyone was to just watch and "move on" without getting "bothered to get worked up", then what are we all doing in here? People get "worked up" because they see so much more potential than what they saw and it's only sensible to express that wish in a forum like this. And I disagree heartily that if I want a logical storyline that I won't find one with any drama. It seems you haven't watched very many good ones. I have. And they're not "illogical". A good drama, regardless of its fantasy-like tendencies, will have strong writing to boost its realism within the story context and make sense within the situations and perspectives from those the stories are being told. To simply dismiss bad writing or storytelling as just "part of a drama", to me, seems more illogical.

We can constructively criticize till we're blue in the face but it doesn't change the drama. It's already been filmed and aired. I like many others do wish it had great moments all the time, unfortunately the PD and SW were not able to deliver that. It wasn't all a miss though. There were moments where we laughed and had a good time, no? As much as there were obvious flaws in this drama, you just take it as it is. People are allowed to criticize, I never said that was wrong. Please don't make assumptions that are simply not true or take words out of my mouth and twist it. My point was and..? Everyone is allowed and entitled to their own opinion, I was merely putting out mine. There has been a lot of negativity but if you only focus on the negative aspects, does that solve anything? It doesn't hurt to constructively criticize and put out what went awry but again it won't change anything. So why not just look at the positives of this drama. No drama is perfect. Each has their own flaw and while BOF definitely missed a lot of marks, it wasn't a complete bust. I choose to be optimistic instead of trying to solely focus on all the negatives. Then I wouldn't have enjoyed the drama as much and I would have stopped watching ages ago. Again with the assumptions. Do you know me personally enough to say that I have only seen bad dramas? You know what they say about people who assume. If you want to argue then do it without going off tangent. Why don't you name me a drama that had a logical storyline, where every single event, person, action, etc made sense 100% of the time. Most dramas I guarantee will have many moments that seem or are illogical but because it's part of the script and later is incorporated onto film. Again let me reiterate "illogical storyline" vs bad directing/script is not the same thing. A bad script can set itself up to an illogical storyline but a bad script does not equal illogical storyline.

To anyone else who is reading all the negative comments, if you disliked the ending at the end on your own accord, then that is fine. Don't let others discourage you or make you think your opinions are any less or wrong. If you liked it, then you liked it. If you didn't, then you didn't. As long as you came to that conclusion and it wasn't swayed by others. Opinions are not facts. Remember that.

EDIT: While it's not confirmed I believe the special will be thoughts and commentaries from the actors, so rather an interview than an actual episode. Don't quote me on that but from what I've read that's what I'm gathering. So probably not an actual episode.

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Guest calinla01

I just finished watching the last episode and I loved it. However, I wish they could have included a wedding or two!

I definitely noticed when JP remembered JD at the pool you could tell the JH has heartbroken. He knew that if JP remembered he would never get to be with JD. That was his last opportunity. It was interesting to me JD comments about each of the F3. I knew that JH was her soulmate from the time that the psychic said it. It must be hard for that sweet soul to know he will never have his heart's desire. (Obviously deep down I was a JH fan)

I wish there would be a special where we would get to see JP and JD marry and see a conclusion to the GaEul story! It was so cute when her student told on her about saying it was her boyfriend.

Love it! Love it! Love it! My favorite drama I have watched yet!

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Guest kingko

for people who didn't like the ending, i don't think it's the PD's fault because wasn't this drama based on the comic? Before watching, wen i read comments saying the ending soo bad, i expected something really bad to happen. However, the ending was pretty decent and satisfying.

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Guest ladyelhisa

:tears: Wa.... goodbye BOF! GoodBye!(I'm demanding a special episode!)

This is the most wonderful drama I have ever watched! Thank you to all the cast,staff and producers of this drama. Thank you for all your hard work in this drama. THANK YOU! :lol:

Episode 25 is such a great episode. I think I'm satisfied with the ending. I Knew they are not going to include the marriage part. But I wish they have a special episode for that! (MOVIE!!!!)

I think I have to start a new life again. ha! :lol: BOF syndrome is over. But since it's just going to be aired here in our country. blah!..............I going to watch IT AGAIN! :lol:

JUNDI COUPLE----happy ending!

SOEUL COUPLE---happy ending!

hahahahahahah Thank you guys for all the videos, links and pictures you have shared here. I'm very grateful!!!

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Guest bluenitesky

I thought it was a nice ending, nothing wrong with it and i will not let others change my mind ^^ , it was a happy ending and i am graceful for that =] , now i don't know what should be my next addiction !

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Guest F4fan

I really enjoyed the conversations between JP and JD starting at the pool. We were seeing two mature adults talking about their future and not two kids just living and dating as if they had no cares in the world. Two people recognizing that they have gone through hell and back and have emerged stronger as people and their relationship has strengthen. They also realize that while their future is intertwine, they also are confident enough with each other to not get in the way of the other fulfilling their dreams.

Also, seeing how JD and F3's relationship have evolved from enemies to friend's girlfriend to great friends. Her insight of JP, WB, YJ, and JH. Very touching. I really, really loved the indictments JD threw out at JP, especially when she said that he wanted to be a good father. When she said this piece, it was a little regretful that she wasn't going to be the mother of those children if he never remembered her. None of her words were about his wealth or his status but about him as a person. JP's disbelief at her words, which were said with so much truth and conviction. It almost looked as if his head was thrown back at every sentence she spoke. Really well-done/played by GHS and LMH. Your eyes are just glued to both of their reactions.

JP wasn't giving JD the breath of life. He was giving JD The Kiss of Life --- like a prince kissing his princess and bringing her back to life.

The cable car scene -- I loved it when JP said "You can marry me. Who else are you going to marry?" Even their name calling and JP's "Want to die" has become much more affectionate, almost like endearments. I wished we could have seen more of them as adults.

JH can't tear the bond between JP and JD. They are too strong. He can be by both of their side just as they are at his side. JH can be there for JD when JP is not able to but at the end of the day, he is the outsider looking into their relationship. There are so many blatant marriage references between JP and JD in the last episode that they are going to get married. So what if she didn't say yes -- JP already knows the answer.

I really am going to miss them: our destined couple JD and JP played by GHS and LMH.

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Guest rainbow9

I have a question. Where was JD's dad? I know that back at the oceanside where JD's parents and brother used to live, he was working on the ship. But, is he still working on the ship while they have came back home or could it be because the actor portraying JD's dad has taken on another role that he could not be in those last scenes?

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Guest flower pot

hello all! Have not had d chance to watch d last epi yet bt b cmng out wd my recap as sn as i watch it either tonight or tomorrow. To those wnderng where they cn find d recaps its all n my blog site http://donnapie.blogs.friendster.com. Please cment f u cn. Later bof chinggus!c

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Guest kimtrang

i don't know what i'll be doing on mondays and tuesdays now...

the ending was kinda disappointing but at least i am happy in the end that everyone is happy

i am now starting BOF withdrawals....

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Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

bof withdrawals already. :(

i liked the ending bc it was to the point...

however, i wish they dragged it out 2 or more episodes.

i didn't like how it was so open ended...

i really wish they make a season 2, which i doubt they will...

but i'll def watch it :D :D :D

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Guest hoon-woo

been stalking this thread for a while, but this is my first time posting (yeah i'm lazy like that)...

anyhoo i'm really going to miss BOF...(in order to facilitate my withdrawal stage i'm going to watch the entire drama all over again!)

unlike many of you, i didn't think the ending was bad...it didn't feel entirely fulfilling though because everything was so sudden...(i guess that's what happens when you cramp two seasons-worth of drama into just one).

nevertheless i looooooooooooooved BOF- warts and all. it certainly wasn't perfect, but heck? who needs perfect?

and besides, i don't get why many of you are complaining about how BOF is so illogical and unrealistic...i mean i do agree that some things just don't make any sense (uhm like how the CPR is actually just an attempt for junpyo to SLEEPING BEAUTY-LY awaken jandi...), but i'm no longer on the same boat with regard to how many of you still want to know things that can be left to one's imagination....after all in real life, many things go unresolved and are seemingly illogical (coz it seems like many of you want to be as realistic as possible)

on another note, flowerpot your recaps were hilarious! thank you...

it sure was a fun experience, BOF, and much more fun with other people spazzing with you!

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Guest vanessa1988

i never said anything up until now.

i was hooked since the beggining and i truly enjoyed this drama.

my first drama as well

but now...what am i going to do every monday and tuesday night??? lol

seriously good cast. some of the acting was a bit awkward but the whole story was amazing.

i enjoyed this till the very end.

wish soeul would have kissed..but it was a good ending

wanted one passionate kiss from joondi though...they

they should have made one more episode though...then maybe there wouldnt have been so many awkward transitions.

i hope for the best for the actors in their future careers. :D

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Aww I'm glad this drama ended happily =] It covered most of the stories that needed to be covered. I still hope for a special (wedding scene por favor? haha) though.

The 4 year jump wasn't as bad as I thought. As expected, the last episode was rushed but it went quite well. JP looked even more handsome after 4 years <33 That SoEul mate moment made me all giddy. I love how the little kids told Yijung about him being Gaeul's boyfriend. The Namsan Tower scene was sweet, it was like their first date all over again.

I'm glad it didn't take long for Yumi to disappear. I just wish they emphasized the stare that JD gave JP when she left his room. I think that would have been more affective rather than having her rush out. They also forgot to add some JD and Mama Kang scenes. We don't even know about their relationship, right now it's a mystery to me 0_0 Also, I think everyone would agree with me that this drama lacked some Woobin love haha.

On a brighter note, I really loved the pool scene. It was a very memorable JunDi scene for me. I teared up like crazy, the chemistry was there. I couldn't wish for anything better.

Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the ending, it could have been happier but it wasn't bad at all. I'm just sad that this drama is over now, Mondays and Tuesdays will never be the same again haha. Though this may sound corny but BOF will have a special place in my heart xD If they ever do release it on DVD with eng subs, I would buy it.

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Guest bitter SOOweet

oh my goodness

i can't believe is already over

what am i going to do with my life now?!?! my mondays and tuesdays are now gone =[


:) i liked the ending tho

although....................... in the back of my mind i wish jandi and jihoo ended up together =T but i mean, i knew that the drama would end with junpyo and jandi together

i just feel so sad jihoo... esp at the pool when he held everyone back and sat there watching junpyo regain his memory to only have him and jandi be reunited again.

so bittersweet.

ah and yumi................. blah. as much as i didn't like her, the situation with her and junpyo kept me on the edge of my seat till the very end <3<3<3

i'm going to miss kkotnam =T

i'm going to miss F4

i'm going to miss jandi

i'm going to miss good looking guys

i'm going to miss the drama

i'm going to miss mondays

i'm going to miss tuesdays


i'm going to miss sunday nights, anticipating monday...



it was good while it lasted.

i hope the cast can get some time to rest now.

they really need/deserve it.

and i hope that this drama has opened new doors to the new faces <3

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Guest rach1rur3

it's finally over.... :tears: :tears: i think i'm about to have my BBF withdrawal... the ending was okay. i wish they would air a special episode with like a wedding scene between the JoonDi couple. i wish WooBin and Jihoo actualy ended up with someone! coz it seems like until the end, Jihoo still longed for JanDi

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Guest azngirl2329

It's over . It's over . It's over .


I can't believe it was the last episode today .

I liked the 4 YEARS LATER fast forward scene , but honestly .

Expected SOOOOOOOOOO much more for the Soeulmates . 8(

The Graduation Party Scene ... i cried . FLASHBACKS . *sigh* ;___________;




He's so awesome . (8

Anyways , glad that they will have a special next week . :D

I really HOPED for a wedding at the end though .

Oh well , maybe , probably not , MAYBE they'll make a second season . 8DD

Ahahahahahaa . I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS : 8249873124098713249871398479823 I'm just SAD .

Mondays and Tuesdays will be SOOOOO boring now . :(

But I won't say BYE to F4 and Jandi and GaEul just yet . ♥

Cuhs they'll always be INSIDE ME . :o


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Guest torimo

I love Boys over flowers so much.

I really miss because now, it's finally.

I love F4, Jan Di.

I'm going to miss JoonDi's love.

I'm going to miss F3, Ga Eul.

I love BOF forever. As Goo Jun Pyo love Geum Jan Di forever :)

If they have a wedding, it will be perfect

I'm really sad, miss u so much :(

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Guest haemii

ughh, people don't you get it? its illogical BECAUSE its based on a manga..the manga itself..has anyone even read it? i loved it. but even i have to admit that the plot was ridiculous. the korean drama followed it exactly but it left out a bunch of stuff that was even more ridiculous than what was already aired. If you want a nice, logical, drama..go look for one. you won't find one, or maybe you will. but it will be boring and crappy. and about the ending..that is exactly how the manga ended it. actually, it ended with makino looking up at the sky and seeing domyouji's plane leaving to the US. dont you think that's even LESS satisfactory than the korean drama ending? you should be thankful. and even in the extra for the manga (which i read because im that much of a fan) they never actually show makino&domyouji (jandi&junpyo) getting married or anything. rui (jihoo) ends up hooking the two up and domyouji proposes to makino for the second time, and the last picture shows him putting the ring on her. we all want the marriage and honeymoon with the baby, i know. but not all endings are going to be like that. -__-; sure, the ending wasn't perfect, but most korean dramas suck at wrapping everything up nicely at the end. its all rushed, but that's how it is. sorry. haha..

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