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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest s0ori

In many countries there is a graduation ball, parties are individually arranged

yeah..in BOF,it seems it rushes to the graduation ball..i was expecting to see a ceremony but it proceed to the ball..

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Guest choliese

I'm so glad of the ending, it made me happy ^^

the 5 of them looking out to the sunset...i'm assuming jandi said yes to his proposal xD

gah finally after all the drama, fiancee, mama kang, and umi they managed to overcome and be together in the end.

i'm gonna miss Joondi so much !!!

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Guest webby

i actually didn't think it was an open ending. it was obvious that jandi would agree to junpyo's proposal. Madam Kang now enjoys feeding her husband and smilingly do so suggests that she has finally decided what matters most to her, junhee replaces her mom at the office, junpyo now obviously doing well for the company, there's no doubt that madam kang will accept jandi now that she doesn't have to rely on getting her children married off to propel shinhwa ahead.

I like how the part where jandi jolts junpyo's memories at the pool is handled. the conversation is really well-thought out. When f3 was dancing with jandi at her graduation party, it's the first time jihoo is actually smiling lovingly (tangibly) at jandi.

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Hi, does anyone collect flower_pot's recaps on BOF's episodes? I would like to rewatch the drama with her funny and thoughtful recaps :D

i've collected her recaps and put it on my site (with her permission of course :) )

i have if i'm not mistaken from ep 18 to 24

there's also online videos embedded there.

if you would like to take a peek

it's here

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Guest s0ori

In many countries there is a graduation ball, parties are individually arranged

yeah..in BOF,it seems it rushes to the graduation ball..i was expecting to see a ceremony but it proceed to the ball..

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Sorry to cut your post short, but I do really agree with everything you have to say. The reason why I love the K-drama because of the innocent love it usually depicts, I wouldn't want it any other away. Maybe I'm sitting alone here, but I much prefer that then watching a couple all over each other.

Also, I was pretty happy with the ending too. I think it left us to a point where we could use our imagination to conclude the story.

It was a great drama. It actually brought me into the world of K-pop, K-drama etc

I hope the actors and actresses have a fine rest. Especially to Lee Min Ho, who I heard will be having surgery soon. He looks amazing in the last scene I must add :)

Welcome to the world of K-Dramas, If you liked BBF, watch Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang It's from the same PD as BBF, I think but I'm not certain is his first drama series. It stars the actress who played Ji Hoon's Noona/GF.

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Guest windoze

Episode 25 Soft Subs

Here are rapidshare softsubs for episode 25. I take no credit for any translation works.

http://rapidshare.com/files/215970912/bof25.richard simmons

Source: viikii.

Credits: 9529rmr, adicta, Aimini coopereruAube, Aliye, Anatisha, ayyerrlah, blackmagic911, crayonxbow, ddoggy, ihate0ni0ns, jennyb, jkimx6, kdramaluva, kim123, kiwixora, Kokoroai, maryh, mercy4eva, mexikankutty, minniemine, Morihazna, Myobi0Black, Nanciie, sakuraHime, sweetlady4787, tresa, xoxoLULUxoxo,

Note: since this is a bootleg rip its unsynched - hopefully somebody will sync them soon ;)

Since viikii has some video problems this moment, these subs are synched blindly

Oh well, this is the end of the end. I might release a viikii ripper if I figure out how to use java (or anybody tells me how to get a file from the internet with java)

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Guest eternitygoddess

Anyone has details on the special?

Is it an interview with the cast, or an additional ACTUAL EPISODE?

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Guest s0ori

Welcome to the world of K-Dramas, If you liked BBF, watch Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang It's from the same PD as BBF, I think but I'm not certain is his first drama series. It stars the actress who played Ji Hoon's Noona/GF.

lol..it's been old already..i think many have watched already..haha..

ow really..the same PD from BOF?

wow!that's great.. :D

Anyone has details on the special?

Is it an interview with the cast, or an additional ACTUAL EPISODE?

ow yeah.i've been thinking about it also..

so i'm curious about it..

is it really gonna have a special episode?

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Guest funkindagirl


There was a scene in one of the episodes where the master had a dream and he yelled "IVE BEEN TO THE BLUE HOUSE TOO!!!!" and they showed the newspaper having a photo of him with the former president (Ji Hoo's grandfather)

Also, when Gum Jan Di needed money for macau, remember that he was willing to give 50 cents for every box of food that they sold? F4 came to save jan di by helping out and using their good looks to sell the food B) the master was staring/admiring ji hoo from the side and gave him a piece of cookie(or was it egg tart?)... (this was in episode 13 around 32 minutes into the episode. He said "You like this..you should like this)<--- and all this time i thought that scene was just to be funny and that the master just had a tad bit of crush on ji hoon. hahaha


there was a scene in one of the last few episodes where Ji Hoon's grandfather moved in with him and made him breakfast. He rejected him by saying he wasnt hungry, the grandfather was hurt, but he still gave him an eggtart and said "take this then"

DOESNT THAT RING A BELL? i dont know.. i just made the connection last night when i was talking to my cousin. I think .. or im concluding that his role in the story was that he used to be the cook for the president and he knew Ji Hoo's family well.. :) He wasnt just some random phsychic person that they included in the story, lol

Ahh thats very observant!

But I always thought that it was porridge shop owner's DAD who was a cook in the Blue House and thats why he said he's been there.

And if we think back, JH's grandad was president about a decade ago?..considering JH was a little boy when his parents died.

And the owner doesnt look that old to me...maybe late-20s or something. :mellow:

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Guest hnitao

Finished ep 25... The ending might not be the one that can please everyone, but I like it...

of course, the 1st 20mins (till the pool party) is actually a waste/gabbage.. i just watched it once and will skip it FOREVER!

The pool part is my favourite.... what JD has done is soooooo "JD" !!! Her smile after JP called her name is so SWEET!!

after all the 'incidents', you can tell the bond between JD and JP is so firmed that nothing can really break them anymore

I really really love this DRAMA!

there is a rumour that they might have 2nd season... Please DONT!!!

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Guest OneSky.

During the 25th episode of Boys Over Flowers, my eyes kept glancing at the time left---and towards the end of the scene at the beach I was almost in tears (okay, I'm exaggerating but still!)--they weren't going to include a wedding. And MANY questions are still left unanswered!

- What of Junpyo's mother and father? Does he ever regain conciousness? And of his older sister?

- Where did Yumi go all of the sudden? I liked how she got a 'slap' in her face once Junpyo dove in to save Jandi, but I kinda wanted more. Yumi's apology to Jandi never happend! In the japanese version, Umi apoligized to Makino and they pretty much made up. But instead, Yumi magically dissapeared just like she magically appeared in the story.

- SOEULMATES!? Yijeong said the first person he would meet would be Gaeul, and yet 'technically'--they didn't really "meet". It's so dissapointing since the SoEul storyline was being developed so well! This aspect of the ending really made me want to chuck a stone at the PD's face. How could they leave it out? I know viewers can assume Gaeul and Yijeong got together, but it would've been better if we can see it.

- The freaking wedding. Where is it? Jaekyung needs to come to the wedding, hello? The happy wedding like in the japanese version, Jandi and Junpyo deserve it. And does the 'witch' aka Junpyo's mom, accept Jandi? What about the house head maid aka Junpyo's grandmother? Why couldn't they add the wedding as the grand finale?

- Jihoo's grandfather, is he sick still? How is he still alive after 4-5 years? The illness seemed pretty chronic and terminal to me..

I know there are amazing dramas out there that end with an open-ended theme. It worked for them. But with Boys Over Flowers, I feel as if the series is incomplete or hurried in a way. I remember hearing that they made three versions of the ending? I just want to know what the other two were, now. Perhaps I'll look back to Boys Over Flowers and think it's a good ending & all, but for now--I'm in the stage of Denial and Anger (similar to the stages of someone going through death and dying, haha).

Other than that, thanks to all the BOF cast and producers! (Though, PD could've done a better job with the ending. Would've been better to end with a bang, right?)

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Guest OneSky.

Finished ep 25... The ending might not be the one that can please everyone, but I like it...

of course, the 1st 20mins (till the pool party) is actually a waste/gabbage.. i just watched it once and will skip it FOREVER!

The pool part is my favourite.... what JD has done is soooooo "JD" !!! Her smile after JP called her name is so SWEET!!

after all the 'incidents', you can tell the bond between JD and JP is so firmed that nothing can really break them anymore

I really really love this DRAMA!

there is a rumour that they might have 2nd season... Please DONT!!!

I do not think there is going to be a second season. There's nothing to add, unless they're going to have a wedding but that'd fit under a BOF special episode or something. Or perhaps they'll make a movie off of the drama like they did with Hana Yori Dango and include it there? Some kind of test as they've done in HYD. Seriously, korean dramas don't do that. All the dramas I've seen NEVER have a second season, no matter how much potential it may have. Plus, aren't all the arcs smashed into BOF already?

* sigh *

I can't help but sigh! The ending dissapointed me so much. I had high hopes, especially after reading spoilers--but then the episode killed it.

I loved the part when Jandi threw the necklace into the water though. And how she backed from Junpyo slowly, finnally going into the water slowly... and Junpyo's reaction to it all. It was very touching and I was almost in tears.. (: At least they pulled it off. I actually think this is a great way--more than the HYD. More meaningful.

What an unfulfilling ending.

I couldn't agree more. But it wasn't all that bad.. It's just TOO open-ended. T~T

Maybe I'm just in my Boys Over Flowers Depression stage, where I know there won't be any more episodes of BOF so I'm in my depression. * sob *

Byah, thank you all of Soompiers who visited this thread and even contributed their thoughts/reviews/photos/etc. x]

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To all fans of BOF

Thank you for sharing all the news,,vods, pics, songs, stories and comments of this worth watching drama.

All the actors and actresses did a good drama, with good acting. Especially for the first time for Kim HyunJoong. At first HJ wasn't good in it, he couldn't really act but later his acting improved bits by bits. HJ, well done.

I watched the final eps onair (well it buffers a lot). Anyway, it was an expected happy ending.

Hoping to see them on tv or movie screens or other music related shows in the near future. I know they all need to take a long break and go for a deep body check-up coz of the accidents they all had occurred during filming the drama.

Anyway, wishing them all the best and again thank you to everyone at here in sharing all the goodies with us.

Seeing you all at other threads too.


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Guest XiahxTiffany

omg i ran to the library to watch the episode!!!

and definintely it was worth it!!!

yumi just had to come out of nowhere and ruin the relationships -_-

o well loved the ending it was simple but really good :

soo basically Ga Eul and Kim Bum have no ending -_-

JH didnt find a girl but his relationship with his grandpa got better

where is the owner of the restaurant? !!! >_<

wat happened to Kim Bum's former gf

Yumi is now gone well i guess thats good

and JP's mom has changed suddenly lol

no real ending for JP's dad and same with JP's sister 0_0

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